コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a sample specific finder method for Entity1.
        /// If you want to delete or rename the method think about changing the xml in the BDC model file as well.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns>Entity1</returns>
        public static CornerStone_CourseCatalog ReadItem(string id)
            //TODO: This is just a sample. Replace this simple sample with valid code.
            //CornerStone_CourseCatalog CourseCatolog = new CornerStone_CourseCatalog();
            //entity1.Title = id;
            //entity1.Message = "Hello World";
            //return entity1;
            SqlConnection conn = GetSQLConnection();
            CornerStone_CourseCatalog CourseCatolog = new CornerStone_CourseCatalog();

                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Title,CreatedDate,Description,SubjectIDs,SubjectTitles,Price,ProviderName,Type,DeepLinkURL,CourseDuration,OUAvailability,LOTitles,LOInstructions,LOLocations,LOInstructors FROM CornerStone_CourseCatalog";
                cmd.Connection = conn;
                SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
                if (rdr.Read())

                    CourseCatolog.Title = rdr[0] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[0].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.CreatedDate = rdr[1] == null ? DateTime.MinValue : Convert.ToDateTime(rdr[1].ToString());
                    CourseCatolog.Description = rdr[2] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[2].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.SubjectIDs = rdr[3] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[3].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.SubjectTitles = rdr[4] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[4].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.Price = rdr[5] == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(rdr[5].ToString());
                    CourseCatolog.Type = rdr[6] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[6].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.DeepLinkURL = rdr[7] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[7].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.CourseDuration = rdr[8] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[8].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.OUAvailability = rdr[9] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[9].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.LOTitles = rdr[10] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[10].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.LOInstructions = rdr[11] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[11].ToString();
            // conn.Dispose();
            catch (Exception ex)
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = "Insert into IFDSLogs values ('" + ex.ToString() + "')";

                return CourseCatolog;

            return CourseCatolog;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a sample finder method for Entity1.
        /// If you want to delete or rename the method think about changing the xml in the BDC model file as well.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>IEnumerable of Entities</returns>
        public static IEnumerable<CornerStone_CourseCatalog> ReadList()
            SqlConnection conn = GetSQLConnection();
            CornerStone_CourseCatalog[] CourseCatologs = new CornerStone_CourseCatalog[0];

               List<CornerStone_CourseCatalog> allCourseCatolog = new List<CornerStone_CourseCatalog>();

                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Title,CreatedDate,Description,SubjectIDs,SubjectTitles,Price,ProviderName,Type,DeepLinkURL,CourseDuration,OUAvailability,LOTitles,LOInstructions,LOLocations,LOInstructors FROM CornerStone_CourseCatalog";
                cmd.Connection = conn;
                SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
                while (rdr.Read())

                    CornerStone_CourseCatalog CourseCatolog = new CornerStone_CourseCatalog();
                    CourseCatolog.Title = rdr[0] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[0].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.CreatedDate = rdr[1] == null ? DateTime.MinValue : Convert.ToDateTime(rdr[1].ToString());
                    CourseCatolog.Description = rdr[2] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[2].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.SubjectIDs = rdr[3] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[3].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.SubjectTitles = rdr[4] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[4].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.Price = rdr[5] == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(rdr[5].ToString());
                    CourseCatolog.Type = rdr[6] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[6].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.DeepLinkURL = rdr[7] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[7].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.CourseDuration = rdr[8] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[8].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.OUAvailability = rdr[9] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[9].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.LOTitles = rdr[10] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[10].ToString();
                    CourseCatolog.LOInstructions = rdr[11] == null ? string.Empty : rdr[11].ToString();
                CourseCatologs = new CornerStone_CourseCatalog[allCourseCatolog.Count];
                for (int j = 0; j < allCourseCatolog.Count; j++)
                    CourseCatologs[j] = allCourseCatolog[j];
                return CourseCatologs;
            catch (Exception ex)
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = "Insert into IFDSLogs values ('" + ex.ToString() + "')";
                //CourseCatologs = new CornerStone_CourseCatalog[0];
                //CornerStone_CourseCatalog CourseCatolog = new CornerStone_CourseCatalog();
                //CourseCatolog.Title = "error";
                //CourseCatolog.CreatedDate = DateTime.MinValue;
                //CourseCatolog.Description = "error";
                //CourseCatolog.SubjectIDs = "error";
                //CourseCatolog.SubjectTitles = "error";
                //CourseCatolog.Price = 0;
                //CourseCatolog.Type = "error";
                //CourseCatolog.DeepLinkURL = "error";
                //CourseCatolog.CourseDuration = "error";
                //CourseCatolog.OUAvailability = "error";
                //CourseCatolog.LOTitles = "error";
                //CourseCatolog.LOInstructions = "error";
                //CourseCatologs[0] = CourseCatolog;
                //Customer customer = new Customer();
                //customer.CustomerID = -1;
                //customer.CustomerName = "Not found";
                //customer.City = "";
                //customers[0] = customer;
                return CourseCatologs;

            //return allCustomers;