コード例 #1
ファイル: CoreView.cs プロジェクト: H1net/HyperEdit
        public static IView View(HyperEditBehaviour hyperedit)
            var orbitEditorView  = OrbitEditorView.Create();
            var planetEditorView = PlanetEditorView.Create();
            var landerView       = LanderView.Create();
            var miscEditorView   = MiscEditorView.Create();
            var aboutView        = AboutWindow.Create();

            var closeAll     = new ButtonView("Close all", "Closes all windows", Window.CloseAll);
            var orbitEditor  = new ButtonView("Orbit Editor", "Opens the Orbit Editor window", orbitEditorView);
            var planetEditor = new ButtonView("Planet Editor", "Opens the Planet Editor window", planetEditorView);
            var shipLander   = new ButtonView("Ship Lander", "Opens the Ship Lander window", landerView);
            var miscTools    = new ButtonView("Misc Tools", "Opens the Misc Tools window", miscEditorView);
            var about        = new ButtonView("About", "Opens the About window", aboutView);
            var appLauncher  = new DynamicToggleView("H-Button", "Enables or disables the AppLauncher button (top right H button)",
                                                     () => hyperedit.UseAppLauncherButton, () => true, v => hyperedit.UseAppLauncherButton = v);

            return(new VerticalView(new IView[]
コード例 #2
        public static IView View()
            // Load Auto Open status.

            var setAutoOpen = new DynamicToggleView("Auto Open", "Open this view when entering the Flight or Tracking Center scenes.",
                                                    () => AutoOpenLander, () => true, v => AutoOpenLander = v);
            var bodySelector = new ListSelectView <CelestialBody>("Body", () => FlightGlobals.fetch == null ? null : FlightGlobals.fetch.bodies, null, Extensions.CbToString);

            bodySelector.CurrentlySelected = FlightGlobals.fetch == null ? null : FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel == null ? Planetarium.fetch.Home : FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.mainBody;
            var lat    = new TextBoxView <double>("Lat", "Latitude (North/South). Between +90 (North) and -90 (South).", 0.001d, latTryParse);
            var lon    = new TextBoxView <double>("Lon", "Longitude (East/West). Converts to less than 360 degrees.", 0.001d, myTryParse);
            var alt    = new TextBoxView <double>("Alt", "Altitude (Up/Down). Distance above the surface.", 20, altTryParse);
            var setRot = new ToggleView("Force Rotation",
                                        "Rotates vessel such that up on the vessel is up when landing. Otherwise, the current orientation is kept relative to the body.",
            Func <bool> isValid = () => lat.Valid && lon.Valid && alt.Valid;
            Action <double, double, double, CelestialBody> load = (latVal, lonVal, altVal, body) =>
                lat.Object = latVal;
                lon.Object = lonVal;
                alt.Object = altVal;
                bodySelector.CurrentlySelected = body;

            // Load last entered values.

            return(new VerticalView(new IView[]
                new ConditionalView(() => FlightGlobals.fetch != null && FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != null && FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.mainBody != bodySelector.CurrentlySelected, new LabelView("Landing on a different body is not recommended.", "This may destroy the vessel. Use the Orbit Editor to orbit the body first, then land on it.")),
                new ConditionalView(() => !lat.Valid, new LabelView("Latitude must be a number from 0 to (+/-)89.9.", "Values too close to the poles ((+/-)90) can crash KSP, values beyond that are invalid for a latitude.")),
                new ConditionalView(() => alt.Object < 0, new LabelView("Altitude must be a positive number.", "This may destroy the vessel. Values less than 0 are sub-surface.")),
                new ConditionalView(() => !isValid(), new ButtonView("Cannot Land", "Entered location is invalid. Correct items in red.", null)),
                new ConditionalView(() => !Model.DoLander.IsLanding() && isValid(), new ButtonView("Land", "Teleport to entered location, then slowly lower to surface.", () => Model.DoLander.ToggleLanding(lat.Object, lon.Object, alt.Object, bodySelector.CurrentlySelected, setRot.Value, load))),
                new ConditionalView(() => Model.DoLander.IsLanding(), new ButtonView("Drop (CAUTION!)", "Release vessel to gravity.", () => Model.DoLander.ToggleLanding(lat.Object, lon.Object, alt.Object, bodySelector.CurrentlySelected, setRot.Value, load))),
                new ConditionalView(() => Model.DoLander.IsLanding(), new LabelView("LANDING IN PROGRESS.", "Vessel is being lowered to the surface.")),
                //Launch button here
                new ConditionalView(() => Model.DoLander.IsLanding(), new LabelView(changeHelpString(), "Change location slightly.")),
                new ConditionalView(() => !Model.DoLander.IsLanding(), new ButtonView("Land Here", "Stop at current location, then slowly lower to surface.", () => Model.DoLander.LandHere(load))),
                new ListSelectView <Vessel>("Set to vessel", Model.DoLander.LandedVessels, select => Model.DoLander.SetToLanded(load, select), Extensions.VesselToString),
                new ButtonView("Current", "Set to current location.", () => Model.DoLander.SetToCurrent(load)),
                new ConditionalView(isValid, new ButtonView("Save", "Save the entered location.", () => Model.DoLander.AddSavedCoords(lat.Object, lon.Object, alt.Object, bodySelector.CurrentlySelected))),
                new ButtonView("Load", "Load a saved location.", () => Model.DoLander.Load(load)),
                new ButtonView("Delete", "Delete a saved location.", Model.DoLander.Delete),