コード例 #1
ファイル: TestModel.cs プロジェクト: lgatto/proteowizard
        public static void CreateTestProteins(ISession session, IList<string> testProteinSequences)
            var bulkInserter = new BulkInserter(session.Connection);

            for (int i = 0; i < testProteinSequences.Count; ++i)
                int id = i + 1;
                var protein = new TestProtein()
                    Id = id,
                    Accession = "PRO" + id.ToString(),
                    Description = "Protein " + id.ToString(),
                    Sequence = testProteinSequences[i]
                var proteinAccessor = new PrivateObject(protein);
                proteinAccessor.SetProperty("Length", testProteinSequences[i].Length);

コード例 #2
ファイル: TestModel.cs プロジェクト: lgatto/proteowizard
        private static void createTestPeptideInstances (NHibernate.ISession session, BulkInserter bulkInserter, Peptide pep)
            // store instances even though the association is inverse:
            // the PeptideModification.Offset property needs access to the protein sequence
            pep.Instances = new List<PeptideInstance>();

            foreach (Protein pro in session.Query<Protein>())
                int start = pro.Sequence.IndexOf(pep.Sequence, 0);
                while (start >= 0)
                    int end = start + pep.Sequence.Length;
                    bool nTerminusIsSpecific = start == 0 || pro.Sequence[start - 1] == 'K' || pro.Sequence[start - 1] == 'R';
                    bool cTerminusIsSpecific = end == pro.Sequence.Length || pro.Sequence[end - 1] == 'K' || pro.Sequence[end - 1] == 'R';
                    var instance = new TestPI()
                        Peptide = pep,
                        Protein = pro,
                        Offset = start,
                        Length = pep.Sequence.Length,
                        MissedCleavages = pep.Sequence.ToCharArray(0, pep.Sequence.Length - 1).Count(o => o == 'K' || o == 'R'),
                        NTerminusIsSpecific = nTerminusIsSpecific,
                        CTerminusIsSpecific = cTerminusIsSpecific,

                    var instanceAccessor = new PrivateObject(instance);
                    instanceAccessor.SetProperty("SpecificTermini", (nTerminusIsSpecific ? 1 : 0) + (cTerminusIsSpecific ? 1 : 0));


                    start = pro.Sequence.IndexOf(pep.Sequence, start + 1);

            if (pep.Instances.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("peptide " + pep.Sequence + " does not occur in any proteins");
コード例 #3
ファイル: TestModel.cs プロジェクト: lgatto/proteowizard
        public static void CreateTestData (NHibernate.ISession session, IList<SpectrumTuple> testPsmSummary)
            var dbGroups = new Map<string, SpectrumSourceGroup>();
            foreach (var ssg in session.Query<SpectrumSourceGroup>())
                dbGroups[ssg.Name] = ssg;

            var dbSources = new Map<long, SpectrumSource>();
            foreach (var ss in session.Query<SpectrumSource>())
                dbSources[ss.Id.Value] = ss;

            var dbAnalyses = new Map<long, Analysis>();
            foreach (var a in session.Query<Analysis>())
                dbAnalyses[a.Id.Value] = a;

            var dbPeptides = new Map<string, Peptide>();
            foreach (var pep in session.Query<Peptide>())
                dbPeptides[pep.Sequence] = pep;

            var bulkInserter = new BulkInserter(session.Connection);

            long lastPsmId = session.CreateQuery("SELECT MAX(Id) FROM PeptideSpectrumMatch").UniqueResult<long?>().GetValueOrDefault();
            long lastModId = session.CreateQuery("SELECT MAX(Id) FROM Modification").UniqueResult<long?>().GetValueOrDefault();
            long lastPmId = session.CreateQuery("SELECT MAX(Id) FROM PeptideModification").UniqueResult<long?>().GetValueOrDefault();
            long lastGroupId = session.CreateQuery("SELECT MAX(Id) FROM SpectrumSourceGroup").UniqueResult<long?>().GetValueOrDefault();
            long lastSourceId = session.CreateQuery("SELECT MAX(Id) FROM SpectrumSource").UniqueResult<long?>().GetValueOrDefault();
            long lastSglId = session.CreateQuery("SELECT MAX(Id) FROM SpectrumSourceGroupLink").UniqueResult<long?>().GetValueOrDefault();

            foreach (SpectrumTuple row in testPsmSummary)
                string groupName = row.Group;
                string sourceName = "Source " + row.Source;
                string analysisId = "Engine " + row.Analysis;
                string peptideTuples = row.PeptideTuples;

                SpectrumSourceGroup group = dbGroups[groupName];
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(group.Name))
                    group.Id = ++lastGroupId;
                    group.Name = groupName;

                SpectrumSource source = dbSources[row.Source];
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Name))
                    source.Id = ++lastSourceId;
                    source.Name = sourceName;
                    source.Group = group;
                    source.Spectra = new List<Spectrum>();

                    // add a source group link for the source's immediate group
                    bulkInserter.Add(new SpectrumSourceGroupLink() { Id = ++lastSglId, Group = group, Source = source });

                    #region add source group links for all of the immediate group's parent groups

                    if (groupName != "/")
                        string parentGroupName = groupName.Substring(0, groupName.LastIndexOf("/"));
                        while (true)
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parentGroupName))
                                parentGroupName = "/";

                            // add the parent group if it doesn't exist yet
                            SpectrumSourceGroup parentGroup = session.UniqueResult<SpectrumSourceGroup>(o => o.Name == parentGroupName);
                            if (parentGroup == null)
                                parentGroup = new SpectrumSourceGroup() { Id = ++lastGroupId, Name = parentGroupName };

                            bulkInserter.Add(new SpectrumSourceGroupLink() { Id = ++lastSglId, Group = parentGroup, Source = source });

                            if (parentGroupName == "/")
                            parentGroupName = parentGroupName.Substring(0, parentGroupName.LastIndexOf("/"));


                Spectrum spectrum = source.Spectra.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Source.Id == source.Id &&
                                                                        o.Index == row.Spectrum - 1);
                if (spectrum == null)
                    spectrum = new Spectrum()
                                       Id = source.Id * 10000 + row.Spectrum,
                                       Index = row.Spectrum - 1,
                                       NativeID = "scan=" + row.Spectrum,
                                       Source = source,
                                       PrecursorMZ = 42

                Analysis analysis = dbAnalyses[row.Analysis];
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(analysis.Name))
                    analysis.Id = dbAnalyses.Max(o => o.Value.Id).GetValueOrDefault() + 1;
                    analysis.Name = analysisId + " 1.0";
                    analysis.Software = new AnalysisSoftware() {Name = analysisId, Version = "1.0"};
                    analysis.StartTime = DateTime.Today.AddHours(row.Analysis);
                    analysis.Type = AnalysisType.DatabaseSearch;

                    analysis.Parameters = new SortedSet<AnalysisParameter>()
                        new AnalysisParameter()
                            Id = analysis.Id * 10000,
                            Analysis = analysis,
                            Name = "Parameter 1",
                            Value = "Value 1"


                // make sure peptides are sorted by their score divider (which will determine rank)
                var peptideList = new SortedList<int, List<PeptideTuple>>();
                foreach (string tuple in peptideTuples.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                    var peptideTuple = new PeptideTuple()
                                               Sequence = tuple.Split('@', '/')[0],
                                               Charge = Convert.ToInt32(tuple.Split('@', '/')[1]),
                                               ScoreDivider = Convert.ToInt32(tuple.Split('@', '/')[2])
                    if (!peptideList.ContainsKey(peptideTuple.ScoreDivider))
                        peptideList[peptideTuple.ScoreDivider] = new List<PeptideTuple>();

                int rank = 1;
                int lastDivider = 1;
                foreach (var peptideTupleList in peptideList.Values)
                    foreach (var peptideTuple in peptideTupleList)
                        using (PwizPeptide pwizPeptide = new PwizPeptide(peptideTuple.Sequence, ModParsing.ModificationParsing_Auto, ModDelimiter.ModificationDelimiter_Brackets))
                            Peptide peptide = dbPeptides[pwizPeptide.sequence];
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(peptide.Sequence))
                                peptide = new TestPeptide(pwizPeptide.sequence);
                                peptide.Id = dbPeptides.Max(o => o.Value.Id).GetValueOrDefault() + 1;
                                peptide.MonoisotopicMass = pwizPeptide.monoisotopicMass(false);
                                peptide.MolecularWeight = pwizPeptide.molecularWeight(false);
                                dbPeptides[pwizPeptide.sequence] = peptide;
                                createTestPeptideInstances(session, bulkInserter, peptide);

                            double neutralPrecursorMass = (spectrum.PrecursorMZ*peptideTuple.Charge) - (peptideTuple.Charge*Proton.Mass);

                            var psm = new PeptideSpectrumMatch()
                                              Id = ++lastPsmId,
                                              Peptide = peptide,
                                              Spectrum = spectrum,
                                              Analysis = analysis,
                                              ObservedNeutralMass = neutralPrecursorMass,
                                              MonoisotopicMassError = neutralPrecursorMass - pwizPeptide.monoisotopicMass(),
                                              MolecularWeightError = neutralPrecursorMass - pwizPeptide.molecularWeight(),
                                              Charge = peptideTuple.Charge,
                                              Rank = (peptideTuple.ScoreDivider == lastDivider ? rank : ++rank),
                                              QValue = (rank == 1 ? row.QValue : PeptideSpectrumMatch.DefaultQValue),

                            if (row.Score != null)
                                psm.Scores = new Dictionary<string, double>()
                                                     {"score1", (double) row.Score/peptideTuple.ScoreDivider},
                                                     {"score2", 1/((double) row.Score/peptideTuple.ScoreDivider)}

                            lastDivider = peptideTuple.ScoreDivider;

                            // add PeptideModifications and Modifications
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, ModList> itr in pwizPeptide.modifications())
                                foreach (PwizMod pwizMod in itr.Value)
                                    Modification mod = session.UniqueResult<Modification>(o => o.Formula == pwizMod.formula());
                                    if (mod == null)
                                        mod = new Modification()
                                                      Id = ++lastModId,
                                                      Formula = pwizMod.formula(),
                                                      MonoMassDelta = pwizMod.monoisotopicDeltaMass(),
                                                      AvgMassDelta = pwizMod.averageDeltaMass(),
                                                      Name = pwizMod.formula()

                                    bulkInserter.Add(new PeptideModification()
                                                             Id = ++lastPmId,
                                                             PeptideSpectrumMatch = psm,
                                                             Modification = mod,
                                                             Offset = itr.Key == ModMap.NTerminus() ? int.MinValue
                                                                    : itr.Key == ModMap.CTerminus() ? int.MaxValue
                                                                    : itr.Key