public IContactImporter CreateContactImporter(string username, string password, string type) { var contactImporter = new ContactImporter(username, password, type); return new ContactImporterWrapper(contactImporter); }
protected void lbtnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string[] nameArray; string[] emailArray; string emailsite = GetEmailService(); ContactImporter importer = new ContactImporter(txtUserName.Text, txtPassword.Text, emailsite); importer.login(); bool isLogin = importer.logged_in; if (isLogin) { importer.getcontacts(); lblErrMsg.InnerHtml = ""; lblErrMsg.Visible = false; } else { lblErrMsg.InnerHtml = ShowMessage("<h2>Oops - there was a problem with your login detail..</h2>", "Invalid Login", 1); lblErrMsg.Visible = true; return; } nameArray = importer.nameArray; emailArray = importer.emailArray; if ((emailArray.Length > 0) && (nameArray.Length > 0)) { IList<Contacts> lstContacts = new List<Contacts>(); for (int i = 0; i < emailArray.Length; i++) { Contacts tmpContacts = new Contacts(); tmpContacts.ConatctName = nameArray[i]; tmpContacts.Email = emailArray[i]; lstContacts.Add(tmpContacts); tmpContacts = null; } lbtnInviteGuest.Enabled = true; lbtnRemove.Enabled = true; // close the popup ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(lbtnLogin, GetType(), "ClosePopup", "modalClose();", true); repContactList.DataSource = lstContacts; repContactList.DataBind(); lblContactMsg1.Text = emailArray.Length + " contacts have been imported from " + emailsite.Substring(0, emailsite.IndexOf('.')); // open the contact list popup ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, GetType(), "ContactPopup", "doModalContact();", true); } else { // close the popup ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(lbtnLogin, GetType(), "ClosePopup", "modalClose();", true); lblErrMsg.InnerHtml = ShowMessage("No contacts found", 0); lblErrMsg.Visible = true; } } catch //(Exception ex) // commented by Ud to remove warning { // close the popup ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(lbtnLogin, GetType(), "ClosePopup", "modalClose();", true); lblErrMsg.InnerHtml = ShowMessage("<h2>Oops - there was a problem with your login detail..</h2>", "can't connect to server", 1); lblErrMsg.Visible = true; } finally { // close the popup ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(lbtnLogin, GetType(), "ClosePopup", "modalClose();", true); } }
protected void btnWebMailLogin_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { AjaxPro.Utility.RegisterTypeForAjax(typeof(ImportEmails)); member = (Member)Session["Member"]; if (member == null) { Response.Redirect("/signup"); } if (this.txtUserID.Text == "" || this.txtPassword.Text == "") return; Regex isNumeric = new Regex(@"^\d+$"); //strip email address string Login = txtUserID.Text; int AtSignIndex = Login.IndexOf("@"); if (AtSignIndex > 0) { if (emailCat.SelectedValue.ToLower() != "") { Login = Login.Substring(0, AtSignIndex); } } DateTime start = DateTime.Now; contactImporter = new ContactImporter(Login, txtPassword.Text, emailCat.SelectedValue); contactImporter.login(); LoginOkay = contactImporter.logged_in; if (LoginOkay) { try { contactImporter.getcontacts(); fetch = DateTime.Now - start; } catch { } this.nameArray = contactImporter.nameArray; this.emailArray = contactImporter.emailArray; for (int i = 0; i < emailArray.Length; i++) { emailArray[i] = emailArray[i].ToLower(); } string ImportToken = Next2Friends.Misc.UniqueID.NewWebID(); //insert into the db so they can be referenced by JoinEmailsWithMembers for (int i = 0; i < emailArray.Length; i++) { ContactImport contact = new ContactImport(); contact.WebID = Next2Friends.Misc.UniqueID.NewWebID(); contact.ImporterMemberID = member.MemberID; contact.Email = emailArray[i]; contact.Name = nameArray[i]; contact.FriendState = (int)FriendState.None; contact.InviteState = (int)InviteState.None; contact.ImportToken = ImportToken; contact.IsInitialImport = 1; contact.SaveWithCheck(); } FullContacts = new List<ContactImport>(); List<ContactImport> MemberList = new List<ContactImport>(); //List<ContactImport> ExistingContactList = ContactImport.GetAllContactImportByMemberID(member.MemberID); if (emailArray.Length > 0) { MemberList = ContactImport.JoinEmailsWithMembers(member.MemberID, emailArray, ImportToken); } List<Member> FriendList = Member.GetAllFriendsByMemberID(member.MemberID); for (int i = 0; i < emailArray.Length; i++) { int friendState = (int)FriendState.None; int inviteState = (int)InviteState.None; ContactImport Associcate = MemberList.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Email == emailArray[i]); if (Associcate != null) { friendState = Associcate.FriendState; inviteState = Associcate.InviteState; } ContactImport contact = new ContactImport(); contact.WebID = Next2Friends.Misc.UniqueID.NewWebID(); contact.ImporterMemberID = member.MemberID; contact.Email = emailArray[i]; contact.Name = nameArray[i]; contact.FriendState = friendState; contact.InviteState = inviteState; FullContacts.Add(contact); } var sortedContacts = from c in FullContacts where c.Email != string.Empty orderby c.Name select c; FullContacts = sortedContacts.ToList(); Imported = true; ImportCount = FullContacts.Count; Session["Contacts"] = FullContacts; BuildContactList(); ImportStage = true; HelperMessage = "<p style='color:#0257AE'>You may now choose your contacts to invite</p>"; } else { BuildLetterIndexList(); Session["Contacts"] = null; HelperMessage = "<p style='color:red;'>Login details are incorrect, please try again</p>"; } }
internal ContactImporterWrapper(ContactImporter importer) { _importer = importer; }