コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the given ROM can execute on a specific device that has the given <paramref name="deviceUniqueId"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rom">The ROM to check.</param>
        /// <param name="deviceUniqueId">The unique device identifier to use to determine if the ROM can execute upon it.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the ROM can execute on device identified by <paramref name="deviceUniqueId"/>; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
        /// <remarks>By default, all non-LUIGI-format ROMs are assumed to be executable on any device. If <paramref name="rom"/>
        /// is a LUIGI-format ROM, and only runs on LTO Flash!, then the following rules apply:
        /// 1) If no scramble key block is present, the ROM will execute, regardless of the value if <paramref name="deviceUniqueId"/>
        /// 2) If a scramble key block is present, but the TargetDeviceUniqueId contained within it is <see cref="LuigiScrambleKeyBlock.AnyLTOFlashId"/>, the ROM will execute
        /// 3) If a scramble key block is present, the ROM is executable only if the ROM's scramble key block contains a TargetDeviceUniqueId that matches <paramref name="deviceUniqueId"/>.</remarks>
        public static bool CanExecuteOnDevice(this IRom rom, string deviceUniqueId)
            var canExecuteOnDevice = true;

            if ((rom != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceUniqueId))
                var luigiRom = Rom.AsSpecificRomType <LuigiFormatRom>(rom);
                if (luigiRom != null)
                    var targetDeviceId = luigiRom.TargetDeviceUniqueId;
                    canExecuteOnDevice = string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetDeviceId) || targetDeviceId.Equals(LuigiScrambleKeyBlock.AnyLTOFlashId) || targetDeviceId.Equals(deviceUniqueId);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets IProgramInformation from a .ROM-format file's metadata, if it is available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rom">The ROM from which metadata-based information is retrieved.</param>
        /// <returns>IProgramInformation retrieved from the .ROM-format ROM.</returns>
        public static RomFileMetadataProgramInformation GetRomFileMetadata(this IRom rom)
            RomFileMetadataProgramInformation programInfo = null;
            var romRom = Rom.AsSpecificRomType <RomFormatRom>(rom);

            if (romRom != null)
                programInfo = new RomFileMetadataProgramInformation(rom);
                if (!programInfo.Metadata.Any())
                    programInfo = null;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets IProgramInformation from a .BIN-format file's metadata, if it is available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rom">The ROM from which metadata-based information is retrieved.</param>
        /// <returns>IProgramInformation retrieved from the .BIN-format ROM's .cfg file.</returns>
        public static CfgFileMetadataProgramInformation GetBinFileMetadata(this IRom rom)
            CfgFileMetadataProgramInformation programInfo = null;
            var binRom = Rom.AsSpecificRomType <BinFormatRom>(rom);

            if (binRom != null)
                programInfo = new CfgFileMetadataProgramInformation(rom);
                if (!programInfo.Metadata.Any())
                    programInfo = null;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the original <see cref="IRom"/> referred to by <paramref name="rom"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rom">The ROM whose original is desired.</param>
        /// <returns>The original ROM. Unless <paramref name="rom"/> refers to a ROM located on external devices, and that device is not accessible, this is usually just <paramref name="rom"/>.</returns>
        public static IRom OriginalRom(this IRom rom)
            var originalRom  = rom;
            var alternateRom = Rom.AsSpecificRomType <AlternateRom>(rom);

            if (alternateRom != null)
                originalRom = alternateRom.Original;
                var xmlRom = Rom.AsSpecificRomType <XmlRom>(rom);
                if (xmlRom != null)
                    originalRom = xmlRom.ResolvedRom;
コード例 #5
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override int Compare(IRom x, IProgramInformation programInformationRomX, IRom y, IProgramInformation programInformationRomY)
            var result = base.Compare(x, programInformationRomX, y, programInformationRomY);

            if ((result == 0) && (x != null))
                switch (x.Format)
                case RomFormat.Bin:
                    result = CheckCrcs(x, programInformationRomX, y, programInformationRomY);

                case RomFormat.Luigi:
                    result = CheckCrcs(x, programInformationRomX, y, programInformationRomY);
                    if ((result == 0) && (y.Format == RomFormat.Luigi))
                        // It's possible LUIGI files' original CRCs match, but the LUIGI files themselves do not.
                        // This once occurred when additional bytes were somehow appended to a downloaded LUIGI. In
                        // that case, all the CRC data matched, so even the "strict" CRC check, which compared the
                        // full 8 bytes of the ID in the header, still matched. However, the additional data at the
                        // end of the corrupted file resulted in failure to load on LTO Flash! hardware. Therefore,
                        // when comparing what appear to be two identical LUIGI files, still compare full file CRCs.
                        result = (int)(Rom.AsSpecificRomType <LuigiFormatRom>(x).Crc24 - Rom.AsSpecificRomType <LuigiFormatRom>(y).Crc24);

コード例 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Update the config file path of a ROM.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rom">The ROM whose config file path is being updated.</param>
 /// <param name="cfgFile">The new config file path.</param>
 public static void UpdateCfgFile(this IRom rom, string cfgFile)
     Rom.ReplaceCfgPath(rom, cfgFile);