private void currentLocationButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); //Start the stopwatch to see how long reading takes watch.Start(); //Uses ISS class to find where the ISS is and set information on that ISSLocation.setISSLocation(); string overWater = ""; var locationData = ""; var seconds = 0.0; //Finds distance in miles with decimal values of lat and long from current Location and ISS location double distance = GeoCalculator.GetDistance(CurrentLocation.currentDLat, CurrentLocation.currentDLong, ISSLocation.ISSDLat, ISSLocation.ISSDLong); if (ISSLocation.bodyOfWater) { overWater = $"The ISS is currently over water.\r\n"; } else { overWater = $"ISS country: {ISSLocation.ISSCountry}\r\nISS State: {ISSLocation.ISSState}\r\n"; } locationData = $"Your chosen zip: {CurrentLocation.currentZip}\r\n" + $"Your chosen location: {CurrentLocation.currentCity}\r\n" + $"Your chosen state: {CurrentLocation.currentState}\r\n" + $"ISS Latitude: {ISSLocation.ISSLat}\r\n" + $"ISS Longitude: {ISSLocation.ISSLong}\r\n" + $"Distance from ISS: {distance} miles\r\n" + overWater + $"Time pinpointed: {ISSLocation.timeAccessed}\r\n"; mainContentTxtBox.Text = locationData; //sets stopwatch textbox to show fast it did it in watch.Stop(); TimeSpan ts = watch.Elapsed; seconds = ts.Milliseconds / 1000.0; stopWatchTxtBox.Text = $"Reading Taken in {seconds} Second(s)!";; //Saves after every click }