コード例 #1
        /// <summary>write the code for the designer file where the properties of the control are written</summary>
        public override ProcessTemplate SetControlProperties(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef ctrl)
            // Support NoLabel=true
            FGenerateLabel = true;

            if (GenerateLabel(ctrl))
                writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "Text", "\"" + ctrl.Label + "\"");
                ctrl.SetAttribute("Width", (PanelLayoutGenerator.MeasureTextWidth(ctrl.Label) + 30).ToString());
                ctrl.SetAttribute("Width", "15");

            base.SetControlProperties(writer, ctrl);

            FGenerateLabel = false;

            if (TYml2Xml.HasAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "RadioChecked"))
                                          TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "RadioChecked"));

コード例 #2
ファイル: ControlGenerator.cs プロジェクト: merbst/openpetra
        /// <summary>write the code for the designer file where the properties of the control are written</summary>
        public override ProcessTemplate SetControlProperties(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef ctrl)
            // TODO this does not work yet. see EventRole Maintain screen
            if ((!ctrl.HasAttribute("Align")) &&
                ctrl.SetAttribute("Stretch", "horizontally");

            base.SetControlProperties(writer, ctrl);

            TControlDef parentCtrl = writer.FCodeStorage.GetControl(ctrl.parentName);

            // We need to over-ride any Anchor requests in the YAML to anchor an attached label to anything other than top-left
            // But pure label controls can be anchored to, say, left-top-right
            if ((ctrl.controlName.Substring(ctrl.controlTypePrefix.Length) == parentCtrl.controlName.Substring(parentCtrl.controlTypePrefix.Length)) ||
                ((ctrl.HasAttribute("Dock") == false) && (ctrl.HasAttribute("Align") == false)))
                // stretch at design time, but do not align to the right
                writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "Anchor",
                                          "((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left)))");

            string labelText = "";

            if (TYml2Xml.HasAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "Text"))
                labelText = TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "Text");
                labelText = ctrl.Label + ":";

            if (ctrl.HasAttribute("Width"))
                ctrl.SetAttribute("Width", ctrl.GetAttribute("Width"));
                ctrl.SetAttribute("Width", (PanelLayoutGenerator.MeasureTextWidth(labelText) + 5).ToString());

            if (ctrl.HasAttribute("Height"))
                ctrl.SetAttribute("Height", ctrl.GetAttribute("Height"));

            writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "Text", "\"" + labelText + "\"");
            writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "Padding", "new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0, 5, 0, 0)");

            if (FRightAlign)
                writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "TextAlign", "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopRight");

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>write the code for the designer file where the properties of the control are written</summary>
        public override ProcessTemplate SetControlProperties(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef ctrl)
            // TODO this does not work yet. see EventRole Maintain screen
            if ((!ctrl.HasAttribute("Align")) &&
                ctrl.SetAttribute("Stretch", "horizontally");

            base.SetControlProperties(writer, ctrl);

            // stretch at design time, but do not align to the right
            writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "Anchor",
                                      "((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left)))");

            string labelText = "";

            if (TYml2Xml.HasAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "Text"))
                labelText = TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(ctrl.xmlNode, "Text");
                labelText = ctrl.Label + ":";

            if (ctrl.HasAttribute("Width"))
                ctrl.SetAttribute("Width", ctrl.GetAttribute("Width"));
                ctrl.SetAttribute("Width", (PanelLayoutGenerator.MeasureTextWidth(labelText) + 5).ToString());

            if (ctrl.HasAttribute("Height"))
                ctrl.SetAttribute("Height", ctrl.GetAttribute("Height"));

            writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "Text", "\"" + labelText + "\"");
            writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "Padding", "new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0, 5, 0, 0)");

            if (FRightAlign)
                writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "TextAlign", "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopRight");

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>write the code for the designer file where the properties of the control are written</summary>
        public override ProcessTemplate SetControlProperties(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef ctrl)
            if ((ctrl.HasAttribute("CheckBoxAttachedLabel")) &&
                ((ctrl.GetAttribute("CheckBoxAttachedLabel").ToLower() == "left") ||
                 (ctrl.GetAttribute("CheckBoxAttachedLabel").ToLower() == "right")))
                base.FAutoSize = true;

                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("NoLabel") && (ctrl.GetAttribute("NoLabel").ToLower() == "true"))
                    writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "Text", "\"\"");
                    writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "Text", "\"" + ctrl.Label + "\"");

                    if (ctrl.GetAttribute("CheckBoxAttachedLabel").ToLower() == "left")
                        writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "CheckAlign", "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight");
                        writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "CheckAlign", "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft");

                    writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "Margin", "new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 4, 3, 0)");

                    ctrl.SetAttribute("Width", (PanelLayoutGenerator.MeasureTextWidth(ctrl.Label) + 30).ToString());
                    ctrl.SetAttribute("Height", "17");

                base.SetControlProperties(writer, ctrl);
                base.FAutoSize = false;
                ctrl.SetAttribute("Width", 30.ToString ());

                base.SetControlProperties(writer, ctrl);

                writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "Text", "\"\"");
                writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "Margin", "new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3, 0, 3, 0)");

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>write the code for the designer file where the properties of the control are written</summary>
        public override ProcessTemplate SetControlProperties(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef ctrl)
            bool OverrideImageAlign = false;
            bool OverrideTextAlign  = false;
            bool NoLabel            = false;

            TLogging.LogAtLevel(1, "ButtonGenerator.SetControlProperties for Control " + ctrl.controlName);

            if (!ctrl.HasAttribute("Width"))
                ctrl.SetAttribute("Width", (PanelLayoutGenerator.MeasureTextWidth(ctrl.Label) + 15).ToString());

            if (ctrl.HasAttribute("NoLabel") && (ctrl.GetAttribute("NoLabel").ToLower() == "true"))
                writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "Text", "\"\"");

                NoLabel = true;
                writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "Size", "new System.Drawing.Size(" +
                                          ctrl.GetAttribute("Width").ToString() + ", " + ctrl.GetAttribute("Height").ToString() + ")");
                writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "Text", "\"" + ctrl.Label + "\"");

            if (ctrl.IsOnHorizontalGridButtonPanel)
                TLogging.LogAtLevel(1, "Setting Height for Control '" + ctrl.controlName + "' to 23 as it is on a horizontal Grid Button Panel");
                FDefaultHeight = 23;

                if (!ctrl.HasAttribute("ImageAlign"))
                    if (NoLabel)
                        //TLogging.LogAtLevel(1, "Setting ImageAlign Attribute of Control '" + ctrl.controlName + "' to System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomCenter as it is on a horizontal Grid Button Panel (no Text)");
                        writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "ImageAlign", "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomCenter");
                        //TLogging.LogAtLevel(1, "Setting ImageAlign Attribute of Control '" + ctrl.controlName + "' to System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomLeft as it is on a horizontal Grid Button Panel");
                        writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "ImageAlign", "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomLeft");

                        // Note: In this case want the text centered on the Button, which the TextAlign Property will achieve.
                        // However, its default value is System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter which means we don't need to explicitly write this out into the Designer file...
                        //TLogging.LogAtLevel(1, "Setting TextAlign Attribute of Control '" + ctrl.controlName + "' to System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter as it is on a horizontal Grid Button Panel");
//                        writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "TextAlign", "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter");

                    OverrideImageAlign = true;
                    OverrideTextAlign  = true;
                if (!ctrl.HasAttribute("Height"))
                    ctrl.SetAttribute("Height", FDefaultHeight.ToString());

            base.SetControlProperties(writer, ctrl);

            if (ctrl.GetAttribute("AcceptButton").ToLower() == "true")
                writer.Template.AddToCodelet("INITUSERCONTROLS", "this.AcceptButton = " + ctrl.controlName + ";" + Environment.NewLine);

            if (ctrl.GetAction() != null)
                string img = ctrl.GetAction().actionImage;

                if (img.Length > 0)
                    ctrl.SetAttribute("Width", (Convert.ToInt32(ctrl.GetAttribute("Width")) +
                                                Convert.ToInt32(ctrl.GetAttribute("IconWidth", "15"))).ToString());
                    writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "Size", "new System.Drawing.Size(" +
                                              ctrl.GetAttribute("Width").ToString() + ", " + ctrl.GetAttribute("Height").ToString() + ")");

                    if (writer.GetControlProperty(ctrl.controlName, "Text") == "\"\"")
                        if ((!ctrl.HasAttribute("ImageAlign")) &&
                            // Note: In this case we want the Image centered on the Button, which the ImageAlign Property will achieve.
                            // However, its default value is System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter which means we don't need to explicitly write this out into the Designer file...

//Console.WriteLine("Setting ImageAlign Attribute of Control '" + ctrl.controlName + "' to System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter as it is NOT on a horizontal Grid Button Panel (no Text)");
//                            writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "ImageAlign", "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter");
                        if ((!ctrl.HasAttribute("ImageAlign")) &&
//Console.WriteLine("Setting ImageAlign Attribute of Control '" + ctrl.controlName + "' to System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft as it is NOT on a horizontal Grid Button Panel");
                            writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "ImageAlign", "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft");

                    if (!OverrideTextAlign)
//Console.WriteLine("Setting TextAlign Attribute of Control '" + ctrl.controlName + "' to System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight as it is NOT on a horizontal Grid Button Panel");
                        writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl, "TextAlign", "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight");

コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// create the code
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer"></param>
        /// <param name="ctrl"></param>
        public void InsertControl(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef ctrl)
            IControlGenerator ctrlGenerator = writer.FindControlGenerator(ctrl);

            string controlName = ctrl.controlName;

            if (FOrientation == eOrientation.TableLayout)
                if (FCurrentRow != ctrl.rowNumber)
                    FCurrentColumn = 0;
                    FCurrentRow = ctrl.rowNumber;

/* this does not work yet; creates endless loop/recursion
 *          if (ctrl.HasAttribute("LabelUnit"))
 *          {
 *              // we need another label after the control
 *              LabelGenerator lblGenerator = new LabelGenerator();
 *              string lblName = lblGenerator.CalculateName(controlName) + "Unit";
 *              TControlDef unitLabel = writer.CodeStorage.FindOrCreateControl(lblName, controlName);
 *              unitLabel.Label = ctrl.GetAttribute("LabelUnit");
 *              TableLayoutPanelGenerator TlpGenerator = new TableLayoutPanelGenerator();
 *              ctrl.SetAttribute("ControlsOrientation", "horizontal");
 *              TlpGenerator.SetOrientation(ctrl);
 *              StringCollection childControls = new StringCollection();
 *              childControls.Add(controlName);
 *              childControls.Add(lblName);
 *              string subTlpControlName = TlpGenerator.CreateLayout(writer, FTlpName, childControls);
 *              TlpGenerator.CreateCode(writer, ctrl);
 *              TlpGenerator.CreateCode(writer, unitLabel);
 *              if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Vertical)
 *              {
 *                  AddControl(writer, FTlpName, subTlpControlName, 1, FCurrentRow);
 *              }
 *              else
 *              {
 *                  AddControl(writer, FTlpName, subTlpControlName, FCurrentColumn * 2 + 1, 0);
 *              }
 *          }
 *          else
            if (ctrl.HasAttribute("GenerateWithOtherControls"))
                // add the checkbox/radiobutton first
                if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Vertical)
                    AddControl(ctrl, 0, FCurrentRow);
                else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Horizontal)
                    AddControl(ctrl, FCurrentColumn * 2, 0);
                else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.TableLayout)
                    AddControl(ctrl, FCurrentColumn, FCurrentRow);

                StringCollection childControls = TYml2Xml.GetElements(TXMLParser.GetChild(ctrl.xmlNode, "Controls"));

                if (childControls.Count > 1)
                    // we need another tablelayout to arrange all the controls
                    PanelLayoutGenerator TlpGenerator = new PanelLayoutGenerator();

                    Int32 NewHeight = -1;
                    Int32 NewWidth = -1;

                    if (ctrl.HasAttribute("Height"))
                        NewHeight = Convert.ToInt32(ctrl.GetAttribute("Height"));

                    if (ctrl.HasAttribute("Width"))
                        NewWidth = Convert.ToInt32(ctrl.GetAttribute("Width"));

                    TControlDef subTlpControl = TlpGenerator.CreateNewPanel(writer, ctrl);
                    TlpGenerator.CreateLayout(writer, ctrl, subTlpControl, NewWidth, NewHeight);

                    foreach (string ChildControlName in childControls)
                        TControlDef ChildControl = ctrl.FCodeStorage.GetControl(ChildControlName);
                        TlpGenerator.InsertControl(writer, ChildControl);

                    TlpGenerator.WriteTableLayout(writer, subTlpControl);

                    if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Vertical)
                        AddControl(subTlpControl, 1, FCurrentRow);
                    else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Horizontal)
                        AddControl(subTlpControl, FCurrentColumn * 2 + 1, 0);
                    else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.TableLayout)
                        AddControl(subTlpControl, FCurrentColumn + 1, FCurrentRow);
                else if (childControls.Count == 1)
                    // we don't need to add another table layout for just one other control
                    TControlDef ChildCtrl = ctrl.FCodeStorage.GetControl(childControls[0]);
                    IControlGenerator ChildGenerator = writer.FindControlGenerator(ChildCtrl);
                    ChildGenerator.GenerateControl(writer, ChildCtrl);

                    if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Vertical)
                        AddControl(ChildCtrl, 1, FCurrentRow);
                    else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Horizontal)
                        AddControl(ChildCtrl, FCurrentColumn * 2 + 1, 0);
                    else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.TableLayout)
                        AddControl(ChildCtrl, FCurrentColumn + 1, FCurrentRow);
            else if (ctrl.controlName.StartsWith("pnlEmpty"))
                // don't do anything here!
            else if (ctrlGenerator.GenerateLabel(ctrl))
                // add label
                LabelGenerator lblGenerator = new LabelGenerator();
                string lblName = lblGenerator.CalculateName(controlName);
                TControlDef newLabel = writer.CodeStorage.FindOrCreateControl(lblName, ctrl.controlName);
                newLabel.Label = ctrl.Label;

                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("LabelWidth"))
                    newLabel.SetAttribute("Width", ctrl.GetAttribute("LabelWidth"));

                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("LabelUnit"))
                    // alternative implementation above does not work: add another label control after the input control
                    newLabel.Label = newLabel.Label + " (in " + ctrl.GetAttribute("LabelUnit") + ")";

                lblGenerator.GenerateDeclaration(writer, newLabel);
                lblGenerator.RightAlign = true;
                lblGenerator.SetControlProperties(writer, newLabel);

                    FCurrentColumn * 2,
                    FCurrentColumn * 2 + 1,
                    FCurrentColumn * 2,

            if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Vertical)
                FCurrentColumn = 0;
            else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Horizontal)
            else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.TableLayout)
                FCurrentColumn += ctrl.colSpan;
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// generate the children
        /// </summary>
        public override void ProcessChildren(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef ctrl)
            base.ProcessChildren(writer, ctrl);

            XmlNode controlsNode = TXMLParser.GetChild(ctrl.xmlNode, "Controls");

            if ((controlsNode != null) && TYml2Xml.GetChildren(controlsNode, true)[0].Name.StartsWith("Row"))
                // this defines the layout with several rows with several controls per row
                Int32 countRow = 0;

                foreach (XmlNode row in TYml2Xml.GetChildren(controlsNode, true))
                    StringCollection controls = TYml2Xml.GetElements(row);

                    foreach (string ctrlname in controls)
                        TControlDef childCtrl = writer.CodeStorage.GetControl(ctrlname);

                        if (ctrlname.StartsWith("Empty"))
                            childCtrl = writer.CodeStorage.FindOrCreateControl("pnlEmpty", ctrl.controlName);

                        if (childCtrl == null)
                            throw new Exception("cannot find control with name " + ctrlname + "; it belongs to " +

                        // add control itself
                        childCtrl.parentName = ctrl.controlName;
                        IControlGenerator ctrlGenerator = writer.FindControlGenerator(childCtrl);
                        ctrlGenerator.GenerateControl(writer, childCtrl);

                        childCtrl.rowNumber = countRow;

                if ((controlsNode != null) && (ctrl.Children.Count == 0))
                    StringCollection controlNamesCollection = TYml2Xml.GetElements(TXMLParser.GetChild(ctrl.xmlNode, "Controls"));

                    foreach (string childCtrlName in controlNamesCollection)
                        TControlDef childCtrl = writer.CodeStorage.GetControl(childCtrlName);

                        if (childCtrlName.StartsWith("Empty"))
                            childCtrl = writer.CodeStorage.FindOrCreateControl("pnlEmpty", ctrl.controlName);

                        if (childCtrl == null)
                            throw new Exception("cannot find control with name " + childCtrlName + "; it belongs to " +

                        childCtrl.parentName = ctrl.controlName;

                foreach (TControlDef childCtrl in ctrl.Children)
                    TLogging.LogAtLevel(1, "foreach (TControlDef childCtrl in ctrl.Children) -- Control: " + childCtrl.controlName);

                    if (!childCtrl.controlName.StartsWith("pnlEmpty"))
                        // process the control itself
                        IControlGenerator ctrlGenerator = writer.FindControlGenerator(childCtrl);
                        ctrlGenerator.GenerateControl(writer, childCtrl);

            bool hasDockingChildren = false;

            // don't use a tablelayout for controls where all children have the Dock property set
            foreach (TControlDef ChildControl in ctrl.Children)
                if (!ChildControl.HasAttribute("Dock"))
                    ctrl.SetAttribute("UseTableLayout", "true");
                    hasDockingChildren = true;

            if (ctrl.GetAttribute("UseTableLayout") == "true")
                // show a warning if there are some controls with Docking, and some without
                if (hasDockingChildren)
                    StringCollection clearDockAttributeChildren = new StringCollection();

                    foreach (TControlDef ChildControl in ctrl.Children)
                        if ((ChildControl.HasAttribute("Dock"))
                            && ((!ChildControl.IsHorizontalGridButtonPanelStrict)
                                && (ChildControl.controlName != TControlDef.STR_GRID_DETAILS_NAME)))

                    if (clearDockAttributeChildren.Count > 0)
                        TLogging.Log("Warning: please remove the Dock attribute from control(s) " +
                            StringHelper.StrMerge(clearDockAttributeChildren, ','));

                if (ctrl.GetAttribute("Margin") == "0")
                    if (!ctrl.HasAttribute("MarginTop"))
                        ctrl.SetAttribute("MarginTop", "0");
                        ctrl.SetAttribute("MarginBottom", "0");
                        ctrl.SetAttribute("MarginLeft", "0");

                PanelLayoutGenerator TlpGenerator = new PanelLayoutGenerator();
                TlpGenerator.CreateLayout(writer, ctrl, null, -1, -1);

                foreach (TControlDef ChildControl in ctrl.Children)
                    TlpGenerator.InsertControl(writer, ChildControl);

                TlpGenerator.WriteTableLayout(writer, ctrl);

                if (ctrl.GetAttribute("Dock", "None") != "None")
                    writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl.controlName, "Dock", ctrl.GetAttribute("Dock"), false);

                    // groupboxes do not have AutoScroll property (grp, rgr)
                    if ((this.FPrefix == "pnl") || (this.FPrefix == "tab") || (this.FPrefix == "rng"))
                        writer.SetControlProperty(ctrl.controlName, "AutoScroll", "true", false);

コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// create the code
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer"></param>
        /// <param name="ctrl"></param>
        public void InsertControl(TFormWriter writer, TControlDef ctrl)
            IControlGenerator ctrlGenerator = writer.FindControlGenerator(ctrl);

            string controlName = ctrl.controlName;

            if (FOrientation == eOrientation.TableLayout)
                if (FCurrentRow != ctrl.rowNumber)
                    FCurrentColumn = 0;
                    FCurrentRow    = ctrl.rowNumber;

/* this does not work yet; creates endless loop/recursion
 *          if (ctrl.HasAttribute("LabelUnit"))
 *          {
 *              // we need another label after the control
 *              LabelGenerator lblGenerator = new LabelGenerator();
 *              string lblName = lblGenerator.CalculateName(controlName) + "Unit";
 *              TControlDef unitLabel = writer.CodeStorage.FindOrCreateControl(lblName, controlName);
 *              unitLabel.Label = ctrl.GetAttribute("LabelUnit");
 *              TableLayoutPanelGenerator TlpGenerator = new TableLayoutPanelGenerator();
 *              ctrl.SetAttribute("ControlsOrientation", "horizontal");
 *              TlpGenerator.SetOrientation(ctrl);
 *              StringCollection childControls = new StringCollection();
 *              childControls.Add(controlName);
 *              childControls.Add(lblName);
 *              string subTlpControlName = TlpGenerator.CreateLayout(writer, FTlpName, childControls);
 *              TlpGenerator.CreateCode(writer, ctrl);
 *              TlpGenerator.CreateCode(writer, unitLabel);
 *              if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Vertical)
 *              {
 *                  AddControl(writer, FTlpName, subTlpControlName, 1, FCurrentRow);
 *              }
 *              else
 *              {
 *                  AddControl(writer, FTlpName, subTlpControlName, FCurrentColumn * 2 + 1, 0);
 *              }
 *          }
 *          else
            if (ctrl.HasAttribute("GenerateWithOtherControls"))
                // add the checkbox/radiobutton first
                if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Vertical)
                    AddControl(ctrl, 0, FCurrentRow);
                else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Horizontal)
                    AddControl(ctrl, FCurrentColumn * 2, 0);
                else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.TableLayout)
                    AddControl(ctrl, FCurrentColumn, FCurrentRow);

                StringCollection childControls = TYml2Xml.GetElements(TXMLParser.GetChild(ctrl.xmlNode, "Controls"));

                if (childControls.Count > 1)
                    // we need another tablelayout to arrange all the controls
                    PanelLayoutGenerator TlpGenerator = new PanelLayoutGenerator();

                    Int32 NewHeight = -1;
                    Int32 NewWidth  = -1;

                    if (ctrl.HasAttribute("Height"))
                        NewHeight = Convert.ToInt32(ctrl.GetAttribute("Height"));

                    if (ctrl.HasAttribute("Width"))
                        NewWidth = Convert.ToInt32(ctrl.GetAttribute("Width"));

                    TControlDef subTlpControl = TlpGenerator.CreateNewPanel(writer, ctrl);
                    TlpGenerator.CreateLayout(writer, ctrl, subTlpControl, NewWidth, NewHeight);

                    foreach (string ChildControlName in childControls)
                        TControlDef ChildControl = ctrl.FCodeStorage.GetControl(ChildControlName);
                        TlpGenerator.InsertControl(writer, ChildControl);

                    TlpGenerator.WriteTableLayout(writer, subTlpControl);

                    if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Vertical)
                        AddControl(subTlpControl, 1, FCurrentRow);
                    else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Horizontal)
                        AddControl(subTlpControl, FCurrentColumn * 2 + 1, 0);
                    else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.TableLayout)
                        AddControl(subTlpControl, FCurrentColumn + 1, FCurrentRow);
                else if (childControls.Count == 1)
                    // we don't need to add another table layout for just one other control
                    TControlDef       ChildCtrl      = ctrl.FCodeStorage.GetControl(childControls[0]);
                    IControlGenerator ChildGenerator = writer.FindControlGenerator(ChildCtrl);
                    ChildGenerator.GenerateControl(writer, ChildCtrl);

                    if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Vertical)
                        AddControl(ChildCtrl, 1, FCurrentRow);
                    else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Horizontal)
                        AddControl(ChildCtrl, FCurrentColumn * 2 + 1, 0);
                    else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.TableLayout)
                        AddControl(ChildCtrl, FCurrentColumn + 1, FCurrentRow);
            else if (ctrl.controlName.StartsWith("pnlEmpty"))
                // don't do anything here!
            else if (ctrlGenerator.GenerateLabel(ctrl))
                // add label
                LabelGenerator lblGenerator = new LabelGenerator();
                string         lblName      = lblGenerator.CalculateName(controlName);
                TControlDef    newLabel     = writer.CodeStorage.FindOrCreateControl(lblName, ctrl.controlName);
                newLabel.Label = ctrl.Label;

                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("LabelWidth"))
                    newLabel.SetAttribute("Width", ctrl.GetAttribute("LabelWidth"));

                if (ctrl.HasAttribute("LabelUnit"))
                    // alternative implementation above does not work: add another label control after the input control
                    newLabel.Label = newLabel.Label + " (in " + ctrl.GetAttribute("LabelUnit") + ")";

                lblGenerator.GenerateDeclaration(writer, newLabel);
                lblGenerator.RightAlign = true;
                lblGenerator.SetControlProperties(writer, newLabel);

                           FCurrentColumn * 2,
                           FCurrentColumn * 2 + 1,
                           FCurrentColumn * 2,

            if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Vertical)
                FCurrentColumn = 0;
            else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.Horizontal)
            else if (FOrientation == eOrientation.TableLayout)
                FCurrentColumn += ctrl.colSpan;