// See dummy reference for documentation
        public (BitmapSource, int) Run()
            // Check is Video Capture hasn't been previously disposed, and start it if it has

            // Try reading frame from capture device
            //(Mat frame, bool isFrameValid) = IPCore.TryReadVideoCaptureFrame();

            // ELI
            // ENGINE WRAPPER
            //(Mat frame, bool isFrameValid) = IPCore.GetHamamatsuFrame();

            // ELI
            // DCAM WRAPPER
            (Mat frame, bool isFrameValid) = IPCore.DummyHamamatsuInterop();

            if (isFrameValid == true)

                //Set image processing parameters

                // Call processing algorthm - C# 7 tuple syntax return
                (Mat processedImage, int pixelDistance) = ProcessImage(ref frame);

                // Conversions & return
                return(OpenCvSharp.Extensions.BitmapSourceConverter.ToBitmapSource(processedImage), pixelDistance);
                return(null, 0);
コード例 #2
        // ELI
        public (BitmapSource, System.Drawing.Point) Run(System.Drawing.Point actuatorPositionPixels)
            // Check is Video Capture hasn't been previously disposed, and start it if it has

            // Try reading frame from capture device
            //(Mat frame, bool isFrameValid) = IPCore.TryReadVideoCaptureFrame();

            // ELI
            // ENGINE WRAPPER
            //(Mat frame, bool isFrameValid) = IPCore.GetHamamatsuFrame();

            // ELI
            // DCAM WRAPPER
            (Mat frame, bool isFrameValid) = IPCore.DummyHamamatsuInterop();

            // Mirror vertically and/or horizontally
            frame = IPCore.CheckImageMirroring(ref frame, IPCore.VideoFeedSettings.IsMirroredX, IPCore.VideoFeedSettings.IsMirroredY);

            if (isFrameValid == true)

                //Set image processing parameters

                // TO DO - try catch!
                // Return frame is no algorithm is selected
                if (IPCore.TASettings.ImgProcAlgorithm == Enums.ImgProcAlgorithm.None)
                    return(OpenCvSharp.Extensions.BitmapSourceConverter.ToBitmapSource(frame), new System.Drawing.Point(int.MinValue, int.MinValue));

                // Call processing algorthm - C# 7 tuple syntax return
                (Mat processedImage, OpenCvSharp.Point centerPointCV) = ProcessImage(ref frame, ref actuatorPositionPixels);

                // Conversions & return
                return(OpenCvSharp.Extensions.BitmapSourceConverter.ToBitmapSource(processedImage), new System.Drawing.Point()
                    X = centerPointCV.X, Y = centerPointCV.Y
                return(null, new System.Drawing.Point());