///<summary> /// Takes user input to create new patient object. ///</summary> public void createPatient() { PatientsModel patientToBe = new PatientsModel(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Patient First name: "); patientToBe.fName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Patient Last Name: "); patientToBe.lName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Patient Age: "); int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int Age); patientToBe.age = Age; Console.WriteLine("Enter M or F for Gender: "); string gender = Console.ReadLine(); patientToBe.Gender = gender[0]; Console.WriteLine("Enter Admit Date: (MM/DD/YYYY)"); patientToBe.AdmitDate = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Has Patient had an Exam with the doctor? y/n"); string exam = Console.ReadLine(); exam = exam.ToUpper(); if (exam[0] == 'Y') { patientToBe.HadExam = true; } else { patientToBe.HadExam = false; } //thought it'd be good practice to see the newly create patient object before saving it //although there's no functionality to go back and edit it Console.WriteLine($"Here is the patient you've created: \n{patientToBe.fName} {patientToBe.lName} \nAge: {patientToBe.age} \nGender: {patientToBe.Gender} \nAdmitted:{patientToBe.AdmitDate.ToString()}\n Seen Doctor? {patientToBe.HadExam}"); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to save it?"); string resp = Console.ReadLine(); resp = resp.ToUpper(); if (resp[0] == 'Y') { crud db = new crud(); db.CreatePatient(patientToBe); } }
// CREATE: ///<summary> /// Takes whole PatientsModel object and adds it to the database. ///</summary> public void CreatePatient(PatientsModel patient) { DB.Add(patient); DB.SaveChanges(); }