public bool doStep() { if (m_trace == null) { return(true); } int syncID; ulong retired = (ulong)m_ins.retire(Config.proc.instructionsPerCycle); if (retired > 0) { m_last_retired = Simulator.CurrentRound; } if (!m_trace_valid) { m_trace_valid = advanceTrace(); // doStats needs to see the next record } doStats(retired); if (m_ins.isFull()) { return(true); } bool done = false; int nIns = Config.proc.instructionsPerCycle; int nMem = 1; while (!done && nIns > 0 && !m_ins.isFull()) { if (!m_trace_valid) { m_trace_valid = advanceTrace(); } if (!m_trace_valid) { return(false); } if (m_trace.type == Trace.Type.Pause) // when execution-driven, source has nothing to give { m_trace_valid = false; return(true); } if (m_trace.type == Trace.Type.Sync) { // `from' field: translate referrent from thd ID to physical CPU id syncID =, m_trace.from); } else { syncID = m_trace.from; } switch (m_trace.type) { case Trace.Type.Rd: case Trace.Type.Wr: if (nMem == 0 || !canIssueMSHR(m_trace.address)) { done = true; break; } nMem--; nIns--; ulong addr = m_trace.address; bool isWrite = m_trace.type == Trace.Type.Wr; bool inWindow = m_ins.contains(addr, isWrite); Request req = inWindow ? null : new Request(m_ID, addr, isWrite); m_ins.fetch(req, addr, isWrite, inWindow); if (!inWindow) { issueReq(req); } m_trace_valid = false; break; case Trace.Type.NonMem: if (m_trace.address > 0) { m_ins.fetch(null, InstructionWindow.NULL_ADDRESS, false, true); m_trace.address--; nIns--; } else { m_trace_valid = false; } break; case Trace.Type.Label: if (m_sync.Label(m_ID, syncID, m_trace.address)) { m_trace_valid = false; // allowed to continue } else { // shouldn't ever block... if (m_stats_active) { Simulator.stats.cpu_sync_memdep[m_ID].Add(); } done = true; // blocking: done with this cycle } break; case Trace.Type.Sync: if (m_sync.Sync(m_ID, syncID, m_trace.address)) { m_trace_valid = false; } else { if (m_stats_active) { Simulator.stats.cpu_sync_memdep[m_ID].Add(); } done = true; } break; case Trace.Type.Lock: //Console.WriteLine("Lock" + ' ' + m_ID.ToString() + ' ' + syncID.ToString() + ' ' + m_trace.address.ToString()); if (m_sync.Lock(m_ID, syncID, m_trace.address)) { m_trace_valid = false; } else { if (m_stats_active) { Simulator.stats.cpu_sync_lock[m_ID].Add(); } done = true; } break; case Trace.Type.Unlock: //Console.WriteLine("Unlock" + ' ' + m_ID.ToString() + ' ' + syncID.ToString() + ' ' + m_trace.address.ToString()); if (m_sync.Unlock(m_ID, syncID, m_trace.address)) { m_trace_valid = false; } else { // shouldn't ever block... if (m_stats_active) { Simulator.stats.cpu_sync_lock[m_ID].Add(); } done = true; } break; case Trace.Type.Barrier: //Console.WriteLine("Barrier" + ' ' + m_ID.ToString() + ' ' + syncID.ToString() + ' ' + m_trace.address.ToString()); if (m_sync.Barrier(m_ID, syncID, m_trace.address)) { m_trace_valid = false; } else { if (m_stats_active) { Simulator.stats.cpu_sync_barrier[m_ID].Add(); } done = true; } break; } } return(true); }
public bool doStep() { if (m_trace == null) { return(true); } /* HWA CODE */ // if( !Simulator.QoSCtrl.is_initialized ) // Simulator.QoSCtrl.schedule_quantum(); if (m_is_GPU) { m_MemoryCoalescing.doStep(); } int syncID; // Console.WriteLine("core:{1} step: cyc {0}", Simulator.CurrentRound, m_ID); ulong retired; if (m_is_GPU) { retired = (ulong)m_ins.retire(Config.proc.GPUinstructionsPerCycle); } else { retired = (ulong)m_ins.retire(Config.proc.instructionsPerCycle); } /* HWA CODE */ if (m_is_HWA) { deadLineReqCnt += retired; } /* HWA_CODE END */ if (retired > 0) { m_last_retired = Simulator.CurrentRound; } if (!m_trace_valid) { m_trace_valid = advanceTrace(); // doStats needs to see the next record } // if(Simulator.CurrentRound > 650000 && m_ID ==15) // Console.WriteLine("core:{1} after advancetrace in DOSTEP: cyc {0}, ID = {1}, trace_valid = {2}, retiring {3} instructions, isfull = {4}", Simulator.CurrentRound, m_ID, m_trace_valid, retired, m_ins.isFull()); // Console.WriteLine("core:{1} before stat: cyc {0}", Simulator.CurrentRound, m_ID); doStats(retired); if (m_ins.isFull()) { return(true); } bool done = false; int nIns = Config.proc.instructionsPerCycle; if (m_is_GPU) { nIns = Config.proc.GPUinstructionsPerCycle; } else if (Config.CPU == false) { done = true; } int nMem = 1; // if(Simulator.CurrentRound > 650000 && m_ID ==15) // Console.WriteLine("core:{1} before loop: cyc {0}, ID = {1} done = {2}, numIns = {3}, isFull = {4}", Simulator.CurrentRound, m_ID, done, nIns, m_ins.isFull()); while (!done && nIns > 0 && !m_ins.isFull()) { // if(Simulator.CurrentRound > 700000 && m_ID ==15) // Console.WriteLine("cycle:{0} in loop before advance trace, trace valid = {1} ", Simulator.CurrentRound, m_trace_valid); if (!m_trace_valid) { // if(Simulator.CurrentRound > 700000 && m_ID ==15) // Console.WriteLine("cycle:{0} in loop after advance trace, trace valid = {1} ", Simulator.CurrentRound, m_trace_valid); m_trace_valid = advanceTrace(); } if (!m_trace_valid) { return(false); } if (m_trace.type == Trace.Type.Pause) // when execution-driven, source has nothing to give { m_trace_valid = false; return(true); } if (m_trace.type == Trace.Type.Sync) { // `from' field: translate referrent from thd ID to physical CPU id syncID =, m_trace.from); } else { syncID = m_trace.from; } switch (m_trace.type) { case Trace.Type.Rd: case Trace.Type.Wr: if (nMem == 0 || !canIssueMSHR(m_trace.address)) { done = true; break; } nMem--; nIns--; if (m_is_GPU) { deadLineReqCnt++; } ulong addr = m_trace.address; bool isWrite = m_trace.type == Trace.Type.Wr; bool inWindow = m_ins.contains(addr, isWrite); int windowID =; Request req = inWindow ? null : new Request(m_ID, addr, isWrite); /* HWA CODE */ if (m_is_HWA) { deadLineReqFetchCnt++; // if( !inWindow ) req.setDeadLine( deadLine, deadLineCnt, deadLineReq, deadLineReqCnt ); } /* HWA CODE END */ m_ins.fetch(req, addr, isWrite, inWindow); // if(Simulator.CurrentRound > 700000 && m_ID ==15) // Console.WriteLine("core:{1} in loop - mem: cyc {0}, inWindow = {1}", Simulator.CurrentRound, m_ID, inWindow); if (!inWindow) { if (!m_is_GPU) { issueReq(req, windowID); } else { req.from_GPU = true; req.memsize = ((TraceFile_AMD_GPU)m_trace).memsize; req.client = ((TraceFile_AMD_GPU)m_trace).client; issueReq(req, windowID); } } m_trace_valid = false; break; case Trace.Type.NonMem: if (m_trace.address > 0) { // Console.WriteLine("core:{1} in loop - nonmem before fetch: cyc {0}", Simulator.CurrentRound, m_ID); m_ins.fetch(null, InstructionWindow.NULL_ADDRESS, false, true); m_trace.address--; nIns--; } else { m_trace_valid = false; } break; case Trace.Type.Label: if (m_sync.Label(m_ID, syncID, m_trace.address)) { m_trace_valid = false; // allowed to continue } else { // shouldn't ever block... if (m_stats_active) { Simulator.stats.cpu_sync_memdep[m_ID].Add(); } done = true; // blocking: done with this cycle } break; case Trace.Type.Sync: if (m_sync.Sync(m_ID, syncID, m_trace.address)) { m_trace_valid = false; } else { if (m_stats_active) { Simulator.stats.cpu_sync_memdep[m_ID].Add(); } done = true; } break; case Trace.Type.Lock: //Console.WriteLine("Lock" + ' ' + m_ID.ToString() + ' ' + syncID.ToString() + ' ' + m_trace.address.ToString()); if (m_sync.Lock(m_ID, syncID, m_trace.address)) { m_trace_valid = false; } else { if (m_stats_active) { Simulator.stats.cpu_sync_lock[m_ID].Add(); } done = true; } break; case Trace.Type.Unlock: //Console.WriteLine("Unlock" + ' ' + m_ID.ToString() + ' ' + syncID.ToString() + ' ' + m_trace.address.ToString()); if (m_sync.Unlock(m_ID, syncID, m_trace.address)) { m_trace_valid = false; } else { // shouldn't ever block... if (m_stats_active) { Simulator.stats.cpu_sync_lock[m_ID].Add(); } done = true; } break; case Trace.Type.Barrier: //Console.WriteLine("Barrier" + ' ' + m_ID.ToString() + ' ' + syncID.ToString() + ' ' + m_trace.address.ToString()); if (m_sync.Barrier(m_ID, syncID, m_trace.address)) { m_trace_valid = false; } else { if (m_stats_active) { Simulator.stats.cpu_sync_barrier[m_ID].Add(); } done = true; } break; } // Console.WriteLine("core:{1} in loop - at the end: cyc {0}", Simulator.CurrentRound, m_ID); } // Console.WriteLine("core:{1} after loop: cyc {0}", Simulator.CurrentRound, m_ID); return(true); }