public void AddWatcher(Watcher watcher) { if (watcher == null) { return; } FSWatcher fsWatcher; try { fsWatcher = new FSWatcher(watcher); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AddFailure($"Failed to add watcher with Id {watcher.Id}.", e); } if (fsWatcher == null) { return; } FSWatcherTaskPack pack = new FSWatcherTaskPack { Watcher = watcher, FSWatcher = fsWatcher, }; var waitStop = fsWatcher.StartAndWait(); pack.Task = waitStop; waitStop.ContinueWith(HandleFailedWatch, pack, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); watchers.Add(watcher.Id, pack); }
private void HandleFailedWatch(Task t, object o) { FSWatcherTaskPack pack = (FSWatcherTaskPack)o; lock (pack) { pack.Failures += 1; pack.LastError = t.Exception.ToString(); Console.WriteLine($"Failed. Watcher has had {pack.Failures} failure(s). Got exception: {t.Exception}"); if (!watchers.ContainsKey(pack.Watcher.Id)) { return; } Console.WriteLine("Restarting."); Thread.Sleep(WaitInterval); Console.WriteLine("Wait finished. Restarting watcher."); FSWatcher fsWatcher = new FSWatcher(pack.Watcher); pack.FSWatcher = fsWatcher; if (!watchers.ContainsKey(pack.Watcher.Id)) { return; } // TODO: there is a still a race condition here... eventually use a disable flag on the watcher model. var waitStop = fsWatcher.StartAndWait(); pack.Task = waitStop; waitStop.ContinueWith(HandleFailedWatch, pack, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); } }
public FileEventQueue( Watcher watcher, Mutex mutex, System.Timers.Timer timer, WaitResult waitResult, FSWatcher fsWatcher) { _changedCache = MemoryCache.Default; this.fsWatcher = fsWatcher; this.waitResult = waitResult; this.SyncTimer = timer; SyncMutex = mutex; this.watcher = watcher; loopTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Loop(cts.Token), CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default); }