// the interrupt handler for the button static void button_OnInterrupt(uint data1, uint data2, DateTime time) { // Send our message NetduinoMQTT.PublishMQTT(mySocket, "/iot/status", "Ow! Quit it!"); return; }
// The function that the timer calls to ping the server // Our keep alive is 15 seconds - we ping again every 10. // So we should live forever. static void pingIt(object o) { Debug.Print("pingIT"); NetduinoMQTT.PingMQTT(mySocket); }
public static void Mqtt2() { int returnCode = 0; // You can subscribe to multiple topics in one go // (If your broker supports this RSMB does, mosquitto does not) // Our examples use one topic per request. // //int[] topicQoS = { 0, 0 }; //String[] subTopics = { "test", "test2" }; //int numTopics = 2; int[] topicQoS = { 0 }; String[] subTopics = { "test" }; int numTopics = 1; // Get broker's IP address. //IPHostEntry hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry("test.mosquitto.org"); IPHostEntry hostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(""); // Create socket and connect to the broker's IP address and port mySocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); try { mySocket.Connect(new IPEndPoint(hostEntry.AddressList[0], 1883)); } catch (SocketException SE) { Debug.Print("Connection Error: " + SE.ErrorCode); return; } // Send the connect message // You can use UTF8 in the clientid, username and password - be careful, this can be a pain //returnCode = NetduinoMQTT.ConnectMQTT(mySocket, "tester\u00A5", 2000, true, "roger\u00A5", "password\u00A5"); returnCode = NetduinoMQTT.ConnectMQTT(mySocket, "guest001", 20, true, "guest", "guest"); if (returnCode != 0) { Debug.Print("Connection Error: " + returnCode.ToString()); return; } // Set up so that we ping the server after 1 second, then every 10 seconds // First time is initial delay, Second is subsequent delays Timer pingTimer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(pingIt), null, 1000, 10000); // Setup and start a new thread for the listener listenerThread = new Thread(mylistenerThread); listenerThread.Start(); // setup our interrupt port (on-board button) InterruptPort button = new InterruptPort(Pins.ONBOARD_SW1, false, Port.ResistorMode.Disabled, Port.InterruptMode.InterruptEdgeLow); // assign our interrupt handler button.OnInterrupt += new NativeEventHandler(button_OnInterrupt); // Subscribe to our topic(s) returnCode = NetduinoMQTT.SubscribeMQTT(mySocket, subTopics, topicQoS, numTopics); //*********************************************** // This is just some example stuff: //*********************************************** // Publish a message NetduinoMQTT.PublishMQTT(mySocket, "/iot/status", "Testing from NetduinoMQTT"); // Subscribe to "test/two" subTopics[0] = "/iot/status"; returnCode = NetduinoMQTT.SubscribeMQTT(mySocket, subTopics, topicQoS, numTopics); // Send a message to "test/two" NetduinoMQTT.PublishMQTT(mySocket, "/iot/status", "Testing from NetduinoMQTT to test/two"); // Unsubscribe from "test/two" returnCode = NetduinoMQTT.UnsubscribeMQTT(mySocket, subTopics, topicQoS, numTopics); // go to sleep until the interrupt or the timer wakes us // (mylistenerThread is in a seperate thread that continues) Thread.Sleep(Timeout.Infinite); }
// The thread that listens for inbound messages private static void mylistenerThread() { NetduinoMQTT.listen(mySocket); }