コード例 #1
    //private DataSet Query(string SQLString)
    //    string connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionStringSQL"];
    //    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    //    {
    //        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    //        try
    //        {
    //            connection.Open();
    //            SqlDataAdapter command = new SqlDataAdapter(SQLString, connection);
    //            command.Fill(ds, "ds");
    //        }
    //        catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ex)
    //        {
    //            connection.Close();
    //            throw new Exception(ex.Message);
    //        }
    //        return ds;
    //    }
    /// <summary>
    /// 根据模块级别获取当前用户能够访问的模块
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="level"></param>
    /// <returns></returns> 
    public DataTable GetModulesByLevelWithRight(ModuleLevel level)
        string tempWhere = string.Empty;
            if (level != ModuleLevel.All)
                tempWhere = " and b.Menu_Level=" + ((int)level).ToString();

        //            string strSql = @"select distinct a.Module_ID as Menu_ID,a.Module_Right,b.Parent_MenuId,b.Menu_Name,b.Menu_Target,b.Menu_OrderID,b.Menu_Url,b.Menu_Level from (
        //                                --查询用户帐号下的权限
        //                                select Module_ID,Module_Type,Module_Right from CMS_SYS_PERMISSION a,CMS_SYS_USERS b where a.USER_ID=b.USER_Account
        //                                and Module_Type=1 and a.Permission_Type=1 and a.USER_ID='" + _userid + @"'
        //                                union
        //                                --查询用户所有角色的权限
        //                                select Module_ID,Module_Type,Module_Right from CMS_SYS_PERMISSION a,
        //                                (select distinct Role_ID from CMS_SYS_USER_ELEMENT where User_Account='" + _userid + @"') b
        //                                where a.Permission_Code=b.Role_ID and a.Module_Type=1 and a.Permission_Type=3"+

        //                               @" ) a,CMS_SYS_MENU b where a.Module_ID=b.Menu_ID and b.Menu_Show=1 and b.Menu_Limit=1 " + tempWhere + @"
        //                                union
        //                                select b.Menu_ID,1,b.Parent_MenuId,b.Menu_Name,b.Menu_Target,b.Menu_OrderID,b.Menu_Url,b.Menu_Level
        //                                from CMS_SYS_MENU b  where b.Menu_Limit=0 and b.Menu_Show=1 " + tempWhere;

        //            DataSet ds = DbHelperSQL.Query(strSql);
        //            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

            RightDA rightDA = new RightDA();
            DataSet ds =rightDA.SelectModulesRightListByUserAccount(tempWhere, _userid);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
            return dt;
コード例 #2
    public static DataTable GetModulesWithLimit()
        //string strSql = @"select Menu_ID,Parent_MenuId ,Menu_Name,Menu_Url,Menu_Target,Menu_OrderID,Menu_Type,Menu_Level,Menu_Limit  from CMS_SYS_MENU where Menu_Show=1 and Menu_Limit=1";
            //return DbHelperSQL.Query(strSql).Tables[0];

            RightDA rightDA = new RightDA();
            DataSet ds = rightDA.SelectModulesWithLimit();
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
            return dt;
コード例 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// 根据模块级别获取当前用户能够访问的模块
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="level"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    //        public List<SYS_Module> GetModules(ModuleLevel level)
    //        {
    //            List<SYS_Module> modules = new List<SYS_Module>();
    //            string tempWhere = string.Empty;
    //            if (level != ModuleLevel.All)
    //            {
    //                tempWhere = " and b.ObjectLevel=" + ((int)level).ToString();
    //            }
    //            string strSql = @"select distinct a.ModuleID as ID,a.CompetenceType,a.ObjectRight,b.ParentNodeId,b.TextCH,b.TextEN,b.TextTW,b.TextJP,b.Target,c.PageLink as Url,b.ObjectLevel from (
    //                                --查询用户帐号下的权限
    //                                select ModuleID,CompetenceType,ModuleType,ObjectRight from SYS_PERMISSION_Competence a,SYS_BPS_USERS b where a.USER_ID=b.USER_Account
    //                                and ModuleType=1 and a.CompetenceType=1 and a.USER_ID='" + _userid + @"'
    //                                union
    //                                --查询用户所有角色的权限
    //                                select ModuleID,CompetenceType,ModuleType,ObjectRight from SYS_PERMISSION_Competence a,
    //                                (select distinct Role_ID from VW_RoleUser where UserID='" + _userid + @"') b
    //                                where a.CompetenceCode=b.Role_ID and a.CompetenceType=3 and a.ModuleType=1
    //                                union
    //                                --查询用户所有机构的权限
    //                                select ModuleID,CompetenceType,ModuleType,ObjectRight from SYS_PERMISSION_Competence a,
    //                                (select distinct GroupID from VW_GPUser where UserID='" + _userid + @"') b
    //                                where a.CompetenceCode=b.GroupID  and a.ModuleType=1 and a.CompetenceType=2) a,SYS_BPS_MENU b left join SYS_PERMISSION_MODULES c
    //                                on b.PageID=c.PageID where a.ModuleID=b.ID and b.Show=0 " + tempWhere;
    //            DataSet ds = DbHelper.Query(strSql);
    //            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
    //            {
    //                modules.Add(new SYS_Module(dr["ModuleCode"].ToString(), dr["ModuleName"].ToString(), dr["PageLink"].ToString(), int.Parse(dr["ModuleLevel"].ToString()), dr["ParentModule"].ToString()));
    //            }
    //            return modules;
    //        }
    public DataTable GetModulesByADWithRight(ModuleLevel level)
        string strUserGroups = UserSession.Current.UserGroups;
            string tempWhere = string.Empty;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strUserGroups))
                string[] strGroups = strUserGroups.Split(new char[]{'|'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string strWhere = string.Empty;
                foreach (string strGroup in strGroups)
                    strWhere = strWhere + "'" + strGroup + "',";
                strWhere = strWhere.TrimEnd(',');
                tempWhere = " and Role_Name IN (" + strWhere + ")";
                tempWhere = " and Role_Name='nothing'";

            RightDA rightDA = new RightDA();
            DataSet ds = rightDA.SelectModulesRightListByUserADAccount(tempWhere);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
            return dt;

        //            string strSql = @"select distinct a.Module_ID as Menu_ID,a.Module_Right,b.Parent_MenuId,b.Menu_Name,b.Menu_Target,b.Menu_OrderID,b.Menu_Url,b.Menu_Level from (
        //            select Module_ID,Module_Type,Module_Right from CMS_SYS_PERMISSION a,
        //            (select distinct Role_ID from [CMS_SYS_ROLES] where IS_AD = '1' " + tempWhere + @") b
        //            where a.Permission_Code=b.Role_ID and a.Module_Type=1 and a.Permission_Type=3) a,CMS_SYS_MENU b where a.Module_ID=b.Menu_ID and b.Menu_Show=1 and b.Menu_Limit=1
        //            union
        //            select b.Menu_ID,1,b.Parent_MenuId,b.Menu_Name,b.Menu_Target,b.Menu_OrderID,b.Menu_Url,b.Menu_Level
        //            from CMS_SYS_MENU b  where b.Menu_Limit=0 and b.Menu_Show=1  order by b.Menu_OrderID";

        //            DataSet ds = Query(strSql);
        //            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
        //            return dt;
コード例 #4
    public static DataTable GetModulesByLevelByAll(ModuleLevel level)
        string tempWhere = string.Empty;
            if (level != ModuleLevel.All)
                tempWhere = " and Menu_Level=" + ((int)level).ToString();
            //string strSql = @"select Menu_ID,Parent_MenuId ,Menu_Name,Menu_Url,Menu_Target,Menu_OrderID,Menu_Type,Menu_Level,Menu_Limit  from CMS_SYS_MENU where Menu_Show=1" + tempWhere;
            //return DbHelperSQL.Query(strSql).Tables[0];

            RightDA rightDA = new RightDA();
            DataSet ds = rightDA.SelectModulesByLevel(tempWhere);

            //DataSet ds = rightDA.SelectModulesByAdmin(tempWhere);

            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
            return dt;