コード例 #1
        public async Task ConnectionShouldIgnoreResetsforUnknownStreams()
            var inPipe  = new BufferedPipe(1024);
            var outPipe = new BufferedPipe(1024);

            Func <IStream, bool> listener = (s) => true;
            var conn = await ConnectionUtils.BuildEstablishedConnection(
                true, inPipe, outPipe, loggerProvider, listener);

            var hEncoder = new Encoder();

            var streamId = 7u;
            await inPipe.WriteHeaders(
                hEncoder, streamId, false, TestHeaders.DefaultGetHeaders);

            await inPipe.WriteResetStream(streamId - 2, ErrorCode.RefusedStream);

            await inPipe.WriteResetStream(streamId - 4, ErrorCode.Cancel);

            // Send a ping afterwards
            // If we get a response the reset frame in between was ignored
            await inPipe.WritePing(new byte[8], false);

            await outPipe.ReadAndDiscardPong();
コード例 #2
        public async Task ResetsOnIdleStreamsShouldBeTreatedAsConnectionError(
            bool isServer, uint streamId)
            var inPipe   = new BufferedPipe(1024);
            var outPipe  = new BufferedPipe(1024);
            var http2Con = await ConnectionUtils.BuildEstablishedConnection(
                isServer, inPipe, outPipe, loggerProvider);

            await inPipe.WriteResetStream(streamId, ErrorCode.RefusedStream);

            await outPipe.AssertGoAwayReception(ErrorCode.ProtocolError, 0u);
コード例 #3
        public async Task ConnectionShouldGoAwayOnInvalidResetStreamId(
            bool isServer)
            var inPipe   = new BufferedPipe(1024);
            var outPipe  = new BufferedPipe(1024);
            var http2Con = await ConnectionUtils.BuildEstablishedConnection(
                isServer, inPipe, outPipe, loggerProvider);

            await inPipe.WriteResetStream(0, ErrorCode.Cancel);

            await outPipe.AssertGoAwayReception(ErrorCode.ProtocolError, 0);

            await outPipe.AssertStreamEnd();
コード例 #4
        public async Task ReceivingResetShouldYieldAResetException()
            var inPipe  = new BufferedPipe(1024);
            var outPipe = new BufferedPipe(1024);

            var conn = await ConnectionUtils.BuildEstablishedConnection(
                false, inPipe, outPipe, loggerProvider);

            IStream stream = await conn.CreateStreamAsync(DefaultGetHeaders);

            await outPipe.ReadAndDiscardHeaders(1u, false);

            var readTask = stream.ReadWithTimeout(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[1]));
            await inPipe.WriteResetStream(1u, ErrorCode.Cancel);

            var ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AggregateException>(
                () => readTask);

            Assert.IsType <StreamResetException>(ex.InnerException);
            Assert.Equal(StreamState.Reset, stream.State);
コード例 #5
        public async Task BlockedWritesShouldUnblockOnExternalStreamReset()
            var inPipe  = new BufferedPipe(1024);
            var outPipe = new BufferedPipe(1024);
            // Create a stream. It will have a flow control window of 64kb
            // for stream and connection
            var res = await ServerStreamTests.StreamCreator.CreateConnectionAndStream(
                StreamState.Open, loggerProvider, inPipe, outPipe);

            // Initiate response by sending and consuming headers
            await res.stream.WriteHeadersAsync(
                DefaultStatusHeaders, false);

            await outPipe.ReadAndDiscardHeaders(1u, false);

            // Start discarding all ougoing data -> Not needed for this test
            // and pipe may not be blocked
            var readTask = Task.Run(async() =>
                await outPipe.ReadAllToArrayWithTimeout();
            // Write flow control window amount of data
            await res.stream.WriteWithTimeout(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[65535]));

            var resetTask = Task.Run(async() =>
                await Task.Delay(20);
                await inPipe.WriteResetStream(1u, ErrorCode.Cancel);
            // Write additional bytes. This should block and cause a streamreset
            // exception when the cancel arrives
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <StreamResetException>(async() =>
                await res.stream.WriteAsync(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[1024]));
コード例 #6
        public async Task IncomingStreamsAfterMaxConcurrentStreamsShouldBeRejected(
            int maxConcurrentStreams)
            var inPipe = new BufferedPipe(1024);
            var outPipe = new BufferedPipe(1024);
            var acceptedStreams = new List<IStream>();

            Func<IStream, bool> listener = (s) =>
                lock (acceptedStreams)
                return true;
            var settings = Settings.Default;
            settings.MaxConcurrentStreams = (uint)maxConcurrentStreams;
            var http2Con = await ConnectionUtils.BuildEstablishedConnection(
                true, inPipe, outPipe, loggerProvider, listener,
                localSettings: settings);

            var hEncoder = new Encoder();
            // Open maxConcurrentStreams
            var streamId = 1u;
            for (var i = 0; i < maxConcurrentStreams; i++)
                await inPipe.WriteHeaders(hEncoder, streamId, false, DefaultGetHeaders);
                streamId += 2;
            // Assert no rejection and response so far
            await inPipe.WritePing(new byte[8], false);
            await outPipe.ReadAndDiscardPong();
            lock (acceptedStreams)
                Assert.Equal(maxConcurrentStreams, acceptedStreams.Count);
            // Try to open an additional stream
            await inPipe.WriteHeaders(hEncoder, streamId, false, DefaultGetHeaders);
            // This one should be rejected
            await outPipe.AssertResetStreamReception(streamId, ErrorCode.RefusedStream);
            lock (acceptedStreams)
                Assert.Equal(maxConcurrentStreams, acceptedStreams.Count);

            // Once a stream is closed a new one should be acceptable
            await inPipe.WriteResetStream(streamId-2, ErrorCode.Cancel);
            streamId += 2;
            await inPipe.WriteHeaders(hEncoder, streamId, false, DefaultGetHeaders);
            // Assert no error response
            await inPipe.WritePing(new byte[8], false);
            await outPipe.ReadAndDiscardPong();
            lock (acceptedStreams)
                // +1 because the dead stream isn't removed
                Assert.Equal(maxConcurrentStreams+1, acceptedStreams.Count);
                // Check if the reset worked