private void SendDeviceStatus(IPEndPoint src) { var dss = GetDeviceData(); var payload = dss.EncodeState(); DreamSender.SendUdpWrite(0x01, 0x0A, payload, 0x60, group, src); }
// This broadcasts the subscribe message that other devices reply to to get color data private async void SubscribeBroadcast(CancellationToken ct) { _subscribers = new Dictionary <string, int>(); // Loop until canceled try { while (!ct.IsCancellationRequested) { // Send our subscribe multicast DreamSender.SendUdpWrite(0x01, 0x0C, new byte[] { 0x01 }, 0x30, (byte)_dev.GroupNumber, null, true); // Enumerate all subscribers, check to see that they are still valid var keys = new List <string>(_subscribers.Keys); foreach (var key in keys) { // If the subscribers haven't replied in three messages, remove them, otherwise, count down one if (_subscribers[key] <= 0) { _subscribers.Remove(key); } else { _subscribers[key] -= 1; } } // Sleep for 5s await Task.Delay(5000, ct); } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { _subscribers = new Dictionary <string, int>(); } }
private void Subscribe(bool log = false) { if (log) { LogUtil.Write(@"Sending subscribe message."); } DreamSender.SendUdpWrite(0x01, 0x0C, new byte[] { 0x01 }, 0x10, group, targetEndpoint); }
public async Task <List <BaseDevice> > FindDevices() { _searching = true; Devices = new List <BaseDevice>(); var msg = new byte[] { 0xFC, 0x05, 0xFF, 0x30, 0x01, 0x0A, 0x2A }; DreamSender.SendUdpBroadcast(msg); var s = new Stopwatch(); s.Start(); await Task.Delay(3000).ConfigureAwait(true); Devices = Devices.Distinct().ToList(); s.Stop(); _searching = false; DreamData.SetItem("devices", Devices); return(Devices); }
// If we pass in a third set of sectors, use that info instead. public void SendColors(List <Color> colors, List <Color> sectors, List <Color> sectorsV2, Dictionary <string, List <Color> > wledSectors, double fadeTime = 0) { _sendTokenSource ??= new CancellationTokenSource(); if (wledSectors == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(wledSectors)); } if (_sendTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { LogUtil.Write("Canceled."); return; } if (!_streamStarted) { LogUtil.Write("Stream not started."); return; } foreach (var sd in _sDevices) { sd.SetColor(sectorsV2, fadeTime); } foreach (var wl in _wlStrips) { wl.SetColor(wledSectors[wl.Id], fadeTime); } if (CaptureMode != 0) { // If we have subscribers and we're capturing if (_subscribers.Count > 0 && CaptureMode != 0) { var keys = new List <string>(_subscribers.Keys); foreach (var ip in keys) { DreamSender.SendSectors(sectors, ip, _dev.GroupNumber); } } _strip?.UpdateAll(colors); //LogUtil.Write("Colorsend complete"); } }
public static async Task <List <BaseDevice> > Discover() { LogUtil.Write("Discovery started.."); // Send a custom internal message to self to store discovery results var selfEp = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 8888); DreamSender.SendUdpWrite(0x01, 0x0D, new byte[] { 0x01 }, 0x30, 0x00, selfEp); // Send our notification to actually discover var msg = new byte[] { 0xFC, 0x05, 0xFF, 0x30, 0x01, 0x0A, 0x2A }; DreamSender.SendUdpBroadcast(msg); await Task.Delay(3000).ConfigureAwait(false); DreamSender.SendUdpWrite(0x01, 0x0E, new byte[] { 0x01 }, 0x30, 0x00, selfEp); await Task.Delay(500).ConfigureAwait(false); var devices = DataUtil.GetDreamDevices(); return(devices); }
private void ProcessData(byte[] receivedBytes, IPEndPoint receivedIpEndPoint) { // Convert data to ASCII and print in console if (!MsgUtils.CheckCrc(receivedBytes)) { return; } string command = null; string flag = null; var from = receivedIpEndPoint.Address.ToString(); var replyPoint = new IPEndPoint(receivedIpEndPoint.Address, 8888); var payloadString = string.Empty; var payload = Array.Empty <byte>(); BaseDevice msgDevice = null; var writeState = false; var msg = new DreamScreenMessage(receivedBytes, from); if (msg.IsValid) { payload = msg.GetPayload(); payloadString = msg.PayloadString; command = msg.Command; msgDevice = msg.Device; string[] ignore = { "SUBSCRIBE", "READ_CONNECT_VERSION?", "COLOR_DATA", "DEVICE_DISCOVERY" }; if (!ignore.Contains(command)) { Console.WriteLine($@"{from} -> {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msg)}."); } flag = msg.Flags; var groupMatch = msg.Group == dev.GroupNumber || msg.Group == 255; if ((flag == "11" || flag == "21") && groupMatch) { dev = GetDeviceData(); writeState = true; } } switch (command) { case "SUBSCRIBE": if (devMode == 1 || devMode == 2) { DreamSender.SendUdpWrite(0x01, 0x0C, new byte[] { 0x01 }, 0x10, group, replyPoint); } break; case "COLOR_DATA": if (devMode == 1 || devMode == 2) { var colorData = ByteUtils.SplitHex(payloadString, 6); // Swap this with payload var lightCount = 0; var colors = new string[12]; foreach (var colorValue in colorData) { colors[lightCount] = colorValue; if (lightCount > 11) { break; } lightCount++; } SendColors(colors); } break; case "DEVICE_DISCOVERY": if (flag == "30" && from != "") { SendDeviceStatus(replyPoint); } else if (flag == "60") { if (msgDevice != null) { string dsIpCheck = DreamData.GetItem("dsIp"); if (dsIpCheck == "" && msgDevice.Tag.Contains("DreamScreen", StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { Console.WriteLine(@"No DS IP Set, setting."); DreamData.SetItem("dsIp", from); targetEndpoint = replyPoint; } if (_searching) { Devices.Add(msgDevice); } } } break; case "GROUP_NAME": var gName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(payload); if (writeState) { dev.GroupName = gName; } break; case "GROUP_NUMBER": int gNum = payload[0]; if (writeState) { dev.GroupNumber = gNum; } break; case "NAME": var dName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(payload); if (writeState) { dev.Name = dName; } break; case "BRIGHTNESS": brightness = payload[0]; if (writeState) { Console.WriteLine($@"Setting brightness to {brightness}."); dev.Brightness = payload[0]; UpdateBrightness(payload[0]); } break; case "SATURATION": if (writeState) { dev.Saturation = ByteUtils.ByteString(payload); } break; case "MODE": if (writeState) { dev.Mode = payload[0]; Console.WriteLine($@"Updating mode: {dev.Mode}."); UpdateMode(dev.Mode); } break; case "AMBIENT_MODE_TYPE": if (writeState) { dev.AmbientModeType = payload[0]; UpdateAmbientMode(dev.Mode); } break; case "AMBIENT_SCENE": if (writeState) { ambientShow = payload[0]; dev.AmbientShowType = ambientShow; UpdateAmbientShow(ambientShow); Console.WriteLine($@"Scene updated: {ambientShow}."); } break; case "AMBIENT_COLOR": if (writeState) { dev.AmbientColor = ByteUtils.ByteString(payload); UpdateAmbientColor(dev.AmbientColor); } break; } if (writeState) { DreamData.SetItem <BaseDevice>("myDevice", dev); } }
private void ProcessData(byte[] receivedBytes, IPEndPoint receivedIpEndPoint) { // Convert data to ASCII and print in console if (!MsgUtils.CheckCrc(receivedBytes)) { return; } string command = null; string flag = null; var from = receivedIpEndPoint.Address.ToString(); var replyPoint = new IPEndPoint(receivedIpEndPoint.Address, 8888); var payloadString = string.Empty; var payload = Array.Empty <byte>(); BaseDevice msgDevice = null; var writeState = false; var writeDev = false; var msg = new DreamScreenMessage(receivedBytes, from); var tDevice = _dev; if (msg.IsValid) { payload = msg.GetPayload(); payloadString = msg.PayloadString; command = msg.Command; msgDevice = msg.Device; flag = msg.Flags; var groupMatch = msg.Group == _dev.GroupNumber || msg.Group == 255; if ((flag == "11" || flag == "17" || flag == "21") && groupMatch) { writeState = true; writeDev = true; } if (flag == "41") { LogUtil.Write($"Flag is 41, we should save settings for {from}."); tDevice = DataUtil.GetDreamDevice(from); if (tDevice != null) { writeDev = true; } } if (from != null && command != null && command != "COLOR_DATA" && command != "SUBSCRIBE" && tDevice != null) { LogUtil.Write($@"{from} -> {tDevice.IpAddress}::{command} {flag}-{msg.Group}."); } } else { LogUtil.Write($@"Invalid message from {from}"); } switch (command) { case "SUBSCRIBE": if (_devMode == 1 || _devMode == 2) { DreamSender.SendUdpWrite(0x01, 0x0C, new byte[] { 0x01 }, 0x10, _group, replyPoint); } // If the device is on and capture mode is not using DS data if (_devMode != 0 && CaptureMode != 0) { // If the device is replying to our sub broadcast if (flag == "60") { // Set our count to 3, which is how many tries we get before we stop sending data if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(from)) { if (!_subscribers.ContainsKey(from)) { LogUtil.Write("Adding new subscriber: " + from); } _subscribers[from] = 3; } else { LogUtil.Write("Can't add subscriber, from is empty..."); } } } break; case "DISCOVERY_START": LogUtil.Write("DreamScreen: Starting discovery."); _devices = new List <BaseDevice>(); _discovering = true; break; case "DISCOVERY_STOP": LogUtil.Write($"DreamScreen: Discovery complete, found {_devices.Count} devices."); _discovering = false; foreach (var d in _devices) { DataUtil.InsertCollection <BaseDevice>("devices", d); } break; case "REMOTE_REFRESH": var id = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payload.ToArray()); var tDev = _sDevices.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == id); LogUtil.Write($"Triggering reload of device {id}."); tDev?.ReloadData(); break; case "COLOR_DATA": if (_devMode == 1 || _devMode == 2) { var colorData = ByteUtils.SplitHex(payloadString, 6); // Swap this with payload var colors = new List <Color>(); foreach (var colorValue in colorData) { colors.Add(ColorFromString(colorValue)); } colors = ShiftColors(colors); SendColors(colors, colors); } break; case "DEVICE_DISCOVERY": if (flag == "30" && from != "") { SendDeviceStatus(replyPoint); } else if (flag == "60") { if (msgDevice != null) { string dsIpCheck = DataUtil.GetItem("DsIp"); if (dsIpCheck == "" && msgDevice.Tag.Contains("DreamScreen", StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { LogUtil.Write(@"Setting a target DS IP."); DataUtil.SetItem("DsIp", from); _targetEndpoint = replyPoint; } if (_discovering) { LogUtil.Write("Sending request for serial!"); DreamSender.SendUdpWrite(0x01, 0x03, new byte[] { 0 }, 0x60, 0, replyPoint); _devices.Add(msgDevice); } } } break; case "GET_SERIAL": if (flag == "30") { SendDeviceSerial(replyPoint); } else { LogUtil.Write("DEVICE SERIAL RETRIEVED: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msg)); } break; case "GROUP_NAME": var gName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(payload); if (writeState | writeDev) { tDevice.GroupName = gName; } break; case "GROUP_NUMBER": int gNum = payload[0]; if (writeState | writeDev) { tDevice.GroupNumber = gNum; } break; case "NAME": var dName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(payload); if (writeState | writeDev) { tDevice.Name = dName; } break; case "BRIGHTNESS": _brightness = payload[0]; if (writeState | writeDev) { LogUtil.Write($@"Setting brightness to {_brightness}."); tDevice.Brightness = payload[0]; } if (writeState) { UpdateBrightness(payload[0]); } break; case "SATURATION": if (writeState | writeDev) { tDevice.Saturation = ByteUtils.ByteString(payload); } break; case "MODE": if (writeState | writeDev) { tDevice.Mode = payload[0]; LogUtil.Write("UPDATING MODE FROM REMOTE"); LogUtil.Write($@"Updating mode: {tDevice.Mode}."); } else { LogUtil.Write("Mode flag set, but we're not doing anything... " + flag); } if (writeState) { UpdateMode(tDevice.Mode); } break; case "REFRESH_CLIENTS": LogUtil.Write("Triggering discovery."); StartRefreshTimer(true); break; case "AMBIENT_MODE_TYPE": if (writeState | writeDev) { tDevice.AmbientModeType = payload[0]; } if (writeState) { UpdateAmbientMode(tDevice.AmbientModeType); } break; case "AMBIENT_SCENE": if (writeState | writeDev) { _ambientShow = payload[0]; tDevice.AmbientShowType = _ambientShow; } if (writeState) { UpdateAmbientShow(_ambientShow); } break; case "AMBIENT_COLOR": if (writeDev | writeState) { if (tDevice != null) { tDevice.AmbientColor = ByteUtils.ByteString(payload); } } if (writeState && tDevice != null) { UpdateAmbientColor(ColorFromString(tDevice.AmbientColor)); } break; case "SKU_SETUP": if (writeState | writeDev) { tDevice.SkuSetup = payload[0]; } break; case "FLEX_SETUP": if (writeState | writeDev) { int[] fSetup = payload.Select(x => (int)x).ToArray(); tDevice.flexSetup = fSetup; } break; case "RESET_PIC": break; } if (writeState) { DataUtil.SetObject("myDevice", tDevice); _dev = tDevice; DreamSender.SendUdpWrite(msg.C1, msg.C2, msg.GetPayload(), 0x41, (byte)msg.Group, receivedIpEndPoint); } if (!writeState && !writeDev) { return; } // Notify if the sender was not us if (from != _dev.IpAddress) { NotifyClients(); } DataUtil.InsertDsDevice(tDevice); }
private void Subscribe(bool log = false) { DreamSender.SendUdpWrite(0x01, 0x0C, new byte[] { 0x01 }, 0x10, _group, _targetEndpoint); }
private void SendDeviceSerial(IPEndPoint src) { var serial = DataUtil.GetDeviceSerial(); DreamSender.SendUdpWrite(0x01, 0x03, ByteUtils.StringBytes(serial), 0x60, _group, src); }