private void Awake() { // XLuaEnvironment.AddLoader(load); XLuaEnvironment.OnDispose += LuaDispose; scriptEnv = XLuaEnvironment.NewTable(); // 为每个脚本设置一个独立的环境,可一定程度上防止脚本间全局变量、函数冲突 LuaTable meta = XLuaEnvironment.NewTable(); meta.Set("__index", XLuaEnvironment.GlobalTable); scriptEnv.SetMetaTable(meta); meta.Dispose(); scriptEnv.Set("this", this); foreach (var injection in injections) { scriptEnv.Set(injection.Key, injection.value); } XLuaEnvironment.DoString(luaScript.text, "LuaTestScript", scriptEnv); luaAwake = scriptEnv.Get <Action>("Awake"); luaOnEnable = scriptEnv.Get <Action>("OnEnable"); luaStart = scriptEnv.Get <Action>("Start"); luaUpdate = scriptEnv.Get <Action>("Update"); luaOnDisable = scriptEnv.Get <Action>("OnDisable"); luaOnDestroy = scriptEnv.Get <Action>("OnDestroy"); if (luaAwake != null) { luaAwake(); luaAwake = null; } }
void Test() { XLuaEnvironment.DoString(script); CalcNew calc_new = XLuaEnvironment.GlobalTable.GetInPath <CalcNew>("Calc.New"); ICalc calc = calc_new(10, "hi", "john"); //constructor Debug.Log("sum(*10) =" + calc.Add(1, 2)); calc.Mult = 100; Debug.Log("sum(*100)=" + calc.Add(1, 2)); Debug.Log("list[0]=" + calc[0]); Debug.Log("list[1]=" + calc[1]); calc.PropertyChanged += Notify; calc[1] = "dddd"; Debug.Log("list[1]=" + calc[1]); calc.PropertyChanged -= Notify; calc[1] = "eeee"; Debug.Log("list[1]=" + calc[1]); }
void OnGUI() { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 10, 300, 80), "Hotfix")) { XLuaEnvironment.DoString(@" xlua.hotfix(CS.IFramework.Lua.HotfixTest, 'Update', function(self) self.tick = self.tick + 1 if (self.tick % 50) == 0 then print('<<<<<<<<Update in lua, tick = ' .. self.tick) end end) "); } string chHint = @"在运行该示例之前,请细致阅读xLua文档,并执行以下步骤: 1.宏定义:添加 HOTFIX_ENABLE 到 'Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Scripting Define Symbols'。 (注意:各平台需要分别设置) 2.生成代码:执行 'XLua > Generate Code' 菜单,等待Unity编译完成。 3.注入:执行 'XLua > Hotfix Inject In Editor' 菜单。注入成功会打印 'hotfix inject finish!' 或者 'had injected!' 。"; string enHint = @"Read documents carefully before you run this example, then follow the steps below: 1. Define: Add 'HOTFIX_ENABLE' to 'Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Scripting Define Symbols'. (Note: Each platform needs to set this respectively) 2.Generate Code: Execute menu 'XLua > Generate Code', wait for Unity's compilation. 3.Inject: Execute menu 'XLua > Hotfix Inject In Editor'.There should be 'hotfix inject finish!' or 'had injected!' print in the Console if the Injection is successful."; GUIStyle style =; style.normal.textColor =; style.fontSize = 16; GUI.TextArea(new Rect(10, 100, 500, 290), chHint, style); GUI.TextArea(new Rect(10, 400, 500, 290), enHint, style); }
private void Awake() { XLuaEnvironment.DoString("CS.UnityEngine.Debug.Log('haha By Unity')"); XLuaEnvironment.DoString("CS.IFramework.Log.L('haha By IFramework')"); }
void Start() { XLuaEnvironment.DoString("require 'async_test'"); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { HotfixCalc calc = new HotfixCalc(); NoHotfixCalc ordinaryCalc = new NoHotfixCalc(); int CALL_TIME = 100 * 1000 * 1000; var start = System.DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < CALL_TIME; i++) { calc.Add(2, 1); } var d1 = (System.DateTime.Now - start).TotalMilliseconds; Debug.Log("Hotfix using:" + d1); start = System.DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < CALL_TIME; i++) { ordinaryCalc.Add(2, 1); } var d2 = (System.DateTime.Now - start).TotalMilliseconds; Debug.Log("No Hotfix using:" + d2); Debug.Log("drop:" + ((d1 - d2) / d1)); Debug.Log("Before Fix: 2 + 1 = " + calc.Add(2, 1)); Debug.Log("Before Fix: Vector3(2, 3, 4) + Vector3(1, 2, 3) = " + calc.Add(new Vector3(2, 3, 4), new Vector3(1, 2, 3))); XLuaEnvironment.DoString(@" xlua.hotfix(CS.IFramework.Lua.HotfixCalc, 'Add', function(self, a, b) return a + b end) "); Debug.Log("After Fix: 2 + 1 = " + calc.Add(2, 1)); Debug.Log("After Fix: Vector3(2, 3, 4) + Vector3(1, 2, 3) = " + calc.Add(new Vector3(2, 3, 4), new Vector3(1, 2, 3))); double num; string str = "hehe"; int ret = calc.TestOut(100, out num, ref str); Debug.Log("ret = " + ret + ", num = " + num + ", str = " + str); XLuaEnvironment.DoString(@" xlua.hotfix(CS.IFramework.Lua.HotfixCalc, 'TestOut', function(self, a, c, go) print('TestOut', self, a, c, go) if go then error('test error') end return a + 10, a + 20, 'right version' end) "); str = "hehe"; ret = calc.TestOut(100, out num, ref str); Debug.Log("ret = " + ret + ", num = " + num + ", str = " + str); XLuaEnvironment.DoString(@" xlua.hotfix(CS.IFramework.Lua.HotfixCalc, { Test1 = function(self) print('Test1', self) return 1 end; Test2 = function(self, a, b) print('Test1', self, a, b) return a + 10, 1024, b end; Test3 = function(a) print(a) return 10 end; Test4 = function(a) print(a) end; Test5 = function(self, a, ...) print('Test4', self, a, ...) end }) "); int r1 = calc.Test1 <int>(); double r2 = calc.Test1 <double>(); Debug.Log("r1:" + r1 + ",r2:" + r2); string ss = "heihei"; int r3 = calc.Test2(r1, out r2, ref ss); Debug.Log("r1:" + r1 + ",r2:" + r2 + ",r3:" + r3 + ",ss:" + ss); r3 = HotfixCalc.Test3("test3"); r3 = HotfixCalc.Test3(2); r3 = HotfixCalc.Test3(this); Debug.Log("r3:" + r3); HotfixCalc.Test4(this); HotfixCalc.Test4(2); calc.Test5(10, "a", "b", "c"); calc.Test5(10, 1, 3, 5); Debug.Log("----------------------before------------------------"); TestStateful(); System.GC.Collect(); System.GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); XLuaEnvironment.DoString(@" local util = require 'xlua.util' xlua.hotfix(CS.IFramework.Lua.StatefullTest, { ['.ctor'] = function(csobj) util.state(csobj, {evt = {}, start = 0, prop = 0}) end; set_AProp = function(self, v) print('set_AProp', v) self.prop = v end; get_AProp = function(self) return self.prop end; get_Item = function(self, k) print('get_Item', k) return 1024 end; set_Item = function(self, k, v) print('set_Item', k, v) end; add_AEvent = function(self, cb) print('add_AEvent', cb) table.insert(self.evt, cb) end; remove_AEvent = function(self, cb) print('remove_AEvent', cb) for i, v in ipairs(self.evt) do if v == cb then table.remove(self.evt, i) break end end end; Start = function(self) print('Start') for _, cb in ipairs(self.evt) do cb(self.start, 2) end self.start = self.start + 1 end; StaticFunc = function(a, b, c) print(a, b, c) end; GenericTest = function(self, a) print(self, a) end; Finalize = function(self) print('Finalize', self) end }) "); Debug.Log("----------------------after------------------------"); TestStateful(); XLuaEnvironment.FullGc(); System.GC.Collect(); System.GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); var genericObj = new GenericClass <double>(1.1); genericObj.Func1(); Debug.Log(genericObj.Func2()); XLuaEnvironment.DoString(@" xlua.hotfix(CS.IFramework.Lua.GenericClass(CS.System.Double), { ['.ctor'] = function(obj, a) print('GenericClass<double>', obj, a) end; Func1 = function(obj) print('GenericClass<double>.Func1', obj) end; Func2 = function(obj) print('GenericClass<double>.Func2', obj) return 1314 end }) "); genericObj = new GenericClass <double>(1.1); genericObj.Func1(); Debug.Log(genericObj.Func2()); InnerTypeTest itt = new InnerTypeTest(); itt.Foo(); XLuaEnvironment.DoString(@" xlua.hotfix(CS.IFramework.Lua.InnerTypeTest, 'Bar', function(obj) print('lua Bar', obj) return {x = 10, y = 20} end) "); itt.Foo(); StructTest st = new StructTest(gameObject); Debug.Log("go=" + st.GetGo(123, "john")); XLuaEnvironment.DoString(@" xlua.hotfix(CS.IFramework.Lua.StructTest, 'GetGo', function(self, a, b) print('GetGo', self, a, b) return nil end) "); Debug.Log("go=" + st.GetGo(123, "john")); GenericStruct <int> gs = new GenericStruct <int>(1); Debug.Log("gs.GetA()=" + gs.GetA(123)); XLuaEnvironment.DoString(@" xlua.hotfix(CS.IFramework.Lua.GenericStruct(CS.System.Int32), 'GetA', function(self, a) print('GetA',self, a) return 789 end) "); Debug.Log("gs.GetA()=" + gs.GetA(123)); try { calc.TestOut(100, out num, ref str, gameObject); } catch (LuaException e) { Debug.Log("throw in lua an catch in c# ok, e.Message:" + e.Message); } BaseTestBase <InnerTypeTest> bt = new BaseTest(); bt.Foo(1); Debug.Log(bt); XLuaEnvironment.DoString(@" xlua.hotfix(CS.IFramework.Lua.BaseTest, 'Foo', function(self, p) print('BaseTest', p) end) xlua.hotfix(CS.IFramework.Lua.BaseTest, 'ToString', function(self) return '>>>' .. base(self):ToString() end) "); bt.Foo(2); Debug.Log(bt); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { XLuaEnvironment.DoString("require 'coruntine_test'"); }