public override int run(string[] args) { if (args.Length > 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine(appName() + ": too many arguments"); return(1); } Ice.ObjectPrx obj = communicator().propertyToProxy("Printer.Proxy"); menu(); string line = null; do { try { Console.Write("==> "); Console.Out.Flush(); line = Console.In.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { break; } byte[] outParams; if (line.Equals("1")) { // // Marshal the in parameter. // Ice.OutputStream outStream = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator()); outStream.startEncapsulation(); outStream.writeString("The streaming API works!"); outStream.endEncapsulation(); // // Invoke operation. // if (!obj.ice_invoke("printString", Ice.OperationMode.Normal, outStream.finished(), out outParams)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Unknown user exception"); } outStream.destroy(); } else if (line.Equals("2")) { // // Marshal the in parameter. // Ice.OutputStream outStream = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator()); outStream.startEncapsulation(); string[] arr = { "The", "streaming", "API", "works!" }; Demo.StringSeqHelper.write(outStream, arr); outStream.endEncapsulation(); // // Invoke operation. // if (!obj.ice_invoke("printStringSequence", Ice.OperationMode.Normal, outStream.finished(), out outParams)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Unknown user exception"); } outStream.destroy(); } else if (line.Equals("3")) { // // Marshal the in parameter. // Ice.OutputStream outStream = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator()); outStream.startEncapsulation(); Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dict["The"] = "streaming"; dict["API"] = "works!"; Demo.StringDictHelper.write(outStream, dict); outStream.endEncapsulation(); // // Invoke operation. // if (!obj.ice_invoke("printDictionary", Ice.OperationMode.Normal, outStream.finished(), out outParams)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Unknown user exception"); } outStream.destroy(); } else if (line.Equals("4")) { // // Marshal the in parameter. // Ice.OutputStream outStream = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator()); outStream.startEncapsulation(); Demo.ColorHelper.write(outStream,; outStream.endEncapsulation(); // // Invoke operation. // if (!obj.ice_invoke("printEnum", Ice.OperationMode.Normal, outStream.finished(), out outParams)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Unknown user exception"); } outStream.destroy(); } else if (line.Equals("5")) { // // Marshal the in parameter. // Ice.OutputStream outStream = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator()); outStream.startEncapsulation(); Demo.Structure s = new Demo.Structure(); = "red"; s.value =; s.ice_write(outStream); outStream.endEncapsulation(); // // Invoke operation. // if (!obj.ice_invoke("printStruct", Ice.OperationMode.Normal, outStream.finished(), out outParams)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Unknown user exception"); } outStream.destroy(); } else if (line.Equals("6")) { // // Marshal the in parameter. // Ice.OutputStream outStream = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator()); outStream.startEncapsulation(); Demo.Structure[] arr = new Demo.Structure[3]; arr[0] = new Demo.Structure(); arr[0].name = "red"; arr[0].value =; arr[1] = new Demo.Structure(); arr[1].name = "green"; arr[1].value =; arr[2] = new Demo.Structure(); arr[2].name = "blue"; arr[2].value =; Demo.StructureSeqHelper.write(outStream, arr); outStream.endEncapsulation(); // // Invoke operation. // if (!obj.ice_invoke("printStructSequence", Ice.OperationMode.Normal, outStream.finished(), out outParams)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Unknown user exception"); } outStream.destroy(); } else if (line.Equals("7")) { // // Marshal the in parameter. // Ice.OutputStream outStream = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator()); outStream.startEncapsulation(); Demo.C c = new Demo.C(); c.s = new Demo.Structure(); = "blue"; c.s.value =; Demo.CHelper.write(outStream, c); outStream.writePendingObjects(); outStream.endEncapsulation(); // // Invoke operation. // if (!obj.ice_invoke("printClass", Ice.OperationMode.Normal, outStream.finished(), out outParams)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Unknown user exception"); } outStream.destroy(); } else if (line.Equals("8")) { // // Invoke operation. // if (!obj.ice_invoke("getValues", Ice.OperationMode.Normal, null, out outParams)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Unknown user exception"); continue; } // // Unmarshal the results. // Ice.InputStream inStream = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator(), outParams); inStream.startEncapsulation(); Demo.CHelper ch = new Demo.CHelper(inStream);; String str = inStream.readString(); inStream.readPendingObjects(); inStream.destroy(); Demo.C c = ch.value; Console.Error.WriteLine("Got string `" + str + "' and class:" + + ", s.value=" + c.s.value); } else if (line.Equals("9")) { // // Invoke operation. // if (obj.ice_invoke("throwPrintFailure", Ice.OperationMode.Normal, null, out outParams)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Expected exception"); continue; } Ice.InputStream inStream = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator(), outParams); inStream.startEncapsulation(); try { inStream.throwException(); } catch (Demo.PrintFailure) { // Expected. } catch (Ice.UserException) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Unknown user exception"); } inStream.endEncapsulation(); inStream.destroy(); } else if (line.Equals("s")) { obj.ice_invoke("shutdown", Ice.OperationMode.Normal, null, out outParams); } else if (line.Equals("x")) { // Nothing to do. } else if (line.Equals("?")) { menu(); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine("unknown command `" + line + "'"); menu(); } } catch (Ice.LocalException ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine(ex); } }while(!line.Equals("x")); return(0); }
static public int run(Ice.Communicator communicator) #endif { MyClassFactoryWrapper factoryWrapper = new MyClassFactoryWrapper(); communicator.getValueFactoryManager().add(factoryWrapper.create, Test.MyClass.ice_staticId()); communicator.getValueFactoryManager().add(MyInterfaceFactory, Test.MyInterfaceDisp_.ice_staticId()); Ice.InputStream @in; Ice.OutputStream @out; Write("testing primitive types... "); Flush(); { byte[] data = new byte[0]; @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.startEncapsulation(); @out.writeBool(true); @out.endEncapsulation(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); @in.startEncapsulation(); test(@in.readBool()); @in.endEncapsulation(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); @in.startEncapsulation(); test(@in.readBool()); @in.endEncapsulation(); } { byte[] data = new byte[0]; @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); try { @in.readBool(); test(false); } catch (Ice.UnmarshalOutOfBoundsException) { } } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeBool(true); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readBool()); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeByte((byte)1); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readByte() == (byte)1); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeShort((short)2); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readShort() == (short)2); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeInt(3); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readInt() == 3); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeLong(4); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readLong() == 4); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeFloat((float)5.0); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readFloat() == (float)5.0); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeDouble(6.0); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readDouble() == 6.0); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeString("hello world"); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); test(@in.readString().Equals("hello world")); } WriteLine("ok"); Write("testing constructed types... "); Flush(); { int max = 2; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeEnum((int)Test.MyEnum.enum3, max); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyEnum e = (Test.MyEnum)@in.readEnum(max); test(e == Test.MyEnum.enum3); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.SmallStruct s = new Test.SmallStruct(); = true; = (byte)1; = (short)2; s.i = 3; s.l = 4; s.f = (float)5.0; s.d = 6.0; s.str = "7"; s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; s.p = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("test:default")); s.write__(@out); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.SmallStruct s2 = new Test.SmallStruct(); s2.read__(@in); test(s2.Equals(s)); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); OptionalClass o = new OptionalClass(); = true; = (byte)5; = 4; o.i = 3; @out.writeObject(o); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); TestReadObjectCallback cb = new TestReadObjectCallback(); @in.readObject(cb.invoke); @in.readPendingObjects(); OptionalClass o2 = (OptionalClass)cb.obj; test( ==; test( ==; if (communicator.getProperties().getProperty("Ice.Default.EncodingVersion").Equals("1.0")) { test(!; test(!o2.i.HasValue); } else { test( ==; test(o2.i.Value == o.i.Value); } } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator, Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0); OptionalClass o = new OptionalClass(); = true; = 5; = 4; o.i = 3; @out.writeObject(o); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0, data); TestReadObjectCallback cb = new TestReadObjectCallback(); @in.readObject(cb.invoke); @in.readPendingObjects(); OptionalClass o2 = (OptionalClass)cb.obj; test( ==; test( ==; test(!; test(!o2.i.HasValue); } { bool[] arr = { true, false, true, false }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.BoolSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); bool[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); bool[][] arrS = { arr, new bool[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.BoolSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); bool[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { byte[] arr = { (byte)0x01, (byte)0x11, (byte)0x12, (byte)0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.ByteSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); byte[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); byte[][] arrS = { arr, new byte[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.ByteSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); byte[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } #if !COMPACT && !SILVERLIGHT { Serialize.Small small = new Serialize.Small(); small.i = 99; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeSerializable(small); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Serialize.Small small2 = (Serialize.Small)@in.readSerializable(); test(small2.i == 99); } #endif { short[] arr = { (short)0x01, (short)0x11, (short)0x12, (short)0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.ShortSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); short[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); short[][] arrS = { arr, new short[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.ShortSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); short[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { int[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.IntSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); int[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); int[][] arrS = { arr, new int[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.IntSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); int[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { long[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.LongSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); long[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); long[][] arrS = { arr, new long[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.LongSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); long[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { float[] arr = { (float)1, (float)2, (float)3, (float)4 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.FloatSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); float[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); float[][] arrS = { arr, new float[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.FloatSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); float[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { double[] arr = { (double)1, (double)2, (double)3, (double)4 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.DoubleSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); double[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); double[][] arrS = { arr, new double[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.DoubleSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); double[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Ice.StringSeqHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); string[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); string[][] arrS = { arr, new string[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.StringSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); string[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } { Test.MyEnum[] arr = { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1, Test.MyEnum.enum2 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.MyEnumSHelper.write(@out, arr); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyEnum[] arr2 =; test(Compare(arr2, arr)); Test.MyEnum[][] arrS = { arr, new Test.MyEnum[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.MyEnumSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyEnum[][] arr2S =; test(Compare(arr2S, arrS)); } Test.SmallStruct[] smallStructArray = new Test.SmallStruct[3]; for (int i = 0; i < smallStructArray.Length; ++i) { smallStructArray[i] = new Test.SmallStruct(); smallStructArray[i].bo = true; smallStructArray[i].by = (byte)1; smallStructArray[i].sh = (short)2; smallStructArray[i].i = 3; smallStructArray[i].l = 4; smallStructArray[i].f = (float)5.0; smallStructArray[i].d = 6.0; smallStructArray[i].str = "7"; smallStructArray[i].e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; smallStructArray[i].p = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("test:default")); } Test.MyClass[] myClassArray = new Test.MyClass[4]; for (int i = 0; i < myClassArray.Length; ++i) { myClassArray[i] = new Test.MyClass(); myClassArray[i].c = myClassArray[i]; myClassArray[i].o = myClassArray[i]; myClassArray[i].s = new Test.SmallStruct(); myClassArray[i].s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; myClassArray[i].seq1 = new bool[] { true, false, true, false }; myClassArray[i].seq2 = new byte[] { (byte)1, (byte)2, (byte)3, (byte)4 }; myClassArray[i].seq3 = new short[] { (short)1, (short)2, (short)3, (short)4 }; myClassArray[i].seq4 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; myClassArray[i].seq5 = new long[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; myClassArray[i].seq6 = new float[] { (float)1, (float)2, (float)3, (float)4 }; myClassArray[i].seq7 = new double[] { (double)1, (double)2, (double)3, (double)4 }; myClassArray[i].seq8 = new string[] { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; myClassArray[i].seq9 = new Test.MyEnum[] { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1 }; myClassArray[i].seq10 = new Test.MyClass[4]; // null elements. myClassArray[i].d = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, Test.MyClass>(); myClassArray[i].d["hi"] = myClassArray[i]; } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.MyClassSHelper.write(@out, myClassArray); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyClass[] arr2 =; @in.readPendingObjects(); test(arr2.Length == myClassArray.Length); for (int i = 0; i < arr2.Length; ++i) { test(arr2[i] != null); test(arr2[i].c == arr2[i]); test(arr2[i].o == arr2[i]); test(arr2[i].s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum2); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq1, myClassArray[i].seq1)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq2, myClassArray[i].seq2)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq3, myClassArray[i].seq3)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq4, myClassArray[i].seq4)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq5, myClassArray[i].seq5)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq6, myClassArray[i].seq6)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq7, myClassArray[i].seq7)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq8, myClassArray[i].seq8)); test(Compare(arr2[i].seq9, myClassArray[i].seq9)); test(arr2[i].d["hi"].Equals(arr2[i])); } Test.MyClass[][] arrS = { myClassArray, new Test.MyClass[0], myClassArray }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.MyClassSSHelper.write(@out, arrS); data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyClass[][] arr2S =; test(arr2S.Length == arrS.Length); test(arr2S[0].Length == arrS[0].Length); test(arr2S[1].Length == arrS[1].Length); test(arr2S[2].Length == arrS[2].Length); } { Test.MyInterface i = new MyInterfaceI(); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); @out.writeObject(i); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); TestReadObjectCallback cb = new TestReadObjectCallback(); @in.readObject(cb.invoke); @in.readPendingObjects(); test(cb.obj != null); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.MyClass obj = new Test.MyClass(); obj.s = new Test.SmallStruct(); obj.s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; TestObjectWriter writer = new TestObjectWriter(obj); @out.writeObject(writer); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); test(writer.called); factoryWrapper.setFactory(TestObjectFactory); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); TestReadObjectCallback cb = new TestReadObjectCallback(); @in.readObject(cb.invoke); @in.readPendingObjects(); test(cb.obj != null); test(cb.obj is TestObjectReader); TestObjectReader reader = (TestObjectReader)cb.obj; test(reader.called); test(reader.obj != null); test(reader.obj.s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum2); factoryWrapper.setFactory(null); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.MyException ex = new Test.MyException(); Test.MyClass c = new Test.MyClass(); c.c = c; c.o = c; c.s = new Test.SmallStruct(); c.s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; c.seq1 = new bool[] { true, false, true, false }; c.seq2 = new byte[] { (byte)1, (byte)2, (byte)3, (byte)4 }; c.seq3 = new short[] { (short)1, (short)2, (short)3, (short)4 }; c.seq4 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; c.seq5 = new long[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; c.seq6 = new float[] { (float)1, (float)2, (float)3, (float)4 }; c.seq7 = new double[] { (double)1, (double)2, (double)3, (double)4 }; c.seq8 = new string[] { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; c.seq9 = new Test.MyEnum[] { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1 }; c.seq10 = new Test.MyClass[4]; // null elements. c.d = new Dictionary <string, Test.MyClass>(); c.d.Add("hi", c); ex.c = c; @out.writeException(ex); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); try { @in.throwException(); test(false); } catch (Test.MyException ex1) { test(ex1.c.s.e == c.s.e); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq1, c.seq1)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq2, c.seq2)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq3, c.seq3)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq4, c.seq4)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq5, c.seq5)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq6, c.seq6)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq7, c.seq7)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq8, c.seq8)); test(Compare(ex1.c.seq9, c.seq9)); } catch (Ice.UserException) { test(false); } } { Dictionary <byte, bool> dict = new Dictionary <byte, bool>(); dict.Add((byte)4, true); dict.Add((byte)1, false); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.ByteBoolDHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Dictionary <byte, bool> dict2 =; test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { Dictionary <short, int> dict = new Dictionary <short, int>(); dict.Add((short)1, 9); dict.Add((short)4, 8); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.ShortIntDHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Dictionary <short, int> dict2 =; test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { Dictionary <long, float> dict = new Dictionary <long, float>(); dict.Add((long)123809828, (float)0.51f); dict.Add((long)123809829, (float)0.56f); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.LongFloatDHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Dictionary <long, float> dict2 =; test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dict.Add("key1", "value1"); dict.Add("key2", "value2"); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.StringStringDHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Dictionary <string, string> dict2 =; test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { Dictionary <string, Test.MyClass> dict = new Dictionary <string, Test.MyClass>(); Test.MyClass c; c = new Test.MyClass(); c.s = new Test.SmallStruct(); c.s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum2; dict.Add("key1", c); c = new Test.MyClass(); c.s = new Test.SmallStruct(); c.s.e = Test.MyEnum.enum3; dict.Add("key2", c); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.StringMyClassDHelper.write(@out, dict); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Dictionary <string, Test.MyClass> dict2 =; @in.readPendingObjects(); test(dict2.Count == dict.Count); test(dict2["key1"].s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum2); test(dict2["key2"].s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum3); } { bool[] arr = { true, false, true, false }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); List <bool> l = new List <bool>(arr); Test.BoolListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); List <bool> l2 =; test(Compare(l, l2)); } { byte[] arr = { (byte)0x01, (byte)0x11, (byte)0x12, (byte)0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); List <byte> l = new List <byte>(arr); Test.ByteListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); List <byte> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); } { Test.MyEnum[] arr = { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1, Test.MyEnum.enum2 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); List <Test.MyEnum> l = new List <Test.MyEnum>(arr); Test.MyEnumListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); List <Test.MyEnum> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); List <Test.SmallStruct> l = new List <Test.SmallStruct>(smallStructArray); Test.SmallStructListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); List <Test.SmallStruct> l2 =; test(l2.Count == l.Count); for (int i = 0; i < l2.Count; ++i) { test(l2[i].Equals(smallStructArray[i])); } } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); List <Test.MyClass> l = new List <Test.MyClass>(myClassArray); Test.MyClassListHelper.write(@out, l); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); List <Test.MyClass> l2 =; @in.readPendingObjects(); test(l2.Count == l.Count); for (int i = 0; i < l2.Count; ++i) { test(l2[i] != null); test(l2[i].c == l2[i]); test(l2[i].o == l2[i]); test(l2[i].s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum2); test(Compare(l2[i].seq1, l[i].seq1)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq2, l[i].seq2)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq3, l[i].seq3)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq4, l[i].seq4)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq5, l[i].seq5)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq6, l[i].seq6)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq7, l[i].seq7)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq8, l[i].seq8)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq9, l[i].seq9)); test(l2[i].d["hi"].Equals(l2[i])); } } { Test.MyClassPrx[] arr = new Test.MyClassPrx[2]; arr[0] = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("zero")); arr[1] = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("one")); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); List <Test.MyClassPrx> l = new List <Test.MyClassPrx>(arr); Test.MyClassProxyListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); List <Test.MyClassPrx> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); } { short[] arr = { (short)0x01, (short)0x11, (short)0x12, (short)0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); LinkedList <short> l = new LinkedList <short>(arr); Test.ShortLinkedListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); LinkedList <short> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); } { int[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); LinkedList <int> l = new LinkedList <int>(arr); Test.IntLinkedListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); LinkedList <int> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); } { Test.MyEnum[] arr = { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1, Test.MyEnum.enum2 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); LinkedList <Test.MyEnum> l = new LinkedList <Test.MyEnum>(arr); Test.MyEnumLinkedListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); LinkedList <Test.MyEnum> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); LinkedList <Test.SmallStruct> l = new LinkedList <Test.SmallStruct>(smallStructArray); Test.SmallStructLinkedListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); LinkedList <Test.SmallStruct> l2 =; test(l2.Count == l.Count); IEnumerator <Test.SmallStruct> e = l.GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator <Test.SmallStruct> e2 = l2.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext() && e2.MoveNext()) { test(e.Current.Equals(e2.Current)); } } { long[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Stack <long> l = new Stack <long>(arr); Test.LongStackHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Stack <long> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); } { float[] arr = { (float)1, (float)2, (float)3, (float)4 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Stack <float> l = new Stack <float>(arr); Test.FloatStackHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Stack <float> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Stack <Test.SmallStruct> l = new Stack <Test.SmallStruct>(smallStructArray); Test.SmallStructStackHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Stack <Test.SmallStruct> l2 =; test(l2.Count == l.Count); IEnumerator <Test.SmallStruct> e = l.GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator <Test.SmallStruct> e2 = l2.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext() && e2.MoveNext()) { test(e.Current.Equals(e2.Current)); } } { Test.MyClassPrx[] arr = new Test.MyClassPrx[2]; arr[0] = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("zero")); arr[1] = Test.MyClassPrxHelper.uncheckedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("one")); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Stack <Test.MyClassPrx> l = new Stack <Test.MyClassPrx>(arr); Test.MyClassProxyStackHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Stack <Test.MyClassPrx> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); } { double[] arr = { (double)1, (double)2, (double)3, (double)4 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Queue <double> l = new Queue <double>(arr); Test.DoubleQueueHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Queue <double> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Queue <string> l = new Queue <string>(arr); Test.StringQueueHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Queue <string> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Queue <Test.SmallStruct> l = new Queue <Test.SmallStruct>(smallStructArray); Test.SmallStructQueueHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Queue <Test.SmallStruct> l2 =; test(l2.Count == l.Count); IEnumerator <Test.SmallStruct> e = l.GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator <Test.SmallStruct> e2 = l2.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext() && e2.MoveNext()) { test(e.Current.Equals(e2.Current)); } } { bool[] arr = { true, false, true, false }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.BoolCollection l = new Test.BoolCollection(arr); Test.BoolCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.BoolCollection l2 =; test(Compare(l, l2)); } { int[] arr = { 0x01, 0x11, 0x12, 0x22 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.IntCollection l = new Test.IntCollection(arr); Test.IntCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.IntCollection l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.StringCollection l = new Test.StringCollection(arr); Test.StringCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.StringCollection l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); } { Test.MyEnum[] arr = { Test.MyEnum.enum3, Test.MyEnum.enum2, Test.MyEnum.enum1, Test.MyEnum.enum2 }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.MyEnumCollection l = new Test.MyEnumCollection(arr); Test.MyEnumCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyEnumCollection l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.SmallStructCollection l = new Test.SmallStructCollection(smallStructArray); Test.SmallStructCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.SmallStructCollection l2 =; test(l2.Count == l.Count); IEnumerator <Test.SmallStruct> e = l.GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator <Test.SmallStruct> e2 = l2.GetEnumerator(); while (e.MoveNext() && e2.MoveNext()) { test(e.Current.Equals(e2.Current)); } } { @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.MyClassCollection l = new Test.MyClassCollection(myClassArray); Test.MyClassCollectionHelper.write(@out, l); @out.writePendingObjects(); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.MyClassCollection l2 =; @in.readPendingObjects(); test(l2.Count == l.Count); for (int i = 0; i < l2.Count; ++i) { test(l2[i] != null); test(l2[i].c == l2[i]); test(l2[i].o == l2[i]); test(l2[i].s.e == Test.MyEnum.enum2); test(Compare(l2[i].seq1, l[i].seq1)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq2, l[i].seq2)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq3, l[i].seq3)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq4, l[i].seq4)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq5, l[i].seq5)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq6, l[i].seq6)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq7, l[i].seq7)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq8, l[i].seq8)); test(Compare(l2[i].seq9, l[i].seq9)); test(l2[i].d["hi"].Equals(l2[i])); } } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; string[][] arrS = { arr, new string[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); List <string[]> l = new List <string[]>(arrS); Test.StringSListHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); List <string[]> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); } { string[] arr = { "string1", "string2", "string3", "string4" }; string[][] arrS = { arr, new string[0], arr }; @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Stack <string[]> l = new Stack <string[]>(arrS); Test.StringSStackHelper.write(@out, l); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Stack <string[]> l2 =; test(Compare(l2, l)); } #if !SILVERLIGHT { #if COMPACT SortedList <string, string> dict = new SortedList <string, string>(); #else SortedDictionary <string, string> dict = new SortedDictionary <string, string>(); #endif dict.Add("key1", "value1"); dict.Add("key2", "value2"); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.SortedStringStringDHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); IDictionary <string, string> dict2 =; test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } { Test.StringIntDCollection dict = new Test.StringIntDCollection(); dict.Add("key1", 1); dict.Add("key2", 2); @out = new Ice.OutputStream(communicator); Test.StringIntDCollectionHelper.write(@out, dict); byte[] data = @out.finished(); @in = new Ice.InputStream(communicator, data); Test.StringIntDCollection dict2 =; test(Ice.CollectionComparer.Equals(dict2, dict)); } #endif WriteLine("ok"); #if !SILVERLIGHT return(0); #endif }
public override bool ice_invoke(byte[] inParams, out byte[] outParams, Ice.Current current) { outParams = null; Ice.Communicator communicator = current.adapter.getCommunicator(); Ice.InputStream inStream = null; if (inParams.Length > 0) { inStream = Ice.Util.createInputStream(communicator, inParams); inStream.startEncapsulation(); } if (current.operation.Equals("printString")) { string message = inStream.readString(); inStream.endEncapsulation(); inStream.destroy(); Console.WriteLine("Printing string `" + message + "'"); return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("printStringSequence")) { String[] seq =; inStream.endEncapsulation(); inStream.destroy(); Console.Write("Printing string sequence {"); for (int i = 0; i < seq.Length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { Console.Write(", "); } Console.Write("'" + seq[i] + "'"); } Console.WriteLine("}"); return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("printDictionary")) { Dictionary <string, string> dict =; inStream.endEncapsulation(); inStream.destroy(); Console.Write("Printing dictionary {"); bool first = true; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> e in dict) { if (!first) { Console.Write(", "); } first = false; Console.Write(e.Key + "=" + e.Value); } Console.WriteLine("}"); return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("printEnum")) { Demo.Color c =; inStream.endEncapsulation(); inStream.destroy(); Console.WriteLine("Printing enum " + c); return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("printStruct")) { Demo.Structure s = new Demo.Structure(); s.ice_read(inStream); inStream.endEncapsulation(); inStream.destroy(); Console.WriteLine("Printing struct: name=" + + ", value=" + s.value); return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("printStructSequence")) { Demo.Structure[] seq =; inStream.endEncapsulation(); inStream.destroy(); Console.Write("Printing struct sequence: {"); for (int i = 0; i < seq.Length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { Console.Write(", "); } Console.Write(seq[i].name + "=" + seq[i].value); } Console.WriteLine("}"); return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("printClass")) { Demo.CHelper ch = new Demo.CHelper(inStream);; inStream.readPendingObjects(); inStream.endEncapsulation(); inStream.destroy(); Demo.C c = ch.value; Console.WriteLine("Printing class:" + + ", s.value=" + c.s.value); return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("getValues")) { Demo.C c = new Demo.C(); c.s = new Demo.Structure(); = "green"; c.s.value =; Ice.OutputStream outStream = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); outStream.startEncapsulation(); Demo.CHelper.write(outStream, c); outStream.writeString("hello"); outStream.writePendingObjects(); outStream.endEncapsulation(); outParams = outStream.finished(); return(true); } else if (current.operation.Equals("throwPrintFailure")) { Console.WriteLine("Throwing PrintFailure"); Demo.PrintFailure ex = new Demo.PrintFailure(); ex.reason = "paper tray empty"; Ice.OutputStream outStream = Ice.Util.createOutputStream(communicator); outStream.startEncapsulation(); outStream.writeException(ex); outStream.endEncapsulation(); outParams = outStream.finished(); return(false); } else if (current.operation.Equals("shutdown")) { current.adapter.getCommunicator().shutdown(); return(true); } else { Ice.OperationNotExistException ex = new Ice.OperationNotExistException(); =; ex.facet = current.facet; ex.operation = current.operation; throw ex; } }