コード例 #1
        public virtual bool UpdateAndroidProj()
            List <string> BuildProducts = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts();

            if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, BuildProducts.Count > 0, "Attempting to update the Android project, but one was not generated in the build phase!"))
                string RootJavaPluginSource = Path.Combine("Assets", Path.Combine("Plugins", Path.Combine("Android", Path.Combine("src", "com"))));
                string RootJavaDest         = Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], Path.Combine(PlayerSettings.productName, Path.Combine("src", "com")));

                CopyJavaFilesAndReplacePackageName(RootJavaPluginSource, RootJavaDest);

                string ResourcePath = Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], Path.Combine(PlayerSettings.productName, "res"));
                string AppID        = GetParamOrConfigString(FacebookAndroidAppIDFlag, "Android Facebook ID isn't set, but we've enabled Facebook!  This will probably cause the app to crash on startup!");

                IgorBuildAndroid.SwapStringValueInStringsXML(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(ResourcePath, "values"), "strings.xml"), "fbapp_id", AppID, "FACEBOOKAPPIDTOREPLACE");
                IgorBuildAndroid.SwapStringValueInStringsXML(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(ResourcePath, "values-es"), "strings.xml"), "fbapp_id", AppID, "FACEBOOKAPPIDTOREPLACE");
                IgorBuildAndroid.SwapStringValueInStringsXML(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(ResourcePath, "values-he"), "strings.xml"), "fbapp_id", AppID, "FACEBOOKAPPIDTOREPLACE");
                IgorBuildAndroid.SwapStringValueInStringsXML(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(ResourcePath, "values-iw"), "strings.xml"), "fbapp_id", AppID, "FACEBOOKAPPIDTOREPLACE");

                if (IgorBuildAndroid.RunAndroidCommandLineUtility(this, Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], "facebook"), "update project --path ."))

コード例 #2
        public virtual bool BuildOculus()
            List <string> BuiltDesktopFiles = new List <string>();


            string OculusDirectToRiftFilename = "";

            foreach (string CurrentFile in BuiltDesktopFiles)
                if (CurrentFile.EndsWith(".exe"))
                    OculusDirectToRiftFilename = CurrentFile.Replace(".exe", "_DirectToRift.exe");

            if (File.Exists(OculusDirectToRiftFilename))


コード例 #3
ファイル: IgorZip.cs プロジェクト: fbizuneh/Igor
        public virtual bool UnzipProducts()
            List <string> ZipFilename = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts();

            if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, ZipFilename.Count == 1, "Unzipping expected exactly 1 built product, but we found " + ZipFilename.Count))
                Log("Unzipping file " + ZipFilename[0]);

                UnzipArchiveCrossPlatform(this, ZipFilename[0], Path.GetFullPath("."), true);

コード例 #4
        public virtual bool UpdateXCodeProj()
            List <string> BuildProducts = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts();

            if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, BuildProducts.Count > 0, "Attempting to update the XCode project, but one was not generated in the build phase!"))
                string ProjectPath = Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], "Unity-IPhone.xcodeproj");

                IgorXCodeProjUtils.AddFramework(this, ProjectPath, "StoreKit.framework", TreeEnum.SDKROOT, "System/Library/Frameworks/StoreKit.framework", -1, "wrapper.framework", "StoreKit.framework");

コード例 #5
        public virtual bool RunTest(string TestName)
            MonsterDebug.Log("Attempting to run test " + TestName + " on a standalone copy of the game.");

            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(MonsterTestCore.MonsterStarterTestNameEnvVariable, TestName);

            string AppPath = "";

            if (IgorJobConfig.IsStringParamSet(MonsterTestCore.ExplicitAppPathFlag))
                AppPath = IgorJobConfig.GetStringParam(MonsterTestCore.ExplicitAppPathFlag);
                foreach (string CurrentProduct in IgorCore.GetModuleProducts())
                    if (CurrentProduct.Contains(".app"))
                        AppPath = CurrentProduct.Substring(0, CurrentProduct.IndexOf(".app") + 4);
                    else if (CurrentProduct.EndsWith(".exe"))
                        AppPath = CurrentProduct;

            if (AppPath.EndsWith(".app"))
                AppPath = Path.Combine(AppPath, Path.Combine("Contents", Path.Combine("MacOS", AppPath.Substring(AppPath.LastIndexOf('/') + 1, AppPath.Length - AppPath.LastIndexOf('/') - 5))));


            string AppOutput = "";
            string AppError  = "";

            int RunAppRC = IgorRuntimeUtils.RunProcessCrossPlatform(AppPath, AppPath, "", Path.GetFullPath("."), ref AppOutput, ref AppError);

            if (RunAppRC != 0)
                MonsterDebug.LogError("Failed to run test.  App retruned RC " + RunAppRC + "!\n\nOutput:\n" + AppOutput + "\n\nError:\n" + AppError);


            MonsterDebug.Log("Test ran successfully!\n\nOutput:\n" + AppOutput + "\n\nError:\n" + AppError);

コード例 #6
ファイル: IgorZip.cs プロジェクト: fbizuneh/Igor
        public virtual bool CreateZip()
            string ZipFilename = GetParamOrConfigString(ZipFilenameFlag, "Zip destination filename is not set.");

            string LogDetails = "Creating zip file with name " + ZipFilename + " from files:";

            List <string> BuiltProducts = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts();

            foreach (string Product in BuiltProducts)
                LogDetails += "\n" + Product;


            ZipFilesCrossPlatform(this, BuiltProducts, ZipFilename);

コード例 #7
ファイル: IgorFacebookiOSHats.cs プロジェクト: fbizuneh/Igor
        public virtual bool UpdateXCodeProj()
            string FacebookID          = GetParamOrConfigString(FacebookIDFlag, "Your Facebook ID hasn't been set!  Facebook functionality will probably not work correctly.");
            string FacebookDisplayName = GetParamOrConfigString(FacebookDisplayNameFlag, "Your Facebook Display Name hasn't been set!  Facebook functionality will probably not work correctly.");

            List <string> BuildProducts = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts();

            if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, BuildProducts.Count > 0, "Attempting to update the XCode project, but one was not generated in the build phase!"))
                string ProjectPath = Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], "Unity-IPhone.xcodeproj");

                string FacebookIntegrationGUID = IgorXCodeProjUtils.AddNewFileReference(this, ProjectPath, "FacebookIntegration.h", TreeEnum.GROUP);

                IgorXCodeProjUtils.SortGUIDIntoGroup(this, ProjectPath, FacebookIntegrationGUID, "Libraries");

                IgorXCodeProjUtils.AddFramework(this, ProjectPath, "FacebookSDK.framework", TreeEnum.GROUP, "Libraries/FacebookSDK.framework", -1, "wrapper.framework", "FacebookSDK.framework");

                IgorXCodeProjUtils.AddFrameworkSearchPath(this, ProjectPath, "$(SRCROOT)/Libraries");

                string PlistPath = Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], "Info.plist");

                IgorPlistUtils.SetStringValue(this, PlistPath, "FacebookAppID", FacebookID);

                IgorPlistUtils.SetStringValue(this, PlistPath, "FacebookDisplayName", FacebookDisplayName);

                IgorPlistUtils.AddBundleURLType(this, PlistPath, "fb" + FacebookID);

                IgorZip.UnzipArchiveCrossPlatform(this, Path.Combine(Path.GetFullPath("."), Path.Combine("Assets", Path.Combine("Plugins", Path.Combine("iOS", Path.Combine("FacebookSDK", "FacebookSDK.framework.zip"))))), Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], "Libraries"));

                IgoriOSSourceUtils.AddHeaderToAppControllerSource(this, BuildProducts[0], "../Libraries/FacebookIntegration.h");

                IgoriOSSourceUtils.AddFunctionToAppControllerSource(this, BuildProducts[0], "/* Pre iOS 4.2 support */\n- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url\n{\n\treturn [FBSession.activeSession handleOpenURL:url];\n}\n");

                IgorUtils.ReplaceStringsInFile(this, Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], Path.Combine("Classes", "UnityAppController.mm")), "AppController_SendNotificationWithArg(kUnityOnOpenURL, notifData);\n\treturn YES;", "AppController_SendNotificationWithArg(kUnityOnOpenURL, notifData); return [FBSession.activeSession handleOpenURL:url];");

                IgoriOSSourceUtils.AddSourceToApplicationDidBecomeActive(this, BuildProducts[0], "[FBSession.activeSession handleDidBecomeActive];");

コード例 #8
        public virtual bool UploadToFTP()
            List <string> BuiltProducts = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts();

            IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, BuiltProducts.Count == 1, "This module requires exactly one built file, but we found " + BuiltProducts.Count + " instead.  Please make sure you've enabled a package step prior to this one.");

            string FileToCopy = "";

            if (BuiltProducts.Count > 0)
                FileToCopy = BuiltProducts[0];

            if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, File.Exists(FileToCopy), "JenkinsFTP upload was looking for the file " + FileToCopy + " to upload, but the file couldn't be found."))

                IgorRuntimeUtils.CopyFile(FileToCopy, GetParamOrConfigString(UploadToFTPFlag, "Destination file for JenkinsFTP isn't set so we can't copy it to the right location."));

                Log("File copied to requested location for Jenkins post build FTP uploading.");

コード例 #9
ファイル: BitTorrentSync.cs プロジェクト: fbizuneh/Igor
        public virtual bool CopyToFromSync(bool bToSync)
            string LocalFile = "";

            if (bToSync)
                List <string> BuiltProducts = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts();

                IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, BuiltProducts.Count == 1, "This module requires exactly one built file, but we found " + BuiltProducts.Count + " instead.  Please make sure you've enabled a package step prior to this one.");

                if (BuiltProducts.Count > 0)
                    LocalFile = BuiltProducts[0];
                LocalFile = GetParamOrConfigString(CopyToLocalDirFlag, "", Path.GetFullPath("."), false);

            if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, !bToSync || File.Exists(LocalFile), "BitTorrent Sync copy was told to copy file " + LocalFile + ", but the file doesn't exist!"))
                string SyncFile = "";

                if (IgorJobConfig.IsBoolParamSet(CopyToSyncExpEnabledFlag))
                    SyncFile = GetParamOrConfigString(CopyToSyncExplicitFlag, "BitTorrent Sync copy to sync explicit is enabled, but the path isn't set.");

                if (SyncFile == "" && IgorJobConfig.IsBoolParamSet(CopyToSyncEnvEnabledFlag))
                    string EnvVariable = GetParamOrConfigString(CopyToSyncEnvFlag, "BitTorrent Sync copy to sync based on environment variable is enabled, but the env variable name isn't set.");

                    if (EnvVariable == "")

                    SyncFile = IgorRuntimeUtils.GetEnvVariable(EnvVariable);

                    if (!IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, SyncFile != "", "The BitTorrent Sync root path environment variable " + EnvVariable + " isn't set."))

                string SyncFilename = GetParamOrConfigString(CopyToSyncFilenameFlag, (bToSync ?
                                                                                      "BitTorrent Sync copy to sync destination filename isn't set." : "BitTorrent Sync copy from sync source filename isn't set."));

                if (SyncFilename == "")

                SyncFile = Path.Combine(SyncFile, SyncFilename);

                if (bToSync)
                    if (File.Exists(SyncFile))

                    IgorRuntimeUtils.CopyFile(LocalFile, SyncFile);

                    Log("File " + LocalFile + " copied to requested location " + SyncFile + " for BitTorrent Sync uploading.");
                    LocalFile = Path.Combine(LocalFile, Path.GetFileName(SyncFile));

                    if (File.Exists(LocalFile))

                    IgorRuntimeUtils.CopyFile(SyncFile, LocalFile);

                    Log("File " + SyncFile + " copied from the BitTorrent Sync share to requested location " + LocalFile + ".");

                    List <string> NewProducts = new List <string>();



コード例 #10
ファイル: IgorFTP.cs プロジェクト: fbizuneh/Igor
        public virtual bool UploadToFTP()
            List <string> BuiltProducts = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts();

            string FTPRoot      = GetParamOrConfigString(UploadToFTPHostFlag, "FTP Upload host is not set!  Can't upload without a host!");
            string FTPUsername  = GetParamOrConfigString(UploadToFTPUserFlag, "FTP Upload username is not set!  Can't upload without a username!");
            string FTPPassword  = GetParamOrConfigString(UploadToFTPPassFlag, "FTP Upload password is not set!  Can't upload without a password!");
            string FTPDirectory = GetParamOrConfigString(UploadToFTPDirectoryFlag);

            if (!FTPRoot.StartsWith("ftp://"))
                FTPRoot = "ftp://" + FTPRoot;

            if (!FTPRoot.EndsWith("/"))
                FTPRoot += "/";

            if (FTPDirectory.Length > 0 && !FTPDirectory.EndsWith("/"))
                FTPDirectory += "/";

            if (FTPRoot != "" && FTPUsername != "" && FTPPassword != "")
                bool bFailedAtLeastOnce = false;

                foreach (string CurrentProduct in BuiltProducts)
                    for (int CurrentTry = 0; CurrentTry < 5; ++CurrentTry)
                            string DestinationFilename = FTPRoot + FTPDirectory + Path.GetFileName(CurrentProduct);
                            // Get the object used to communicate with the server.
                            FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(DestinationFilename);
                            request.Method    = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
                            request.UseBinary = true;
                            request.EnableSsl = true;
                            request.Timeout   = 1800;

                            request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(FTPUsername, FTPPassword);

                            // Copy the contents of the file to the request stream.
                            byte [] fileContents = File.ReadAllBytes(CurrentProduct);
                            request.ContentLength = fileContents.Length;

                            Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream();
                            requestStream.Write(fileContents, 0, fileContents.Length);

                            FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

                            if (response.StatusCode == FtpStatusCode.CommandOK || response.StatusCode == FtpStatusCode.ClosingData ||
                                response.StatusCode == FtpStatusCode.FileActionOK || response.StatusCode == FtpStatusCode.ClosingControl)
                                Log("Successfully uploaded file " + CurrentProduct + " to " + DestinationFilename);
                                Log("Failed to upload file " + CurrentProduct + " to " + DestinationFilename + " with error code " + response.StatusCode + " and exit message " + response.ExitMessage);

                                bFailedAtLeastOnce = true;

                        catch (System.Net.WebException WebExcept)
                            LogWarning("Web exception thrown.  Depending on your server the file may not have uploaded, but some servers don't behave well with FtpWebRequest.  " + WebExcept.ToString());

                        catch (System.Net.ProtocolViolationException ProtoExcept)
                            LogWarning("ProtocolViolationException thrown.  Depending on your server the file may not have uploaded, but some servers don't behave well with FtpWebRequest.  " + ProtoExcept.ToString());



                if (!bFailedAtLeastOnce)
                    Log("All files were successfully uploaded!");
                    Log("Some files were not successfully uploaded.  Please check the logs to see what went wrong.");

コード例 #11
ファイル: iOSOTA.cs プロジェクト: fbizuneh/Igor
        public virtual bool CreateWebDeployFiles()
            List <string> BuiltProducts = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts();

            string FileToCopy           = "";
            string RootProjectDirectory = "";
            string WebDeployTempDir     = Path.Combine(Path.GetFullPath("."), "iOSOTATemp");

            if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, BuiltProducts.Count > 1, "iOS OTA expected at least two built products, the IPA and the iOS XCode project directory."))
                FileToCopy           = BuiltProducts[0];
                RootProjectDirectory = BuiltProducts[1];

            if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, File.Exists(FileToCopy), "iOS OTA expected the IPA to be at " + FileToCopy + ", but it was not there.") &&
                IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, Directory.Exists(RootProjectDirectory), "iOS OTA expected the XCode Project folder to be at " + RootProjectDirectory + ", but it was not there."))
                if (Directory.Exists(WebDeployTempDir))


                string PlistPath = Path.Combine(RootProjectDirectory, "Info.plist");

                string BundleIdentifier = PlayerSettings.bundleIdentifier;
                string BundleVersion    = IgorPlistUtils.GetStringValue(this, PlistPath, "CFBundleVersion");
                string DisplayName      = IgorPlistUtils.GetStringValue(this, PlistPath, "CFBundleDisplayName");

                string OTAManifestPath = GetParamOrConfigString(OTAPlistNameFlag, "", "Application", false);

                if (!OTAManifestPath.EndsWith(".plist"))
                    OTAManifestPath += ".plist";

                OTAManifestPath = Path.Combine(WebDeployTempDir, OTAManifestPath);

                string FullIconName = Path.Combine(RootProjectDirectory, Path.Combine("Unity-iPhone", Path.Combine("Images.xcassets", Path.Combine("AppIcon.appiconset", "Icon.png"))));

                string IPAName  = Path.GetFileName(FileToCopy);
                string IconName = Path.GetFileName(FullIconName);

                GenerateAndSavePlist(OTAManifestPath, IPAName, IconName, BundleIdentifier, BundleVersion, DisplayName);

                string IPADeployName  = Path.Combine(WebDeployTempDir, IPAName);
                string IconDeployName = Path.Combine(WebDeployTempDir, IconName);

                IgorRuntimeUtils.CopyFile(FileToCopy, IPADeployName);
                IgorRuntimeUtils.CopyFile(FullIconName, IconDeployName);

                List <string> NewBuiltProducts = new List <string>();



                Log("iOS OTA files successfully generated.");

コード例 #12
ファイル: IgorBuildAndroid.cs プロジェクト: fbizuneh/Igor
        public virtual bool BuildAndroidProj()
            List <string> BuildProducts = IgorCore.GetModuleProducts();

            if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, BuildProducts.Count > 0, "Building the Android project, but there were no previous built products."))
                Log("Project should be saved to " + EditorUserBuildSettings.GetBuildLocation(BuildTarget.Android));
                string BuiltProjectDir = Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], PlayerSettings.productName);
                if (!RunAndroidCommandLineUtility(this, BuiltProjectDir, "update project --path ." + AndroidProjectUpdateAdditionalArgs))

                string BuildXML = Path.Combine(BuiltProjectDir, "build.xml");
                if (!IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, File.Exists(BuildXML), "Can't check " + BuildXML + " for APK name because it doesn't exist."))

                string BuildXMLFileContents = File.ReadAllText(BuildXML);

                int ProjectNameParamStart = BuildXMLFileContents.IndexOf("<project name=\"") + "<project name=\"".Length;
                int ProjectNameParamEnd   = BuildXMLFileContents.IndexOf("\"", ProjectNameParamStart);

                string APKName = BuildXMLFileContents.Substring(ProjectNameParamStart, ProjectNameParamEnd - ProjectNameParamStart);

                if (!RunAnt(this, BuiltProjectDir, "clean debug"))

                Log("Debug APK built!");

                string DebugSignedAPK         = Path.Combine(BuiltProjectDir, Path.Combine("bin", APKName + "-debug.apk"));
                string AppropriatelySignedAPK = DebugSignedAPK;

                if (IgorJobConfig.IsBoolParamSet(AndroidResignInReleaseFlag))
                    Log("Re-signing the APK for release.");

                    string RepackageDir = Path.Combine(BuildProducts[0], "Repackage");

                    if (!ResignAPK(this, DebugSignedAPK, RepackageDir, ref AppropriatelySignedAPK,
                                   GetParamOrConfigString(AndroidKeystoreFilenameFlag, "Android Keystore filename isn't set, but you want to re-sign the APK!"),
                                   GetParamOrConfigString(AndroidKeystorePassFlag, "Android Keystore password isn't set, but you want to re-sign the APK!"),
                                   GetParamOrConfigString(AndroidKeyAliasFlag, "Android Key Alias isn't set, but you want to re-sign the APK!"),
                                   GetParamOrConfigString(AndroidKeyAliasPassFlag, "Android Key Alias password isn't set, but you want to re-sign the APK!")))

                    Log("Re-signing the APK succeeded!");

                string FinalBuildProductName = GetBuiltNameForTarget(BuildTarget.Android);

                if (File.Exists(FinalBuildProductName))

                IgorRuntimeUtils.CopyFile(AppropriatelySignedAPK, FinalBuildProductName);

                List <string> NewBuildProducts = new List <string>();

                if (IgorAssert.EnsureTrue(this, File.Exists(AppropriatelySignedAPK), "The built APK " + AppropriatelySignedAPK + " doesn't exist.  Something went wrong during the build step.  Please check the logs!"))


                Log("APK built and renamed to " + AppropriatelySignedAPK + ".");
