private void ProcQueue(RegistryProcessStarter queueItem, Object oStarter) { LocalTheadObjects starter = null; StringBuilder tLog = new StringBuilder(); try { if ((oStarter != null) && (oStarter is LocalTheadObjects)) { starter = (LocalTheadObjects)oStarter; } if (starter == null) { throw new Exception("Thread object starts is null"); } if (starter.db == null) { throw new Exception("Thread object starts database is null"); } if (queueItem == null) { throw new Exception("Queue item is null"); } if (starter.lockRules == null) { throw new Exception("Lock rules is null"); } if (starter.ignoreRules == null) { throw new Exception("Ignore rules is null"); } if (starter.roleRules == null) { throw new Exception("Role rules is null"); } if (licControl == null) { throw new Exception("Licence control is null"); } if (entKeys == null) { throw new Exception("Enterprise keys is null"); } if (entKeys[queueItem.enterpriseId] == null) { throw new Exception("Enterprise key of enterprise " + queueItem.enterpriseId + " is null"); } if (licControl[queueItem.enterpriseId] == null) { throw new Exception("Licence control of enterprise " + queueItem.enterpriseId + " is null"); } PluginConfig pluginConfig = null; if ((pluginConfig == null) || (pluginConfig.resource_plugin != queueItem.resourcePluginId)) { if (pluginConfig != null) { pluginConfig.Dispose(); pluginConfig = null; } using (DataTable dtContext = starter.db.Select("select p.scheme, rp.* from resource_plugin rp with(nolock) inner join plugin p with(nolock) on rp.plugin_id = where = " + queueItem.resourcePluginId)) { if ((dtContext != null) && (dtContext.Rows.Count > 0)) { pluginConfig = new PluginConfig(starter.db.Connection, dtContext.Rows[0]["scheme"].ToString(), (Int64)dtContext.Rows[0]["plugin_id"], (Int64)dtContext.Rows[0]["id"]); } } } if (pluginConfig == null) { throw new Exception("Resource x plugin not found"); } if (starter.debugCallback != null) { starter.debugCallback("Package ID: " + queueItem.packageId); } //Realiza todo o processamento deste registro using (RegistryProcess proc = new RegistryProcess(localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword, pluginConfig, queueItem)) { RegistryProcess.ProccessLog log = new RegistryProcess.ProccessLog(delegate(String text) { tLog.AppendLine(text); }); proc.OnLog += log; RegistryProcessStatus status = proc.Process((EnterpriseKeyConfig)entKeys[queueItem.enterpriseId].Clone(), starter.lockRules, starter.ignoreRules, starter.roleRules, licControl[queueItem.enterpriseId]); proc.OnLog -= log; starter.db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Import, null, "Engine", (status == RegistryProcessStatus.Error ? UserLogLevel.Error : UserLogLevel.Info), 0, 0, 0, queueItem.resourceId, queueItem.pluginId, proc.EntityId, proc.IdentityId, "Import processed", tLog.ToString()); if (status == RegistryProcessStatus.OK) { Console.Write("."); if (proc.NewUser) { newUsers++; } } else if (status == RegistryProcessStatus.Ignored) { ignored++; } else { Console.Write("!"); errors++; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write("!"); errors++; if (starter.debugCallback != null) { starter.debugCallback("\tError processing package (" + queueItem.packageId + "): " + ex.Message); } //#if !DEBUG try { tLog.AppendLine("Package: " + queueItem.package); } catch { } tLog.AppendLine("StackTrace: " + ex.StackTrace); //#endif starter.db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Import, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, queueItem.resourceId, queueItem.pluginId, 0, 0, ex.Message, tLog.ToString()); starter.db.ExecuteNonQuery("update collector_imports set status = 'E' where status = 'F' and resource_plugin_id = '" + queueItem.resourcePluginId + "' and import_id = '" + queueItem.importId + "' and package_id = '" + queueItem.packageId + "'", CommandType.Text, null); } finally { tLog = null; atualReg++; percent = ((Double)(atualReg) / (Double)totalReg) * 100F; if (iPercent != (Int32)percent) { iPercent = (Int32)percent; TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\t" + iPercent + "% -> New users: " + newUsers + ", Ignored: " + ignored + ", Errors: " + errors + ", Updated: " + (atualReg - errors - ignored - newUsers)); Console.Write(" " + iPercent + "% "); Taskbar.TaskbarProgress.SetProgressValue((Int32)atualReg, (Int32)totalReg, System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle); } } }
private void TmrCallback(Object o) { if (executing) { return; } executing = true; TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "Starting registry processor timer"); Console.WriteLine("Starting registry processor timer"); IAMDatabase db = null; Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); Dictionary <Int64, PluginConfig> resourcePluginCache = new Dictionary <Int64, PluginConfig>(); StringBuilder procLog = new StringBuilder(); Boolean writeLog = false; last_status = "Iniciando..."; try { db = new IAMDatabase(localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword); db.openDB(); db.Timeout = 600; //db.Debug = true; Console.WriteLine("Select data..."); Taskbar.TaskbarProgress.SetProgressState(Taskbar.TaskbarProgressState.Indeterminate); startTime = DateTime.Now; newUsers = 0; errors = 0; totalReg = 0; ignored = 0; atualReg = 0; //Seleciona os registros prontos para serem importados //Não colocar order neste select, fica extremamente lento //Coloca um limite de 500.000 somente p/ não estourar memória last_status = "Selecionando registros a serem processados"; DataTable dtRegs = db.Select("select top 5000 * from vw_collector_imports_regs with(nolock) order by priority desc"); if (dtRegs == null) { TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\tError on select registries: " + db.LastDBError); db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Engine, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Error on select registries: " + db.LastDBError); executing = false; return; } if (dtRegs.Rows.Count == 0) { TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\t0 registers to process"); Console.WriteLine("0 registers to process"); executing = false; return; } totalReg = dtRegs.Rows.Count; TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\t" + dtRegs.Rows.Count + " registers to process"); procLog.AppendLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("o") + "] " + dtRegs.Rows.Count + " registers to process"); Console.WriteLine(dtRegs.Rows.Count + " registers to process"); //Carrega todos os logins do sistema Console.WriteLine("Fetch logins..."); last_status = "Listando login do sistema"; DataTable dtLogins = db.Select("select context_id,id,login from vw_entity_logins2 with(nolock)"); if ((dtLogins != null) || (dtLogins.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtLogins.Rows) { LoginCache.AddItem((Int64)dr["context_id"], (Int64)dr["id"], dr["login"].ToString()); } } //Carrega todos os e-mails do sistema Console.WriteLine("Fetch e-mails..."); last_status = "Listando e-mails do sistema"; DataTable dtEmails = db.Select("select context_id, entity_id, mail from vw_entity_mails with(nolock)"); if ((dtEmails != null) || (dtEmails.Rows.Count > 0)) { foreach (DataRow dr in dtEmails.Rows) { EmailCache.AddItem((Int64)dr["context_id"], (Int64)dr["entity_id"], dr["mail"].ToString()); } } //Calcula a quantidade de threads com base na quantidade de registros Int32 tCount = dtRegs.Rows.Count / 10; if (tCount < 1) { tCount = 1; } else if (tCount > this.maxThreads) { tCount = this.maxThreads; } #if DEBUG tCount = 1; #endif DebugMessage dbgC = new DebugMessage(delegate(String message) { procLog.AppendLine(message); }); Console.WriteLine("Starting..."); queueManager = new QueueManager <RegistryProcessStarter>(tCount, ProcQueue); queueManager.OnThreadStart += new QueueManager <RegistryProcessStarter> .StartThread(delegate(Int32 threadIndex) { LocalTheadObjects obj = new LocalTheadObjects(); for (Int32 t = 0; t <= 10; t++) { try { obj.db = new IAMDatabase(localConfig.SqlServer, localConfig.SqlDb, localConfig.SqlUsername, localConfig.SqlPassword); obj.db.openDB(); obj.db.Timeout = 600; #if DEBUG //obj.db.Debug = true; #endif obj.lockRules = new LockRules(); obj.ignoreRules = new IgnoreRules(); obj.roleRules = new RoleRules(); obj.lockRules.GetDBConfig(obj.db.Connection); obj.ignoreRules.GetDBConfig(obj.db.Connection); obj.roleRules.GetDBConfig(obj.db.Connection); obj.debugCallback = dbgC; break; } catch (Exception ex) { if (t >= 10) { throw ex; } } } return(obj); }); queueManager.OnThreadStop += new QueueManager <RegistryProcessStarter> .ThreadStop(delegate(Int32 threadIndex, Object state) { if ((state != null) && (state is LocalTheadObjects)) { ((LocalTheadObjects)state).Dispose(); } state = null; }); Console.WriteLine("Starting treads..."); last_status = "Iniciando treads"; queueManager.Start(); if (queueManager.ExecutingCount == 0) { throw new Exception("Erro on start queue manager"); } /* * _queue = new RegistryQueue[tCount]; * Int32 qIndex = 0; * * for (Int32 i = 0; i < _queue.Length; i++) * _queue[i] = new RegistryQueue(); */ Taskbar.TaskbarProgress.SetProgressState(Taskbar.TaskbarProgressState.Normal); Taskbar.TaskbarProgress.SetProgressValue(0, (Int32)totalReg, System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle); Int32 addCount = 0; last_status = "Processando registros"; foreach (DataRow dr in dtRegs.Rows) { Int64 enterpriseId = (Int64)dr["enterprise_id"]; Int64 contextId = (Int64)dr["context_id"]; LicenseControl lic = null; if (!licControl.ContainsKey(enterpriseId)) { lic = LicenseChecker.GetLicenseData(db.Connection, null, enterpriseId); licControl.Add(enterpriseId, lic); } else { lic = licControl[enterpriseId]; } if (!lic.Valid) { if (!lic.Notified) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Licence_error, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, enterpriseId, 0, (Int64)dr["resource_id"], (Int64)dr["plugin_id"], 0, 0, "License error: " + lic.Error); } lic.Notified = true; db.ExecuteNonQuery("update collector_imports set status = 'LE' where status = 'F' and resource_plugin_id = '" + dr["resource_id"] + "' and import_id = '" + dr["import_id"] + "' and package_id = '" + dr["package_id"] + "'", CommandType.Text, null); continue; } if ((lic.Entities > 0) && (lic.Count > lic.Entities)) { if (!lic.Notified) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Licence_error, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, enterpriseId, 0, (Int64)dr["resource_id"], (Int64)dr["plugin_id"], 0, 0, "License error: License limit (" + lic.Entities + " entities) exceeded"); } lic.Notified = true; db.ExecuteNonQuery("update collector_imports set status = 'LE' where status = 'F' and resource_plugin_id = '" + dr["resource_id"] + "' and import_id = '" + dr["import_id"] + "' and package_id = '" + dr["package_id"] + "'", CommandType.Text, null); continue; } if (!entKeys.ContainsKey(enterpriseId)) { entKeys.Add(enterpriseId, new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, enterpriseId)); } if (entKeys[enterpriseId] == null) { entKeys[enterpriseId] = new EnterpriseKeyConfig(db.Connection, enterpriseId); } addCount++; queueManager.AddItem(new RegistryProcessStarter(enterpriseId, contextId, new Uri(dr["plugin_uri"].ToString()), Int64.Parse(dr["resource_id"].ToString()), Int64.Parse(dr["plugin_id"].ToString()), Int64.Parse(dr["resource_plugin_id"].ToString()), (String)dr["import_id"], (String)dr["package_id"], (String)dr["package"])); //A cada 100 registros monitora a CPU para adicionar mais registros //O Objetivo deste processo é controlar a carga de processamento if (addCount >= 100) { addCount = 0; Int32 c = 0; while (((c = queueManager.QueueCount) > 500) || ((getCPUCounter() >= 70) && (c > 0))) { Thread.Sleep(500); } } /* * _queue[qIndex].Add(enterpriseId, contextId, Int64.Parse(dr["plugin_id"].ToString()), (String)dr["plugin_uri"], Int64.Parse(dr["resource_id"].ToString()), (String)dr["import_id"], (String)dr["registry_id"]); * * qIndex++; * if (qIndex > _queue.Length - 1) qIndex = 0; */ } /* * for (Int32 i = 0; i < _queue.Length; i++) * { * Thread procQueue = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(ProcQueue)); * procQueue.Start(i); * //Thread.Sleep(1000); * }*/ Console.WriteLine("Waiting treads execution..."); /* * Int64 rest = 0; * Double percent = 0; * Int32 iPercent = 0; * do * { * rest = 0; * * rest = queueManager.QueueCount; * * //for (Int32 i = 0; i < _queue.Length; i++) * // rest += _queue[i].Count; * * percent = ((Double)(totalReg - rest) / (Double)totalReg) * 100F; * * if (iPercent != (Int32)percent) * { * iPercent = (Int32)percent; * procLog.AppendLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("o") + "] " + iPercent + "%"); * TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\t" + iPercent + "%"); * Console.Write(" " + iPercent + "% "); * * Taskbar.TaskbarProgress.SetProgressValue((Int32)(totalReg - rest), (Int32)totalReg, System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle); * * } * * Thread.Sleep(1000); * * } while (rest > 0);*/ //Envia comando para finalizar a execução e aguarda a finalização last_status = "Processando registros"; queueManager.StopAndWait(); Taskbar.TaskbarProgress.SetProgressState(Taskbar.TaskbarProgressState.Indeterminate); last_status = "Finalizando"; Console.WriteLine("Finishing..."); if (dtRegs.Rows.Count > 0) { writeLog = true; } procLog.AppendLine("New users: " + newUsers); procLog.AppendLine("Errors: " + errors); procLog.AppendLine("Ignored: " + ignored); procLog.AppendLine("Updated: " + (totalReg - errors - ignored - newUsers)); procLog.AppendLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "] Import registry processed with " + dtRegs.Rows.Count + " registers"); //Joga todos os registros para a tabela de importados //e exclui da atual db.ExecuteNonQuery("sp_migrate_imported", CommandType.StoredProcedure, null); //Reconstroi os índices das tabelas de entidades e identidades try { db.ExecuteNonQuery("sp_reindex_entity", CommandType.StoredProcedure, null); db.ExecuteNonQuery("sp_rebuild_entity_keys", CommandType.StoredProcedure, null); } catch { } Console.WriteLine(""); } catch (SqlException e) { procLog.AppendLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "] DB Error on registry processor: " + e.Message); procLog.AppendLine(db.LastDBError); db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Import, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "DB Error on registry processor", procLog.ToString()); TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\tError on registry processor timer " + e.Message + " " + db.LastDBError); } catch (OutOfMemoryException ex) { procLog.AppendLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "] Error on registry processor: " + ex.Message); db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Import, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Out Of Memory processing registry, killing processor", procLog.ToString()); TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\tError on registry processor timer " + ex.Message); System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } catch (Exception ex) { procLog.AppendLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "] Error on registry processor: " + ex.Message); db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Import, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Error, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Error on registry processor", procLog.ToString()); TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\tError on registry processor timer " + ex.Message); } finally { stopWatch.Stop(); TimeSpan ts = stopWatch.Elapsed; executing = false; last_status = ""; string elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:0000}", ts.TotalHours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds); TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\tElapsed time: " + elapsedTime); TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "\tScheduled for new registry processor in 60 seconds"); TextLog.Log("Engine", "Importer", "Finishing registry processor timer"); procLog.AppendLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "] Elapsed time: " + elapsedTime); Console.WriteLine("Import registry processed " + procLog.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time: " + elapsedTime); if (writeLog) { db.AddUserLog(LogKey.Import, null, "Engine", UserLogLevel.Info, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Import registry processed", procLog.ToString()); } Taskbar.TaskbarProgress.SetProgressState(Taskbar.TaskbarProgressState.NoProgress); startTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1); try { List <Int64> keys = new List <Int64>(); if ((entKeys != null) && (entKeys.Count > 0)) { keys.AddRange(entKeys.Keys); foreach (Int64 k in keys) { try { if (entKeys[k] != null) { entKeys[k].Dispose(); entKeys[k] = null; } } catch { } try { entKeys.Remove(k); } catch { } } } } catch { } try { licControl.Clear(); } catch { } try { LoginCache.Clear(); } catch { } if (db != null) { db.Dispose(); } db = null; Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); } }