コード例 #1
ファイル: PCAOQCInput.cs プロジェクト: wra222/testgit
        /// <summary>
        /// insertPcbLotCheck
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lotNo"></param>
        /// <param name="mbSno"></param>
        /// <param name="editor"></param>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <param name="customer"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ArrayList InsertPcbLotCheck(string lotNo, String mbSno, string editor, string line, string customer)
            logger.Debug("(PCAOQCInputImpl)insertPcbLotCheck:" + mbSno + "editor:" + editor + "line:" + line + "customer:" + customer);
                //FisException ex;
                List<string> erpara = new List<string>();
                ArrayList retLst = new ArrayList();
                IMBRepository iMbRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IMBRepository, IMB>();
                //	Insert PCBLotCheck Set LotNo = @LotNo , PCBNo = @PCBNo, Status = ‘1
                var pcblotcheck = new PcblotcheckInfo();
                pcblotcheck.lotNo = lotNo;
                pcblotcheck.pcbno = mbSno;
                pcblotcheck.status = "1";
                pcblotcheck.editor = editor;
                pcblotcheck.cdt = DateTime.Now;
                //Get MBSN List -	重新获取[MBSN List]
                IList<string> mbsnList = new List<string>();
                IList<string> checkedList = new List<string>();
                DataTable PcbLotCheckedTable = iMbRepository.GetPcbNoAndCheckStatusList(lotNo, "1");
                if (PcbLotCheckedTable == null)
                    //throw new FisException("CHM001", new string[] { model1 });
                    var pcbLotCheckedCount = PcbLotCheckedTable.Rows.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pcbLotCheckedCount; i++)
                        mbsnList.Add(PcbLotCheckedTable.Rows[i][0] as string);
                        checkedList.Add(PcbLotCheckedTable.Rows[i][1] as string);
                //select count(*) from Pcblotcheck where lotNo=@lotNo and status ='1'
                var conpcblotcheck = new PcblotcheckInfo();
                conpcblotcheck.lotNo = lotNo;
                conpcblotcheck.status = "1";
                var iCheckqty = iMbRepository.GetCountOfPcblotCheck(conpcblotcheck);


                return retLst;
            catch (FisException e)
                logger.Error(e.mErrmsg, e);
                throw new Exception(e.mErrmsg);
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.Error(e.Message, e);
                throw new SystemException(e.Message);
                logger.Debug("(PCAOQCInputImpl)insertPcbLotCheck end  Input:" + mbSno + "editor:" + editor + "line:" +
                             line + "customer:" + customer);
コード例 #2
ファイル: PCAOQCInput.cs プロジェクト: wra222/testgit
        /// <summary>
        /// 刷mbsno,调用该方法启动工作流,根据输入mbsno获取Lot
        /// 返回MNSB LIST 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mbsno">mbsno</param>
        /// <param name="editor">editor</param>
        /// <param name="station">station</param>
        /// <param name="customer">customer</param>
        /// <param name="curMBInfo">curMBInfo</param>
        /// <returns>model</returns>
        public ArrayList inputMBSnoORLotNo(string InputStr, string InputType, string editor, string station, string customer)
            logger.Debug("(PCAOQCInputImpl)Input MBSN or LotNo start:" + InputStr + "editor:" + editor + "station:" + station + "customer:" + customer);

            FisException ex;
            List<string> erpara = new List<string>();
            ArrayList retLst = new ArrayList();
            IMBRepository iMBRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IMBRepository, IMB>();
            string LotNO = "";
            ArrayList lstRet = new ArrayList();
                //若刷入数据为MBSN,获取MBSN的所在LotNo(PCBLot.LotNo where PCBNo=@MBSN and Status=1),
                // 则不存在记录,则报错:“该MBSN未组Lot”
                if (InputType == "MBSN")
                    PcblotInfo conPcblot = new PcblotInfo();
                    conPcblot.pcbno = InputStr;
                    conPcblot.status = "1";
                    IList<PcblotInfo> pcblotLstA = new List<PcblotInfo>();
                    pcblotLstA = iMBRepository.GetPcblotInfoList(conPcblot);
                    if ((pcblotLstA == null) || (pcblotLstA.Count == 0))
                        ex = new FisException("CHK312", erpara); //该MBSN未组Lot
                        throw ex;
                    if (pcblotLstA.Count==1)
                        LotNO = pcblotLstA[0].lotNo;
                        var pcblotLst =
                            from item in pcblotLstA
                            orderby item.cdt descending
                            select item;
                        foreach (PcblotInfo tmpNode in pcblotLst)
                            LotNO = tmpNode.lotNo;
                    LotNO = InputStr;
                string sessionKey = LotNO;

                //2、	获取LotNo的详细信息(Lot.* where Lot.LotNo=@LotNo);若Lot信息不存在,则报错:“该Lot不存在”
                LotInfo conLotInfo = new LotInfo();
                conLotInfo.lotNo = LotNO;
                IList<LotInfo> getLotInfo = iMBRepository.GetlotInfoList(conLotInfo);
                if ((getLotInfo == null) || (getLotInfo.Count == 0))
                    ex = new FisException("CHK313", erpara); //该Lot不存在
                    throw ex;
                if (getLotInfo[0].status == "0")
                    ex = new FisException("CHK314", erpara); //Lot没有组合完成
                    throw ex;
                if (getLotInfo[0].status == "4")
                    ex = new FisException("CHK315", erpara); //该Lot已解散
                    throw ex;
                if (getLotInfo[0].status == "9")
                    ex = new FisException("CHK316", erpara); //该Lot已经通过OQC
                    throw ex;
                //4、	Update Lot Status
                //若Lot.Status=1,则Update Lot.Status=2;
                //Update PCBStatus(where PCBNo in PCBLot.PCBNo and Status=1 and LotNo=@LotNo);
                UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork(); 
                if (getLotInfo[0].status.Trim() == "1")
                    LotInfo setLotInfo = new LotInfo();
                    conLotInfo = new LotInfo();
                    conLotInfo.lotNo = getLotInfo[0].lotNo;
                    //conLotInfo.type = strType;
                    //setLotInfo.qty = retlot[0].qty + 1;//1;//setValue.Qty赋1,其他按需要赋值即可
                    setLotInfo.status = "2";
                    setLotInfo.editor = editor;
                    setLotInfo.udt = DateTime.Now;
                    //itemRepository.UpdateLotInfoDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, setLotInfo, conLotInfo);
                    iMBRepository.UpdateLotInfoDefered(uow, setLotInfo, conLotInfo);
                    //DEBUG Mantis 1009(itc-1414-0224)
                    //update PCBStatus,PCBLog  ->条件也要: Lot.Status=1
                   //Update PCBStatus:Station=’31A’Status=’1’
                    //Insert PCBLog
                    //Insert PCBLog:Station=’31A’Status=’1’
                    PcblotInfo conPcblot4 = new PcblotInfo();
                    //conPcblot = new PcblotInfo();
                    conPcblot4.lotNo= LotNO;
                    conPcblot4.status = "1";
                    IList<PcblotInfo>pcblotLst4 = new List<PcblotInfo>();
                    pcblotLst4 = iMBRepository.GetPcblotInfoList(conPcblot4);
                    if ((pcblotLst4 == null) || (pcblotLst4.Count == 0))

                        for (int i = 0; i < pcblotLst4.Count; i++)
                            IMB mb = iMBRepository.Find(pcblotLst4[i].pcbno);
                            if (mb != null)
                                mb.MBStatus.Station = "31A";
                                mb.MBStatus.Status = MBStatusEnum.Pass;
                                mb.MBStatus.Editor = editor;
                                mb.MBStatus.Udt = DateTime.Now;
                                //记录MB Log
                                MBLog mb_log = new MBLog(0, mb.Sn, mb.Model, "31A", (int) MBStatusEnum.Pass,
                                                         getLotInfo[0].line, editor, new DateTime());
                                iMBRepository.Update(mb, uow);

                //5、重新获取Lot信息,并显示LotNo Line[Line.Descr] Type PCS = Qty Status[2:OQC In;3:Locked]
                conLotInfo = new LotInfo();
                conLotInfo.lotNo = LotNO;
                IList<LotInfo> ReturnLotInfo = iMBRepository.GetlotInfoList(conLotInfo);
                ILineRepository lineRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<ILineRepository, Line>();
                Line lineInfo = lineRepository.Find(ReturnLotInfo[0].line);
                if (lineInfo == null)
                    ex = new FisException("CHK317", erpara); //该PCB %1 没有PdLine,请确认!
                    throw ex;
                string lotLineinfo = ReturnLotInfo[0].line.Trim() + "[" +lineInfo.Descr.Trim() + "]";
                string strStatus="";
                if (ReturnLotInfo[0].status == "2")
                    strStatus = "OQC In";
                else if (ReturnLotInfo[0].status == "3")
                    strStatus = "Locked";
                //Old--获取PCBLot信息,并显示PCBLot.PCBNo where LotNo=@LotNo and Status=1
                //PcblotInfo RtnconPcblot = new PcblotInfo();
                //RtnconPcblot.lotNo = ReturnLotInfo[0].lotNo;
                //RtnconPcblot.status = "1";
                //IList<PcblotInfo> rtnpcblotLst = new List<PcblotInfo>();
                //rtnpcblotLst = iMBRepository.GetPcblotInfoList(RtnconPcblot);
                //IList<string> mbsnList = new List<string>();
                //foreach (PcblotInfo pcblotnode in rtnpcblotLst)
                //    mbsnList.Add(pcblotnode.pcbno.Trim());
               //UC Update 
               //	获取LotSetting.CheckQty(先用PdLine检索,若不存在,再用’ALL’检索,若不存在,则报错:“请IE维护LotSetting”),
               //若[Checked Qty]>=LotSetting.CheckQty,---则执行[4 Save Data] PASS分支:界面初始时不自动处理
                var checkQtyforLine = 0;
                LotSettingInfo conlotSetting = new LotSettingInfo();
                conlotSetting.line = ReturnLotInfo[0].line;
                //add type 
                conlotSetting.type = ReturnLotInfo[0].type;
                IList<LotSettingInfo> LotSettinglst = iMBRepository.GetLotSettingInfoList(conlotSetting);
                if ((LotSettinglst == null) || (LotSettinglst.Count == 0))
                    conlotSetting = new LotSettingInfo();
                    conlotSetting.line = "ALL";
                    conlotSetting.type = ReturnLotInfo[0].type;
                    LotSettinglst = iMBRepository.GetLotSettingInfoList(conlotSetting);
                    if ((LotSettinglst == null) || (LotSettinglst.Count == 0))
                        //报错:“请与IE联系,维护 Lot 相关设置”
                        List<string> errpara = new List<string>();
                        FisException ex1 = new FisException("CHK278", errpara);
                        throw ex1;
                        checkQtyforLine = LotSettinglst[0].checkQty;
                    checkQtyforLine = LotSettinglst[0].checkQty;
                //UC Update 2012/07/03 
                //6、	获取PCBLot信息,并显示在[MBSN List]和[Checked Qty]( [Checked Qty]: Sum(Checked))
                //select a.PCBNo, ISNULL(b.Status,'0') as Checked from PCBLot a
                //      left Join PCBLotCheck b
                //      on a..PCBNo where LotNo = b.=@LotNo
                //      and a.PCBNo = b.PCBNo
                //   where a.LotNo=@LotNo and a.Status=1
                //   order by a.PCBNo
                IList<string> mbsnList = new List<string>();
                IList<string> checkedList = new List<string>();
                DataTable PcbLotCheckedTable = iMBRepository.GetPcbNoAndCheckStatusList(ReturnLotInfo[0].lotNo, "1");
                if (PcbLotCheckedTable == null)
                    //throw new FisException("CHM001", new string[] { model1 });
                    var pcbLotCheckedCount = PcbLotCheckedTable.Rows.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < pcbLotCheckedCount; i++)
                        mbsnList.Add(PcbLotCheckedTable.Rows[i][0] as string);
                        checkedList.Add(PcbLotCheckedTable.Rows[i][1] as string);
                var pcblotcheck = new PcblotcheckInfo();
                pcblotcheck.lotNo = LotNO;
                pcblotcheck.status = "1";
                var iCheckqty = iMBRepository.GetCountOfPcblotCheck(pcblotcheck);
                var havePromptstr = "";
                if (ReturnLotInfo[0].status !="2")
                        throw new FisException("CHK401", new List<string>());

                    catch (FisException ex1)
                        havePromptstr = ex1.mErrmsg;
                lstRet.Add(ReturnLotInfo[0].lotNo);      //0
                lstRet.Add(lotLineinfo);                 //1 
                lstRet.Add(ReturnLotInfo[0].type);       //2
                lstRet.Add(ReturnLotInfo[0].qty);        //3 
                lstRet.Add(strStatus);                   //4
                lstRet.Add(mbsnList);                    //5
                lstRet.Add(ReturnLotInfo[0].line);       //6
                lstRet.Add(checkedList);                 //7
                lstRet.Add(checkQtyforLine);             //8
                lstRet.Add(iCheckqty);                   //9
                lstRet.Add(havePromptstr);              //10
                return lstRet;
            catch (FisException e)
                logger.Error(e.mErrmsg, e);
                throw new Exception(e.mErrmsg);
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.Error(e.Message, e);
                throw new SystemException(e.Message);
                logger.Debug("(PCAOQCInputImpl)Input MBSN or LotNo end  Input:" + InputStr + "editor:" + editor + "station:" + station + "customer:" + customer);
コード例 #3
ファイル: UpdateLot.cs プロジェクト: wra222/testgit
        /// <summary>
        /// Update Lot
        /// Update Lot.Qty=Qty-1 where LotNo = (Select LotNo from PCBLot where PCBNo=@MBSN and Status=1)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="executionContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected internal override ActivityExecutionStatus DoExecute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
            string mbsno = (string)CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.MBSN);

            IList<string> pcblotnoList = new List<string>();

            pcblotnoList =(IList<string>) CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.LotNoList);

            IMBRepository iMBRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IMBRepository, IMB>();

            foreach (string ilotno in pcblotnoList)
                LotInfo conLotInfo = new LotInfo();
                conLotInfo.lotNo = ilotno;

                LotInfo setLotInfo = new LotInfo();
                setLotInfo.qty = 1; // Qty赋要减的值
                setLotInfo.editor = Editor;
                setLotInfo.udt = DateTime.Now;

                iMBRepository.UpdateLotInfoForDecQtyDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, setLotInfo, conLotInfo);

                PcblotcheckInfo checkInfo = new PcblotcheckInfo();
                checkInfo.lotNo = ilotno;
                checkInfo.pcbno = mbsno;
                checkInfo.status = "0";
                checkInfo.editor = Editor;
                iMBRepository.InsertPcblotcheckInfoDefered(CurrentSession.UnitOfWork, checkInfo);
            return base.DoExecute(executionContext);