IsAspect() public static method

Checks for either EntityAspect or ComplexAspect, both of which should be ignored.
public static IsAspect ( PropertyInfo pi ) : bool
pi System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
return bool
コード例 #1
        private static IEnumerable <ExplorerItem> GetRoutines(Type contextType)
            // This looks for stored proc methods on the sub-typed EM.  Unlike the EF driver, it does not group the procs into an SP category.
            // The logic is actually stolen somewhat from the EF driver.
            // Sprocs currently return nothing (ignored here) or an IEnumerable of entity type, complex type, or nullable scalar primitive.
            // It's too slow to load metadata to check if entity/complex type, so we instead check for a nullable<t> return type, which indicates a scalar.

            var procs = (
                from mi in contextType.GetMethods()
                where mi.DeclaringType.FullName != "IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityManager"
                where mi.ReturnType.IsGenericType
                where typeof(IEnumerable <>).IsAssignableFrom(mi.ReturnType.GetGenericTypeDefinition())

                orderby mi.Name

                let rettype = mi.ReturnType.GetGenericArguments()[0]
                              let scalartype = rettype.IsGenericType && rettype.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable <>)

                                               select new ExplorerItem(mi.Name, ExplorerItemKind.QueryableObject, ExplorerIcon.StoredProc)
                ToolTipText = mi.Name,
                DragText = mi.Name + "(" + (mi.GetParameters().Any <ParameterInfo>() ? "..." : "") + ")",
                Children =
                    // Get parms
                    (from param in mi.GetParameters()
                     select new ExplorerItem(param.Name + " (" + DataContextDriver.FormatTypeName(param.ParameterType, false) + ")", ExplorerItemKind.Parameter, ExplorerIcon.Parameter)
                    // And regular properties (if a complex or entity type)
                        (from col in rettype.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)
                        where scalartype == false
                        where !EntityMemberProvider.IsAspect(col)
                        select new ExplorerItem(col.Name, ExplorerItemKind.Property, ExplorerIcon.Column)
                    // And a really screwy way to include a scalar return property.
                        (from t in new[] { rettype }
                        where scalartype == true
                        select new ExplorerItem(DataContextDriver.FormatTypeName(t, false), ExplorerItemKind.Property, ExplorerIcon.Column)

コード例 #2
        private static List <ExplorerItem> GetEntityQueries(Type customType)
            // We'll start by retrieving all the properties of the custom type that implement IEnumerable<T>:
            var topLevelProps =
                    from prop in customType.GetProperties()
                    where prop.PropertyType != typeof(string)

                    // Display all properties of type IEnumerable<T> (except for string!)
                    let ienumerableOfT = prop.PropertyType.GetInterface("System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1")
                                         where ienumerableOfT != null

                                         orderby prop.Name

                                         select new ExplorerItem(prop.Name, ExplorerItemKind.QueryableObject, ExplorerIcon.Table)
                IsEnumerable = true,
                ToolTipText = DataContextDriver.FormatTypeName(prop.PropertyType, false),
                DragText = prop.Name,

                // Store the entity type to the Tag property. We'll use it later.
                Tag = ienumerableOfT.GetGenericArguments()[0]


            // Create a lookup keying each element type to the properties of that type. This will allow
            // us to build hyperlink targets allowing the user to click between associations:
            var elementTypeLookup = topLevelProps.ToLookup(tp => (Type)tp.Tag);

            // Populate the columns (properties) of each entity:
            foreach (ExplorerItem table in topLevelProps)
                table.Children = ((Type)table.Tag)
                                 .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)
                                 .Where(childProp => !EntityMemberProvider.IsAspect(childProp))
                                 .Select(childProp => GetChildItem(elementTypeLookup, childProp))
                                 .OrderBy(childItem => childItem.Kind)
