void MemberModifier(ModifierList m) { switch (la.kind) { case 156: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Abstract, t.Location); break; } case 102: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Default, t.Location); break; } case 125: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Internal, t.Location); break; } case 199: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.New, t.Location); break; } case 181: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Override, t.Location); break; } case 157: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Abstract, t.Location); break; } case 185: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Private, t.Location); break; } case 187: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Protected, t.Location); break; } case 188: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Public, t.Location); break; } case 166: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Sealed, t.Location); break; } case 167: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Sealed, t.Location); break; } case 200: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Static, t.Location); break; } case 180: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Virtual, t.Location); break; } case 179: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Overloads, t.Location); break; } case 190: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.ReadOnly, t.Location); break; } case 235: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.WriteOnly, t.Location); break; } case 234: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.WithEvents, t.Location); break; } case 105: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Dim, t.Location); break; } case 183: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Partial, t.Location); break; } default: SynErr(256); break; } }
void TypeModifier(ModifierList m) { switch (la.kind) { case 188: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Public, t.Location); break; } case 187: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Protected, t.Location); break; } case 125: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Internal, t.Location); break; } case 185: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Private, t.Location); break; } case 200: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Static, t.Location); break; } case 199: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.New, t.Location); break; } case 156: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Abstract, t.Location); break; } case 166: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Sealed, t.Location); break; } case 183: { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Partial, t.Location); break; } default: SynErr(250); break; } }
void LocalDeclarationStatement(out Statement statement) { ModifierList m = new ModifierList(); LocalVariableDeclaration localVariableDeclaration; bool dimfound = false; while (la.kind == 88 || la.kind == 105 || la.kind == 204) { if (la.kind == 88) { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Const, t.Location); } else if (la.kind == 204) { Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Static, t.Location); } else { Get(); dimfound = true; } } if(dimfound && (m.Modifier & Modifiers.Const) != 0) { Error("Dim is not allowed on constants."); } if(m.isNone && dimfound == false) { Error("Const, Dim or Static expected"); } localVariableDeclaration = new LocalVariableDeclaration(m.Modifier); localVariableDeclaration.StartLocation = t.Location; VariableDeclarator(localVariableDeclaration.Variables); while (la.kind == 22) { Get(); VariableDeclarator(localVariableDeclaration.Variables); } statement = localVariableDeclaration; }
void StructureMemberDecl(ModifierList m, List<AttributeSection> attributes) { TypeReference type = null; List<ParameterDeclarationExpression> p = new List<ParameterDeclarationExpression>(); Statement stmt = null; List<VariableDeclaration> variableDeclarators = new List<VariableDeclaration>(); List<TemplateDefinition> templates = new List<TemplateDefinition>(); switch (la.kind) { case 84: case 103: case 115: case 142: case 155: case 209: { NonModuleDeclaration(m, attributes); break; } case 210: { Get(); Location startPos = t.Location; if (StartOf(5)) { string name = String.Empty; MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration; List<string> handlesClause = null; List<InterfaceImplementation> implementsClause = null; Identifier(); name = t.val; m.Check(Modifiers.VBMethods); TypeParameterList(templates); if (la.kind == 37) { Get(); if (StartOf(7)) { FormalParameterList(p); } Expect(38); } if (la.kind == 134 || la.kind == 136) { if (la.kind == 136) { ImplementsClause(out implementsClause); } else { HandlesClause(out handlesClause); } } Location endLocation = t.EndLocation; if (IsMustOverride(m)) { EndOfStmt(); methodDeclaration = new MethodDeclaration { Name = name, Modifier = m.Modifier, Parameters = p, Attributes = attributes, StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos), EndLocation = endLocation, TypeReference = new TypeReference("System.Void", true), Templates = templates, HandlesClause = handlesClause, InterfaceImplementations = implementsClause }; AddChild(methodDeclaration); } else if (la.kind == 1) { Get(); methodDeclaration = new MethodDeclaration { Name = name, Modifier = m.Modifier, Parameters = p, Attributes = attributes, StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos), EndLocation = endLocation, TypeReference = new TypeReference("System.Void", true), Templates = templates, HandlesClause = handlesClause, InterfaceImplementations = implementsClause }; AddChild(methodDeclaration); if (ParseMethodBodies) { Block(out stmt); Expect(113); Expect(210); } else { // don't parse method body lexer.SkipCurrentBlock(Tokens.Sub); stmt = new BlockStatement(); } methodDeclaration.Body = (BlockStatement)stmt; methodDeclaration.Body.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; EndOfStmt(); } else SynErr(257); } else if (la.kind == 162) { Get(); if (la.kind == 37) { Get(); if (StartOf(7)) { FormalParameterList(p); } Expect(38); } m.Check(Modifiers.Constructors); Location constructorEndLocation = t.EndLocation; Expect(1); if (ParseMethodBodies) { Block(out stmt); Expect(113); Expect(210); } else { // don't parse method body lexer.SkipCurrentBlock(Tokens.Sub); stmt = new BlockStatement(); } Location endLocation = t.EndLocation; EndOfStmt(); ConstructorDeclaration cd = new ConstructorDeclaration("New", m.Modifier, p, attributes); cd.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos); cd.EndLocation = constructorEndLocation; cd.Body = (BlockStatement)stmt; cd.Body.EndLocation = endLocation; AddChild(cd); } else SynErr(258); break; } case 127: { Get(); m.Check(Modifiers.VBMethods); string name = String.Empty; Location startPos = t.Location; MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration;List<string> handlesClause = null; List<InterfaceImplementation> implementsClause = null; AttributeSection returnTypeAttributeSection = null; Identifier(); name = t.val; TypeParameterList(templates); if (la.kind == 37) { Get(); if (StartOf(7)) { FormalParameterList(p); } Expect(38); } if (la.kind == 63) { Get(); while (la.kind == 40) { AttributeSection(out returnTypeAttributeSection); if (returnTypeAttributeSection != null) { returnTypeAttributeSection.AttributeTarget = "return"; attributes.Add(returnTypeAttributeSection); } } TypeName(out type); } if(type == null) { type = new TypeReference("System.Object", true); } if (la.kind == 134 || la.kind == 136) { if (la.kind == 136) { ImplementsClause(out implementsClause); } else { HandlesClause(out handlesClause); } } Location endLocation = t.EndLocation; if (IsMustOverride(m)) { EndOfStmt(); methodDeclaration = new MethodDeclaration { Name = name, Modifier = m.Modifier, TypeReference = type, Parameters = p, Attributes = attributes, StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos), EndLocation = endLocation, HandlesClause = handlesClause, Templates = templates, InterfaceImplementations = implementsClause }; AddChild(methodDeclaration); } else if (la.kind == 1) { Get(); methodDeclaration = new MethodDeclaration { Name = name, Modifier = m.Modifier, TypeReference = type, Parameters = p, Attributes = attributes, StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos), EndLocation = endLocation, Templates = templates, HandlesClause = handlesClause, InterfaceImplementations = implementsClause }; AddChild(methodDeclaration); if (ParseMethodBodies) { Block(out stmt); Expect(113); Expect(127); } else { // don't parse method body lexer.SkipCurrentBlock(Tokens.Function); stmt = new BlockStatement(); } methodDeclaration.Body = (BlockStatement)stmt; methodDeclaration.Body.StartLocation = methodDeclaration.EndLocation; methodDeclaration.Body.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; EndOfStmt(); } else SynErr(259); break; } case 101: { Get(); m.Check(Modifiers.VBExternalMethods); Location startPos = t.Location; CharsetModifier charsetModifer = CharsetModifier.None; string library = String.Empty; string alias = null; string name = String.Empty; if (StartOf(16)) { Charset(out charsetModifer); } if (la.kind == 210) { Get(); Identifier(); name = t.val; Expect(149); Expect(3); library = t.literalValue as string; if (la.kind == 59) { Get(); Expect(3); alias = t.literalValue as string; } if (la.kind == 37) { Get(); if (StartOf(7)) { FormalParameterList(p); } Expect(38); } EndOfStmt(); DeclareDeclaration declareDeclaration = new DeclareDeclaration(name, m.Modifier, null, p, attributes, library, alias, charsetModifer); declareDeclaration.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos); declareDeclaration.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; AddChild(declareDeclaration); } else if (la.kind == 127) { Get(); Identifier(); name = t.val; Expect(149); Expect(3); library = t.literalValue as string; if (la.kind == 59) { Get(); Expect(3); alias = t.literalValue as string; } if (la.kind == 37) { Get(); if (StartOf(7)) { FormalParameterList(p); } Expect(38); } if (la.kind == 63) { Get(); TypeName(out type); } EndOfStmt(); DeclareDeclaration declareDeclaration = new DeclareDeclaration(name, m.Modifier, type, p, attributes, library, alias, charsetModifer); declareDeclaration.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos); declareDeclaration.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; AddChild(declareDeclaration); } else SynErr(260); break; } case 119: { Get(); m.Check(Modifiers.VBEvents); Location startPos = t.Location; EventDeclaration eventDeclaration; string name = String.Empty; List<InterfaceImplementation> implementsClause = null; Identifier(); name= t.val; if (la.kind == 63) { Get(); TypeName(out type); } else if (StartOf(17)) { if (la.kind == 37) { Get(); if (StartOf(7)) { FormalParameterList(p); } Expect(38); } } else SynErr(261); if (la.kind == 136) { ImplementsClause(out implementsClause); } eventDeclaration = new EventDeclaration { Name = name, TypeReference = type, Modifier = m.Modifier, Parameters = p, Attributes = attributes, InterfaceImplementations = implementsClause, StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos), EndLocation = t.EndLocation }; AddChild(eventDeclaration); EndOfStmt(); break; } case 2: case 58: case 62: case 64: case 65: case 66: case 67: case 70: case 87: case 104: case 107: case 116: case 121: case 126: case 133: case 139: case 143: case 146: case 147: case 170: case 176: case 178: case 184: case 203: case 212: case 213: case 223: case 224: case 230: { m.Check(Modifiers.Fields); FieldDeclaration fd = new FieldDeclaration(attributes, null, m.Modifier); IdentifierForFieldDeclaration(); string name = t.val; fd.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(t.Location); VariableDeclaratorPartAfterIdentifier(variableDeclarators, name); while (la.kind == 22) { Get(); VariableDeclarator(variableDeclarators); } EndOfStmt(); fd.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; fd.Fields = variableDeclarators; AddChild(fd); break; } case 88: { m.Check(Modifiers.Fields); Get(); m.Add(Modifiers.Const, t.Location); FieldDeclaration fd = new FieldDeclaration(attributes, type, m.Modifier); fd.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(t.Location); List<VariableDeclaration> constantDeclarators = new List<VariableDeclaration>(); ConstantDeclarator(constantDeclarators); while (la.kind == 22) { Get(); ConstantDeclarator(constantDeclarators); } fd.Fields = constantDeclarators; fd.EndLocation = t.Location; EndOfStmt(); fd.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; AddChild(fd); break; } case 186: { Get(); m.Check(Modifiers.VBProperties); Location startPos = t.Location; List<InterfaceImplementation> implementsClause = null; AttributeSection returnTypeAttributeSection = null; Expression initializer = null; Identifier(); string propertyName = t.val; if (la.kind == 37) { Get(); if (StartOf(7)) { FormalParameterList(p); } Expect(38); } if (la.kind == 63) { Get(); while (la.kind == 40) { AttributeSection(out returnTypeAttributeSection); if (returnTypeAttributeSection != null) { returnTypeAttributeSection.AttributeTarget = "return"; attributes.Add(returnTypeAttributeSection); } } if (IsNewExpression()) { ObjectCreateExpression(out initializer); if (initializer is ObjectCreateExpression) { type = ((ObjectCreateExpression)initializer).CreateType.Clone(); } else { type = ((ArrayCreateExpression)initializer).CreateType.Clone(); } } else if (StartOf(9)) { TypeName(out type); } else SynErr(262); } if (la.kind == 20) { Get(); Expr(out initializer); } if (la.kind == 136) { ImplementsClause(out implementsClause); } EndOfStmt(); if (IsMustOverride(m) || IsAutomaticProperty()) { PropertyDeclaration pDecl = new PropertyDeclaration(propertyName, type, m.Modifier, attributes); pDecl.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos); pDecl.EndLocation = t.Location; pDecl.TypeReference = type; pDecl.InterfaceImplementations = implementsClause; pDecl.Parameters = p; if (initializer != null) pDecl.Initializer = initializer; AddChild(pDecl); } else if (StartOf(18)) { PropertyDeclaration pDecl = new PropertyDeclaration(propertyName, type, m.Modifier, attributes); pDecl.StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos); pDecl.EndLocation = t.Location; pDecl.BodyStart = t.Location; pDecl.TypeReference = type; pDecl.InterfaceImplementations = implementsClause; pDecl.Parameters = p; PropertyGetRegion getRegion; PropertySetRegion setRegion; AccessorDecls(out getRegion, out setRegion); Expect(113); Expect(186); EndOfStmt(); pDecl.GetRegion = getRegion; pDecl.SetRegion = setRegion; pDecl.BodyEnd = t.Location; // t = EndOfStmt; not "Property" AddChild(pDecl); } else SynErr(263); break; } case 98: { Get(); Location startPos = t.Location; Expect(119); m.Check(Modifiers.VBCustomEvents); EventAddRemoveRegion eventAccessorDeclaration; EventAddRegion addHandlerAccessorDeclaration = null; EventRemoveRegion removeHandlerAccessorDeclaration = null; EventRaiseRegion raiseEventAccessorDeclaration = null; List<InterfaceImplementation> implementsClause = null; Identifier(); string customEventName = t.val; Expect(63); TypeName(out type); if (la.kind == 136) { ImplementsClause(out implementsClause); } EndOfStmt(); while (StartOf(19)) { EventAccessorDeclaration(out eventAccessorDeclaration); if(eventAccessorDeclaration is EventAddRegion) { addHandlerAccessorDeclaration = (EventAddRegion)eventAccessorDeclaration; } else if(eventAccessorDeclaration is EventRemoveRegion) { removeHandlerAccessorDeclaration = (EventRemoveRegion)eventAccessorDeclaration; } else if(eventAccessorDeclaration is EventRaiseRegion) { raiseEventAccessorDeclaration = (EventRaiseRegion)eventAccessorDeclaration; } } Expect(113); Expect(119); EndOfStmt(); if(addHandlerAccessorDeclaration == null) { Error("Need to provide AddHandler accessor."); } if(removeHandlerAccessorDeclaration == null) { Error("Need to provide RemoveHandler accessor."); } if(raiseEventAccessorDeclaration == null) { Error("Need to provide RaiseEvent accessor."); } EventDeclaration decl = new EventDeclaration { TypeReference = type, Name = customEventName, Modifier = m.Modifier, Attributes = attributes, StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos), EndLocation = t.EndLocation, AddRegion = addHandlerAccessorDeclaration, RemoveRegion = removeHandlerAccessorDeclaration, RaiseRegion = raiseEventAccessorDeclaration }; AddChild(decl); break; } case 161: case 172: case 232: { ConversionType opConversionType = ConversionType.None; if (la.kind == 161 || la.kind == 232) { if (la.kind == 232) { Get(); opConversionType = ConversionType.Implicit; } else { Get(); opConversionType = ConversionType.Explicit; } } Expect(172); m.Check(Modifiers.VBOperators); Location startPos = t.Location; TypeReference returnType = NullTypeReference.Instance; TypeReference operandType = NullTypeReference.Instance; OverloadableOperatorType operatorType; AttributeSection section; ParameterDeclarationExpression param; List<ParameterDeclarationExpression> parameters = new List<ParameterDeclarationExpression>(); OverloadableOperator(out operatorType); Expect(37); FormalParameter(out param); if (param != null) parameters.Add(param); if (la.kind == 22) { Get(); FormalParameter(out param); if (param != null) parameters.Add(param); } Expect(38); Location endPos = t.EndLocation; if (la.kind == 63) { Get(); while (la.kind == 40) { AttributeSection(out section); if (section != null) { section.AttributeTarget = "return"; attributes.Add(section); } } TypeName(out returnType); endPos = t.EndLocation; } Expect(1); Block(out stmt); Expect(113); Expect(172); EndOfStmt(); OperatorDeclaration operatorDeclaration = new OperatorDeclaration { Modifier = m.Modifier, Attributes = attributes, Parameters = parameters, TypeReference = returnType, OverloadableOperator = operatorType, ConversionType = opConversionType, Body = (BlockStatement)stmt, StartLocation = m.GetDeclarationLocation(startPos), EndLocation = endPos }; operatorDeclaration.Body.StartLocation = startPos; operatorDeclaration.Body.EndLocation = t.Location; AddChild(operatorDeclaration); break; } default: SynErr(264); break; } }