public void save() { DBConnect proc = new DBConnect(); if ( < 0) { proc.addPoste(nom, description); id = Convert.ToInt32(proc.getLastStuff("Poste").Rows[0]["last_insert_rowid()"].ToString()); } else { proc.modifyPoste(id, nom, description); } }
public void save() { DBConnect proc = new DBConnect(); int id = -1; if (id < 0) { proc.addPoste(pname, pdesc); //id = Convert.ToInt32(proc.getLastStuff("Poste").Rows[0]["last_insert_rowid()"].ToString()); } else { proc.modifyPoste(id, pname, pdesc); } }
public void save() { int id = -1; DBConnect proc = new DBConnect(); if (id < 0) { proc.addTeam(ename, edesc); //id = Convert.ToInt32(proc.getLastStuff("Team").Rows[0]["last_insert_rowid()"].ToString()); } else { proc.modifyTeam(id, ename, edesc); proc.deleteTeamProfile(id); } }
public void save() { DBConnect proc = new DBConnect(); if ( < 0) { proc.addTeam(nom, description); id = Convert.ToInt32(proc.getLastStuff("Team").Rows[0]["last_insert_rowid()"].ToString()); } else { proc.modifyTeam(id, nom, description); proc.deleteTeamProfile(id); } foreach (Ressource lui in profils) { proc.addTeamProfile(id, lui.getId(), -1); } }
public void save(Boolean removeP = false) { DBConnect proc = new DBConnect(); if ( <= 0 || (this.isPreset && removeP)) { proc.addBlock(debut.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), fin.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), typeBloc, isPreset); id = Convert.ToInt32(proc.getLastStuff("Block").Rows[0]["idBlock"].ToString()); isPreset = false; } else { proc.modifyBlock(debut.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), fin.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), id, isPreset); proc.deleteRessource(id); } foreach (RessourceEntree lui in ressourcesVoulus) { if (lui.voulue is Equipe) proc.addRessource(id, 0, lui.voulue.getId(), lui.nbVoulue); else proc.addRessource(id, lui.voulue.getId(), 0, lui.nbVoulue); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { dbc = new DBConnect();// enabling the DB conection bouton_requete.Enabled = true; // MessageBox.Show(this, "connecté"); }
private void treeView_modemploye_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { Profil ressource = null; Chilkat.Xml xmlProfiles = new Chilkat.Xml(); xmlProfiles.LoadXmlFile("profiles.xml"); Chilkat.Xml xmlPoste7 = new Chilkat.Xml(); xmlPoste7.LoadXmlFile("postes.xml"); treeView_postdispo.Nodes.Clear(); treeView_postechoisi.Nodes.Clear(); FillTree(treeView_postdispo.Nodes, xmlPoste7); String textInForm; textInForm = treeView_modemploye.SelectedNode.Text.ToString(); String id; int idprofil; id = findRessourceXML(textInForm, xmlProfiles); if (id != null) { profilSelected = (Profil)loader.findRessource(Convert.ToInt32(id), loader.profilCharge); ressource = profilSelected; idprofil = ressource.getId(); numemp_textbox.Text = ressource.getId().ToString(); nom_textbox.Text = ressource.getNom(); prenom_textbox.Text = ressource.getPrenom(); courriel_textbox.Text = ressource.getEmail(); telephone_textbox.Text = ressource.getNumTelephone(); DataTable datatable; DataTable datatable2; DBConnect proc = new DBConnect(); datatable = proc.getPosteProfil2(idprofil); int pid; String pname; for(int i = 0; i < datatable.Rows.Count; i++) { pid = Convert.ToInt32(datatable.Rows[i]["idPoste"]); datatable2 = proc.getPoste2(pid); pname = datatable2.Rows[0]["nom"].ToString(); //pname = datatable.Rows[i].ToString(); System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode name; name = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode(pname); this.treeView_postechoisi.Nodes.Add(pname); for (int j = 0; j < treeView_postdispo.Nodes.Count; j++) { if (treeView_postdispo.Nodes[j].Text.ToString() == pname) { treeView_postdispo.Nodes[j].Remove(); } } this.treeView_postdispo.Nodes.Remove(name); } } }
private void supprimer_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBConnect proc = new DBConnect(); int idprofil = Convert.ToInt32(numemp_textbox.Text.ToString()); String nom = nom_textbox.Text.ToString(); String prenom = prenom_textbox.Text.ToString(); String email = courriel_textbox.Text.ToString(); String telephone = telephone_textbox.Text.ToString(); proc.deleteEmploye(idprofil, nom, prenom, email, telephone); numemp_textbox.Text = ""; nom_textbox.Text = ""; prenom_textbox.Text = ""; courriel_textbox.Text = ""; telephone_textbox.Text = ""; CreateXml.CreateProfileXml(); Chilkat.Xml xmlProfiles7 = new Chilkat.Xml(); xmlProfiles7.LoadXmlFile("profiles.xml"); Chilkat.Xml xmlPoste19 = new Chilkat.Xml(); xmlPoste19.LoadXmlFile("postes.xml"); treeView_modemploye.Nodes.Clear(); treeView_postdispo.Nodes.Clear(); treeView_postechoisi.Nodes.Clear(); FillTree(treeView_modemploye.Nodes, xmlProfiles7); FillTree(treeView_postdispo.Nodes, xmlPoste19); }
public void modifierBlock(Bloc leBloc) { string hDebut = leBloc.getDebut().Hour + ""; string hFin = (leBloc.getFin().Hour + 1) + ""; bool preset = leBloc.getPreset(); DateTime debut = leBloc.getDebut(); DateTime fin = leBloc.getFin(); ModificationBloc modifbloc = new ModificationBloc(hDebut, hFin, preset, blocs); modifbloc.ShowDialog(); if (modifbloc.isValide()) { if (modifbloc.getCommande() == 0) { //Modification d'un bloc //Compute Nouvelle Date ** Ajouter validation ** int dateDebut = int.Parse(modifbloc.getHd()); int dateFin = int.Parse(modifbloc.getHf()); DateTime tempDebut = new DateTime(debut.Year, debut.Month, debut.Day, dateDebut, debut.Minute, debut.Second); DateTime tempFin = new DateTime(fin.Year, fin.Month, fin.Day, dateFin - 1, fin.Minute, fin.Second); Bloc leBloc2 = leBloc; leBloc2.setDebut(tempDebut); leBloc2.setFin(tempFin); leBloc2.setPreset(modifbloc.getPreset()); if (modifbloc.placementValide(leBloc2)) { if (loader != null && loader.modifierBloc(leBloc, leBloc2)) { //Ajout du bloc confirmé } // else { if (loader != null) MessageBox.Show("Bloc introuvable"); else { if (profil != null && laGrille.isPref && profil.modifierBloc(leBloc, leBloc2, true)) { //lolnigger } else { if (profil != null && !laGrille.isPref && profil.modifierBloc(leBloc, leBloc2, false)) { //lolnigger } } } } } else { } } else //Suppression d'un Bloc { if (profil == null) loader.supprimerBloc(leBloc); else { if (loader == null && laGrille.isPref) profil.getPref().Remove(leBloc); else { if (loader == null && !laGrille.isPref) profil.getDispo().Remove(leBloc); } } DBConnect uneConnect = new DBConnect(); uneConnect.deleteBlock(leBloc.getId()); } } modifbloc.Dispose(); }
public void delete(String equipe) { DBConnect proc = new DBConnect(); proc.deleteTeam2(equipe); }
public void delete(String poste) { DBConnect proc = new DBConnect(); proc.deletePoste2(poste); }
public static void CreateProfileXml() { DBConnect proc = new DBConnect(); DataTable rs3; DataTable rs2; DataTable rs; int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = 0; rs = proc.getAllProfil(); rs2 = proc.getAllPoste(); rs3 = proc.getAllTeam(); // Create the root node of a new XML document. Chilkat.Xml xml = new Chilkat.Xml(); // This is going to be a collection of contacts. xml.Tag = "profiles"; // Create a child node to hold a contact record. // Our "xml" object will now reference the new node. while (i < rs.Rows.Count) { xml = xml.NewChild("profil", ""); // Create a "company" record. NewChild2 does not return the child node that is created xml.NewChild2("id", Convert.ToString(rs.Rows[i]["idProfil"])); xml.NewChild2("nom", rs.Rows[i]["nom"].ToString()+", "+rs.Rows[i]["prenom"].ToString()); xml.NewChild2("email", rs.Rows[i]["email"].ToString()); xml.NewChild2("phone", rs.Rows[i]["phoneNumber"].ToString()); xml.NewChild2("seniority", Convert.ToString(rs.Rows[i]["seniority"])); // Move up the tree and create another contact record. // GetParent2 updates our internal reference to the parent. xml.GetParent2(); i++; } // We can always get back to the root by calling GetRoot (or GetRoot2) xml.GetRoot2(); // Add the tag that specifies our character encoding. xml.Encoding = "utf-8"; // Save the document. xml.SaveXml("profiles.xml"); //GÉNÉRATION DE POSTES.XML xml = new Chilkat.Xml(); xml.Tag = "postes"; while (j < rs2.Rows.Count) { xml = xml.NewChild("poste", ""); xml.NewChild2("id", Convert.ToString(rs2.Rows[j]["idPoste"])); xml.NewChild2("nom", rs2.Rows[j]["nom"].ToString()); xml.NewChild2("description", rs2.Rows[j]["description"].ToString()); xml.GetParent2(); j++; } // We can always get back to the root by calling GetRoot (or GetRoot2) xml.GetRoot2(); // Add the tag that specifies our character encoding. xml.Encoding = "utf-8"; // Save the document. xml.SaveXml("postes.xml"); //GÉNÉRATION DE POSTES.XML xml = new Chilkat.Xml(); xml.Tag = "teams"; while (k < rs3.Rows.Count) { xml = xml.NewChild("team", ""); xml.NewChild2("id", Convert.ToString(rs3.Rows[k]["idTeam"])); xml.NewChild2("nom", rs3.Rows[k]["nom"].ToString()); xml.NewChild2("description", rs3.Rows[k]["description"].ToString()); xml.GetParent2(); k++; } // We can always get back to the root by calling GetRoot (or GetRoot2) xml.GetRoot2(); // Add the tag that specifies our character encoding. xml.Encoding = "utf-8"; // Save the document. xml.SaveXml("teams.xml"); }
public void save(bool mod) { DBConnect proc = new DBConnect(); if (mod == false) { proc.ajouterProfil(id, prenom, nom, numTelephone, heuresMax, 0, email, anciennete); foreach (Ressource lui in poste) { proc.addPosteProfil(lui.getId(), id); mod = true; } } else if (mod == true) { int i; proc.modifierProfil(id, prenom, nom, numTelephone, heuresMax, 0, email, anciennete); foreach (Ressource lui in poste) { for(i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { proc.deletePosteProfil(id); } proc.addPosteProfil(lui.getId(), id); } } proc.deleteProfilPreference(id); foreach (Bloc pref in preference) { if (pref.getId() < 0) proc.addPlage(pref.getDebut().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), pref.getFin().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), Loader.SemaineToInt(pref.getFin())); proc.addProfilPreference(id, Convert.ToInt32(proc.getLastStuff("Plage").Rows[0]["idPlage"].ToString())); } proc.deleteProfilDispo(id); foreach (Bloc dispo in disponibilite) { proc.addPlage(dispo.getDebut().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), dispo.getFin().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), Loader.SemaineToInt(dispo.getFin())); proc.addProfilDispo(id, Convert.ToInt32(proc.getLastStuff("Plage").Rows[0]["idPlage"].ToString())); } }