コード例 #1
        public static EnvelopeDeserializer Create(ByteString byteString, byte b)
            EnvelopeDeserializer ret;
            int type = ChannelHeader.Parser.ParseFrom(Protos.Common.Payload.Parser.ParseFrom(Envelope.Parser.ParseFrom(byteString).Payload).Header.ChannelHeader).Type;

             * MESSAGE = 0;                   // Used for messages which are signed but opaque
             * CONFIG = 1;                    // Used for messages which express the channel config
             * CONFIG_UPDATE = 2;             // Used for transactions which update the channel config
             * ENDORSER_TRANSACTION = 3;      // Used by the SDK to submit endorser based transactions
             * ORDERER_TRANSACTION = 4;       // Used internally by the orderer for management
             * DELIVER_SEEK_INFO = 5;         // Used as the type for Envelope messages submitted to instruct the Deliver API to seek
             * CHAINCODE_PACKAGE = 6;         // Used for packaging chaincode artifacts for install

            switch (type)
            case 3:
                ret = new EndorserTransactionEnvDeserializer(byteString, b);

            default:     //just assume base properties.
                ret = new EnvelopeDeserializer(byteString, b);

コード例 #2
 public BlockDeserializer(Block block)
     Block     = block;
     envelopes = new WeakDictionary <int, EnvelopeDeserializer>((index) => EnvelopeDeserializer.Create(Data?.Data[index], TransActionsMetaData[index]));