public Help() { InitializeComponent(); this.CenterToScreen(); this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; this.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.DoubleBuffered = true; this.Width = Resources.help1.Width + 15; this.Height = Resources.help1.Width + 15; help = Resources.help1; helpBitmap = new Bitmap(help); font1 = new Fonts("lgs.ttf", 20); font2 = new Fonts("lgs.ttf", 28); text = "Squares is a simple game with 100 squares\n" + "placed in a matrix 10x10. On the start\n" + "there are 5 squares random placed and\n" + "with random color.The goal is to connect\n" + "a line of three squares and get points.\n" + "But look for a path to the destination!\n" + "If there is no path, there will be no move!\n" + "If you don't connect a line of three squares\n" + "new five random squares are added. After\n" + "two minutes the number of random generated\n" + "squares is increased by one. Maximum\n" + "number of colors added is eight. When\n" + "the matrix is full the game is over."; back = Resources.Back; backHover = Resources.Back_hover; backBtmp = new Bitmap(back, new Size(210, 80)); backHoverBtmp = new Bitmap(backHover, new Size(210, 80)); buttonHovered = false; }
public Play() { InitializeComponent(); rows = 10; columns = 10; offset = 20; comboTimerTicks = 0; time = 120; freezeSeconds = 0; squareWidth = Resources._1.Width + 5; this.CenterToScreen(); this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; this.Height = 8 * offset + rows * squareWidth; this.Width = 3 * offset + columns * squareWidth - 15; this.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.DoubleBuffered = true; comboScore = false; bombWeaponSelected = false; cutWeaponSelected = false; freezeWeaponSelected = false; bombUsed = false; cutUsed = false; freezeUsed = false; nosTimer.Start(); font = new Fonts("lgs.ttf", 28); sMatrix = new SquaresMatrix(rows, columns, squareWidth, offset); bomb = new Square(80 + rows * squareWidth, offset + 150, squareWidth); bomb.image = Resources.bomb; bomb.imageSelected = Resources.bomb_selected; bomb.imageDefault = Resources.no_bomb; cut = new Square(80 + rows * squareWidth, offset + 195, squareWidth); cut.image = Resources.cut_sword; cut.imageSelected = Resources.cut_sword_selected; cut.imageDefault = Resources.no_sword; freeze = new Square(80 + rows * squareWidth, offset + 240, squareWidth); freeze.image = Resources.freeze_time; freeze.imageSelected = Resources.no_freeze_time; mute = new Square(80 + rows * squareWidth, this.Width - squareWidth - offset - 5, squareWidth); mute.image = Resources.volume; mute.imageSelected = Resources.volume_off; }
public EnterName() { InitializeComponent(); this.BackColor = Color.Black; this.Width = 350; this.Height = 300; this.CenterToScreen(); this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; square = Resources._11; offsetX = 45; offsetY = 60; nameTxt.Location = new Point(120 + offsetX, 25 + offsetY); btnOk.Location = new Point(120 + offsetX, 90 + offsetY); font = new Fonts("lgs.ttf", 28); Invalidate(); }
public HighScores() { InitializeComponent(); this.CenterToScreen(); this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; this.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.DoubleBuffered = true; this.Width = Resources.highscores.Width + 15; this.Height = Resources.highscores.Width + 15; buttonHovered = false; try { FileStream str = File.OpenRead("scores.bin"); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { scores = new List<int>(); serializeScores(scores); } try { FileStream str = File.OpenRead("names.bin"); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { names = new List<string>(); serializeNames(names); } scores = deserializeScores(); names = deserializeNames(); scoresMain = Resources.highscores; back = Resources.Back; backHover = Resources.Back_hover; scoresBitmap = new Bitmap(scoresMain); backBtmp = new Bitmap(back, new Size(210, 80)); backHoverBtmp = new Bitmap(backHover, new Size(210, 80)); fonts = new Fonts("lgs.ttf", 28); }