コード例 #1
        public App()

            #region HOCKEYAPP SAMPLE CODE

            //this is just a sample in memory logger using MetroLog
            var config = new LoggingConfiguration();
            var inMemoryLogTarget = new InMemoryLogTarget(40);
            config.AddTarget(LogLevel.Warn, inMemoryLogTarget);
            LogManagerFactory.DefaultConfiguration = config;

            //main configuration method for HockeySDK. following lines are optional configurations options
                .SetExceptionDescriptionLoader((ex) => { return inMemoryLogTarget.LogLines.Aggregate((a, b) => a + "\n" + b); }) //return additional info from your logger on crash
                // .RegisterCustomUnhandledExceptionLogic((eArgs) => { return true; }) // define a callback that is called after unhandled exception. returnvalue indicates if application exit should be called
                // .RegisterCustomUnobserveredTaskExceptionLogic((eArgs) => { return false; }) // define a callback that is called after unobserved task exception. returnvalue indicates if application exit should be called
                // .SetApiDomain("https://your.dedicated.hockey.server")
                .SetContactInfo(DemoConstants.USER_NAME, DemoConstants.USER_EMAIL);

            //optional register your logger for internal logging of HockeySDK
            HockeyLogManager.GetLog = (t) => { return new HockeyAppMetroLogWrapper(t); };

            //optional should only used in debug builds. register an event-handler to get exceptions in HockeySDK code that are "swallowed" (like problems writing crashlogs etc.)
            ((HockeyClient)HockeyClient.Current).OnHockeySDKInternalException += (sender, args) => {
                if (Debugger.IsAttached)

            #region Standard template code 
            this.Suspending += this.OnSuspending;
コード例 #2
        public App()
            #region HOCKEYAPP SAMPLE CODE

            //this is just a sample in memory logger using MetroLog
            var config            = new LoggingConfiguration();
            var inMemoryLogTarget = new InMemoryLogTarget(40);
            config.AddTarget(LogLevel.Warn, inMemoryLogTarget);
            LogManagerFactory.DefaultConfiguration = config;

            //main configuration method for HockeySDK. following lines are optional configurations options
            .SetExceptionDescriptionLoader((ex) => { return(inMemoryLogTarget.LogLines.Aggregate((a, b) => a + "\n" + b)); })    //return additional info from your logger on crash
            // .RegisterCustomUnhandledExceptionLogic((eArgs) => { return true; }) // define a callback that is called after unhandled exception. returnvalue indicates if application exit should be called
            // .RegisterCustomUnobserveredTaskExceptionLogic((eArgs) => { return false; }) // define a callback that is called after unobserved task exception. returnvalue indicates if application exit should be called
            // .SetApiDomain("https://your.dedicated.hockey.server")
            .SetContactInfo(DemoConstants.USER_NAME, DemoConstants.USER_EMAIL);

            //optional register your logger for internal logging of HockeySDK
            HockeyLogManager.GetLog = (t) => { return(new HockeyAppMetroLogWrapper(t)); };

            //optional should only used in debug builds. register an event-handler to get exceptions in HockeySDK code that are "swallowed" (like problems writing crashlogs etc.)
            ((HockeyClient)HockeyClient.Current).OnHockeySDKInternalException += (sender, args) => {
                if (Debugger.IsAttached)

            #region Standard template code
            this.Suspending += this.OnSuspending;