コード例 #1
        public StateMachine(string name, IAbstractLogger logger, StateDef <TState> stateDef, Dictionary <TState, TransitionDef <TState>[]> transitionMap, bool logTransitions = true)
            if (logger == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("logger");

            _logger           = logger;
            _stateTransitions = new Dictionary <TState, TransitionDef <TState>[]>();
            _logTransitions   = logTransitions;
            foreach (var kv in transitionMap)
                TransitionDef <TState>[] tmp = (TransitionDef <TState>[])kv.Value.Clone();
                Array.Sort <TransitionDef <TState> >(tmp);
                _stateTransitions.Add(kv.Key, tmp);
            _state = stateDef;
            Name   = name;
コード例 #2
 public StateMachineBuilder <TState> UseStateDef(StateDef <TState> def)
     _stateDef = def;
コード例 #3
        public async Task <TState> Transit(TState newState, CancellationToken cts, object args = null)
            if (_logTransitions)
                _logger.Info("Machine '{0}' is about to transit {1} --> {2}", Name, State, newState);

            if (!StateDef <TState> .IsValid(newState))
                return(await compliteWithError(new Exception(string.Format("State '{0}' is invalid for machine '{1}'", newState, Name))));

            if (IsInFinalState)
                return(await compliteWithError(new Exception(string.Format("Machine '{0}' can't transit to state '{1}' because it is in final state '{2}'", Name, newState, _state.Final))));

            int res = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _isInTransition, 1);             //блокировка транзишенов до тех пор, пока не заевршится текущий транзишен

            if (res != 0)
                if (EqualityComparer <TState> .Default.Equals(newState, FinalState))               //разрешаем только рекурсивный Close
                    _logger.Warn("Machine '{0}' started reqursive transition {1} --> {2}", Name, State, newState);
                    return(await compliteWithError(new Exception(string.Format("In machine '{0}' reqursive transition {1} --> {2} has been detected", Name, State, newState))));

            TState transitionResult           = State;
            CancellationTokenRegistration reg = default(CancellationTokenRegistration);
            bool lockCleared = false;

            try {
                TState stateFrom = State;
                TransitionDef <TState> transition = getTransition(stateFrom, newState);
                if (transition == TransitionDef <TState> .Empty)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Machine '{0}' didn't find transition {1} --> {2}", Name, stateFrom, newState));

                if (_logTransitions)
                    _logger.Info("Machine '{0}' is transiting {1} --> {2}", Name, stateFrom, newState);

                if (transition.StateActivityAsync != null)
                    try {
                        TransitionState = _state.GetTransitionalState(State, newState);
                        if (TransitionState != null)

                        reg = cts.Register(() => { lockCleared = true; Interlocked.Exchange(ref _isInTransition, 0); });
                        transitionResult = await transition.StateActivityAsync(stateFrom, newState, cts, args).WithAllExceptions().ConfigureAwait(false);

                        State = transitionResult;
                        if (_logTransitions)
                            _logger.Info("Machine '{0}' transited {1} --> {2}", Name, stateFrom, newState);
                        onStateChanged(stateFrom, transitionResult);
                    catch (AggregateException ex)
                        _logger.Error("Machine '{0}' failed to transit {1} --> {2}", Name, stateFrom, newState);
                        onStateChanged(stateFrom, transitionResult, ex);
                        ex.Handle((err) => {
                            if (err is OperationCanceledException)
                                _logger.Warn("Machine '{0}' transition {1} --> {2} was cancelled", Name, stateFrom, newState);
                    catch (OperationCanceledException ce)
                        _logger.Warn("Machine '{0}' transition {1} --> {2} was cancelled", Name, stateFrom, newState);
                        onStateChanged(stateFrom, transitionResult, ce);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _logger.Exception(string.Format("Machine '{0}' failed to transit {1} --> {2}", Name, stateFrom, newState), ex);
                        onStateChanged(stateFrom, transitionResult, ex);
                    State            = newState;
                    transitionResult = newState;
                    if (_logTransitions)
                        _logger.Info("Machine '{0}' transited {1} --> {2} with no action", Name, stateFrom, newState);
                    onStateChanged(stateFrom, newState);
            finally {
                if (!lockCleared)
                    Interlocked.Exchange(ref _isInTransition, 0);
                    TransitionState = null;
