コード例 #1
        protected ChartViewModel InitModelWithVarAndStation(int? varId, int? StatId)
            var model = new ChartViewModel();

            model.VarId = varId.GetValueOrDefault(16);
            model.VarName = Helper.Vars[model.VarId].PageName;
            model.Vars = new SelectList(Helper.VarsTable.Select(x =>
               new { Id = x.Id, PageName = T.Text(x.PageName) }), "Id", "PageName", model.VarId);

            model.StatId = StatId.GetValueOrDefault(0);
            var st = Repo.GetStations(model.VarId);
            model.Stations = new SelectList(st, "st_id", "st_name", model.StatId);

            model.Date = DateTime.Now;

            return model;
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult Search(int? varId, int? StatId, string date)
            var model = new ChartViewModel();

            model.VarId = varId.GetValueOrDefault(16);
            model.StatId = StatId.GetValueOrDefault(0);
            var act = Request.Params["act"];
            if (StatId.HasValue)
                LoadData(date, act, 1, model);

            return PartialView("_partChartTable", model);
コード例 #3
        private void LoadData(string date, string act, int pg, ChartViewModel model)
            var sql = DBHelper.SQLGetValByVarAndStat(model.VarId, model.StatId);
            var d = ParseDate(date);
            d = new DateTime(d.Year, d.Month, 1);
            if (act == "prev") d = d.AddMonths(-1);
            if (act == "next") d = d.AddMonths(1);
            model.Date = d;
            sql = sql.Where(" time_utc>=@0 and time_utc<@1", d, d.AddMonths(1));

            sql = sql.OrderBy("time_utc asc");

            model.Items = db.Page<TableValue>(pg, 3000, sql).Items;
コード例 #4
        private void LoadData(string date, string act, int _pg, ChartViewModel model)
            var sql = DBHelper.SQLGetValByVarAndStat(model.VarId, model.StatId);

            DateTime d;
            if (DateTime.TryParse(date, out d))

                model.Date = d;
                if (model.VarId == 8 || model.VarId == 2)
                    sql = sql.Where(" time_utc>=@0 and time_utc<@1", d, d.AddMonths(1));
                else sql = sql.Where(" time_utc>=@0 and time_utc<@1", d, d.AddDays(1));

            sql = sql.OrderBy("time_utc asc");

            model.Page = db.Page<TableValue>(_pg, Helper.PageSize, sql);