public static ISpatialReference ProjectWorkspaceContents( IWorkspace w, FileInfo pgdb, Dictionary<string,ISpatialReference> outputSRDict, int hWnd) { bool bHaveStartedProjecting = false; string theBackup = ""; IStepProgressor theStepProgressor = null; ISpatialReference theReturn = null; try { // Get the default SR (if set) ISpatialReference theDefaultSR = null; if (outputSRDict.ContainsKey("*")) theDefaultSR = outputSRDict["*"]; // Check for schema locks IEnumDataset theEnumDataset = w.get_Datasets(esriDatasetType.esriDTFeatureDataset); ISchemaLock theSLock = theEnumDataset.Next() as ISchemaLock; int datasetCount = 0; while (theSLock != null) { datasetCount++; try { theSLock.ChangeSchemaLock(esriSchemaLock.esriExclusiveSchemaLock); theSLock.ChangeSchemaLock(esriSchemaLock.esriSharedSchemaLock); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = "There is an exclusive lock. Please ensure you do not have ArcCatalog running."; MessageBox.Show(msg); throw new ExclusiveLockException(msg, ex); } theSLock = theEnumDataset.Next() as ISchemaLock; } if (hWnd != 0) { IProgressDialogFactory theFactory = new ProgressDialogFactoryClass(); IProgressDialog2 thePDialog = (IProgressDialog2)theFactory.Create(null, hWnd); theStepProgressor = (IStepProgressor)thePDialog; thePDialog.Description = ""; thePDialog.Title = "Projecting Transaction"; thePDialog.Animation = esriProgressAnimationTypes.esriProgressGlobe; theStepProgressor = (IStepProgressor)thePDialog; theStepProgressor.MinRange = 0; theStepProgressor.MaxRange = datasetCount + 2; theStepProgressor.StepValue = 1; } // Make a backup copy of the database //if (theStepProgressor != null) theStepProgressor.Message = "Creating backup file"; //theBackup = CreateBackup(pgdb); if (theStepProgressor != null) theStepProgressor.Step(); if (theStepProgressor != null) theStepProgressor.Message = "Initializing Geoprocessor"; Geoprocessor theGP = SetupGPEnvironment(pgdb.FullName); if (theStepProgressor != null) theStepProgressor.Step(); IGPProcess theGPProc = null; // Do feature datasets theEnumDataset = w.get_Datasets(esriDatasetType.esriDTFeatureDataset); IFeatureDataset theInFDataset = theEnumDataset.Next() as IFeatureDataset; // Mark that we're starting to edit the transaction tm.dao.MetadataDAO mdao = new tm.dao.MetadataDAO((IFeatureWorkspace)w); mdao.markStartReprojecting(); bHaveStartedProjecting = true; while (theInFDataset != null) { // Choose the output SR ISpatialReference theOutputSR = null; if (outputSRDict.ContainsKey(theInFDataset.Name)) theOutputSR = outputSRDict[theInFDataset.Name]; else theOutputSR = theDefaultSR; if (theOutputSR != null) { // Write the output SR to a prj file string prjFile = CreatePrjFile(theOutputSR); theReturn = theOutputSR; string inFDName = pgdb.FullName + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + theInFDataset.Name; string outFDName = inFDName + "_isdut"; if (theStepProgressor != null) theStepProgressor.Message = "Projecting " + theInFDataset.Name; theGPProc = new ESRI.ArcGIS.DataManagementTools.Project(inFDName, outFDName, prjFile); if (RunTool(theGP, theGPProc, null)) { //Debug.Print("Successful project of " + inFDName + " to " + outFDName); IFeatureDataset theOutFDataset = ((IFeatureWorkspace)w).OpenFeatureDataset(theInFDataset.Name + "_isdut"); WriteOutputBack(theInFDataset, theOutFDataset); } else { Debug.Print("Project of " + inFDName + " unsuccessful"); throw new GPFailedException("Projection failed for " + inFDName, null); } } else { util.Logger.Write("No SR was defined for feature dataset '" + theInFDataset.Name + "'", util.Logger.LogLevel.Warn); } if (theStepProgressor != null) theStepProgressor.Step(); theInFDataset = theEnumDataset.Next() as IFeatureDataset; } // Editing of the transaction is finished, clear the flag mdao.markEndReprojecting(); try { // If we got here, it's safe to delete the backup System.IO.File.Delete(theBackup); } catch (Exception) { } } catch (Exception ex) { if (bHaveStartedProjecting) { MessageBox.Show("ProjectWorkspaceContents experienced an error and has left the transaction in a halfway state." + Environment.NewLine + "A backup file was created prior to the operation. Please delete the original file and replace it with the backup." + Environment.NewLine + "The original file: " + pgdb.FullName + Environment.NewLine + "The backup file: " + theBackup, "Projection Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); throw new ProjectFailedToFinishException("ProjectWorkspaceContents left Personal Geodatabase in a halfway state. Backup PGDB is '" + theBackup + "'.", ex); } else { MessageBox.Show("ProjectWorkspaceContents experienced an error and has left the transaction untouched."); throw new ProjectFailedToStartException("ProjectWorkspaceContents did not begin processing", ex); } } finally { if (theStepProgressor != null) ((IProgressDialog2)theStepProgressor).HideDialog(); theStepProgressor = null; } return theReturn; }
public void close(Transaction current, string comment) { IFeatureClass fc = null; try { fc = osdb.OpenFeatureClass(OSDB_SEE_NAME); } catch(Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("OSDB Feature Class " + OSDB_SEE_NAME + " Not Found in SUITT", "EXCEPTION", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); throw new HandledException(e); } IFeatureCursor fcrs = null; IQueryFilter filter = null; try { MetadataDAO mdao = new MetadataDAO((IFeatureWorkspace)current.PGDBConnection); filter = new QueryFilterClass(); filter.WhereClause = SEE_ID_COL+" = " + mdao.getTransactionID(); fcrs = fc.Update(filter,false); IFeature buffer = fcrs.NextFeature(); if(buffer == null) { Logger.Write("Transaction not found"); return; } // load it up buffer.set_Value(fcrs.FindField(PGDB_PATH_COL),current.PGDB.FullName); buffer.set_Value(fcrs.FindField(CLOSE_DATE_COL),DateTime.Now); buffer.set_Value(fcrs.FindField(EDIT_COMMENTS_COL),comment); fcrs.UpdateFeature(buffer); } finally { if (filter != null) { Utils.Release(filter); } if(fcrs != null) { Utils.Release(fcrs); } } }
public void delete(Transaction current) { IFeatureClass fc = null; try { fc = osdb.OpenFeatureClass(OSDB_SEE_NAME); } catch(Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("OSDB Feature Class " + OSDB_SEE_NAME + " Not Found in SUITT", "EXCEPTION", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); throw new HandledException(e); } IFeatureCursor fcrs = null; IQueryFilter filter = null; try { MetadataDAO mdao = new MetadataDAO((IFeatureWorkspace)current.PGDBConnection); int tid = mdao.getTransactionID(); filter = new QueryFilterClass(); filter.WhereClause = SEE_ID_COL+" = " + tid; fcrs = fc.Update(filter,false); IFeature buffer = fcrs.NextFeature(); if(buffer == null) { Logger.Write("Transaction ("+tid+") not found"); return; } fcrs.DeleteFeature(); } finally { if (filter != null) { Utils.Release(filter); } if(fcrs != null) { Utils.Release(fcrs); } } }
public void ComputeConflicts() { Transaction transaction = this.transactionManager.Current(); // for each table compute conflicts if(transaction.PGDBConnection!= null) { IEnumDatasetName names = transaction.PGDBConnection.get_DatasetNames(esriDatasetType.esriDTAny); if(names != null) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); for(IDatasetName name = names.Next();name!=null;name = names.Next()) { if(name != null) { string key = name.Name; // transactionManager.transactionConfig().get_KeyFromWorking(name.Name); if (key != null && !key.ToUpper().Equals("METADATA") && !key.ToUpper().Equals("DATA_ERRORS") && !key.ToUpper().Equals("ISDUT_SPATIAL_EDIT_EXTENTS_SP") && !key.Equals("TEMP_TRANSPORT") && !key.Equals("TEMP_RR_LG_SUBLOTS")) { // compute conflicts for the layer ICollection conflicts = compute(key, transaction); // resolve+store conflicts against cache list if(conflicts != null) persist(conflicts, transaction, key); } } } } transaction.ConflictDate = DateTime.Now; // force a write action now MetadataDAO dao = new MetadataDAO((IFeatureWorkspace)transaction.PGDBConnection);; } GC.Collect(); }
public void persistMetadata() { if(meta_dirty) { MetadataDAO dao = new MetadataDAO((IFeatureWorkspace)this.pgdbConnection);; } meta_dirty = false; }
public void loadMetadata() { try { meta_loading = true; MetadataDAO dao = new MetadataDAO((IFeatureWorkspace)this.pgdbConnection); dao.load(this); meta_loading = false; meta_loaded = true; meta_dirty = false; } catch (Exception e) { // UI uses this so eat + log Logger.Warn(e); } }