public Editor() { InitializeComponent(); TheEditor = this; MemberCache.Import(); this.Text += ' ' + Program.getVersion() + " (" + IBMi.CurrentSystem.GetValue("alias") + ")"; if (!IBMi.IsConnected()) { this.Text += " - Offline Mode"; } if (IBMi.IsConnected()) { if (IBMi.CurrentSystem.GetValue("lastOffline") == "true") { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Looks like your last session was in Offline Mode. Would you like the launch the SPF Push tool?", "Notice", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { new Forms.PushWindow().ShowDialog(); } } } IBMi.CurrentSystem.SetValue("lastOffline", (IBMi.IsConnected() == false).ToString().ToLower()); DarkMode = (Program.Config.GetValue("darkmode") == "true"); if (DarkMode) { dockingPanel.Theme = new VS2015DarkTheme(); } else { dockingPanel.Theme = new VS2015BlueTheme(); } ApplyControlTheme(toolStrip); ApplyControlTheme(menuStrip); ApplyControlTheme(statusStrip); if (File.Exists(Program.PanelsXML)) { dockingPanel.LoadFromXml(Program.PanelsXML, new DeserializeDockContent(GetContentFromPersistString)); } else { AddTool(new UserTools.UserToolList(), DockState.DockLeft, true); } AddTool(new UserTools.Welcome(), DockState.Document, true); OutlineView = new UserTools.OutlineView(); AddTool(OutlineView, DockState.DockRightAutoHide, true); dockingPanel.ActiveContentChanged += DockingPanel_ActiveContentChanged; }
public Editor() { InitializeComponent(); TheEditor = this; MemberCache.Import(); this.Text += ' ' + Program.getVersion() + " (" + IBMi.CurrentSystem.GetValue("alias") + ")"; if (!IBMi.IsConnected()) { this.Text += " - Offline Mode"; } if (IBMi.IsConnected()) { if (IBMi.CurrentSystem.GetValue("lastOffline") == "true") { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Looks like your last session was in Offline Mode. Would you like the launch the SPF Push tool?", "Notice", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { new Forms.PushWindow().ShowDialog(); } } } IBMi.CurrentSystem.SetValue("lastOffline", (IBMi.IsConnected() == false).ToString().ToLower()); if (Program.Config.GetValue("darkmode") == "true") { dockingPanel.Theme = new VS2015DarkTheme(); } else { dockingPanel.Theme = new VS2015LightTheme(); } AddTool(new UserTools.Welcome()); AddTool(new UserTools.UserToolList(), DockState.DockLeft); OutlineView = new UserTools.OutlineView(); AddTool(OutlineView, DockState.DockRightAutoHide); }