public static void SetUp(ExtensionPath extensionPath, XmlReader reader, string endElement) { Stack<ICondition> conditionStack = new Stack<ICondition>(); List<Codon> innerCodons = new List<Codon>(); while (reader.Read()) { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.EndElement: if (reader.LocalName == "Condition" || reader.LocalName == "ComplexCondition") { conditionStack.Pop(); } else if (reader.LocalName == endElement) { if (innerCodons.Count > 0) extensionPath.codons.Add(innerCodons); return; } break; case XmlNodeType.Element: string elementName = reader.LocalName; if (elementName == "Condition") { conditionStack.Push(Condition.Read(reader)); } else if (elementName == "ComplexCondition") { conditionStack.Push(Condition.ReadComplexCondition(reader)); } else { Codon newCodon = new Codon(extensionPath.AddIn, elementName, Properties.ReadFromAttributes(reader), conditionStack.ToArray()); innerCodons.Add(newCodon); if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { ExtensionPath subPath = extensionPath.AddIn.GetExtensionPath(extensionPath.Name + "/" + newCodon.Id); //foreach (ICondition condition in extensionPath.conditionStack) { // subPath.conditionStack.Push(condition); //} SetUp(subPath, reader, elementName); //foreach (ICondition condition in extensionPath.conditionStack) { // subPath.conditionStack.Pop(); //} } } break; } } if (innerCodons.Count > 0) extensionPath.codons.Add(innerCodons); }
public void ListCodons(ExtensionPath ext) { CodonLV.Items.Clear(); if (ext == null) { ExtTextBox.Text = "Extension : "; return; } ListCodons(ext.Name); }
public static void SetUp(ExtensionPath extensionPath, XmlReader reader, string endElement) { extensionPath.DoSetUp(reader, endElement); }
public ExtensionPath GetExtensionPath(string pathName) { if (!paths.ContainsKey(pathName)) { return paths[pathName] = new ExtensionPath(pathName, this); } return paths[pathName]; }
public static void SetUp(ExtensionPath extensionPath, XmlReader reader, string endElement) { Stack<ICondition> conditionStack = new Stack<ICondition>(); extensionPath.DoSetUp(reader, endElement, conditionStack); }
static void SetupAddIn(XmlReader reader, AddIn addIn, string hintPath) { while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.IsStartElement()) { switch (reader.LocalName) { case "StringResources": case "BitmapResources": if (reader.AttributeCount != 1) { throw new AddInLoadException("BitmapResources requires ONE attribute."); } string filename = StringParser.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("file")); if (reader.LocalName == "BitmapResources") { addIn.BitmapResources.Add(filename); } else { addIn.StringResources.Add(filename); } break; case "Runtime": if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { Runtime.ReadSection(reader, addIn, hintPath); } break; case "Include": if (reader.AttributeCount != 1) { throw new AddInLoadException("Include requires ONE attribute."); } if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { throw new AddInLoadException("Include nodes must be empty!"); } if (hintPath == null) { throw new AddInLoadException("Cannot use include nodes when hintPath was not specified (e.g. when AddInManager reads a .addin file)!"); } string fileName = Path.Combine(hintPath, reader.GetAttribute(0)); XmlReaderSettings xrs = new XmlReaderSettings(); xrs.NameTable = reader.NameTable; // share the name table xrs.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Fragment; using (XmlReader includeReader = XmlTextReader.Create(fileName, xrs)) { SetupAddIn(includeReader, addIn, Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName)); } break; case "Path": if (reader.AttributeCount != 1) { throw new AddInLoadException("Import node requires ONE attribute."); } string pathName = reader.GetAttribute(0); ExtensionPath extensionPath = addIn.GetExtensionPath(pathName); if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { ExtensionPath.SetUp(extensionPath, reader, "Path"); } break; case "Manifest": addIn.Manifest.ReadManifestSection(reader, hintPath); break; default: throw new AddInLoadException("Unknown root path node:" + reader.LocalName); } } } }
private static void SetupAddIn(XmlReader reader, AddIn addIn, string hintPath) { while (reader.Read()) { if ((reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) || !reader.IsStartElement()) { continue; } switch (reader.LocalName) { case "StringResources": case "BitmapResources": if (reader.AttributeCount != 1) { throw new NotSupportedException("BitmapResources requires ONE attribute."); } break; case "Runtime": { if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { Runtime.ReadSection(reader, addIn, hintPath); } continue; } case "Include": if (reader.AttributeCount != 1) { throw new NotSupportedException("Include requires ONE attribute."); } goto Label_0146; case "Path": goto Label_01A3; case "Manifest": { addIn.Manifest.ReadManifestSection(reader, hintPath); continue; } default: throw new NotSupportedException("Unknown root path node:" + reader.LocalName); } string item = StringParser.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("file")); if (reader.LocalName == "BitmapResources") { addIn.BitmapResources.Add(item); } else { addIn.StringResources.Add(item); } continue; Label_0146: if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { throw new NotSupportedException("Include nodes must be empty!"); } if (hintPath == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot use include nodes when hintPath was not specified (e.g. when AddInManager reads a .addin file)!"); } string inputUri = Path.Combine(hintPath, reader.GetAttribute(0)); XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings { ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Fragment }; using (XmlReader reader2 = XmlReader.Create(inputUri, settings)) { SetupAddIn(reader2, addIn, Path.GetDirectoryName(inputUri)); continue; } Label_01A3: if (reader.AttributeCount != 1) { throw new NotSupportedException("Import node requires ONE attribute."); } string attribute = reader.GetAttribute(0); ExtensionPath extensionPath = addIn.GetExtensionPath(attribute); if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { ExtensionPath.SetUp(extensionPath, reader, "Path"); } } }