public override bool equivalent(EndpointI endpoint) { if (!(endpoint is IPEndpointI)) { return(false); } IPEndpointI ipEndpointI = (IPEndpointI)endpoint; return(ipEndpointI.type() == type() && ipEndpointI.host_.Equals(host_) && ipEndpointI.port_ == port_ && Network.addressEquals(ipEndpointI.sourceAddr_, sourceAddr_)); }
public void resolve(string host, int port, Ice.EndpointSelectionType selType, IPEndpointI endpoint, EndpointI_connectors callback) { // // Try to get the addresses without DNS lookup. If this doesn't work, we queue a resolve // entry and the thread will take care of getting the endpoint addresses. // NetworkProxy networkProxy = _instance.networkProxy(); if(networkProxy == null) { try { List<EndPoint> addrs = Network.getAddresses(host, port, _protocol, selType, _preferIPv6, false); if(addrs.Count > 0) { callback.connectors(endpoint.connectors(addrs, null)); return; } } catch(Ice.LocalException ex) { callback.exception(ex); return; } } lock(this) { Debug.Assert(!_destroyed); ResolveEntry entry = new ResolveEntry(); = host; entry.port = port; entry.selType = selType; entry.endpoint = endpoint; entry.callback = callback; Ice.Instrumentation.CommunicatorObserver obsv = _instance.initializationData().observer; if(obsv != null) { = obsv.getEndpointLookupObserver(endpoint); if( != null) {; } } _queue.AddLast(entry); System.Threading.Monitor.Pulse(this); } }
public override int CompareTo(EndpointI obj) { if (!(obj is IPEndpointI)) { return(type() < obj.type() ? -1 : 1); } IPEndpointI p = (IPEndpointI)obj; if (this == p) { return(0); } int v = string.Compare(host_, p.host_, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (v != 0) { return(v); } if (port_ < p.port_) { return(-1); } else if (p.port_ < port_) { return(1); } int rc = string.Compare(Network.endpointAddressToString(sourceAddr_), Network.endpointAddressToString(p.sourceAddr_), StringComparison.Ordinal); if (rc != 0) { return(rc); } return(string.Compare(connectionId_, p.connectionId_, StringComparison.Ordinal)); }
public void resolve(string host, int port, Ice.EndpointSelectionType type, IPEndpointI endpt, EndpointI_connectors callback) { instance_.endpointHostResolver().resolve(host, port, type, endpt, callback); }
public InfoI(IPEndpointI e) { _endpoint = e; }
public void resolve(string host, int port, Ice.EndpointSelectionType selType, IPEndpointI endpoint, EndpointI_connectors callback) { // // Try to get the addresses without DNS lookup. If this doesn't work, we queue a resolve // entry and the thread will take care of getting the endpoint addresses. // NetworkProxy networkProxy = _instance.networkProxy(); if (networkProxy == null) { try { List <EndPoint> addrs = Network.getAddresses(host, port, _protocol, selType, _preferIPv6, false); if (addrs.Count > 0) { callback.connectors(endpoint.connectors(addrs, null)); return; } } catch (Ice.LocalException ex) { callback.exception(ex); return; } } lock (this) { Debug.Assert(!_destroyed); ResolveEntry entry = new ResolveEntry(); = host; entry.port = port; entry.selType = selType; entry.endpoint = endpoint; entry.callback = callback; Ice.Instrumentation.CommunicatorObserver obsv = _instance.initializationData().observer; if (obsv != null) { = obsv.getEndpointLookupObserver(endpoint); if ( != null) {; } } _queue.AddLast(entry); Monitor.Pulse(this); } }
internal WSEndpoint(ProtocolInstance instance, EndpointI del, string res) { _instance = instance; _delegate = (IPEndpointI)del; _resource = res; }
internal WSEndpoint(ProtocolInstance instance, EndpointI del, Ice.InputStream s) { _instance = instance; _delegate = (IPEndpointI)del; _resource = s.readString(); }
internal WSEndpoint(ProtocolInstance instance, EndpointI del, List<string> args) { _instance = instance; _delegate = (IPEndpointI)del; initWithOptions(args); if(_resource == null) { _resource = "/"; } }