public static CacheIndentEngine CreateEngine(string text, CSharpFormattingOptions formatOptions = null, TextEditorOptions options = null) { if (formatOptions == null) { formatOptions = FormattingOptionsFactory.CreateMono(); formatOptions.AlignToFirstIndexerArgument = formatOptions.AlignToFirstMethodCallArgument = true; } var sb = new StringBuilder(); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { var ch = text [i]; if (ch == '$') { offset = i; continue; } sb.Append(ch); } var document = new ReadOnlyDocument(sb.ToString()); options = options ?? new TextEditorOptions { EolMarker = "\n" }; var result = new CacheIndentEngine(new CSharpIndentEngine(document, options, formatOptions)); result.Update(offset); return result; }
public override void Initialize () { base.Initialize (); IStateMachineIndentEngine indentEngine; indentEngine = new JSonIndentEngine (document.Editor); stateTracker = new CacheIndentEngine (indentEngine); document.Editor.IndentationTracker = new JSonIndentationTracker (document.Editor, stateTracker); }
static void IndentSingleLine(CacheIndentEngine engine, IDocument document, IDocumentLine line) { engine.Update(line.EndOffset); if (engine.NeedsReindent) { var indentation = TextUtilities.GetWhitespaceAfter(document, line.Offset); // replacing the indentation in two steps is necessary to make the caret move accordingly. document.Replace(indentation.Offset, indentation.Length, ""); document.Replace(indentation.Offset, 0, engine.ThisLineIndent); engine.ResetEngineToPosition(line.Offset); } }
public static IDocumentIndentEngine CreateEngine(string text) { var sb = new StringBuilder (); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { var ch = text [i]; if (ch == '$') { offset = i; continue; } sb.Append (ch); } var data = new TextEditorData (); data.Text = sb.ToString (); var csi = new JSonIndentEngine (data); var result = new CacheIndentEngine (csi); result.Update (offset); return result; }
public static IDocumentIndentEngine CreateEngine(string text, CSharpFormattingOptions formatOptions = null, IEnumerable<string> symbols = null) { var policy = formatOptions; if ( policy == null) { policy = FormattingOptionsFactory.CreateMono(); policy.IndentPreprocessorDirectives = false; policy.AlignToFirstMethodCallArgument = policy.AlignToFirstIndexerArgument = true; } var sb = new StringBuilder(); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { var ch = text[i]; if (ch == '$') { offset = i; continue; } sb.Append(ch); } var document = new ReadOnlyDocument(sb.ToString()); var options = new TextEditorOptions(); var csi = new CSharpIndentEngine(document, options, policy) { EnableCustomIndentLevels = true }; if (symbols != null) { foreach (var sym in symbols) { csi.DefineSymbol(sym); } } var result = new CacheIndentEngine(csi); result.Update(offset); return result; }
public override void Dispose () { if (textEditorData != null) { textEditorData.TextPasteHandler = null; textEditorData.Paste -= HandleTextPaste; textEditorData.Options.Changed -= HandleTextOptionsChanged; textEditorData.IndentationTracker = null; textEditorData.Document.TextReplacing -= HandleTextReplacing; textEditorData.Document.TextReplaced -= HandleTextReplaced; } IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfigurationChanged -= HandleTextOptionsChanged; stateTracker = null; base.Dispose (); }
void HandleTextOptionsChanged (object sender, EventArgs e) { var policy = Policy.CreateOptions (); var options = Editor.CreateNRefactoryTextEditorOptions (); options.IndentBlankLines = true; IStateMachineIndentEngine indentEngine; try { var csharpIndentEngine = new CSharpIndentEngine (textEditorData.Document, options, policy); //csharpIndentEngine.EnableCustomIndentLevels = true; foreach (var symbol in MonoDevelop.CSharp.Highlighting.CSharpSyntaxMode.GetDefinedSymbols (document.Project)) { csharpIndentEngine.DefineSymbol (symbol); } indentEngine = csharpIndentEngine; } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError ("Error while creating the c# indentation engine", ex); indentEngine = new NullIStateMachineIndentEngine (textEditorData.Document); } stateTracker = new CacheIndentEngine (indentEngine); textEditorData.IndentationTracker = new IndentVirtualSpaceManager (textEditorData, stateTracker); if (textEditorData.Options.IndentStyle == IndentStyle.Auto || textEditorData.Options.IndentStyle == IndentStyle.None) { textEditorData.TextPasteHandler = null; } else { textEditorData.TextPasteHandler = new TextPasteIndentEngine (stateTracker, options, policy); } }
public static void RandomTests(string filePath, int count, CSharpFormattingOptions policy = null, TextEditorOptions options = null) { if (File.Exists(filePath)) { var code = File.ReadAllText(filePath); var document = new ReadOnlyDocument(code); policy = policy ?? FormattingOptionsFactory.CreateMono(); options = options ?? new TextEditorOptions { IndentBlankLines = false }; var engine = new CacheIndentEngine(new CSharpIndentEngine(document, options, policy) { EnableCustomIndentLevels = true }); Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int offset = rnd.Next(document.TextLength); engine.Update(offset); if (engine.CurrentIndent.Length == 0) continue; } } else { Assert.Fail("File " + filePath + " doesn't exist."); } }
public static void ReadAndTest(string filePath, CSharpFormattingOptions policy = null, TextEditorOptions options = null) { if (File.Exists(filePath)) { filePath = Path.GetFullPath(filePath); var code = File.ReadAllText(filePath); var document = new ReadOnlyDocument(code); if (policy == null) { policy = FormattingOptionsFactory.CreateMono(); policy.AlignToFirstIndexerArgument = policy.AlignToFirstMethodCallArgument = true; } options = options ?? new TextEditorOptions { IndentBlankLines = false }; var engine = new CacheIndentEngine(new CSharpIndentEngine(document, options, policy) { EnableCustomIndentLevels = true }); int errors = 0; foreach (var ch in code) { if (options.EolMarker[0] == ch) { if (!(engine.LineBeganInsideMultiLineComment || engine.LineBeganInsideVerbatimString)) { if (engine.CurrentIndent.Length > 0) { if (engine.NeedsReindent) { errors++; Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Indent: {2}, Current indent: {3} in {0}:{1}", filePath, engine.Location.Line, engine.ThisLineIndent.Length, engine.CurrentIndent.Length)); } } } } engine.Push(ch); } Assert.AreEqual(0, errors); } else { Assert.Fail("File " + filePath + " doesn't exist."); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new CacheIndentEngine instance from the given prototype. /// </summary> /// <param name="prototype"> /// A CacheIndentEngine instance. /// </param> public CacheIndentEngine(CacheIndentEngine prototype) { this.currentEngine = prototype.currentEngine.Clone(); }
IStateMachineIndentEngine CreateTracker(TextEditorData data) { var policy = PolicyService.InvariantPolicies.Get <CSharpFormattingPolicy> ("text/x-csharp").CreateOptions(); var textStylePolicy = data.CreateNRefactoryTextEditorOptions(); textStylePolicy.IndentBlankLines = true; var result = new CacheIndentEngine(new ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.CSharpIndentEngine(data.Document, textStylePolicy, policy)); result.Update (data.Caret.Offset); return result; }
public JSonIndentationTracker(TextEditorData data, CacheIndentEngine stateTracker) { = data; this.stateTracker = stateTracker; }
public IndentVirtualSpaceManager(TextEditorData data, CacheIndentEngine stateTracker) { = data; this.stateTracker = stateTracker; }