public ResizeSettings(ImageSize imageSize) : this(imageSize.Size) { }
private static async Task<string> ResizeImage(Stream streamInput, CloudBlockBlob blobOutput, ImageSize size) { streamInput.Position = 0; using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { // use a memory stream, since using the blob stream directly causes InvalidOperationException due to the way image resizer works var instructions = new Instructions(imageDimensionsTable[size]); var job = new ImageJob(streamInput, memoryStream, instructions, disposeSource: false, addFileExtension: false); // use the advanced version of resize so that we can get the content type var result = ImageBuilder.Current.Build(job); memoryStream.Position = 0; await blobOutput.UploadFromStreamAsync(memoryStream); var contentType = result.ResultMimeType; blobOutput.Properties.ContentType = contentType; blobOutput.SetProperties(); return contentType; } }