コード例 #1
ファイル: IfcWorkControl.g.cs プロジェクト: vdubya/IFC-gen
        }                                               // optional

        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a IfcWorkControl with all required attributes.
        /// </summary>
        public IfcWorkControl(IfcGloballyUniqueId globalId, IfcDateTime creationDate, IfcDateTime startTime) : base(globalId)
            Creators = new List <IfcPerson>();

            CreationDate = creationDate;
            StartTime    = startTime;
コード例 #2
ファイル: IfcCostSchedule.g.cs プロジェクト: vdubya/IFC-gen
 public IfcCostSchedule(IfcGloballyUniqueId globalId, IfcOwnerHistory ownerHistory, IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcLabel objectType, IfcIdentifier identification, IfcCostScheduleTypeEnum predefinedType, IfcLabel status, IfcDateTime submittedOn, IfcDateTime updateDate) : base(globalId, ownerHistory, name, description, objectType, identification)
     PredefinedType = predefinedType;
     Status         = status;
     SubmittedOn    = submittedOn;
     UpdateDate     = updateDate;
コード例 #3
        public IfcDocumentInformation(IfcIdentifier identification, IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcURIReference location, IfcText purpose, IfcText intendedUse, IfcText scope, IfcLabel revision, IfcActorSelect documentOwner, List <IfcActorSelect> editors, IfcDateTime creationTime, IfcDateTime lastRevisionTime, IfcIdentifier electronicFormat, IfcDate validFrom, IfcDate validUntil, IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum confidentiality, IfcDocumentStatusEnum status) : base()
            DocumentInfoForObjects = new List <IfcRelAssociatesDocument>();
            HasDocumentReferences  = new List <IfcDocumentReference>();
            IsPointedTo            = new List <IfcDocumentInformationRelationship>();
            IsPointer = new List <IfcDocumentInformationRelationship>();

            Identification   = identification;
            Name             = name;
            Description      = description;
            Location         = location;
            Purpose          = purpose;
            IntendedUse      = intendedUse;
            Scope            = scope;
            Revision         = revision;
            DocumentOwner    = documentOwner;
            Editors          = editors;
            CreationTime     = creationTime;
            LastRevisionTime = lastRevisionTime;
            ElectronicFormat = electronicFormat;
            ValidFrom        = validFrom;
            ValidUntil       = validUntil;
            Confidentiality  = confidentiality;
            Status           = status;
コード例 #4
ファイル: IfcEventTime.g.cs プロジェクト: vdubya/IFC-gen
 public IfcEventTime(IfcLabel name, IfcDataOriginEnum dataOrigin, IfcLabel userDefinedDataOrigin, IfcDateTime actualDate, IfcDateTime earlyDate, IfcDateTime lateDate, IfcDateTime scheduleDate) : base(name, dataOrigin, userDefinedDataOrigin)
     ActualDate   = actualDate;
     EarlyDate    = earlyDate;
     LateDate     = lateDate;
     ScheduleDate = scheduleDate;
コード例 #5
 public IfcCurrencyRelationship(IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcMonetaryUnit relatingMonetaryUnit, IfcMonetaryUnit relatedMonetaryUnit, IfcPositiveRatioMeasure exchangeRate, IfcDateTime rateDateTime, IfcLibraryInformation rateSource) : base(name, description)
     RelatingMonetaryUnit = relatingMonetaryUnit;
     RelatedMonetaryUnit  = relatedMonetaryUnit;
     ExchangeRate         = exchangeRate;
     RateDateTime         = rateDateTime;
     RateSource           = rateSource;
コード例 #6
ファイル: IfcTimeSeries.g.cs プロジェクト: vdubya/IFC-gen
        }                                                                                    // inverse

        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a IfcTimeSeries with all required attributes.
        /// </summary>
        public IfcTimeSeries(IfcLabel name, IfcDateTime startTime, IfcDateTime endTime, IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum timeSeriesDataType, IfcDataOriginEnum dataOrigin) : base()
            HasExternalReference = new List <IfcExternalReferenceRelationship>();

            Name               = name;
            StartTime          = startTime;
            EndTime            = endTime;
            TimeSeriesDataType = timeSeriesDataType;
            DataOrigin         = dataOrigin;
コード例 #7
ファイル: IfcWorkControl.g.cs プロジェクト: vdubya/IFC-gen
 public IfcWorkControl(IfcGloballyUniqueId globalId, IfcOwnerHistory ownerHistory, IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcLabel objectType, IfcIdentifier identification, IfcDateTime creationDate, List <IfcPerson> creators, IfcLabel purpose, IfcDuration duration, IfcDuration totalFloat, IfcDateTime startTime, IfcDateTime finishTime) : base(globalId, ownerHistory, name, description, objectType, identification)
     CreationDate = creationDate;
     Creators     = creators;
     Purpose      = purpose;
     Duration     = duration;
     TotalFloat   = totalFloat;
     StartTime    = startTime;
     FinishTime   = finishTime;
コード例 #8
        public IfcLibraryInformation(IfcLabel name, IfcLabel version, IfcActorSelect publisher, IfcDateTime versionDate, IfcURIReference location, IfcText description) : base()
            LibraryInfoForObjects = new List <IfcRelAssociatesLibrary>();
            HasLibraryReferences  = new List <IfcLibraryReference>();

            Name        = name;
            Version     = version;
            Publisher   = publisher;
            VersionDate = versionDate;
            Location    = location;
            Description = description;
コード例 #9
ファイル: IfcConstraint.g.cs プロジェクト: vdubya/IFC-gen
        public IfcConstraint(IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcConstraintEnum constraintGrade, IfcLabel constraintSource, IfcActorSelect creatingActor, IfcDateTime creationTime, IfcLabel userDefinedGrade) : base()
            HasExternalReferences   = new List <IfcExternalReferenceRelationship>();
            PropertiesForConstraint = new List <IfcResourceConstraintRelationship>();

            Name             = name;
            Description      = description;
            ConstraintGrade  = constraintGrade;
            ConstraintSource = constraintSource;
            CreatingActor    = creatingActor;
            CreationTime     = creationTime;
            UserDefinedGrade = userDefinedGrade;
コード例 #10
ファイル: IfcTimeSeries.g.cs プロジェクト: vdubya/IFC-gen
        public IfcTimeSeries(IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcDateTime startTime, IfcDateTime endTime, IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum timeSeriesDataType, IfcDataOriginEnum dataOrigin, IfcLabel userDefinedDataOrigin, IfcUnit unit) : base()
            HasExternalReference = new List <IfcExternalReferenceRelationship>();

            Name                  = name;
            Description           = description;
            StartTime             = startTime;
            EndTime               = endTime;
            TimeSeriesDataType    = timeSeriesDataType;
            DataOrigin            = dataOrigin;
            UserDefinedDataOrigin = userDefinedDataOrigin;
            Unit                  = unit;
コード例 #11
ファイル: IfcApproval.g.cs プロジェクト: vdubya/IFC-gen
        public IfcApproval(IfcIdentifier identifier, IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcDateTime timeOfApproval, IfcLabel status, IfcLabel level, IfcText qualifier, IfcActorSelect requestingApproval, IfcActorSelect givingApproval) : base()
            HasExternalReferences = new List <IfcExternalReferenceRelationship>();
            ApprovedObjects       = new List <IfcRelAssociatesApproval>();
            ApprovedResources     = new List <IfcResourceApprovalRelationship>();
            IsRelatedWith         = new List <IfcApprovalRelationship>();
            Relates = new List <IfcApprovalRelationship>();

            Identifier         = identifier;
            Name               = name;
            Description        = description;
            TimeOfApproval     = timeOfApproval;
            Status             = status;
            Level              = level;
            Qualifier          = qualifier;
            RequestingApproval = requestingApproval;
            GivingApproval     = givingApproval;
コード例 #12
 public IfcResourceTime(IfcLabel name, IfcDataOriginEnum dataOrigin, IfcLabel userDefinedDataOrigin, IfcDuration scheduleWork, IfcPositiveRatioMeasure scheduleUsage, IfcDateTime scheduleStart, IfcDateTime scheduleFinish, IfcLabel scheduleContour, IfcDuration levelingDelay, IfcBoolean isOverAllocated, IfcDateTime statusTime, IfcDuration actualWork, IfcPositiveRatioMeasure actualUsage, IfcDateTime actualStart, IfcDateTime actualFinish, IfcDuration remainingWork, IfcPositiveRatioMeasure remainingUsage, IfcPositiveRatioMeasure completion) : base(name, dataOrigin, userDefinedDataOrigin)
     ScheduleWork    = scheduleWork;
     ScheduleUsage   = scheduleUsage;
     ScheduleStart   = scheduleStart;
     ScheduleFinish  = scheduleFinish;
     ScheduleContour = scheduleContour;
     LevelingDelay   = levelingDelay;
     IsOverAllocated = isOverAllocated;
     StatusTime      = statusTime;
     ActualWork      = actualWork;
     ActualUsage     = actualUsage;
     ActualStart     = actualStart;
     ActualFinish    = actualFinish;
     RemainingWork   = remainingWork;
     RemainingUsage  = remainingUsage;
     Completion      = completion;
コード例 #13
ファイル: IfcTaskTime.g.cs プロジェクト: vdubya/IFC-gen
 public IfcTaskTime(IfcLabel name, IfcDataOriginEnum dataOrigin, IfcLabel userDefinedDataOrigin, IfcTaskDurationEnum durationType, IfcDuration scheduleDuration, IfcDateTime scheduleStart, IfcDateTime scheduleFinish, IfcDateTime earlyStart, IfcDateTime earlyFinish, IfcDateTime lateStart, IfcDateTime lateFinish, IfcDuration freeFloat, IfcDuration totalFloat, IfcBoolean isCritical, IfcDateTime statusTime, IfcDuration actualDuration, IfcDateTime actualStart, IfcDateTime actualFinish, IfcDuration remainingTime, IfcPositiveRatioMeasure completion) : base(name, dataOrigin, userDefinedDataOrigin)
     DurationType     = durationType;
     ScheduleDuration = scheduleDuration;
     ScheduleStart    = scheduleStart;
     ScheduleFinish   = scheduleFinish;
     EarlyStart       = earlyStart;
     EarlyFinish      = earlyFinish;
     LateStart        = lateStart;
     LateFinish       = lateFinish;
     FreeFloat        = freeFloat;
     TotalFloat       = totalFloat;
     IsCritical       = isCritical;
     StatusTime       = statusTime;
     ActualDuration   = actualDuration;
     ActualStart      = actualStart;
     ActualFinish     = actualFinish;
     RemainingTime    = remainingTime;
     Completion       = completion;
コード例 #14
 public IfcRegularTimeSeries(IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcDateTime startTime, IfcDateTime endTime, IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum timeSeriesDataType, IfcDataOriginEnum dataOrigin, IfcLabel userDefinedDataOrigin, IfcUnit unit, IfcTimeMeasure timeStep, List <IfcTimeSeriesValue> values) : base(name, description, startTime, endTime, timeSeriesDataType, dataOrigin, userDefinedDataOrigin, unit)
     TimeStep = timeStep;
     Values   = values;
コード例 #15
 public IfcSimpleValue(IfcDateTime choice)
     this.choice = choice;
コード例 #16
 public IfcWorkSchedule(IfcGloballyUniqueId globalId, IfcOwnerHistory ownerHistory, IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcLabel objectType, IfcIdentifier identification, IfcDateTime creationDate, List <IfcPerson> creators, IfcLabel purpose, IfcDuration duration, IfcDuration totalFloat, IfcDateTime startTime, IfcDateTime finishTime, IfcWorkScheduleTypeEnum predefinedType) : base(globalId, ownerHistory, name, description, objectType, identification, creationDate, creators, purpose, duration, totalFloat, startTime, finishTime)
     PredefinedType = predefinedType;
コード例 #17
        }                                                               // optional

        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a IfcWorkSchedule with all required attributes.
        /// </summary>
        public IfcWorkSchedule(IfcGloballyUniqueId globalId, IfcDateTime creationDate, IfcDateTime startTime) : base(globalId, creationDate, startTime)
コード例 #18
 public IfcIrregularTimeSeriesValue(IfcDateTime timeStamp, List <IfcValue> listValues) : base()
     TimeStamp  = timeStamp;
     ListValues = listValues;
コード例 #19
 public IfcMetric(IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcConstraintEnum constraintGrade, IfcLabel constraintSource, IfcActorSelect creatingActor, IfcDateTime creationTime, IfcLabel userDefinedGrade, IfcBenchmarkEnum benchmark, IfcLabel valueSource, IfcMetricValueSelect dataValue, IfcReference referencePath) : base(name, description, constraintGrade, constraintSource, creatingActor, creationTime, userDefinedGrade)
     Benchmark     = benchmark;
     ValueSource   = valueSource;
     DataValue     = dataValue;
     ReferencePath = referencePath;
コード例 #20
 public IfcTaskTimeRecurring(IfcLabel name, IfcDataOriginEnum dataOrigin, IfcLabel userDefinedDataOrigin, IfcTaskDurationEnum durationType, IfcDuration scheduleDuration, IfcDateTime scheduleStart, IfcDateTime scheduleFinish, IfcDateTime earlyStart, IfcDateTime earlyFinish, IfcDateTime lateStart, IfcDateTime lateFinish, IfcDuration freeFloat, IfcDuration totalFloat, IfcBoolean isCritical, IfcDateTime statusTime, IfcDuration actualDuration, IfcDateTime actualStart, IfcDateTime actualFinish, IfcDuration remainingTime, IfcPositiveRatioMeasure completion, IfcRecurrencePattern recurrence) : base(name, dataOrigin, userDefinedDataOrigin, durationType, scheduleDuration, scheduleStart, scheduleFinish, earlyStart, earlyFinish, lateStart, lateFinish, freeFloat, totalFloat, isCritical, statusTime, actualDuration, actualStart, actualFinish, remainingTime, completion)
     Recurrence = recurrence;
コード例 #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a IfcRegularTimeSeries with all required attributes.
 /// </summary>
 public IfcRegularTimeSeries(IfcLabel name, IfcDateTime startTime, IfcDateTime endTime, IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum timeSeriesDataType, IfcDataOriginEnum dataOrigin, IfcTimeMeasure timeStep, List <IfcTimeSeriesValue> values) : base(name, startTime, endTime, timeSeriesDataType, dataOrigin)
     TimeStep = timeStep;
     Values   = values;
コード例 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a IfcIrregularTimeSeries with all required attributes.
 /// </summary>
 public IfcIrregularTimeSeries(IfcLabel name, IfcDateTime startTime, IfcDateTime endTime, IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum timeSeriesDataType, IfcDataOriginEnum dataOrigin, List <IfcIrregularTimeSeriesValue> values) : base(name, startTime, endTime, timeSeriesDataType, dataOrigin)
     Values = values;
コード例 #23
ファイル: IfcObjective.g.cs プロジェクト: vdubya/IFC-gen
 public IfcObjective(IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcConstraintEnum constraintGrade, IfcLabel constraintSource, IfcActorSelect creatingActor, IfcDateTime creationTime, IfcLabel userDefinedGrade, List <IfcConstraint> benchmarkValues, IfcLogicalOperatorEnum logicalAggregator, IfcObjectiveEnum objectiveQualifier, IfcLabel userDefinedQualifier) : base(name, description, constraintGrade, constraintSource, creatingActor, creationTime, userDefinedGrade)
     BenchmarkValues      = benchmarkValues;
     LogicalAggregator    = logicalAggregator;
     ObjectiveQualifier   = objectiveQualifier;
     UserDefinedQualifier = userDefinedQualifier;