public async Task CheckCardDrops(Badge badge) { if (!await badge.CanCardDrops()) NextIdle(); else { // Resets the clock based on the number of remaining drops TimeLeft = badge.RemainingCard == 1 ? 300 : 900; } lblCurrentRemaining.Text = badge.RemainingCard + " " + localization.strings.card_drops_remaining; pbIdle.Value = pbIdle.Maximum - badge.RemainingCard; lblHoursPlayed.Text = badge.HoursPlayed + " " + localization.strings.hrs_on_record; UpdateStateInfo(); }
public void StartSoloIdle(Badge badge) { // Set the currentAppID value CurrentBadge = badge; // Place user "In game" for card drops CurrentBadge.Idle(); // Update game name lblGameName.Visible = true; lblGameName.Text = CurrentBadge.Name; GamesState.Visible = false; gameToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; // Update game image try { picApp.Load("" + CurrentBadge.StringId + "/header_292x136.jpg"); picApp.Visible = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Exception(ex, "frmMain -> StartIdle -> load pic, for id = " + CurrentBadge.AppId); } // Update label controls lblCurrentRemaining.Text = CurrentBadge.RemainingCard + " " + localization.strings.card_drops_remaining; lblCurrentStatus.Text = localization.strings.currently_ingame; lblHoursPlayed.Visible = true; lblHoursPlayed.Text = CurrentBadge.HoursPlayed + " " + localization.strings.hrs_on_record; // Set progress bar values and show the footer pbIdle.Maximum = CurrentBadge.RemainingCard; pbIdle.Value = 0; ssFooter.Visible = true; // Start the animated "working" gif picIdleStatus.Image = Resources.imgSpin; // Start the timer that will check if drops remain tmrCardDropCheck.Enabled = true; // Reset the timer TimeLeft = CurrentBadge.RemainingCard == 1 ? 300 : 900; // Set the correct buttons on the form for pause / resume btnResume.Visible = false; btnPause.Visible = true; btnSkip.Visible = true; resumeIdlingToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; pauseIdlingToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; skipGameToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; var scale = CreateGraphics().DpiY * 3.9; Height = Convert.ToInt32(scale); }
public void StartSoloIdle(Badge badge) { // Set the currentAppID value CurrentBadge = badge; // Place user "In game" for card drops CurrentBadge.Idle(); // Update game name lblGameName.Visible = true; lblGameName.Text = CurrentBadge.Name; GamesState.Visible = false; gameToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; // Update game image try { picApp.Load("" + CurrentBadge.StringId + "/header_292x136.jpg"); picApp.Visible = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Exception(ex, "frmMain -> StartIdle -> load pic, for id = " + CurrentBadge.AppId); } // Update label controls lblCurrentRemaining.Text = CurrentBadge.RemainingCard + " " + localization.strings.card_drops_remaining; lblCurrentStatus.Text = localization.strings.currently_ingame; lblHoursPlayed.Visible = true; lblHoursPlayed.Text = CurrentBadge.HoursPlayed + " " + localization.strings.hrs_on_record; // Set progress bar values and show the footer pbIdle.Maximum = CurrentBadge.RemainingCard; pbIdle.Value = 0; ssFooter.Visible = true; // Start the animated "working" gif picIdleStatus.Image = Resources.imgSpin; // Start the timer that will check if drops remain tmrCardDropCheck.Enabled = true; // Reset the timer //TimeLeft = CurrentBadge.RemainingCard == 1 ? 300 : 900; if (Settings.Default.fastModeEnable && CurrentBadge.FastMode) { if (PreviousBadge != null) { TimeLeft = 10; } else { TimeLeft = 20; } } else { TimeLeft = CurrentBadge.RemainingCard == 1 ? 300 : 900; } // Set the correct buttons on the form for pause / resume btnResume.Visible = false; btnPause.Visible = true; btnSkip.Visible = true; resumeIdlingToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; pauseIdlingToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; skipGameToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; var scale = CreateGraphics().DpiY * 3.9; Height = Convert.ToInt32(scale); }
private async void tmrCardDropCheck_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TimeLeft <= 0) { tmrCardDropCheck.Enabled = false; // solo mode if (CurrentBadge != null) { CurrentBadge.Idle(); if (PreviousBadge != null) { await PreviousBadge.CanCardDrops(); if (PreviousCardsRemaining != PreviousBadge.RemainingCard) { //前のゲームのカードがドロップしたようなので、ファストモード成功。 //あと10秒くらいまって次のカードへ。 TimeLeft = 10; //前のゲームにカードが残っているようなら、ファストモードにしておく。 if (PreviousBadge.RemainingCard > 0) { PreviousBadge.FastMode = true; if (Settings.Default.checkNoDrop) { //次も同じゲームをIdleする AllBadges.RemoveAll(b => Equals(b, PreviousBadge)); AllBadges.Insert(0, PreviousBadge); } else { //追加Idle if (PreviousBadge.HoursPlayed <= 10) { while (PreviousBadge.HoursPlayed > PreviousBadge.MinPlayTime) { PreviousBadge.MinPlayTime += 0.5; } } else { //Idle時間が10時間を越えていたならFastModeをやめる。 PreviousBadge.FastMode = false; } } } } else { //ファストモード失敗。 //最低プレイ時間を30min間延ばす //ただしプレイ時間が10時間以上のものは通常モードにする。 //(無限にIdleするのを防ぐため。) if (PreviousBadge.HoursPlayed <= 10) { while (PreviousBadge.HoursPlayed > PreviousBadge.MinPlayTime) { PreviousBadge.MinPlayTime += 0.5; } //あと20秒くらいまって次のカードへ。 TimeLeft = 10; } else { PreviousBadge.FastMode = false; //次のゲームへ。 NextIdle(); } } //前のゲームの処理は終わり PreviousBadge = null; } else { if (Settings.Default.fastModeEnable && CurrentBadge.FastMode) { //現在のゲームとカードドロップ数を記録しておく PreviousCardsRemaining = CurrentBadge.RemainingCard; PreviousBadge = CurrentBadge; //現在のゲームを最後尾へ AllBadges.RemoveAll(b => Equals(b, CurrentBadge)); AllBadges.Add(CurrentBadge); //次のゲームへ NextIdle(); } else { //通常モード await CheckCardDrops(CurrentBadge); } } } var isMultipleIdle = CanIdleBadges.Any(b => !Equals(b, CurrentBadge) && b.InIdle); if (isMultipleIdle) { await LoadBadgesAsync(); UpdateIdleProcesses(); isMultipleIdle = CanIdleBadges.Any(b => b.HoursPlayed < b.MinPlayTime && b.InIdle); if (isMultipleIdle) { TimeLeft = 360; } } // Check if user is authenticated and if any badge left to idle // There should be check for IsCookieReady, but property is set in timer tick, so it could take some time to be set. tmrCardDropCheck.Enabled = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.Default.sessionid) && IsSteamReady && CanIdleBadges.Any() && TimeLeft != 0; } else { TimeLeft = TimeLeft - 1; lblTimer.Text = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TimeLeft).ToString(@"mm\:ss"); if (Settings.Default.fastModeEnable && CurrentBadge != null) { lblTimer.Text += CurrentBadge.FastMode ? "(F)" : "(N)"; } } }
private void StartIdle() { // Kill all existing processes before starting any new ones // This prevents rogue processes from interfering with idling time and slowing card drops try { String username = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name; foreach (var process in Process.GetProcessesByName("steam-idle")) { ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * From Win32_Process Where ProcessID = " + process.Id); ManagementObjectCollection processList = searcher.Get(); foreach (ManagementObject obj in processList) { string[] argList = new string[] { string.Empty, string.Empty }; int returnVal = Convert.ToInt32(obj.InvokeMethod("GetOwner", argList)); if (returnVal == 0) { if (argList[1] + "\\" + argList[0] == username) { process.Kill(); } } } } } catch (Exception) { } //clear current badge CurrentBadge = null; // Check if user is authenticated and if any badge left to idle // There should be check for IsCookieReady, but property is set in timer tick, so it could take some time to be set. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.Default.sessionid) || !IsSteamReady) { ResetClientStatus(); } else { if (ReloadCount != 0) { return; } if (CanIdleBadges.Any()) { statistics.setRemainingCards((uint)CardsRemaining); tmrStatistics.Enabled = true; tmrStatistics.Start(); if (Settings.Default.OnlyOneGameIdle) { StartSoloIdle(CanIdleBadges.First()); } else { if (Settings.Default.OneThenMany) { var multi = CanIdleBadges.Where(b => b.HoursPlayed >= b.MinPlayTime); if (multi.Count() >= 1) { StartSoloIdle(multi.First()); } else { StartMultipleIdle(); } } else { var multi = CanIdleBadges.Where(b => b.HoursPlayed < b.MinPlayTime); if (multi.Count() >= 2) { StartMultipleIdle(); } else { StartSoloIdle(CanIdleBadges.First()); } } } } else { IdleComplete(); } UpdateStateInfo(); } }