public void SetGlow(int id, Vector2 position, Color color, float radius, bool shadows, float timeout) { _lightMutex.WaitOne(); for (int x = 0; x < _glows.Count; x++) { if (_glows[x].id == id) { _glows[x].position = position; _glows[x].radius = radius; _glows[x].timeOut = timeout; _glows[x].color = color; if (radius < 0) _glows.RemoveAt(x); _lightMutex.ReleaseMutex(); return; } } LightSource glow = new LightSource(); = id; glow.position = position; glow.radius = radius; glow.timeOut = timeout; glow.timeOutStart = timeout; glow.color = color; glow.shadows = shadows; _glows.Add(glow); _lightMutex.ReleaseMutex(); }
public void DrawLight(Camera cam, LightSource light, Map map, SpriteBatch batch) { //Clear stencil buffer device.Clear(ClearOptions.Stencil, Color.White, 0, 1); if (light.shadows) { Vector2 camPosition = cam.Position; //cam.MoveTo(light.position, 1); UnShadowTiles(cam, batch, map); //cam.MoveTo(camPosition,1); //Build shadow geometry for the light int vertexCount = map.CreateShadowGeometry(light.position, new Rectangle((int)(light.position.X - light.radius), (int)(light.position.Y - light.radius), (int)(2*light.radius), (int)(2*light.radius)), shadowVB); //Draw Shadows into stencil buffer device.BlendState = generateShadow; device.DepthStencilState = generateShadowStencil; shadowEffect.CurrentTechnique = shadowEffect.Techniques["Shadow"]; device.SetVertexBuffer(shadowVB); device.Indices = shadowIB; shadowEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes[0].Apply(); //Check necessary because empty draw calls cause crashes if (vertexCount > 0) device.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, vertexCount, 0, 4 * vertexCount / 6); } //Draw glow over everything that has not been stenciled out shadowEffect.CurrentTechnique = shadowEffect.Techniques["Glow"]; batch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, addLight, null, drawShadowedLight, RasterizerState.CullNone, shadowEffect); //I need to specify a texture to use this call, but since I use a custom shader it is never used, it might actually be null I am not sure batch.Draw(_unusedTexture, new Rectangle((int)(light.position.X - light.radius), (int)(light.position.Y - light.radius), (int)(light.radius * 2), (int)(light.radius * 2)), Color.Lerp(light.color, Color.Black, 1-light.brightness)); batch.End(); }