public static IEnumerable <FloatMenuOption> GetFloatMenuOptions(this Building_CommsConsole building, Pawn myPawn) { /*if (!myPawn.CanReserve(building, 1)) * { * FloatMenuOption item = new FloatMenuOption("CannotUseReserved".Translate(), null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null); * return new List<FloatMenuOption> * { * item * }; * }*/ if (!myPawn.CanReach(building, PathEndMode.InteractionCell, Danger.Some, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { FloatMenuOption item2 = new FloatMenuOption("CannotUseNoPath".Translate(), null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null); return(new List <FloatMenuOption> { item2 }); } if (building.Map.mapConditionManager.ConditionIsActive(MapConditionDefOf.SolarFlare)) { FloatMenuOption item3 = new FloatMenuOption("CannotUseSolarFlare".Translate(), null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null); return(new List <FloatMenuOption> { item3 }); } if (!building.GetFieldViaReflection <CompPowerTrader>("powerComp").PowerOn) { FloatMenuOption item4 = new FloatMenuOption("CannotUseNoPower".Translate(), null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null); return(new List <FloatMenuOption> { item4 }); } if (! { FloatMenuOption item5 = new FloatMenuOption("CannotUseReason".Translate(new object[] { "IncapableOfCapacity".Translate(new object[] { PawnCapacityDefOf.Talking.label }) }), null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null); return(new List <FloatMenuOption> { item5 }); } if (!building.CanUseCommsNow) { Log.Error(myPawn + " could not use comm console for unknown reason."); FloatMenuOption item6 = new FloatMenuOption("Cannot use now", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null); return(new List <FloatMenuOption> { item6 }); } IEnumerable <ICommunicable> enumerable = myPawn.Map.passingShipManager.passingShips.Cast <ICommunicable>().Concat(Find.FactionManager.AllFactionsInViewOrder.Cast <ICommunicable>()); List <FloatMenuOption> list = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); foreach (ICommunicable commTarget in enumerable) { ICommunicable localCommTarget = commTarget; string text = "CallOnRadio".Translate(new object[] { localCommTarget.GetCallLabel() }); Faction faction = localCommTarget as Faction; if (faction != null) { if (faction.IsPlayer) { continue; } if (!Building_CommsConsole.LeaderIsAvailableToTalk(faction)) { list.Add(new FloatMenuOption(text + " (" + "LeaderUnavailable".Translate(new object[] { faction.leader.LabelShort }) + ")", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); continue; } } Action action = delegate { if (commTarget is TradeShip && !Building_OrbitalTradeBeacon.AllPowered(building.Map).Any <Building_OrbitalTradeBeacon>()) { Messages.Message("MessageNeedBeaconToTradeWithShip".Translate(), building, MessageSound.RejectInput); return; } Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.UseCommsConsole, building); job.commTarget = localCommTarget;; PlayerKnowledgeDatabase.KnowledgeDemonstrated(ConceptDefOf.OpeningComms, KnowledgeAmount.Total); }; ITWN.PostMenuOption(list, myPawn, building, text, action, priority: MenuOptionPriority.InitiateSocial); } return(list); }
public static void AddHumanlikeOrders(Vector3 clickPos, Pawn pawn, List <FloatMenuOption> opts) { IntVec3 c = IntVec3.FromVector3(clickPos); foreach (Thing current in c.GetThingList(pawn.Map)) { Thing t = current; if (t.def.ingestible != null && pawn.RaceProps.CanEverEat(t) && t.IngestibleNow) { string text; if (t.def.ingestible.ingestCommandString.NullOrEmpty()) { text = "ConsumeThing".Translate(new object[] { t.LabelShort }); } else { text = string.Format(t.def.ingestible.ingestCommandString, t.LabelShort); } FloatMenuOption item = null; if (t.def.IsPleasureDrug && pawn.story != null && pawn.story.traits.DegreeOfTrait(TraitDefOf.DrugDesire) < 0) { item = new FloatMenuOption(text + " (" + TraitDefOf.DrugDesire.DataAtDegree(-1).label + ")", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null); } else if (!pawn.CanReach(t, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { item = new FloatMenuOption(text + " (" + "NoPath".Translate() + ")", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null); } else { MenuOptionPriority priority = (!(t is Corpse)) ? MenuOptionPriority.Default : MenuOptionPriority.Low; ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, current, text, delegate { t.SetForbidden(false, true); Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.Ingest, t); job.count = FoodUtility.WillIngestStackCountOf(pawn, t.def);; }, priority: priority); } if (item != null) { opts.Add(item); } } } if ( { foreach (LocalTargetInfo current2 in GenUI.TargetsAt(clickPos, TargetingParameters.ForRescue(pawn), true)) { Pawn victim = (Pawn)current2.Thing; if (!victim.InBed() && pawn.CanReach(victim, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Deadly)) { if ((victim.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && victim.MentalStateDef == null) || (victim.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer && victim.MentalStateDef == null && !victim.IsPrisonerOfColony && (victim.Faction == null || !victim.Faction.HostileTo(Faction.OfPlayer)))) { Pawn victim2 = victim; ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, victim2, "Rescue".Translate(new object[] { victim.LabelCap }), delegate { Building_Bed building_Bed = RestUtility.FindBedFor(victim, pawn, false, false, false); if (building_Bed == null) { string str2; if (victim.RaceProps.Animal) { str2 = "NoAnimalBed".Translate(); } else { str2 = "NoNonPrisonerBed".Translate(); } Messages.Message("CannotRescue".Translate() + ": " + str2, victim, MessageSound.RejectInput); return; } Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.Rescue, victim, building_Bed); job.count = 1;; PlayerKnowledgeDatabase.KnowledgeDemonstrated(ConceptDefOf.Rescuing, KnowledgeAmount.Total); }, MenuOptionPriority.RescueOrCapture, null, victim2, 0f, null); } if (victim.RaceProps.Humanlike && (victim.MentalStateDef != null || victim.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer || (victim.Downed && victim.guilt.IsGuilty))) { Pawn victim2 = victim; ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, victim2, "Capture".Translate(new object[] { victim.LabelCap }), delegate { Building_Bed building_Bed = RestUtility.FindBedFor(victim, pawn, true, false, false); if (building_Bed == null) { Messages.Message("CannotCapture".Translate() + ": " + "NoPrisonerBed".Translate(), victim, MessageSound.RejectInput); return; } Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.Capture, victim, building_Bed); job.count = 1;; PlayerKnowledgeDatabase.KnowledgeDemonstrated(ConceptDefOf.Capturing, KnowledgeAmount.Total); }, MenuOptionPriority.RescueOrCapture, null, victim2, 0f, null); } } } foreach (LocalTargetInfo current3 in GenUI.TargetsAt(clickPos, TargetingParameters.ForRescue(pawn), true)) { LocalTargetInfo targetInfo = current3; Pawn victim = (Pawn)targetInfo.Thing; if (victim.Downed && pawn.CanReach(victim, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Deadly) && Building_CryptosleepCasket.FindCryptosleepCasketFor(victim, pawn) != null) { string label = "CarryToCryptosleepCasket".Translate(new object[] { targetInfo.Thing.LabelCap }); JobDef jDef = JobDefOf.CarryToCryptosleepCasket; Action action = delegate { Building_CryptosleepCasket building_CryptosleepCasket = Building_CryptosleepCasket.FindCryptosleepCasketFor(victim, pawn); if (building_CryptosleepCasket == null) { Messages.Message("CannotCarryToCryptosleepCasket".Translate() + ": " + "NoCryptosleepCasket".Translate(), victim, MessageSound.RejectInput); return; } Job job = new Job(jDef, victim, building_CryptosleepCasket); job.count = 1;; }; Pawn victim2 = victim; ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, victim2, label, action, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, victim2, 0f, null); } } } foreach (LocalTargetInfo current4 in GenUI.TargetsAt(clickPos, TargetingParameters.ForStrip(pawn), true)) { LocalTargetInfo stripTarg = current4; FloatMenuOption item2 = null; if (!pawn.CanReach(stripTarg, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { item2 = new FloatMenuOption("CannotStrip".Translate(new object[] { stripTarg.Thing.LabelCap }) + " (" + "NoPath".Translate() + ")", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null); } else { ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, stripTarg.Thing, "Strip".Translate(new object[] { stripTarg.Thing.LabelCap }), delegate { stripTarg.Thing.SetForbidden(false, false); Job(JobDefOf.Strip, stripTarg)); }); } if (item2 != null) { opts.Add(item2); } } if ( != null) { ThingWithComps equipment = null; List <Thing> thingList = c.GetThingList(pawn.Map); for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++) { if (thingList[i].TryGetComp <CompEquippable>() != null) { equipment = (ThingWithComps)thingList[i]; break; } } if (equipment != null) { string labelShort = equipment.LabelShort; FloatMenuOption item3 = null; if (equipment.def.IsWeapon && pawn.story.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.Violent)) { item3 = new FloatMenuOption("CannotEquip".Translate(new object[] { labelShort }) + " (" + "IsIncapableOfViolenceLower".Translate(new object[] { pawn.LabelShort }) + ")", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null); } else if (!pawn.CanReach(equipment, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { item3 = new FloatMenuOption("CannotEquip".Translate(new object[] { labelShort }) + " (" + "NoPath".Translate() + ")", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null); } else if (! { item3 = new FloatMenuOption("CannotEquip".Translate(new object[] { labelShort }) + " (" + "Incapable".Translate() + ")", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null); } else { string text2 = "Equip".Translate(new object[] { labelShort }); if (equipment.def.IsRangedWeapon && pawn.story != null && pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Brawler)) { text2 = text2 + " " + "EquipWarningBrawler".Translate(); } ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, equipment, text2, delegate { equipment.SetForbidden(false, true); Job(JobDefOf.Equip, equipment)); MoteMaker.MakeStaticMote(equipment.DrawPos, equipment.Map, ThingDefOf.Mote_FeedbackEquip, 1f); PlayerKnowledgeDatabase.KnowledgeDemonstrated(ConceptDefOf.EquippingWeapons, KnowledgeAmount.Total); }); } if (item3 != null) { opts.Add(item3); } } } if (pawn.apparel != null) { Apparel apparel = pawn.Map.thingGrid.ThingAt <Apparel>(c); if (apparel != null) { FloatMenuOption item4 = null; if (!pawn.CanReach(apparel, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { item4 = new FloatMenuOption("CannotWear".Translate(new object[] { apparel.Label }) + " (" + "NoPath".Translate() + ")", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null); } else if (!ApparelUtility.HasPartsToWear(pawn, apparel.def)) { item4 = new FloatMenuOption("CannotWear".Translate(new object[] { apparel.Label }) + " (" + "CannotWearBecauseOfMissingBodyParts".Translate() + ")", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null); } else { ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, apparel, "ForceWear".Translate(new object[] { apparel.LabelShort }), delegate { apparel.SetForbidden(false, true); Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.Wear, apparel);; }, priority: MenuOptionPriority.High); } if (item4 != null) { opts.Add(item4); } } } if (!pawn.Map.IsPlayerHome) { Thing item = c.GetFirstItem(pawn.Map); if (item != null && item.def.EverHaulable) { if (!pawn.CanReach(item, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { opts.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CannotPickUp".Translate(new object[] { item.Label }) + " (" + "NoPath".Translate() + ")", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); } else if (MassUtility.WillBeOverEncumberedAfterPickingUp(pawn, item, 1)) { ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, item, "CannotPickUp".Translate(new object[] { item.Label }) + " (" + "TooHeavy".Translate() + ")", null); } else if (item.stackCount == 1) { ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, item, "PickUp".Translate(new object[] { item.Label }), delegate { item.SetForbidden(false, false); Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.TakeInventory, item); job.count = 1;; }, priority: MenuOptionPriority.High); } else { if (MassUtility.WillBeOverEncumberedAfterPickingUp(pawn, item, item.stackCount)) { ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, item, "CannotPickUpAll".Translate(new object[] { item.Label }) + " (" + "TooHeavy".Translate() + ")", null); } else { ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, item, "PickUpAll".Translate(new object[] { item.Label }), delegate { item.SetForbidden(false, false); Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.TakeInventory, item); job.count = item.stackCount;; }, priority: MenuOptionPriority.High); } ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, item, "PickUpSome".Translate(new object[] { item.Label }), delegate { int to = Mathf.Min(MassUtility.CountToPickUpUntilOverEncumbered(pawn, item), item.stackCount); Dialog_Slider window = new Dialog_Slider("PickUpCount".Translate(new object[] { item.LabelShort }), 1, to, delegate(int count) { item.SetForbidden(false, false); Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.TakeInventory, item); job.count = count;; }, -2147483648); Find.WindowStack.Add(window); }, priority: MenuOptionPriority.High); } } } if (!pawn.Map.IsPlayerHome) { Thing item = c.GetFirstItem(pawn.Map); if (item != null && item.def.EverHaulable) { Pawn bestPackAnimal = GiveToPackAnimalUtility.PackAnimalWithTheMostFreeSpace(pawn.Map, pawn.Faction); if (bestPackAnimal != null) { if (!pawn.CanReach(item, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { opts.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CannotGiveToPackAnimal".Translate(new object[] { item.Label }) + " (" + "NoPath".Translate() + ")", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); } else if (MassUtility.WillBeOverEncumberedAfterPickingUp(bestPackAnimal, item, 1)) { ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, item, "CannotGiveToPackAnimal".Translate(new object[] { item.Label }) + " (" + "TooHeavy".Translate() + ")", null); } else if (item.stackCount == 1) { ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, item, "GiveToPackAnimal".Translate(new object[] { item.Label }), delegate { item.SetForbidden(false, false); Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.GiveToPackAnimal, item); job.count = 1;; }, MenuOptionPriority.High); } else { if (MassUtility.WillBeOverEncumberedAfterPickingUp(bestPackAnimal, item, item.stackCount)) { ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, item, "CannotGiveToPackAnimalAll".Translate(new object[] { item.Label }) + " (" + "TooHeavy".Translate() + ")", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null); } else { ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, item, "GiveToPackAnimalAll".Translate(new object[] { item.Label }), delegate { item.SetForbidden(false, false); Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.GiveToPackAnimal, item); job.count = item.stackCount;; }, MenuOptionPriority.High, null, null, 0f, null, null); } ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, item, "GiveToPackAnimalSome".Translate(new object[] { item.Label }), delegate { int to = Mathf.Min(MassUtility.CountToPickUpUntilOverEncumbered(bestPackAnimal, item), item.stackCount); Dialog_Slider window = new Dialog_Slider("GiveToPackAnimalCount".Translate(new object[] { item.LabelShort }), 1, to, delegate(int count) { item.SetForbidden(false, false); Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.GiveToPackAnimal, item); job.count = count;; }, -2147483648); Find.WindowStack.Add(window); }, MenuOptionPriority.High, null, null, 0f, null, null); } } } } if (!pawn.Map.IsPlayerHome) { foreach (LocalTargetInfo current5 in GenUI.TargetsAt(clickPos, TargetingParameters.ForRescue(pawn), true)) { Pawn p = (Pawn)current5.Thing; if (p.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer || p.HostFaction == Faction.OfPlayer) { if (!pawn.CanReach(p, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { opts.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CannotCarryToExit".Translate(new object[] { p.Label }) + " (" + "NoPath".Translate() + ")", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); } else { IntVec3 exitSpot; if (!RCellFinder.TryFindBestExitSpot(pawn, out exitSpot, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, p, "CannotCarryToExit".Translate(new object[] { p.Label }) + " (" + "NoPath".Translate() + ")", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null); } else { ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, p, "CarryToExit".Translate(new object[] { p.Label }), delegate { Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.CarryDownedPawnToExit, p, exitSpot); job.count = 1;; }, MenuOptionPriority.High, null, null, 0f, null, null); } } } } } if ( != null && != null && GenUI.TargetsAt(clickPos, TargetingParameters.ForSelf(pawn), true).Any <LocalTargetInfo>()) { Action action2 = delegate { Job(JobDefOf.DropEquipment,; }; opts.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Drop".Translate(new object[] { }), action2, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); } foreach (LocalTargetInfo current6 in GenUI.TargetsAt(clickPos, TargetingParameters.ForTrade(), true)) { LocalTargetInfo dest = current6; if (!pawn.CanReach(dest, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { opts.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CannotTrade".Translate() + " (" + "NoPath".Translate() + ")", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); } else { Pawn pTarg = (Pawn)dest.Thing; Action action3 = delegate { Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.TradeWithPawn, pTarg); job.playerForced = true;; PlayerKnowledgeDatabase.KnowledgeDemonstrated(ConceptDefOf.InteractingWithTraders, KnowledgeAmount.Total); }; string str = string.Empty; if (pTarg.Faction != null) { str = " (" + pTarg.Faction.Name + ")"; } Thing thing = dest.Thing; ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, pTarg, "TradeWith".Translate(new object[] { pTarg.LabelShort + ", " + pTarg.TraderKind.label }) + str, action3, MenuOptionPriority.InitiateSocial, null, thing, 0f, null, null); } } foreach (Thing current7 in pawn.Map.thingGrid.ThingsAt(c)) { foreach (FloatMenuOption current8 in current7.GetFloatMenuOptions(pawn)) { opts.Add(current8); } } }
public static void AddUndraftedOrders(Vector3 clickPos, Pawn pawn, List <FloatMenuOption> opts) { IntVec3 clickCell = IntVec3.FromVector3(clickPos); bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; foreach (Thing current in pawn.Map.thingGrid.ThingsAt(clickCell)) { flag2 = true; if (pawn.CanReach(current, PathEndMode.Touch, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { flag = true; break; } } if (flag2 && !flag) { opts.Add(new FloatMenuOption("(" + "NoPath".Translate() + ")", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); return; } JobGiver_Work jobGiver_Work = pawn.thinker.TryGetMainTreeThinkNode <JobGiver_Work>(); if (jobGiver_Work != null) { foreach (Thing current2 in pawn.Map.thingGrid.ThingsAt(clickCell)) { foreach (WorkTypeDef current3 in DefDatabase <WorkTypeDef> .AllDefsListForReading) { for (int i = 0; i < current3.workGiversByPriority.Count; i++) { WorkGiver_Scanner workGiver_Scanner = current3.workGiversByPriority[i].Worker as WorkGiver_Scanner; if (workGiver_Scanner != null && workGiver_Scanner.def.directOrderable && !workGiver_Scanner.ShouldSkip(pawn)) { JobFailReason.Clear(); if (workGiver_Scanner.PotentialWorkThingRequest.Accepts(current2) || (workGiver_Scanner.PotentialWorkThingsGlobal(pawn) != null && workGiver_Scanner.PotentialWorkThingsGlobal(pawn).Contains(current2))) { Job job; try { ITWN.HorrifyingGlobalFakeryToAllowReserve = current2; if (!workGiver_Scanner.HasJobOnThingForced(pawn, current2)) { job = null; } else { job = workGiver_Scanner.JobOnThingForced(pawn, current2); } } finally { ITWN.HorrifyingGlobalFakeryToAllowReserve = null; } if (job == null) { if (JobFailReason.HaveReason) { string label3 = "CannotGenericWork".Translate(new object[] { workGiver_Scanner.def.verb, current2.LabelShort }) + " (" + JobFailReason.Reason + ")"; ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, current2, label3, null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null); } } else { WorkTypeDef workType = workGiver_Scanner.def.workType; Action action = null; PawnCapacityDef pawnCapacityDef = workGiver_Scanner.MissingRequiredCapacity(pawn); string label; if (pawnCapacityDef != null) { label = "CannotMissingHealthActivities".Translate(new object[] { pawnCapacityDef.label }); } else if ( != null && { label = "CannotGenericAlreadyAm".Translate(new object[] { workType.gerundLabel, current2.LabelShort }); } else if (pawn.story.WorkTypeIsDisabled(workType)) { label = "CannotPrioritizeWorkTypeDisabled".Translate(new object[] { workType.gerundLabel }); } else if (job.def == JobDefOf.Research && current2 is Building_ResearchBench) { label = "CannotPrioritizeResearch".Translate(); } else if (current2.IsForbidden(pawn)) { if (!current2.Position.InAllowedArea(pawn)) { label = "CannotPrioritizeForbiddenOutsideAllowedArea".Translate(new object[] { current2.Label }); } else { label = "CannotPrioritizeForbidden".Translate(new object[] { current2.Label }); } } else if (!pawn.CanReach(current2, workGiver_Scanner.PathEndMode, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { label = current2.Label + ": " + "NoPath".Translate(); } else { label = "PrioritizeGeneric".Translate(new object[] { workGiver_Scanner.def.gerund, current2.Label }); Job localJob = job; WorkGiver_Scanner localScanner = workGiver_Scanner; action = delegate {, localScanner, clickCell); }; } ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, current2, label, action, workType: workType); } } } } } } Pawn pawn3 = pawn.Map.reservationManager.FirstReserverOf(clickCell, pawn.Faction, true); if (pawn3 != null && pawn3 != pawn) { opts.Add(new FloatMenuOption("IsReservedBy".Translate(new object[] { "AreaLower".Translate(), pawn3.LabelShort }).CapitalizeFirst(), null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); } else { foreach (WorkTypeDef current4 in DefDatabase <WorkTypeDef> .AllDefsListForReading) { for (int j = 0; j < current4.workGiversByPriority.Count; j++) { WorkGiver_Scanner workGiver_Scanner2 = current4.workGiversByPriority[j].Worker as WorkGiver_Scanner; if (workGiver_Scanner2 != null && workGiver_Scanner2.def.directOrderable && !workGiver_Scanner2.ShouldSkip(pawn)) { JobFailReason.Clear(); if (workGiver_Scanner2.PotentialWorkCellsGlobal(pawn).Contains(clickCell)) { Job job2; if (!workGiver_Scanner2.HasJobOnCell(pawn, clickCell)) { job2 = null; } else { job2 = workGiver_Scanner2.JobOnCell(pawn, clickCell); } if (job2 == null) { if (JobFailReason.HaveReason) { string label2 = "CannotGenericWork".Translate(new object[] { workGiver_Scanner2.def.verb, "AreaLower".Translate() }) + " (" + JobFailReason.Reason + ")"; opts.Add(new FloatMenuOption(label2, null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); } } else { WorkTypeDef workType2 = workGiver_Scanner2.def.workType; Action action2 = null; PawnCapacityDef pawnCapacityDef2 = workGiver_Scanner2.MissingRequiredCapacity(pawn); string label; if (pawnCapacityDef2 != null) { label = "CannotMissingHealthActivities".Translate(new object[] { pawnCapacityDef2.label }); } else if ( != null && { label = "CannotGenericAlreadyAm".Translate(new object[] { workType2.gerundLabel, "AreaLower".Translate() }); } else if (pawn.story.WorkTypeIsDisabled(workType2)) { label = "CannotPrioritizeWorkTypeDisabled".Translate(new object[] { workType2.gerundLabel }); } else if (!pawn.CanReach(clickCell, PathEndMode.Touch, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { label = "AreaLower".Translate().CapitalizeFirst() + ": " + "NoPath".Translate(); } else { label = "PrioritizeGeneric".Translate(new object[] { workGiver_Scanner2.def.gerund, "AreaLower".Translate() }); Job localJob = job2; WorkGiver_Scanner localScanner = workGiver_Scanner2; action2 = delegate {, localScanner, clickCell); }; } ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, null, label, action2, workType: workType2); } } } } } } } }
// well this is a dumpster fire of a decompilation job public static void AddDraftedOrders(Vector3 clickPos, Pawn pawn, List <FloatMenuOption> opts) { IntVec3 b = IntVec3.FromVector3(clickPos); foreach (LocalTargetInfo current in GenUI.TargetsAt(clickPos, TargetingParameters.ForAttackHostile(), true)) { LocalTargetInfo attackTarg = current; if ( != null && ! { string str; Action rangedAct = FloatMenuUtility.GetRangedAttackAction(pawn, attackTarg, out str); string text = "FireAt".Translate(new object[] { attackTarg.Thing.LabelCap }); FloatMenuOption floatMenuOption = new FloatMenuOption(MenuOptionPriority.High); if (rangedAct == null) { text = text + " (" + str + ")"; } else { floatMenuOption.autoTakeable = true; floatMenuOption.action = delegate { MoteMaker.MakeStaticMote(attackTarg.Thing.DrawPos, attackTarg.Thing.Map, ThingDefOf.Mote_FeedbackAttack, 1f); rangedAct(); }; } floatMenuOption.Label = text; opts.Add(floatMenuOption); } string str2; Action meleeAct = FloatMenuUtility.GetMeleeAttackAction(pawn, attackTarg, out str2); Pawn pawn2 = attackTarg.Thing as Pawn; string text2; if (pawn2 != null && pawn2.Downed) { text2 = "MeleeAttackToDeath".Translate(new object[] { attackTarg.Thing.LabelCap }); } else { text2 = "MeleeAttack".Translate(new object[] { attackTarg.Thing.LabelCap }); } MenuOptionPriority priority = (!attackTarg.HasThing || !pawn.HostileTo(attackTarg.Thing)) ? MenuOptionPriority.VeryLow : MenuOptionPriority.AttackEnemy; Thing thing = attackTarg.Thing; FloatMenuOption floatMenuOption2 = new FloatMenuOption(string.Empty, null, priority, null, thing, 0f, null, null); if (meleeAct == null) { text2 = text2 + " (" + str2 + ")"; } else { floatMenuOption2.action = delegate { MoteMaker.MakeStaticMote(attackTarg.Thing.DrawPos, attackTarg.Thing.Map, ThingDefOf.Mote_FeedbackAttack, 1f); meleeAct(); }; } floatMenuOption2.Label = text2; opts.Add(floatMenuOption2); } if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike && { foreach (LocalTargetInfo current2 in GenUI.TargetsAt(clickPos, TargetingParameters.ForArrest(pawn), true)) { LocalTargetInfo dest = current2; if (!((Pawn)dest.Thing).Downed) { if (!pawn.CanReach(dest, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { opts.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CannotArrest".Translate() + " (" + "NoPath".Translate() + ")", null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null)); } else { Pawn pTarg = (Pawn)dest.Thing; Action action = delegate { Building_Bed building_Bed = RestUtility.FindBedFor(pTarg, pawn, true, false, false); if (building_Bed == null) { Messages.Message("CannotArrest".Translate() + ": " + "NoPrisonerBed".Translate(), pTarg, MessageSound.RejectInput); return; } Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.Arrest, pTarg, building_Bed); job.count = 1;; TutorUtility.DoModalDialogIfNotKnown(ConceptDefOf.ArrestingCreatesEnemies); }; Thing thing = dest.Thing; ITWN.PostMenuOption(opts, pawn, dest.Thing, "TryToArrest".Translate(new object[] { dest.Thing.LabelCap }), action, revalidateClickTarget: thing, priority: MenuOptionPriority.High); } } } } int num = GenRadial.NumCellsInRadius(2.9f); IntVec3 curLoc; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { curLoc = GenRadial.RadialPattern[i] + b; if (curLoc.Standable(pawn.Map)) { if (curLoc != pawn.Position) { if (!pawn.CanReach(curLoc, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { FloatMenuOption item = new FloatMenuOption("CannotGoNoPath".Translate(), null, MenuOptionPriority.Low, null, null, 0f, null); opts.Add(item); } else { Action action2 = delegate { IntVec3 intVec = RCellFinder.BestOrderedGotoDestNear(curLoc, pawn); Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.Goto, intVec); if (pawn.Map.exitMapGrid.IsExitCell(UI.MouseCell())) { job.exitMapOnArrival = true; } if ( { MoteMaker.MakeStaticMote(intVec, pawn.Map, ThingDefOf.Mote_FeedbackGoto, 1f); } }; opts.Add(new FloatMenuOption("GoHere".Translate(), action2, MenuOptionPriority.GoHere, null, null, 0f, null, null) { autoTakeable = true }); } } break; } } }