コード例 #1
        // This Region Contains All The Necessary Functions
        // To Implement Prim's Algorithm For
        // The Minimum Spanning Tree
        #region Spanning Tree Methods

        // Used To Calculate The Weight Difference Between Two Nodes
        private static float WeightDifference(PQNode N1, PQNode N2)
            byte red1, green1, blue1;
            byte red2, green2, blue2;

            // Assigning The RGB Values Of Each Color
            red1   = N1.currentVertex.red;
            red2   = N2.currentVertex.red;
            green1 = N1.currentVertex.green;
            green2 = N2.currentVertex.green;
            blue1  = N1.currentVertex.blue;
            blue2  = N2.currentVertex.blue;

            // Calculating The Difference Between Them
            return((float)Math.Sqrt((red2 - red1) * (red2 - red1) + (green2 - green1) * (green2 - green1) + (blue2 - blue1) * (blue2 - blue1)));
コード例 #2
        // The Function That Calculates The Minimum Spanning Tree For The Graph
        // Its Only Parameter Is The List Of Distinct Colors
        public void MinSpanningTree(List <RGBPixel> LoD)
            // Using A Priority Queue So That The Edges Are
            // Sorted According To Their Weights In Ascending Order
            // The Priority Queue Contains The Number Of Vertices (LoD.Count)
            FastPriorityQueue <PQNode> PQ = new FastPriorityQueue <PQNode>(LoD.Count);

            // An Array That Contains Each Node (color)
            // And A Pointer To That Node's Parent
            PQNode[] PQNode = new PQNode[LoD.Count];

            // Initialising The First Node In The Array
            // Its Parent Is Null
            PQNode[0] = new PQNode(LoD[0], null);
            // Inserting That First Node Into The Priority Queue
            // With A Value of 0
            PQ.Enqueue(PQNode[0], 0);

            float weight;

            // For Each Vertex (Minus The Already Added One),
            // Insert That Vertex Into The Array
            // With Parent = null, Then Insert It Into The PQ
            // With Values = Infinity
            for (int i = 1; i < LoD.Count; i++)
                PQNode[i] = new PQNode(LoD[i], null);
                PQ.Enqueue(PQNode[i], int.MaxValue);

            // Looping Until The Priority Queue Is Empty
            while (PQ.Count != 0)
                // Dequeuing The First (Minimum) Element
                // From The PQ
                PQNode Minimum = PQ.Dequeue();

                // Checking If The Minimum Element Is The Root Node Or Not
                // (Only The Root Node Has A Null Parent In The First Iteration)
                if (Minimum.Parent != null)
                    Edge edge;
                    edge.src    = Minimum.currentVertex;
                    edge.dest   = (RGBPixel)Minimum.Parent;
                    edge.weight = (Minimum.currentWeight);

                    MST.Add(edge);         // Add the minimum weight to the MST.
                    MSTSum += edge.weight; // Add The Edge's Weight To The MST Sum

                // We Have To Modify The Values Of The PQ
                // Each Time
                foreach (var node in PQ)
                    // Calculating The Weight Difference Between The Current Node
                    // And The Minimum Node
                    weight = WeightDifference(node, Minimum);

                    // If That Weight Difference Is Less Than The Node's Current Weight
                    // Then The Minimum Node Becomes The Parent Of That Node
                    // And We Adjust That Node's Weight To The Weight Difference
                    // By Updating The PQ
                    if (weight < node.currentWeight)
                        node.Parent = Minimum.currentVertex;
                        PQ.UpdatePriority(node, weight);