public DataTable Get_RPT_DeviceOpStatus(string sDevList, DateTime sStartDate, DateTime sEndDate) { try { string selectCmd = ""; //selectCmd += "Select l.Devicename as Devicename, "; //selectCmd += " n.LineName as LineName, "; //selectCmd += " (case when d.Location = 'R' and Location_R = 'I' then concat(p.VariableValue,'入口') "; //selectCmd += " when d.Location = 'R' and Location_R = 'O' then concat(p.VariableValue,'出口') "; //selectCmd += " else p.VariableValue end "; //selectCmd += " ) as Location, "; //selectCmd += " p2.VariableValue as Direction, "; //selectCmd += " cast(round(cast(d.Mile_M as double)/1000,2) as decimal(8,2)) as Mileage, "; //selectCmd += " to_char(l.Timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), "; //selectCmd += " (case when l.connectstatus = 'Y' then '連線' else '離線' end) as connectstatus, "; //selectCmd += " (case when l.connectstatus <> 'Y' then '-' when l.connectstatus is null then '-' else " + "db2inst1" + ".OP_STATUS(case when l.op_status is null then 0 else l.op_status end) end) as op_status, "; //selectCmd += " (case when l.connectstatus <> 'Y' then '-' when l.connectstatus is null then '-' else (case when l.display is null then '-' when l.display = '' then '-' else l.display end) end) as display "; //selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceStatusLog + " l LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " n ON n.lineid = d.lineid "; //selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'Location') p ON p.VariableName = d.Location "; //selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'DeviceDirection') p2 ON p2.VariableName = d.Direction "; //selectCmd += " ON d.Devicename = l.Devicename "; //selectCmd += " Where d.Device_Type in " + sDevList + " "; //selectCmd += " And l.Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; //selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; //selectCmd += " Order By l.DeviceName, l.timestamp "; selectCmd += "Select s.devicename,l.linename, loc.variablevalue,dir.variablevalue, "; selectCmd += " decimal(round(float(d.mile_m)/1000,2),8,2) as mileage,to_char(s.timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), "; selectCmd += " (case when s.type = 'C' then (case when s.result = 3 then '斷線' else '連線' end) else '' end) as comm_state, "; selectCmd += " (case when s.type = 'S' then DB2INST1.OP_STATUS((case when s.result is null then 0 else s.result end)) else '-' end) as op_status, "; selectCmd += " DB2INST1.DisplayTOChinese(s.display,d.device_type,s.type) as display "; selectCmd += " From db2inst1.tbldevicestatelog s"; selectCmd += " LEFt JOIN db2inst1.tbldeviceconfig d ON d.devicename = s.devicename "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN db2inst1.tblgroupline l ON l.lineid = d.lineid "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select variablename, variablevalue from db2inst1.tblsysparameter where UPPER(groupname) = 'LOCATION') loc ON loc.variablename = d.location "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select variablename, variablevalue from db2inst1.tblsysparameter where UPPER(groupname) = 'DEVICEDIRECTION') dir ON dir.variablename = d.direction "; selectCmd += " Where s.type in ('C','S','D') and d.Device_Type in " + sDevList + " "; selectCmd += " And s.Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " Order By s.DeviceName, s.timestamp "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable GetPeopleList() { try { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select UserId,UserName "; selectCmd += " From " + sTableName_tblSysUser + " "; selectCmd += " Order By USERID "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable GetReport(string sList, DateTime sStartDate, DateTime sEndDate, string sMyColumns, string sReportKind) { try { string selectCmd = ""; if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "一分鐘交通資料") { selectCmd += "Select " + sMyColumns + " "; //2009/12/18:SHIN:edit...改抓五分鐘table selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Min + " "; //selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " "; selectCmd += " Where DeviceName in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " and VD5MIN_FLAG=1 and datavalidity = 'V' "; selectCmd += " And Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " Order By DeviceName, TimeStamp "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "一分鐘交通資料VD") { selectCmd += "Select DeviceName "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Min + " "; selectCmd += " Where DeviceName in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " and VD5MIN_FLAG=1 and datavalidity = 'V' "; selectCmd += " And Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " group by DeviceName "; selectCmd += " Order By DeviceName "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "五分鐘交通資料") { selectCmd += "Select " + sMyColumns + " "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " "; selectCmd += " Where DeviceName in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " And Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " Order By DeviceName, TimeStamp "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "五分鐘交通資料VD") { selectCmd += "Select DeviceName "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " "; selectCmd += " Where DeviceName in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " And Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " group by DeviceName "; selectCmd += " Order By DeviceName "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "現點速率VD") { selectCmd += "select a.DEVICENAME"; selectCmd += " From tblVdDataSpotSpeed a "; selectCmd += " left join tblSysParameter b on char(a.car_class) = char(b.VariableName) and GroupName = 'car_class' "; selectCmd += " Where a.DeviceName in" + sList + " "; selectCmd += " And a.Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " group by a.DeviceName "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "現點速率記錄") { selectCmd += "select a.DEVICENAME,to_char(a.TimeStamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as TimeStamp,a.lane_id, "; selectCmd += DBNAME + ".ZERO2DASH(a.car_volume)," + DBNAME + ".ZERO2DASH(a.car_speed) "; selectCmd += " ,b.VariableValue," + DBNAME + ".ZERO2DASH(a.car_length) "; selectCmd += " ," + DBNAME + ".ZERO2DASH(a.car_interval) "; selectCmd += " From tblVdDataSpotSpeed a "; selectCmd += " left join tblSysParameter b on char(a.car_class) = char(b.VariableName) and GroupName = 'car_class' "; selectCmd += " Where a.DeviceName in" + sList + " "; selectCmd += " And a.Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " Order By a.DeviceName, a.TimeStamp "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "五分鐘車間距資料") { selectCmd += "Select " + sMyColumns + " "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " "; selectCmd += " Where DeviceName in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " And Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " Order By DeviceName, TimeStamp "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "五分鐘車間距資料VD") { selectCmd += "Select DEVICENAME "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " "; selectCmd += " Where DeviceName in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " And Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " group by DeviceName "; selectCmd += " Order By DeviceName "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "一分鐘車道使用率及車間距報表") { selectCmd += "Select " + sMyColumns + " "; //2009/12/18:SHIN:edit...改抓五分鐘table selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Min + " "; //selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " "; selectCmd += " Where DeviceName in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " And Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " Order By DeviceName, TimeStamp "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "一分鐘車道使用率及車間距報表VD") { selectCmd += "Select DEVICENAME "; //2009/12/18:SHIN:edit...改抓五分鐘table selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Min + " "; //selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " "; selectCmd += " Where DeviceName in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " And Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " group by DeviceName "; selectCmd += " Order By DeviceName "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "一小時交通資料") { selectCmd += "Select " + sMyColumns + " "; //2009/12/18:SHIN:edit...改抓五分鐘table selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Hr + " "; //selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " "; selectCmd += " Where DeviceName in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " And Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " Order By DeviceName, TimeStamp "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "一小時交通資料VD") { selectCmd += "Select DEVICENAME "; //2009/12/18:SHIN:edit...改抓五分鐘table selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Hr + " "; //selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " "; selectCmd += " Where DeviceName in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " And Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " group by DeviceName "; selectCmd += " Order By DeviceName "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "一天交通資料") { selectCmd += "Select " + sMyColumns + " "; //2009/12/18:SHIN:edit...改抓五分鐘table selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Day + " "; //selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " "; selectCmd += " Where DeviceName in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " And Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " Order By DeviceName, TimeStamp "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "一天交通資料VD") { selectCmd += "Select DEVICENAME "; //2009/12/18:SHIN:edit...改抓五分鐘table selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Day + " "; //selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " "; selectCmd += " Where DeviceName in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " And Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " group by DeviceName "; selectCmd += " Order By DeviceName "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "全區主線全日交通量統計") { selectCmd += "Select l.LineName, "; selectCmd += " s.SectionName, "; selectCmd += " p.VariableValue, "; selectCmd += " (select " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH((case when MAX(v.car_volume) is null then 0 else MAX(v.car_volume) end)) from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Day + " v, " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d where d.Devicename = v.Devicename and d.sectionid = s.sectionid and date(v.timestamp) between date(timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) and date(timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) ) as car_volume, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_MaxVol_Dev + "((select MAX(v.car_volume) from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Day + " v, " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d where d.Devicename = v.Devicename and d.sectionid = s.sectionid and date(v.timestamp) between date(timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) and date(timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'))), timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'), s.sectionid) as DeviceList "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupSection + " s LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " d1 ON d1.DivisionId = s.Start_DivisionId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " d2 ON d2.DivisionId = s.End_DivisionId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " l ON l.LineId = s.LineId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'DeviceDirection') p ON p.VariableName = s.Direction "; selectCmd += " Where s.SectionId in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " Order By l.LineId, s.Direction, d1.Mileage "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "全區匝道全日交通量統計") { selectCmd += "Select r.LineName, "; selectCmd += " r.DivisionName, "; selectCmd += " r.DirectionDesc, "; selectCmd += " r.Volume, "; selectCmd += " r.Devicename"; selectCmd += " From ( "; selectCmd += "Select Distinct "; selectCmd += " r.LineName as LineName, "; selectCmd += " r.DivisionName as DivisionName, "; selectCmd += " r.DirectionDesc as DirectionDesc, "; selectCmd += " (select (case when MAX(v.car_volume) is null then '-' else char(MAX(v.car_volume)) end) "; selectCmd += " from " + "db2inst1" + ".tblvddata1day v, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".tbldeviceconfig d "; selectCmd += " where d.devicename = v.devicename "; selectCmd += " and d.location = 'R' "; selectCmd += " and date(v.timestamp) between date(timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) and date(timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) "; selectCmd += " and d.SectionId = r.SectionId "; selectCmd += " and UPPER(d.Location_R) = UPPER(r.Location_R) "; selectCmd += " ) as Volume, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_MaxVol_Dev_Ramp + "( "; selectCmd += " (select MAX(v.car_volume) from " + "db2inst1" + ".tblvddata1day v, " + "db2inst1" + ".tbldeviceconfig d "; selectCmd += " where d.devicename = v.devicename "; selectCmd += " and d.location = 'R' "; selectCmd += " and date(v.timestamp) between date(timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) and date(timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) "; selectCmd += " and d.SectionId = r.SectionId "; selectCmd += " and UPPER(d.Location_R) = UPPER(r.Location_R) "; selectCmd += " ), timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'), r.SectionId, r.Location_R) as Devicename, "; selectCmd += " r.LineId, r.Mileage "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_vwRamp + " r "; selectCmd += " Where r.SectionId in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " ) r "; selectCmd += " Order By r.LineId, r.Mileage "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "現場終端設備狀態記錄統計") { selectCmd += "Select l.Devicename as Devicename, "; selectCmd += " n.LineName as LineName, "; selectCmd += " (case when d.Location = 'R' and Location_R = 'I' then concat(p.VariableValue,'入口') "; selectCmd += " when d.Location = 'R' and Location_R = 'O' then concat(p.VariableValue,'出口') "; selectCmd += " else p.VariableValue end) as Location, "; selectCmd += " p2.VariableValue as Direction, "; selectCmd += " cast(round(cast(d.Mile_M as double)/1000,2) as decimal(8,2)) as Mileage, "; selectCmd += " Replace(l.Memo,':','/') as memo, "; selectCmd += " l.Timestamp as StartTimestamp, "; selectCmd += " '' as EndTimestamp "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceStatusLog + " l LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " n ON n.lineid = d.lineid "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'Location') p ON p.VariableName = d.Location "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'DeviceDirection') p2 ON p2.VariableName = d.Direction "; selectCmd += " ON d.Devicename = l.Devicename "; selectCmd += " Where d.Device_Type in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " And l.Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " And (l.HW_Status_1 <> 0 OR "; selectCmd += " l.HW_Status_2 <> 0 OR "; selectCmd += " l.HW_Status_3 <> 0 OR "; selectCmd += " l.HW_Status_4 <> 0) "; selectCmd += " Order By l.Timestamp, l.Devicename "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "現場終端設備運作記錄") { //selectCmd += "Select l.Devicename as Devicename, "; //selectCmd += " n.LineName as LineName, "; //selectCmd += " (case when d.Location = 'R' and Location_R = 'I' then concat(p.VariableValue,'入口') "; //selectCmd += " when d.Location = 'R' and Location_R = 'O' then concat(p.VariableValue,'出口') "; //selectCmd += " else p.VariableValue end "; //selectCmd += " ) as Location, "; //selectCmd += " p2.VariableValue as Direction, "; //selectCmd += " cast(round(cast(d.Mile_M as double)/1000,2) as decimal(8,2)) as Mileage, "; //selectCmd += " l.Timestamp, "; //selectCmd += " (case when l.connectstatus = 'Y' then '連線' else '離線' end) as connectstatus, "; //selectCmd += " (case when l.connectstatus <> 'Y' then '-' when l.connectstatus is null then '-' else " + "db2inst1" + ".OP_STATUS(case when l.op_status is null then 0 else l.op_status end) end) as op_status, "; //selectCmd += " (case when l.connectstatus <> 'Y' then '-' when l.connectstatus is null then '-' else (case when l.display is null then '-' when l.display = '' then '-' else l.display end) end) as display "; //selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceStatusLog + " l LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " n ON n.lineid = d.lineid "; //selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'Location') p ON p.VariableName = d.Location "; //selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'DeviceDirection') p2 ON p2.VariableName = d.Direction "; //selectCmd += " ON d.Devicename = l.Devicename "; //selectCmd += " Where d.Device_Type in " + sList + " "; //selectCmd += " And l.Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; //selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; //selectCmd += " Order By l.DeviceName, l.timestamp "; selectCmd += "Select s.devicename,l.linename, loc.variablevalue,dir.variablevalue, "; selectCmd += " decimal(round(float(d.mile_m)/1000,2),8,2) as mileage,to_char(s.timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), "; selectCmd += " (case when s.type = 'C' then (case when s.result = 3 then '斷線' else '連線' end) else '' end) as comm_state, "; selectCmd += " (case when s.type = 'S' then DB2INST1.OP_STATUS((case when s.result is null then 0 else s.result end)) else '-' end) as op_status, "; selectCmd += " (case when s.type = 'D' then display else '-' end) as display "; selectCmd += " From db2inst1.tbldevicestatelog s"; selectCmd += " LEFt JOIN db2inst1.tbldeviceconfig d ON d.devicename = s.devicename "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN db2inst1.tblgroupline l ON l.lineid = d.lineid "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select variablename, variablevalue from db2inst1.tblsysparameter where UPPER(groupname) = 'LOCATION') loc ON loc.variablename = d.location "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select variablename, variablevalue from db2inst1.tblsysparameter where UPPER(groupname) = 'DEVICEDIRECTION') dir ON dir.variablename = d.direction "; selectCmd += " Where s.type in ('C','S','D') and d.Device_Type in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " And s.Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "設備狀態即時監視") { //selectCmd += "Select d.device_type, "; //selectCmd += " d.Devicename, s.LINENAME, "; //selectCmd += " (case when l.connectstatus = 'Y' then '連線' when l.connectstatus = 'N' then '離線' else '-' end), "; //selectCmd += " (case when l.connectstatus <> 'Y' then '-' when l.connectstatus is null then '-' else " + "db2inst1" + ".OP_MODE(case when d.op_mode is null then 0 else d.op_mode end) end) as op_mode, "; //selectCmd += " (case when l.connectstatus <> 'Y' then '-' when l.connectstatus is null then '-' else (case when l.memo is null then '-' when l.memo = '' then '-' else l.memo end) end) "; ////selectCmd += " ,d.DEVICENAME,m.MFCCName "; //selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d LEFT JOIN "; //selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceStatus + " l ON d.DEVICENAME=l.DEVICENAME LEFT JOIN "; //selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_tblgroupline + " s ON d.LINEID=s.LINEID "; ////selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_tblMFCCConfig + " m ON d.MFCCId=m.MFCCId "; ////selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceStatusLog + " l, "; ////selectCmd += " (select x.devicename, x.timestamp "; ////selectCmd += " from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceStatusLog + " x "; ////selectCmd += " where x.timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceStatusLog + " where devicename = x.devicename) "; ////selectCmd += " group by x.devicename, x.timestamp) xl "; ////selectCmd += " Where l.devicename = d.devicename and d.LINEID=s.LINEID "; ////selectCmd += " And l.devicename = xl.devicename "; ////selectCmd += " And l.timestamp = xl.timestamp "; //selectCmd += " Where d.Device_Type in " + sList + " "; //selectCmd += " Order By d.device_type, d.DeviceName,s.LINENAME "; //SHIN add selectCmd += "Select d.device_type, "; selectCmd += " d.Devicename, s.LINENAME, "; selectCmd += " (case when d.comm_state = 3 then '斷線' when d.enable = 'N' then '斷線' else '連線' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when d.comm_state = 3 then '-' when d.enable = 'N' then '斷線' when d.comm_state is null then '-' else db2inst1.OP_MODE(case when d.op_mode is null then 0 else d.op_mode end) end) as op_mode, "; selectCmd += " (case when d.comm_state = 3 then '-' when d.enable = 'N' then '斷線' when d.comm_state is null then '-' else (case when d.hw_status_1=0 and d.hw_status_2 =0 and d.hw_status_3=0 and d.hw_status_4=0 then '正常' else db2inst1.DEVICESTATUS(d.hw_status_1,d.hw_status_2,d.hw_status_3,d.hw_status_4,d.device_type) end) end) "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d LEFT JOIN "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_tblgroupline + " s ON d.LINEID=s.LINEID "; selectCmd += " Where d.Device_Type in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " Order By d.device_type, d.DeviceName,s.LINENAME "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "設備狀態即時監視2") { selectCmd += "Select d.DEVICENAME,d.MFCCId "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d left join "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceStatus + " l ON d.DEVICENAME=l.DEVICENAME left join"; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_tblgroupline + " s ON d.LINEID=s.LINEID"; selectCmd += " Where d.Device_Type in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " Order By d.device_type, d.DeviceName,s.LINENAME "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "全區主線小時路段平均速度統計") { selectCmd += "Select l.LineName, s.SectionName, p.VariableValue, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(INT(case when "; selectCmd += " (select " + "db2inst1" + ".DIV(SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_speed) * " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), 2) "; selectCmd += " from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " v left join " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d on d.devicename = v.devicename "; selectCmd += " where d.sectionid = s.sectionid "; selectCmd += " and date(v.timestamp) between date(timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) and date(timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) "; selectCmd += " group by d.sectionid "; selectCmd += " ) is null then 0 "; selectCmd += " else "; selectCmd += " (select cast(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV(SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_speed) * " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), 2) as decimal(8,2)) "; selectCmd += " from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " v left join " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d on d.devicename = v.devicename "; selectCmd += " where d.sectionid = s.sectionid "; selectCmd += " and date(v.timestamp) between date(timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) and date(timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) "; selectCmd += " group by d.sectionid ) "; selectCmd += " end)) as car_speed "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupSection + " s LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " d1 ON d1.DivisionId = s.Start_DivisionId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " d2 ON d2.DivisionId = s.End_DivisionId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " l ON l.LineId = s.LineId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'DeviceDirection') p ON p.VariableName = s.Direction "; selectCmd += " Where s.SectionId in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " Order By l.LineId, s.Direction, d1.Mileage "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "主線平均每日交通量統計") { selectCmd += "Select x.Devicename, "; selectCmd += " l.LineName, "; selectCmd += " p.VariableValue as Direction, "; selectCmd += " cast(cast(d.Mile_M as double)/1000 as decimal(8,2)) as Mileage, "; selectCmd += ", "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(x.connect_car_volume), "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(x.connect_car_volume_rate), "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(x.big_car_volume), "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(x.big_car_volume_rate), "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(x.small_car_volume), "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(x.small_car_volume_rate), "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(x.car_volume) "; selectCmd += " From "; selectCmd += "( "; selectCmd += " Select v.Devicename, "; selectCmd += " date(v.Timestamp) as date, "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ) as connect_car_volume, "; selectCmd += " int(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV( "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ), "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), "; selectCmd += " 2 "; selectCmd += " )*100) as connect_car_volume_rate, "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ) as big_car_volume, "; selectCmd += " int(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV( "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ), "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), "; selectCmd += " 2 "; selectCmd += " )*100) as big_car_volume_rate, "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ) as small_car_volume, "; selectCmd += " int(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV( "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ), "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), "; selectCmd += " 2 "; selectCmd += " )*100) as small_car_volume_rate, "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)) as car_volume "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " v "; selectCmd += " Where date(v.Timestamp) between date(timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) and date(timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) "; selectCmd += " Group By v.Devicename, date(v.Timestamp) "; selectCmd += ") x LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " l ON l.LineId = d.LineId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'DeviceDirection') p ON p.VariableName = d.Direction "; selectCmd += " ON d.Devicename = x.Devicename "; selectCmd += " Where x.DeviceName in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " Order By d.LineId, d.Direction, x.DeviceName "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "匝道平均每日交通量統計") { selectCmd += "Select v.Devicename, "; selectCmd += " date(v.Timestamp) as date, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ) as connect_car_volume, "; selectCmd += " cast( "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_DIV + "( "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ), "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), "; selectCmd += " 2 "; selectCmd += " )*100 as decimal(8,2)) as connect_car_volume_rate, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ) as big_car_volume, "; selectCmd += " cast( "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_DIV + "( "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ), "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), "; selectCmd += " 2 "; selectCmd += " )*100 as decimal(8,2)) as big_car_volume_rate, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ) as small_car_volume, "; selectCmd += " cast( "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_DIV + "( "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ), "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), "; selectCmd += " 2 "; selectCmd += " )*100 as decimal(8,2)) as small_car_volume_rate, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume))) as car_volume "; selectCmd += " From (Select * From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " v Where v.Timestamp Between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) v "; selectCmd += "Where v.Devicename in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += "Group By v.Devicename, date(v.Timestamp) "; selectCmd += "Order By v.Devicename, date(v.Timestamp) "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "小時交通流量統計") { selectCmd += "Select v.timestamp as timestamp, "; selectCmd += " v.devicename as devicename, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH((case when v.connect_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane1 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane1 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane1 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane2 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane2 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane2 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane3 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane3 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane3 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane4 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane4 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane4 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane5 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane5 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane5 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane6 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane6 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane6 end)) "; selectCmd += " as total, "; selectCmd += " "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH((case when v.connect_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane1 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane2 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane3 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane4 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane5 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane6 end)) as total_connect, "; selectCmd += " "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH((case when v.big_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane1 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane2 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane3 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane4 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane5 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane6 end)) as total_big, "; selectCmd += " "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH((case when v.small_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane1 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane2 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane3 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane4 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane5 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane6 end)) as total_small, "; selectCmd += " ";//車道1 selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 1 then char((case when v.connect_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane1 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane1 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane1 end)) "; selectCmd += " else '-' end) as lane1, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 1 then char(case when v.connect_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane1 end) else '-' end) as lane1_connect, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 1 then char(case when v.big_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane1 end) else '-' end) as lane1_big, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 1 then char(case when v.small_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane1 end) else '-' end) as lane1_small, "; selectCmd += " ";//車道2 selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 2 then char((case when v.connect_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane2 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane2 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane2 end)) "; selectCmd += " else '-' end) as lane2, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 2 then char(case when v.connect_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane2 end) else '-' end) as lane2_connect, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 2 then char(case when v.big_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane2 end) else '-' end) as lane2_big, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 2 then char(case when v.small_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane2 end) else '-' end) as lane2_small, "; selectCmd += " ";//車道3 selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 3 then char((case when v.connect_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane3 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane3 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane3 end)) "; selectCmd += " else '-' end) as lane3, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 3 then char(case when v.connect_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane3 end) else '-' end) as lane3_connect, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 3 then char(case when v.big_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane3 end) else '-' end) as lane3_big, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 3 then char(case when v.small_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane3 end) else '-' end) as lane3_small, "; selectCmd += " ";//車道4 selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 4 then char((case when v.connect_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane4 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane4 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane4 end)) "; selectCmd += " else '-' end) as lane4, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 4 then char(case when v.connect_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane4 end) else '-' end) as lane4_connect, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 4 then char(case when v.big_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane4 end) else '-' end) as lane4_big, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 4 then char(case when v.small_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane4 end) else '-' end) as lane4_small, "; selectCmd += " ";//車道5 selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 5 then char((case when v.connect_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane5 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane5 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane5 end)) "; selectCmd += " else '-' end) as lane5, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 5 then char(case when v.connect_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane5 end) else '-' end) as lane5_connect, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 5 then char(case when v.big_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane5 end) else '-' end) as lane5_big, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 5 then char(case when v.small_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane5 end) else '-' end) as lane5_small, "; selectCmd += " ";//車道6 selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 6 then char((case when v.connect_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane6 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane6 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane6 end)) "; selectCmd += " else '-' end) as lane6, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 6 then char(case when v.connect_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane6 end) else '-' end) as lane6_connect, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 6 then char(case when v.big_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane6 end) else '-' end) as lane6_big, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 6 then char(case when v.small_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane6 end) else '-' end) as lane6_small "; selectCmd += " "; //selectCmd += " From (Select * From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Hr + " v Where v.Timestamp Between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) v, "; selectCmd += " From (Select * From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " v Where v.Timestamp Between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) v, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VdConfig + " c "; selectCmd += "Where v.Devicename = c.Devicename "; selectCmd += " And v.Devicename in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += "Order By v.Devicename, v.Timestamp "; } else if (sReportKind.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "小時交通平均速度統計") { selectCmd += "Select v.timestamp as timestamp, "; selectCmd += " v.devicename as devicename, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(ABS(v.car_speed)) as total, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(case when c.lane_count >= 1 then "; selectCmd += " int(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV( " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_speed_lane1) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane1) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_speed_lane1) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane1) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_speed_lane1) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane1) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane1) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane1) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane1) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " 0 "; selectCmd += " )) "; selectCmd += " else 0 end) as lane1, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(case when c.lane_count >= 2 then "; selectCmd += " int(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV( " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_speed_lane2) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane2) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_speed_lane2) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane2) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_speed_lane2) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane2) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane2) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane2) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane2) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " 0 "; selectCmd += " )) "; selectCmd += " else 0 end) as lane2, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(case when c.lane_count >= 3 then "; selectCmd += " int(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV( " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_speed_lane3) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane3) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_speed_lane3) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane3) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_speed_lane3) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane3) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane3) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane3) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane3) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " 0 "; selectCmd += " )) "; selectCmd += " else 0 end) as lane3, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(case when c.lane_count >= 4 then "; selectCmd += " int(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV( " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_speed_lane4) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane4) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_speed_lane4) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane4) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_speed_lane4) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane4) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane4) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane4) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane4) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " 0 "; selectCmd += " )) "; selectCmd += " else 0 end) as lane4, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(case when c.lane_count >= 5 then "; selectCmd += " int(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV( " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_speed_lane5) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane5) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_speed_lane5) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane5) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_speed_lane5) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane5) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane5) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane5) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane5) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " 0 "; selectCmd += " )) "; selectCmd += " else 0 end) as lane5, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(case when c.lane_count >= 6 then "; selectCmd += " int(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV( " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_speed_lane6) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane6) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_speed_lane6) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane6) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_speed_lane6) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane6) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane6) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane6) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane6) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " 0 "; selectCmd += " )) "; selectCmd += " else 0 end) as lane6 "; selectCmd += " From (Select * From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Hr + " v Where v.Timestamp Between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) v, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VdConfig + " c "; selectCmd += "Where v.Devicename = c.Devicename "; selectCmd += " And v.Devicename in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += "Order By v.Devicename, v.Timestamp "; } else { // Do Nothing ... } InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable GetFieldList() { try { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select * "; selectCmd += " From " + sTableName_SysColumns + " "; selectCmd += " Where UPPER(TBCreator) = '" + "db2inst1" + "' "; selectCmd += " And UPPER(TBName) = '" + sTableName_VD5Min.ToString().ToUpper() + "' "; selectCmd += " Order By ColNo "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable GetLineSection() { string selectCmd = ""; //selectCmd += "Select l.LineId, "; //selectCmd += " l.LineName, "; //selectCmd += " s.SectionId, "; //selectCmd += " s.SectionName, "; //selectCmd += " s.Direction as Direction1, "; //selectCmd += " p.VariableValue as Direction1Desc "; //selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupSection + " s LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " d1 ON d1.DivisionId = s.Start_DivisionId "; //selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " d2 ON d2.DivisionId = s.End_DivisionId "; //selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " l ON l.LineId = s.LineId "; //selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'DeviceDirection') p ON p.VariableName = s.Direction "; //selectCmd += " Order By l.LineId, s.Direction, d1.Mileage "; selectCmd += "Select l.LineId, "; selectCmd += " l.LineName, "; selectCmd += " s.SectionId, "; selectCmd += " s.SectionName, "; selectCmd += " s.Direction as Direction1, "; selectCmd += " p.VariableValue as Direction1Desc "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupSection + " s LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " d1 ON d1.DivisionId = s.Start_DivisionId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " d2 ON d2.DivisionId = s.End_DivisionId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " l ON l.LineId = s.LineId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'DeviceDirection') p ON p.VariableName = s.Direction "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d on s.SectionId = d.LineId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_tblMFCCConfig + " m on d.MFCCID=m.MFCCID "; selectCmd += " Order By l.LineId, s.Direction, d1.Mileage "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); CloseDB(); return DT; }
public DataTable Get_RPT_VD5MIN_INTERVAL(string sDevList, DateTime sStartDate, DateTime sEndDate) { try { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select To_CHAR(v.timestamp,'MM/DD HH24:MI') as timestamp, "; selectCmd += " v.devicename, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 1 then char(case when v.utility_lane1 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.utility_lane1) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 1 then char(case when v.length_lane1 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.length_lane1) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 1 then char(case when v.average_car_interval_lane1 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.average_car_interval_lane1) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += ""; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 2 then char(case when v.utility_lane2 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.utility_lane2) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 2 then char(case when v.length_lane2 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.length_lane2) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 2 then char(case when v.average_car_interval_lane2 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.average_car_interval_lane2) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += ""; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 3 then char(case when v.utility_lane3 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.utility_lane3) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 3 then char(case when v.length_lane3 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.length_lane3) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 3 then char(case when v.average_car_interval_lane3 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.average_car_interval_lane3) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += ""; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 4 then char(case when v.utility_lane4 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.utility_lane4) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 4 then char(case when v.length_lane4 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.length_lane4) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 4 then char(case when v.average_car_interval_lane4 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.average_car_interval_lane4) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += ""; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 5 then char(case when v.utility_lane5 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.utility_lane5) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 5 then char(case when v.length_lane5 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.length_lane5) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 5 then char(case when v.average_car_interval_lane5 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.average_car_interval_lane5) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += ""; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 6 then char(case when v.utility_lane6 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.utility_lane6) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 6 then char(case when v.length_lane6 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.length_lane6) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 6 then char(case when v.average_car_interval_lane6 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.average_car_interval_lane6) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += ""; selectCmd += " (case when v.car_length <= 0 then '-' else char(v.car_length) end), "; selectCmd += " (case when v.average_car_interval <= 0 then '-' else char(v.average_car_interval) end) "; selectCmd += " "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VWRPT_VD5MIN_INTERVAL + " v, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VdConfig + " c "; selectCmd += " Where c.devicename = v.devicename "; selectCmd += " And c.devicename in " + sDevList + " "; selectCmd += " And v.timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " Order By v.timestamp, v.devicename "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable GetDevList() { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select VariableName "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " "; selectCmd += " Where UPPER(GroupName) = 'DEVICE_TYPE' "; selectCmd += " Order By GroupName, SysId "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); CloseDB(); return DT; }
public DataTable Get_RPT_LINEFULLDAY(string sDevList, DateTime sStartDate, DateTime sEndDate) { try { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select l.LineName, "; selectCmd += " s.SectionName, "; selectCmd += " p.VariableValue, "; selectCmd += " (select (case when MAX(v.car_volume) is null then '-' when MAX(v.car_volume)=0 then '-' else char(MAX(v.car_volume)) end) from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Day + " v, " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d where d.Devicename = v.Devicename and d.sectionid = s.sectionid and d.location in ('F','H') and date(v.timestamp) between date(timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) and date(timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) ) as car_volume, "; //2009/12/18:SHIN:edit...改抓五分鐘table selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_MaxVol_Dev + "((select MAX(v.car_volume) from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Day + " v, " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d where d.Devicename = v.Devicename and d.sectionid = s.sectionid and d.location in ('F','H') and date(v.timestamp) between date(timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) and date(timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'))), timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'), timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'),s.sectionid) as DeviceList "; //selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_MaxVol_Dev + "((select MAX(v.car_volume) from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " v, " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d where d.Devicename = v.Devicename and d.sectionid = s.sectionid and date(v.timestamp) between date(timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) and date(timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'))), timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'), s.sectionid) as DeviceList "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupSection + " s LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " d1 ON d1.DivisionId = s.Start_DivisionId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " d2 ON d2.DivisionId = s.End_DivisionId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " l ON l.LineId = s.LineId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'DeviceDirection') p ON p.VariableName = s.Direction "; selectCmd += " Where UPPER(s.SectionName) in " + sDevList + " "; selectCmd += " Order By l.LineId, s.Direction, d1.Mileage "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable Get_RPT_lineName(string sRPT, string lineid, string Direction) { try { string selectCmd = ""; if (sRPT == "路段旅行時間記錄報表") { selectCmd += " select DISTINCT (g.LineName || (case when substr(s.lineid,1,1) = 'N' then '高速公路' else '快速道路' end) || p.variablevalue) as ROADINFO1, "; selectCmd += " ' ' as ROADINFO2 "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupSection + " s "; selectCmd += " left join (select variablename, variablevalue from db2inst1.tblsysparameter where upper(groupname) = 'DEVICEDIRECTION') p on p.variablename = s.direction "; selectCmd += " left join " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_tblgroupline + " g on s.LineId=g.LineId "; selectCmd += " where s.lineid= '" + lineid + "' and s.Direction='" + Direction + "' "; } InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable Get_RPT_HourVolumeVD(string sList, DateTime sStartDate, DateTime sEndDate) { try { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select v.devicename "; //2009/12/18:SHIN:edit...改抓五分鐘table //selectCmd += " From (Select * From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Hr + " v Where v.Timestamp Between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) v, "; selectCmd += " From (Select * From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " v Where v.Timestamp Between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) v, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VdConfig + " c "; selectCmd += "Where v.Devicename = c.Devicename "; selectCmd += " And v.Devicename in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " Group By v.Devicename "; selectCmd += " Order By v.Devicename "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable Get_RPT_LineDayVolume(string sList, DateTime sStartDate, DateTime sEndDate) { try { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select x.Devicename, "; selectCmd += " l.LineName, "; selectCmd += " p.VariableValue as Direction, "; selectCmd += " cast(cast(d.Mile_M as double)/1000 as decimal(8,2)) as Mileage, "; selectCmd += ", "; selectCmd += "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(x.connect_car_volume), "; selectCmd += "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(x.connect_car_volume_rate), "; selectCmd += "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(x.big_car_volume), "; selectCmd += "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(x.big_car_volume_rate), "; selectCmd += "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(x.small_car_volume), "; selectCmd += "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(x.small_car_volume_rate), "; selectCmd += "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(x.car_volume) "; selectCmd += " From "; selectCmd += "( "; selectCmd += " Select v.Devicename, "; selectCmd += " date(v.Timestamp) as date, "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ) as connect_car_volume, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_DIV2 + "( "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ), "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), "; selectCmd += " 2 "; selectCmd += " )*100 as connect_car_volume_rate, "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ) as big_car_volume, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_DIV2 + "( "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ), "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), "; selectCmd += " 2 "; selectCmd += " )*100 as big_car_volume_rate, "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ) as small_car_volume, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_DIV2 + "( "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ), "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), "; selectCmd += " 2 "; selectCmd += " )*100 as small_car_volume_rate, "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)) as car_volume "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " v "; selectCmd += " Where date(v.Timestamp) between date(timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) and date(timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) "; selectCmd += " Group By v.Devicename, date(v.Timestamp) "; selectCmd += ") x LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " l ON l.LineId = d.LineId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'DeviceDirection') p ON p.VariableName = d.Direction "; selectCmd += " ON d.Devicename = x.Devicename "; selectCmd += " Where x.DeviceName in " + sList + " "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable Get_RPT_HourVolume(string sList, DateTime sStartDate, DateTime sEndDate) { try { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select to_char(v.timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') as timestamp, "; selectCmd += " v.devicename as devicename, "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane1 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane1 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane1 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane2 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane2 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane2 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane3 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane3 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane3 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane4 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane4 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane4 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane5 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane5 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane5 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane6 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane6 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane6 end) "; selectCmd += " as total, "; selectCmd += " "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane1 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane2 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane3 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane4 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane5 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.connect_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane6 end) as total_connect, "; selectCmd += " "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane1 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane2 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane3 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane4 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane5 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane6 end) as total_big, "; selectCmd += " "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane1 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane2 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane3 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane4 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane5 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane6 end) as total_small, "; selectCmd += " ";//車道1 selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 1 then char((case when v.connect_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane1 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane1 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane1 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane1 end)) "; selectCmd += " else '-' end) as lane1, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 1 then char(case when v.connect_car_volume_lane1 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.connect_car_volume_lane1) end) else '-' end) as lane1_connect, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 1 then char(case when v.big_car_volume_lane1 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.big_car_volume_lane1) end) else '-' end) as lane1_big, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 1 then char(case when v.small_car_volume_lane1 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.small_car_volume_lane1) end) else '-' end) as lane1_small, "; selectCmd += " ";//車道2 selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 2 then char((case when v.connect_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane2 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane2 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane2 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane2 end)) "; selectCmd += " else '-' end) as lane2, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 2 then char(case when v.connect_car_volume_lane2 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.connect_car_volume_lane2) end) else '-' end) as lane2_connect, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 2 then char(case when v.big_car_volume_lane2 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.big_car_volume_lane2) end) else '-' end) as lane2_big, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 2 then char(case when v.small_car_volume_lane2 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.small_car_volume_lane2) end) else '-' end) as lane2_small, "; selectCmd += " ";//車道3 selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 3 then char((case when v.connect_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane3 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane3 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane3 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane3 end)) "; selectCmd += " else '-' end) as lane3, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 3 then char(case when v.connect_car_volume_lane3 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.connect_car_volume_lane3) end) else '-' end) as lane3_connect, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 3 then char(case when v.big_car_volume_lane3 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.big_car_volume_lane3) end) else '-' end) as lane3_big, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 3 then char(case when v.small_car_volume_lane3 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.small_car_volume_lane3) end) else '-' end) as lane3_small, "; selectCmd += " ";//車道4 selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 4 then char((case when v.connect_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane4 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane4 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane4 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane4 end)) "; selectCmd += " else '-' end) as lane4, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 4 then char(case when v.connect_car_volume_lane4 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.connect_car_volume_lane4) end) else '-' end) as lane4_connect, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 4 then char(case when v.big_car_volume_lane4 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.big_car_volume_lane4) end) else '-' end) as lane4_big, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 4 then char(case when v.small_car_volume_lane4 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.small_car_volume_lane4) end) else '-' end) as lane4_small, "; selectCmd += " ";//車道5 selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 5 then char((case when v.connect_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane5 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane5 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane5 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane5 end)) "; selectCmd += " else '-' end) as lane5, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 5 then char(case when v.connect_car_volume_lane5 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.connect_car_volume_lane5) end) else '-' end) as lane5_connect, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 5 then char(case when v.big_car_volume_lane5 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.big_car_volume_lane5) end) else '-' end) as lane5_big, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 5 then char(case when v.small_car_volume_lane5 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.small_car_volume_lane5) end) else '-' end) as lane5_small, "; selectCmd += " ";//車道6 selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 6 then char((case when v.connect_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.connect_car_volume_lane6 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.big_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.big_car_volume_lane6 end) + "; selectCmd += " (case when v.small_car_volume_lane6 < 0 then 0 else v.small_car_volume_lane6 end)) "; selectCmd += " else '-' end) as lane6, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 6 then char(case when v.connect_car_volume_lane6 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.connect_car_volume_lane6) end) else '-' end) as lane6_connect, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 6 then char(case when v.big_car_volume_lane6 <= 0 then '-'else char(v.big_car_volume_lane6) end) else '-' end) as lane6_big, "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 6 then char(case when v.small_car_volume_lane6 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.small_car_volume_lane6) end) else '-' end) as lane6_small "; selectCmd += " "; //2009/12/18:SHIN:edit...改抓五分鐘table //selectCmd += " From (Select * From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Hr + " v Where v.Timestamp Between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) v, "; selectCmd += " From (Select * From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " v Where v.Timestamp Between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) v, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VdConfig + " c "; selectCmd += "Where v.Devicename = c.Devicename "; selectCmd += " And v.Devicename in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += "Order By v.Devicename, v.Timestamp "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable Get_RPT_HourSpeed(string sList, DateTime sStartDate, DateTime sEndDate) { try { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select to_char(v.timestamp,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as timestamp, "; selectCmd += " v.devicename as devicename, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(ABS(v.car_speed)) as total, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(case when c.lane_count >= 1 then "; selectCmd += " int(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV( " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_speed_lane1) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane1) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_speed_lane1) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane1) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_speed_lane1) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane1) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane1) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane1) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane1) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " 0 "; selectCmd += " )) "; selectCmd += " else 0 end) as lane1, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(case when c.lane_count >= 2 then "; selectCmd += " int(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV( " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_speed_lane2) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane2) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_speed_lane2) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane2) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_speed_lane2) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane2) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane2) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane2) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane2) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " 0 "; selectCmd += " )) "; selectCmd += " else 0 end) as lane2, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(case when c.lane_count >= 3 then "; selectCmd += " int(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV( " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_speed_lane3) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane3) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_speed_lane3) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane3) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_speed_lane3) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane3) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane3) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane3) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane3) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " 0 "; selectCmd += " )) "; selectCmd += " else 0 end) as lane3, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(case when c.lane_count >= 4 then "; selectCmd += " int(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV( " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_speed_lane4) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane4) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_speed_lane4) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane4) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_speed_lane4) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane4) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane4) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane4) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane4) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " 0 "; selectCmd += " )) "; selectCmd += " else 0 end) as lane4, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(case when c.lane_count >= 5 then "; selectCmd += " int(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV( " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_speed_lane5) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane5) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_speed_lane5) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane5) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_speed_lane5) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane5) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane5) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane5) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane5) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " 0 "; selectCmd += " )) "; selectCmd += " else 0 end) as lane5, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(case when c.lane_count >= 6 then "; selectCmd += " int(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV( " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_speed_lane6) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane6) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_speed_lane6) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane6) + "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_speed_lane6) * " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane6) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.connect_car_volume_lane6) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.big_car_volume_lane6) + " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO(v.small_car_volume_lane6) "; selectCmd += " , "; selectCmd += " 0 "; selectCmd += " )) "; selectCmd += " else 0 end) as lane6 "; //2009/12/18:SHIN:edit...改抓五分鐘table //selectCmd += " From (Select * From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Hr + " v Where v.Timestamp Between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) v, "; selectCmd += " From (Select * From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " v Where v.Timestamp Between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) v, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VdConfig + " c "; selectCmd += "Where v.Devicename = c.Devicename "; selectCmd += " And v.Devicename in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += "Order By v.Devicename, v.Timestamp "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable Get_RPT_DeviceStatus(string sDevList, DateTime sStartDate, DateTime sEndDate) { try { string selectCmd = ""; //selectCmd += "Select l.Devicename as Devicename, "; //selectCmd += " n.LineName as LineName, "; //selectCmd += " (case when d.Location = 'R' and Location_R = 'I' then concat(p.VariableValue,'入口') "; //selectCmd += " when d.Location = 'R' and Location_R = 'O' then concat(p.VariableValue,'出口') "; //selectCmd += " else p.VariableValue end) as Location, "; //selectCmd += " p2.VariableValue as Direction, "; //selectCmd += " cast(round(cast(d.Mile_M as double)/1000,2) as decimal(8,2)) as Mileage, "; //selectCmd += " Replace(l.Memo,':','/') as memo, "; //selectCmd += " l.Timestamp as StartTimestamp, "; //selectCmd += " '' as EndTimestamp "; //selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceStatusLog + " l LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " n ON n.lineid = d.lineid "; //selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'Location') p ON p.VariableName = d.Location "; //selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'DeviceDirection') p2 ON p2.VariableName = d.Direction "; //selectCmd += " ON d.Devicename = l.Devicename "; //selectCmd += " Where d.Device_Type in " + sDevList + " "; //selectCmd += " And l.Timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; //selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; //selectCmd += " And (l.HW_Status_1 <> 0 OR "; //selectCmd += " l.HW_Status_2 <> 0 OR "; //selectCmd += " l.HW_Status_3 <> 0 OR "; //selectCmd += " l.HW_Status_4 <> 0) "; //selectCmd += " Order By l.Timestamp, l.Devicename "; //原本table 換成 tblDeviceStatusLogAbnormal edit by SHIN selectCmd += " Select l.Devicename as Devicename,n.LineName as LineName,"; selectCmd += " (case when d.Location = 'R' and Location_R = 'I' then concat(p.VariableValue,'入口') when d.Location = 'R' and Location_R = 'O' then concat(p.VariableValue,'出口') else p.VariableValue end) as Location, p2.VariableValue as Direction,"; selectCmd += " cast(round(cast(d.Mile_M as double)/1000,2) as decimal(8,2)) as Mileage,"; selectCmd += " db2inst1.HWSTATUS_BY_BIT(l.bit,d.DEVICE_TYPE),to_char(l.starttime,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as StartTimestamp,to_char(l.ENDTIME,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as EndTimestamp "; selectCmd += " From db2inst1.tblDeviceStateLogAbnormal l "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN db2inst1.tblDeviceConfig d "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN db2inst1.tblGroupLine n ON n.lineid = d.lineid "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from db2inst1.tblSysParameter where GroupName = 'Location') p ON p.VariableName = d.Location"; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from db2inst1.tblSysParameter where GroupName = 'DeviceDirection') p2 ON p2.VariableName = d.Direction "; selectCmd += " ON d.Devicename = l.Devicename "; selectCmd += " Where d.Device_Type in " + sDevList + " And l.starttime between ('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')"; selectCmd += " and ('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " Order By LineName desc, Devicename "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable GetDeviceList(string DevType) { try { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select DeviceName "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " "; selectCmd += " Where Lower(Device_Type) = '" + DevType.ToString().Trim().ToLower() + "' "; selectCmd += " Order By DeviceName "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable Get_RPT_RampDayVolume(string sList, DateTime sStartDate, DateTime sEndDate) { try { string selectCmd = ""; //selectCmd += "Select ROW_NUMBER() over() as RowNum, "; //selectCmd += " v.Devicename, "; //selectCmd += " date(v.Timestamp) as date, "; //selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane1)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane2)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane3)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane4)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane5)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane6)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane7)) "; //selectCmd += " ) as connect_car_volume, "; //selectCmd += " cast( "; //selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_DIV + "( "; //selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane1)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane2)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane3)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane4)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane5)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane6)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane7)) "; //selectCmd += " ), "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), "; //selectCmd += " 2 "; //selectCmd += " )*100 as decimal(8,2)) as connect_car_volume_rate, "; //selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane1)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane2)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane3)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane4)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane5)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane6)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane7)) "; //selectCmd += " ) as big_car_volume, "; //selectCmd += " cast( "; //selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_DIV + "( "; //selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane1)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane2)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane3)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane4)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane5)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane6)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane7)) "; //selectCmd += " ), "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), "; //selectCmd += " 2 "; //selectCmd += " )*100 as decimal(8,2)) as big_car_volume_rate, "; //selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane1)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane2)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane3)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane4)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane5)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane6)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane7)) "; //selectCmd += " ) as small_car_volume, "; //selectCmd += " cast( "; //selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_DIV + "( "; //selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane1)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane2)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane3)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane4)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane5)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane6)) + "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane7)) "; //selectCmd += " ), "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), "; //selectCmd += " 2 "; //selectCmd += " )*100 as decimal(8,2)) as small_car_volume_rate, "; //selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)) as car_volume "; //selectCmd += " From (Select * From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " v Where v.Timestamp Between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) v "; //selectCmd += "Where v.Devicename in " + sList + " "; //selectCmd += "Group By v.Devicename, date(v.Timestamp) "; //selectCmd += "Order By v.Devicename, date(v.Timestamp) "; selectCmd += "Select ROW_NUMBER() over() as RowNum, "; selectCmd += " v.Devicename, "; selectCmd += " date(v.Timestamp) as date, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ) as connect_car_volume, "; selectCmd += " cast( "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_DIV + "( "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.connect_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ), "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), "; selectCmd += " 2 "; selectCmd += " )*100 as decimal(8,2)) as connect_car_volume_rate, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ) as big_car_volume, "; selectCmd += " cast( "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_DIV + "( "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.big_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ), "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), "; selectCmd += " 2 "; selectCmd += " )*100 as decimal(8,2)) as big_car_volume_rate, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ) as small_car_volume, "; selectCmd += " cast( "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_DIV + "( "; selectCmd += " (SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane1)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane2)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane3)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane4)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane5)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane6)) + "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.small_car_volume_lane7)) "; selectCmd += " ), "; selectCmd += " SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), "; selectCmd += " 2 "; selectCmd += " )*100 as decimal(8,2)) as small_car_volume_rate, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume))) as car_volume "; selectCmd += " From (Select * From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " v Where v.Timestamp Between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) v "; selectCmd += "Where v.Devicename in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += "Group By v.Devicename, date(v.Timestamp) "; selectCmd += "Order By v.Devicename, date(v.Timestamp) "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable Get_RPT_VD5MIN(string sDevList, DateTime sStartDate, DateTime sEndDate) { try { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select (case when v.DataValidityRate< 100 then '*' else '' end),(case when v.priority = 1 then To_CHAR(v.timestamp,'MM/DD') "; selectCmd += " when v.priority = 2 then To_CHAR(v.timestamp,'HH24:MI')"; selectCmd += " else '' end) as timestamp, "; selectCmd += " v.devicename as devicename, "; selectCmd += ", "; //selectCmd += " (case when < 0 then 0 else end), "; selectCmd += " DB2INST1.ZERO2DASH(case when < 0 then 0 else end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 1 then char(case when v.lane1 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.lane1) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 1 then char(case when v.lane1_connect = '-1' OR v.lane1_connect = '0' then '-' else v.lane1_connect end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 1 then char(case when v.lane1_big = '-1' OR v.lane1_big = '0' then '-' else v.lane1_big end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 1 then char(case when v.lane1_small = '-1' OR v.lane1_small = '0' then '-' else v.lane1_small end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 2 then char(case when v.lane2 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.lane2) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 2 then char(case when v.lane2_connect = '-1' OR v.lane2_connect = '0' then '-' else v.lane2_connect end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 2 then char(case when v.lane2_big = '-1' OR v.lane2_big = '0' then '-' else v.lane2_big end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 2 then char(case when v.lane2_small = '-1' OR v.lane2_small = '0' then '-' else v.lane2_small end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 3 then char(case when v.lane3 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.lane3) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 3 then char(case when v.lane3_connect = '-1' OR v.lane3_connect = '0' then '-' else v.lane3_connect end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 3 then char(case when v.lane3_big = '-1' OR v.lane3_big = '0' then '-' else v.lane3_big end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 3 then char(case when v.lane3_small = '-1' OR v.lane3_small = '0' then '-' else v.lane3_small end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 4 then char(case when v.lane4 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.lane4) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 4 then char(case when v.lane4_connect = '-1' OR v.lane4_connect = '0' then '-' else v.lane4_connect end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 4 then char(case when v.lane4_big = '-1' OR v.lane4_big = '0' then '-' else v.lane4_big end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 4 then char(case when v.lane4_small = '-1' OR v.lane4_small = '0' then '-' else v.lane4_small end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 5 then char(case when v.lane5 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.lane5) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 5 then char(case when v.lane5_connect = '-1' OR v.lane5_connect = '0' then '-' else v.lane5_connect end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 5 then char(case when v.lane5_big = '-1' OR v.lane5_big = '0' then '-' else v.lane5_big end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 5 then char(case when v.lane5_small = '-1' OR v.lane5_small = '0' then '-' else v.lane5_small end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 6 then char(case when v.lane6 <= 0 then '-' else char(v.lane6) end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 6 then char(case when v.lane6_connect = '-1' OR v.lane6_connect = '0' then '-' else v.lane6_connect end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 6 then char(case when v.lane6_big = '-1' OR v.lane6_big = '0' then '-' else v.lane6_big end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when c.lane_count >= 6 then char(case when v.lane6_small = '-1' OR v.lane6_small = '0' then '-' else v.lane6_small end) else '-' end), "; selectCmd += " v.priority "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VWRPT_VD5MIN + " v, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VdConfig + " c "; selectCmd += " Where c.devicename = v.devicename "; selectCmd += " And c.devicename in " + sDevList + " "; selectCmd += " And v.timestamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " Order By v.timestamp, v.devicename, v.priority "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable GetCtrlRPT_HDA_11vd(string sList, DateTime sStartDate, DateTime sEndDate) { try { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select v.Devicename"; selectCmd += " From (Select * From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " v Where v.Timestamp Between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) v "; selectCmd += "Where v.Devicename in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += "Group By v.Devicename "; selectCmd += "Order By v.Devicename "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable GetDeviceList() { try { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select DISTINCT DEVICE_TYPE as OperationName "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " "; selectCmd += " Order By DEVICE_TYPE "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable Get_RPT_RAMPFULLDAY(string sDevList, DateTime sStartDate, DateTime sEndDate) { try { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select r.LineName, "; selectCmd += " r.DivisionName, "; selectCmd += " r.DirectionDesc, "; selectCmd += " r.Volume, "; selectCmd += " r.Devicename"; selectCmd += " From ( "; selectCmd += "Select Distinct "; selectCmd += " r.LineName as LineName, "; selectCmd += " r.DivisionName as DivisionName, "; selectCmd += " r.DirectionDesc as DirectionDesc, "; selectCmd += " (select (case when MAX(v.car_volume) is null then '-' when MAX(v.car_volume)=0 then '-' else char(MAX(v.car_volume)) end) "; selectCmd += " from " + "db2inst1" + ".tblvddata1day v, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".tbldeviceconfig d "; selectCmd += " where d.devicename = v.devicename "; selectCmd += " and d.location = 'R' "; selectCmd += " and date(v.timestamp) between date(timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) and date(timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) "; selectCmd += " and d.SectionId = r.SectionId "; selectCmd += " and UPPER(d.Location_R) = UPPER(r.Location_R) "; selectCmd += " ) as Volume, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_MaxVol_Dev_Ramp + "( "; selectCmd += " (select MAX(v.car_volume) from " + "db2inst1" + ".tblvddata1day v, " + "db2inst1" + ".tbldeviceconfig d "; selectCmd += " where d.devicename = v.devicename "; selectCmd += " and d.location = 'R' "; selectCmd += " and date(v.timestamp) between date(timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) and date(timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) "; selectCmd += " and d.SectionId = r.SectionId "; selectCmd += " and UPPER(d.Location_R) = UPPER(r.Location_R) "; selectCmd += " ), timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'), r.SectionId, r.Location_R) as Devicename, "; selectCmd += " r.LineId, r.Mileage "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_vwRamp + " r "; selectCmd += " Where r.SectionName in " + sDevList + " "; selectCmd += " ) r "; selectCmd += " Order By r.LineId, r.Mileage "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable GetDirectionNS() { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select s.Direction as Direction1, p.VariableValue as Direction1Desc "; selectCmd += "From db2inst1.tblGroupSection s "; selectCmd += "LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from db2inst1.tblSysParameter where GroupName = 'DeviceDirection') p ON p.VariableName = s.Direction "; selectCmd += "where s.Direction in " + "('N','S') "; selectCmd += "group by s.Direction,p.VariableValue "; selectCmd += "Order By s.Direction "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); CloseDB(); return DT; }
public DataTable Get_RPT_SectionCarSpeed(string sList, DateTime sStartDate, DateTime sEndDate) { try { string selectCmd = ""; //selectCmd += "Select l.LineName, s.SectionName, p.VariableValue, "; //selectCmd += " (case when "; //selectCmd += " (select " + "db2inst1" + ".DIV(SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_speed) * " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), 2) "; //selectCmd += " from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " v left join " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d on d.devicename = v.devicename "; //selectCmd += " where d.sectionid = s.sectionid "; //selectCmd += " and date(v.timestamp) between date(timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) and date(timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) "; //selectCmd += " group by d.sectionid "; //selectCmd += " ) is null then 0 "; //selectCmd += " else "; //selectCmd += " (select cast(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV(SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_speed) * " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), 2) as decimal(8,2)) "; //selectCmd += " from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " v left join " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d on d.devicename = v.devicename "; //selectCmd += " where d.sectionid = s.sectionid "; //selectCmd += " and date(v.timestamp) between date(timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) and date(timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) "; //selectCmd += " group by d.sectionid ) "; //selectCmd += " end) as car_speed "; //selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupSection + " s LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " d1 ON d1.DivisionId = s.Start_DivisionId "; //selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " d2 ON d2.DivisionId = s.End_DivisionId "; //selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " l ON l.LineId = s.LineId "; //selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'DeviceDirection') p ON p.VariableName = s.Direction "; //selectCmd += " Where s.SectionName in " + sList + " "; //selectCmd += " Order By l.LineId, s.Direction, d1.Mileage "; selectCmd += "Select l.LineName, s.SectionName, p.VariableValue, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".ZERO2DASH(INT(case when "; selectCmd += " (select " + "db2inst1" + ".DIV(SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_speed) * " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), 2) "; selectCmd += " from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " v left join " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d on d.devicename = v.devicename "; selectCmd += " where d.sectionid = s.sectionid "; selectCmd += " and date(v.timestamp) between date(timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) and date(timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) "; selectCmd += " group by d.sectionid "; selectCmd += " ) is null then 0 "; selectCmd += " else "; selectCmd += " (select cast(" + "db2inst1" + ".DIV(SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_speed) * " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), SUM(" + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_ZERO + "(v.car_volume)), 2) as decimal(8,2)) "; selectCmd += " from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD5Min + " v left join " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d on d.devicename = v.devicename "; selectCmd += " where d.sectionid = s.sectionid "; selectCmd += " and date(v.timestamp) between date(timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) and date(timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "')) "; selectCmd += " group by d.sectionid ) "; selectCmd += " end)) as car_speed "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupSection + " s LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " d1 ON d1.DivisionId = s.Start_DivisionId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " d2 ON d2.DivisionId = s.End_DivisionId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " l ON l.LineId = s.LineId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'DeviceDirection') p ON p.VariableName = s.Direction "; selectCmd += " Where s.SectionName in " + sList + " "; selectCmd += " Order By l.LineId, s.Direction, d1.Mileage "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable GetLineName() { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "select LineId,LineName "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_tblgroupline + " "; selectCmd += " Order By LINEID "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); CloseDB(); return DT; }
public DataTable GetctrlRPT_OPR1_01(string sDevList, string sPeopleList, DateTime sStartDate, DateTime sEndDate) { try { string DevNames = "('CMS-N1-L-250-E-2','CMS-N1-N-251.3','CMS-N1-N-247.6','CMS-N1-N-241.7','CMS-N1-L-240-E-2','CMS-N1-N-231.8','CMS-N1-L-230-E-2','CMS-N1-N-221.3','CMS-N1-L-219-E-3','CMS-N1-L-219-E-2','CMS-N1-N-219.0','CMS-N1-N-212','CMS-N1-L-211-E-2','CMS-N1-N-199.6','CMS-N1-L-198-N-3','CMS-N1-N-190.6','CMS-N1-L-188-N-2','CMS-N1-L-188-N-3','CMS-N1-N-183.2','CMS-N1-L-181-N-2','CMS-N1-N-179.7','CMS-N1-L-178-N-2','CMS-N1-N-175.6','CMS-N1-L-174-N-2','CMS-N1-N-169.1','CMS-N1-L-168-N-2','CMS-N1-N-163.4','CMS-N1-N-161.6','CMS-N1-S-158-N-2','CMS-N1-S-158-N-1','CMS-N1-N-150.8','CMS-N1-N-133.7','CMS-N1-L-132-N-2','CMS-N1-N-118.3','CMS-N1-N-111.4','CMS-N1-L-110-N-3')"; string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select to_char(v.OperationTime,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') AS OperationTime,v.OperationName,v.DeviceName,v.OperationDesc,COALESCE(l.USERNAME,'') AS USERNAME1 "; selectCmd += " ,case when v.OperationResult=1 then '成功' else '失敗' end as OperationResult "; selectCmd += " From " + DBNAME + "." + "TBLSYSOPERATION v LEFT JOIN " + DBNAME + ".tblSysUser" + " l ON v.USERID=l.USERID "; selectCmd += " Where v.devicename in " + DevNames + " "; selectCmd += " and v.OperationTime between '" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' "; selectCmd += " and '" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' "; //selectCmd += " AND l.USERNAME in " + GetSelectCmd(user) + " "; selectCmd += " Order By USERNAME,OperationTime,DeviceName "; //selectCmd += "Select to_char(v.OperationTime,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') AS OperationTime,v.OperationName,v.DeviceName,v.OperationDesc,COALESCE(l.USERNAME,'') AS USERNAME1 "; //selectCmd += " ,case when v.OperationResult=1 then '成功' else '失敗' end as OperationResult "; //selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_TBLSYSOPERATION + " v LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_tblSysUser + " l ON v.USERID=l.USERID "; //selectCmd += " Where v.OperationName in " + sDevList + " "; //selectCmd += " AND v.OperationTime between '" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' "; //selectCmd += " and '" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' "; //if (sPeopleList != "") //{ // selectCmd += " AND l.USERNAME in " + sPeopleList + " "; //} //selectCmd += " Order By OperationTime,DeviceName "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable GetNewspaper(string NowTime) { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += " select g.LINEID,l.LINENAME,s.VARIABLEVALUE as Direction "; selectCmd += " ,div1.DIVISIONNAME || '-' || div2.DIVISIONNAME as from_location "; selectCmd += " ,(case when t.CAR_SPEED=-1 then '-' else char(t.CAR_SPEED) end) as average_speed "; selectCmd += " ,(case when t.CAR_SPEED >= 0 then (case when t.CAR_SPEED >= 80 then '順暢' when t.CAR_SPEED < 80 and t.CAR_SPEED >=40 then '車多' "; selectCmd += " when t.CAR_SPEED < 40 then '壅塞' end) else '-' end) as congested "; selectCmd += " from TBLTRAFFICDATALOGSECTION t "; selectCmd += " left join db2inst1.tblGroupSection g on t.sectionid=g.sectionid "; selectCmd += " left join db2inst1.tblGroupDivision div1 on g.START_DIVISIONID = div1.DIVISIONID "; selectCmd += " left join db2inst1.tblGroupDivision div2 on g.END_DIVISIONID = div2.DIVISIONID "; selectCmd += " left join db2inst1.tblGroupLine l on g.LINEID = l.LINEID "; selectCmd += " left join db2inst1.tblSysParameter s ON s.GroupName='DeviceDirection' and g.Direction=s.VARIABLENAME "; selectCmd += " where t.CAR_SPEED < 80 and t.CAR_SPEED >= 0 and g.LINEID not in('T72','T74','T76','T78') and "; selectCmd += " Timestamp ='" + NowTime + ":00' "; selectCmd += " order by g.LINEID,Timestamp,g.direction,div1.MILEAGE "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); CloseDB(); return DT; }
public DataTable Get_RPT_TrafficDataLogSection(string Lineid, string direction, string start_D, string end_D, DateTime sStartDate, DateTime sEndDate) { try { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += " select to_char(d.TimeStamp,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI'),sum(d.TravelTime)/60 "; selectCmd += " from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_tblTrafficDataLogSection + " d left join " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupSection + " g on d.SectionId=g.SectionId "; selectCmd += " left join " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " gs on g.START_DIVISIONID = gs.DIVISIONID "; selectCmd += " where g.lineid= '" + Lineid + "' and g.Direction='" + direction + "' and gs.Mileage between ( select Mileage from TBLGROUPDIVISION where DivisionId='" + start_D + "') "; selectCmd += " and ( select Mileage from TBLGROUPDIVISION where DivisionId='" + end_D + " ') "; selectCmd += " and d.TimeStamp between timestamp('" + sStartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += " and timestamp('" + sEndDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "') "; selectCmd += "group by d.Timestamp "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable GetRampSection() { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select r.LineId, "; selectCmd += " r.LineName, "; selectCmd += " r.SectionId, "; selectCmd += " r.SectionName, "; selectCmd += " r.Direction as Direction1, "; selectCmd += " p.VariableValue as Direction1Desc "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_vwRamp + " r LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'DeviceDirection') p ON p.VariableName = r.Direction "; selectCmd += " Order By r.LineId, r.Direction, r.Mileage "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); CloseDB(); return DT; }
public DataTable Get_RPT_VD(string sRPT, string sDevList) { try { string selectCmd = ""; if (sRPT == "匝道平均每日交通量統計報表") { selectCmd += "Select Distinct v.DeviceName as DEVICENAME , "; selectCmd += " l.LineName || p1.VariableValue || p2.VariableValue as ROADINFO1, "; selectCmd += " CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(i.DivisionName,'-'),p2.VariableValue),'-'),(case when d.location_R = 'I' then '入口' else '出口' end)),' (' || trim(char(v.Lane_Count)) || '車道)') as ROADINFO2 "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VdConfig + " v, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " l, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupSection + " s, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " i, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " p1, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " p2 "; selectCmd += " Where v.DeviceName in (" + sDevList + " ) "; selectCmd += " And d.SectionId = s.SectionId "; selectCmd += " And s.Start_DivisionId = i.DivisionId "; selectCmd += " And v.DeviceName = d.DeviceName "; selectCmd += " And d.LineId = l.LineId "; selectCmd += " And p1.VariableName = d.Location "; selectCmd += " And p1.GroupName = 'Location' "; selectCmd += " And p2.VariableName = d.Direction "; selectCmd += " And p2.GroupName = 'DeviceDirection' "; selectCmd += "Order By v.DeviceName "; } else if (sRPT == "小時交通流量統計" || sRPT == "小時交通平均速度統計報表" ) { selectCmd += "Select Distinct v.DeviceName as DEVICENAME , "; selectCmd += " l.LineName || p1.VariableValue || p2.VariableValue as ROADINFO1, "; selectCmd += " (case when d.Location = 'R' then CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(i.DivisionName,'-'),p2.VariableValue),'-'),(case when d.location_R = 'I' then '入口' else '出口' end)),' (' || trim(char(v.Lane_Count)) || '車道)') "; selectCmd += " else '里程:' || char(cast((float(l.EndMileage - l.StartMileage)/1000) as decimal(5,2))) || '(' || trim(char(v.lane_count)) || '車道)' end) as ROADINFO2 "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VdConfig + " v, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " l, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupSection + " s, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " i, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " p1, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " p2 "; selectCmd += " Where v.DeviceName in (" + sDevList + " )"; selectCmd += " And d.SectionId = s.SectionId "; selectCmd += " And s.Start_DivisionId = i.DivisionId "; selectCmd += " And v.DeviceName = d.DeviceName "; selectCmd += " And d.LineId = l.LineId "; selectCmd += " And p1.VariableName = d.Location "; selectCmd += " And p1.GroupName = 'Location' "; selectCmd += " And p2.VariableName = d.Direction "; selectCmd += " And p2.GroupName = 'DeviceDirection' "; selectCmd += "Order By v.DeviceName "; } else if (sRPT == "現點速率調查交通資料記錄報表") { selectCmd += "Select Distinct v.DeviceName as DEVICENAME , "; selectCmd += " l.LineName || p1.VariableValue || p2.VariableValue as ROADINFO1, "; selectCmd += " '里程:' || char(cast((float(l.EndMileage - l.StartMileage)/1000) as decimal(5,2))) || '(' || trim(char(v.lane_count)) || '車道)' as ROADINFO2 "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VdConfig + " v, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " l, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " p1, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " p2 "; selectCmd += " Where v.DeviceName in ( " + sDevList + " ) "; selectCmd += " And v.DeviceName = d.DeviceName "; selectCmd += " And d.LineId = l.LineId "; selectCmd += " And p1.VariableName = d.Location "; selectCmd += " And p1.GroupName = 'Location' "; selectCmd += " And p2.VariableName = d.Direction "; selectCmd += " And p2.GroupName = 'DeviceDirection' "; selectCmd += "Order By v.DeviceName "; } else if (sRPT == "路段旅行時間記錄報表") { selectCmd += "Select Distinct v.DeviceName as DEVICENAME , "; selectCmd += " l.LineName || p1.VariableValue || p2.VariableValue as ROADINFO1, "; selectCmd += " '里程:' || char(cast((float(l.EndMileage - l.StartMileage)/1000) as decimal(5,2))) || '(' || trim(char(v.lane_count)) || '車道)' as ROADINFO2 "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VdConfig + " v, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " l, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " p1, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " p2 "; selectCmd += " Where v.DeviceName in ( " + sDevList + " ) "; selectCmd += " And v.DeviceName = d.DeviceName "; selectCmd += " And d.LineId = l.LineId "; selectCmd += " And p1.VariableName = d.Location "; selectCmd += " And p1.GroupName = 'Location' "; selectCmd += " And p2.VariableName = d.Direction "; selectCmd += " And p2.GroupName = 'DeviceDirection' "; selectCmd += "Order By v.DeviceName "; selectCmd += " select DISTINCT (g.LineName || (case when substr(s.lineid,1,1) = 'N' then '高速公路' else '快速道路' end) || p.variablevalue) as ROADINFO1, "; selectCmd += " ' ' as ROADINFO2 "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupSection + " s, "; selectCmd += " left join (select variablename, variablevalue from db2inst1.tblsysparameter where upper(groupname) = 'DEVICEDIRECTION') p on p.variablename = s.direction "; selectCmd += " left join " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_tblgroupline + " g on s.LineId=g.LineId "; selectCmd += " where s.lineid= 'T76' and s.Direction='E' "; } else { selectCmd += "Select Distinct v.DeviceName as DEVICENAME , "; selectCmd += " l.LineName || p1.VariableValue || p2.VariableValue as ROADINFO1, "; selectCmd += " '里程:' || char(cast((float(l.EndMileage - l.StartMileage)/1000) as decimal(5,2))) || '(' || trim(char(v.lane_count)) || '車道)' as ROADINFO2 "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VdConfig + " v, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " l, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " p1, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " p2 "; selectCmd += " Where v.DeviceName in (" + sDevList + ") "; selectCmd += " And v.DeviceName = d.DeviceName "; selectCmd += " And d.LineId = l.LineId "; selectCmd += " And p1.VariableName = d.Location "; selectCmd += " And p1.GroupName = 'Location' "; selectCmd += " And p2.VariableName = d.Direction "; selectCmd += " And p2.GroupName = 'DeviceDirection' "; selectCmd += "Order By v.DeviceName "; } InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }
public DataTable GetAllSectionDev() { string selectCmd = ""; selectCmd += "Select l.LineName, "; selectCmd += " s.SectionName, "; selectCmd += " p.VariableValue, "; selectCmd += " (select MAX(v.car_volume) from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Day + " v, " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d where d.Devicename = v.Devicename and d.sectionid = s.sectionid and date(v.timestamp) = date(current timestamp - 1 DAYS) ) as car_volume, "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sFunction_MaxVol_Dev + "((select MAX(v.car_volume) from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_VD1Day + " v, " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d where d.Devicename = v.Devicename and d.sectionid = s.sectionid and date(v.timestamp) = date(current timestamp - 1 DAYS)), current timestamp - 1 DAYS, s.sectionid) as DeviceList "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupSection + " s LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " d1 ON d1.DivisionId = s.Start_DivisionId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupDivision + " d2 ON d2.DivisionId = s.End_DivisionId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_GroupLine + " l ON l.LineId = s.LineId "; selectCmd += " LEFT JOIN (select VariableName, VariableValue from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_Parameter + " where GroupName = 'DeviceDirection') p ON p.VariableName = s.Direction "; selectCmd += " Order By l.LineId, s.Direction, d1.Mileage "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); CloseDB(); return DT; }
public DataTable Get_RPT_DeviceMonitor(string sDevList, DateTime sStartDate, DateTime sEndDate) { try { string selectCmd = ""; //selectCmd += "Select d.device_type, "; //selectCmd += " d.Devicename, "; //selectCmd += " (case when l.connectstatus = 'Y' then '連線' else '離線' end) as connectstatus, "; //selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + ".OP_MODE(case when d.op_mode is null then 0 else d.op_mode end) as op_mode, "; //selectCmd += " l.memo "; //selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d, "; //selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceStatusLog + " l, "; //selectCmd += " (select x.devicename, x.timestamp "; //selectCmd += " from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceStatusLog + " x "; //selectCmd += " where x.timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceStatusLog + " where devicename = x.devicename) "; //selectCmd += " group by x.devicename, x.timestamp) xl "; //selectCmd += " Where l.devicename = d.devicename "; //selectCmd += " And l.devicename = xl.devicename "; //selectCmd += " And l.timestamp = xl.timestamp "; //selectCmd += " And d.Device_Type in " + sDevList + " "; //selectCmd += " Order By d.device_type, d.DeviceName "; //SHIN add selectCmd += "Select d.device_type, "; selectCmd += " d.Devicename, s.LINENAME, "; selectCmd += " (case when d.comm_state = 3 then '斷線' when d.enable = 'N' then '斷線' else '連線' end), "; selectCmd += " (case when d.comm_state = 3 then '-' when d.enable = 'N' then '斷線' when d.comm_state is null then '-' else db2inst1.OP_MODE(case when d.op_mode is null then 0 else d.op_mode end) end) as op_mode, "; selectCmd += " (case when d.comm_state = 3 then '-' when d.enable = 'N' then '斷線' when d.comm_state is null then '-' else (case when d.hw_status_1=0 and d.hw_status_2 =0 and d.hw_status_3=0 and d.hw_status_4=0 then '正常' else db2inst1.DEVICESTATUS(d.hw_status_1,d.hw_status_2,d.hw_status_3,d.hw_status_4,d.device_type) end) end) "; selectCmd += " From " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_DeviceConfig + " d LEFT JOIN "; selectCmd += " " + "db2inst1" + "." + sTableName_tblgroupline + " s ON d.LINEID=s.LINEID "; selectCmd += " Where d.Device_Type in " + sDevList + " "; selectCmd += " Order By d.device_type, d.DeviceName,s.LINENAME "; InitDB(); da = new DB2DataAdapter(selectCmd, conn); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); da.Fill(DT); da.Dispose(); conn.Close(); return DT; } catch (Exception ex) { sErrMsg = ex.Message; CloseDB(); return null; } }