/// <summary> /// Raises the <see cref="WebEventReceived"/> event. /// </summary> /// <param name="responder">Contains request data sent by the the client and functionality to respond to the request.</param> /// <param name="method">The incoming http method. </param> /// <param name="path">The path of the requested resource.</param> internal virtual void OnWebEventReceived(string path, WebServer.HttpMethod method, Responder responder) { if (onWebEventReceived == null) onWebEventReceived = new ReceivedWebEventHandler(OnWebEventReceived); if (_WebEventReceived == null || noHandlerSet) { responder.SendResponse(); } else if (Program.CheckAndInvoke(_WebEventReceived, onWebEventReceived, path, method, responder)) { _WebEventReceived(path, method, responder); } }
// secure reception of wifi credentials over wifi network - secured by receiving secret void CredentialsWebEventReceived(string path, WebServer.HttpMethod method, Responder responder) { if (responder.UrlParameters == null || !responder.UrlParameters.Contains("ssid") || !responder.UrlParameters.Contains("setupauthcode")) { responder.Respond("ERROR::Syntax: " + path + "?ssid=SSID&setupauthcode=SETUPAUTHCODE[&key=WIFIKEY]"); return; } if (((string)responder.UrlParameters["setupauthcode"]) != SetupAuthCode) { responder.Respond("ERROR::Incorrect setupauthcode"); return; } var ssid = responder.UrlParameters["ssid"] as string; if (ssid == null || ssid == "") { responder.Respond("ERROR::Invalid SSID"); return; } var key = ""; if (responder.UrlParameters.Contains("key")) { key = responder.UrlParameters["key"] as string; } Debug.Print("Received (via web event) credentials for network " + ssid); bool newcreds = ReceivedCredentials(ssid, key); if (newcreds) { responder.Respond("OK::Got new credentials"); SaveData(); Thread.Sleep(10); WebServer.StopLocalServer(); currentAP = null; SetLed(); SetScreen(); wifi.Interface.Disconnect(); } else { responder.Respond("OK::Already had those"); } }