public static BaseGameObject makeDoor( string doorType, string name, int ownerID, Vector2 position, string nextMap, bool isOpen = false, bool glow = false, float layer = 1.0f, Nullable<Color> tint = null, float rotation = 0.0f, Nullable<Vector2> origin = null, float scale = 1.0f, SpriteEffects spriteEffect = SpriteEffects.None) { // Start makeStaticAnimation. // Making temp variables to hold cached data: int tempOwnerID; int tempWidth; int tempHeight; // Grabbing the animation definition from the list: AnimationDefenition tempAnimationDefenition = GameData.getInstance().DoorDefinitionList.getObject( doorType ); // caching the width and height: tempWidth = tempAnimationDefenition.Width; tempHeight = tempAnimationDefenition.Height; // Creating the base object: BaseGameObject tempAnimationObject = new BaseGameObject(); // Caching the owner ID: tempOwnerID = tempAnimationObject.ID; // Creating the renderer: AnimationComponent tempAnimationComponent = new AnimationComponent( tempAnimationObject.ID, tempAnimationDefenition.StartX, tempAnimationDefenition.StartY, tempAnimationDefenition.PlayLength, 1, tempAnimationDefenition.NumberOfFrames, isOpen, name, position, tempWidth, tempHeight, GameData.getInstance().ArtManager.getObject( tempAnimationDefenition.TextureName), false, false, glow, tint, rotation, origin, scale, spriteEffect, layer ); // Creating the Body: BodyBase bodyComponent = new BodyBase(tempOwnerID, tempWidth, tempHeight); // Setting up the base object with the components: tempAnimationObject.setUp(position, tempWidth, tempHeight, null, bodyComponent, tempAnimationComponent, null); return tempAnimationObject; }
public static BaseGameObject makeCollisionBox( string name, Vector2 position, int width, int height ) { // Start makeCollisionBox. // Making temp variables to hold cached data: int tempOwnerID; // Creating the base object: BaseGameObject tempCollisionObject = new BaseGameObject(); // Caching the owner ID: tempOwnerID = tempCollisionObject.ID; // Creating the Body: BodyBase bodyComponent = new BodyBase( tempOwnerID, width, height ); // Setting up the base object with the components: tempCollisionObject.setUp(position, width, height, null, bodyComponent, null, null); return tempCollisionObject; }
public static BaseGameObject makePlayer( string animationType, string name, int ownerID, Vector2 position, Buttons mainMovmentStick = Buttons.LeftStick, float walkingSpeed = 0.0f, float runningSpeed = 0.0f, bool isRunning = false, bool glow = false, Nullable<Color> tint = null, float rotation = 0.0f, Nullable<Vector2> origin = null, float scale = 1.0f, SpriteEffects spriteEffect = SpriteEffects.None, float layer = 1.0f) { // Start makeStaticAnimation. // Making temp variables to hold cached data: int tempOwnerID; int tempWidth; int tempHeight; // Grabbing the animation definition from the list: SpriteDefenition tempSpriteDefenition = GameData.getInstance().SpriteDefinitionList.getObject( animationType ); // caching the width and height based on the default action: tempWidth = tempSpriteDefenition.DefaultDrawWidth; tempHeight = tempSpriteDefenition.DefaultDrawHeight; // Creating the base object: BaseGameObject tempAnimationObject = new BaseGameObject(); // Caching the owner ID: tempOwnerID = tempAnimationObject.ID; // Creating the renderer: //AnimationComponent tempAnimationComponent = new AnimationComponent( // tempAnimationObject.ID, tempAnimationDefenition.StartX, tempAnimationDefenition.StartY, tempAnimationDefenition.PlayLength, playMax, // tempAnimationDefenition.NumberOfFrames, reverse, name, position, tempWidth, tempHeight, // Game1.Instance.ArtManager.getObject(tempAnimationDefenition.TextureName), isRunning, continuous, glow, tint, rotation, origin, // scale, spriteEffect, layer // ); // Creating the Body: //BodyBase bodyComponent = new BodyBase( tempOwnerID, tempWidth, tempHeight ); // Creating the mover: PlayerMovableViaStick playerMover = new PlayerMovableViaStick( ownerID ); // Setting up the base object with the components: //tempAnimationObject.setUp( position, tempWidth, tempHeight, bodyComponent, // tempAnimationComponent, null ); return tempAnimationObject; }