public XElement Generate(Profile profile, bool extensionsOnly) { var gen = new HierarchicalTableGenerator(_pkp); var model = TableModel.CreateNormalTable(); genProfile(model.Rows, profile, extensionsOnly); return gen.generate(model); }
public XElement Generate(Profile profile, bool extensionsOnly) { var gen = new HierarchicalTableGenerator(_pkp); var model = TableModel.CreateNormalTable(); genProfile(model.Rows, profile, extensionsOnly); return(gen.generate(model)); }
public XElement generate(Profile p, bool extensionsOnly) { var gen = new HierarchicalTableGenerator(OutputPath, InlineGraphics); TableModel model = gen.initNormalTable(); genProfile(model.getRows(), p, extensionsOnly); return(gen.generate(model)); }
public XElement generate(Profile p, bool extensionsOnly) { var gen = new HierarchicalTableGenerator(OutputPath, InlineGraphics); TableModel model = gen.initNormalTable(); genProfile(model.getRows(), p, extensionsOnly); return gen.generate(model); }
public XElement generateStructureTable(Profile.ProfileStructureComponent structure, bool diff, Profile profile) { HierarchicalTableGenerator gen = new HierarchicalTableGenerator(_pkp); var model = TableModel.CreateNormalTable(); // List<Profile.ElementComponent> list = diff ? structure.getDifferential().getElement() : structure.getSnapshot().getElement(); DSTU2 var list = structure.Element; var nav = new ElementNavigator(structure); nav.MoveToFirstChild(); genElement(gen, model.Rows, nav, profile, true); return gen.generate(model); }
public XElement generateStructureTable(Profile.ProfileStructureComponent structure, bool diff, Profile profile) { HierarchicalTableGenerator gen = new HierarchicalTableGenerator(_pkp); var model = TableModel.CreateNormalTable(); // List<Profile.ElementComponent> list = diff ? structure.getDifferential().getElement() : structure.getSnapshot().getElement(); DSTU2 var list = structure.Element; var nav = new ElementNavigator(structure); nav.MoveToFirstChild(); genElement(gen, model.Rows, nav, profile, true); return(gen.generate(model)); }
public XElement generateStructureTable(String defFile, Profile.ProfileStructureComponent structure, bool diff, String imageFolder, bool inlineGraphics, Profile profile, string profileUrl, String profileBaseFileName) { HierarchicalTableGenerator gen = new HierarchicalTableGenerator(imageFolder, inlineGraphics); TableModel model = gen.initNormalTable(); // List<Profile.ElementComponent> list = diff ? structure.getDifferential().getElement() : structure.getSnapshot().getElement(); DSTU2 var list = structure.Element; var nav = new ElementNavigator(structure); nav.MoveToFirstChild(); genElement(defFile == null ? null : defFile+"#"+structure.Name+".", gen, model.getRows(), nav, profile, diff, profileUrl, profileBaseFileName); return gen.generate(model); }
public XElement generateStructureTable(String defFile, Profile.ProfileStructureComponent structure, bool diff, String imageFolder, bool inlineGraphics, Profile profile, string profileUrl, String profileBaseFileName) { HierarchicalTableGenerator gen = new HierarchicalTableGenerator(imageFolder, inlineGraphics); TableModel model = gen.initNormalTable(); // List<Profile.ElementComponent> list = diff ? structure.getDifferential().getElement() : structure.getSnapshot().getElement(); DSTU2 var list = structure.Element; var nav = new ElementNavigator(structure); nav.MoveToFirstChild(); genElement(defFile == null ? null : defFile + "#" + structure.Name + ".", gen, model.getRows(), nav, profile, diff, profileUrl, profileBaseFileName); return(gen.generate(model)); }
private void genElement(String defPath, HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, List <Row> rows, ElementNavigator nav, Profile profile, bool showMissing, String profileUrl, String profileBaseFileName) { var element = nav.Current; if (onlyInformationIsMapping(nav.Structure.Element, element)) { return; // we don't even show it in this case } Row row = new Row(); row.setAnchor(element.Path); String s = element.GetNameFromPath(); bool hasDef = element.Definition != null; bool ext = false; if (s == "extension" || s == "modifierExtension") { row.setIcon("icon_extension_simple.png"); ext = true; } else if (!hasDef || element.Definition.Type == null || element.Definition.Type.Count == 0) { row.setIcon("icon_element.gif"); } else if (hasDef && element.Definition.Type.Count > 1) { if (allTypesAre(element.Definition.Type, "ResourceReference")) { row.setIcon("icon_reference.png"); } else { row.setIcon("icon_choice.gif"); } } else if (hasDef && element.Definition.Type[0].Code.StartsWith("@")) { //TODO: That's not a legal code, will this ever appear? //I am pretty sure this depends on ElementDefn.NameReference row.setIcon("icon_reuse.png"); } else if (hasDef && _pkp.isPrimitive(element.Definition.Type[0].Code)) { row.setIcon("icon_primitive.png"); } else if (hasDef && _pkp.isReference(element.Definition.Type[0].Code)) { row.setIcon("icon_reference.png"); } else if (hasDef && _pkp.isDataType(element.Definition.Type[0].Code)) { row.setIcon("icon_datatype.gif"); } else { row.setIcon("icon_resource.png"); } String reference = defPath == null ? null : defPath + makePathLink(element); UnusedTracker used = new UnusedTracker(); used.used = true; Cell left = new Cell(null, reference, s, !hasDef ? null : element.Definition.Formal, null); row.getCells().Add(left); if (ext) { // If this element (row) in the table is an extension... if (element.Definition != null && element.Definition.Type.Count == 1 && element.Definition.Type[0].Profile != null) { Profile.ProfileExtensionDefnComponent extDefn = _pkp.getExtensionDefinition(profile, element.Definition.Type[0].Profile); if (extDefn == null) { row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, !hasDef ? null : describeCardinality(element.Definition, null, used), null, null)); row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, "?? " + element.Definition.Type[0].Profile, null, null)); generateDescription(gen, row, element, null, used.used, profileUrl, element.Definition.Type[0].Profile, profile); } else { row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, !hasDef ? null : describeCardinality(element.Definition, extDefn.Definition, used), null, null)); genTypes(gen, row, extDefn.Definition, profileBaseFileName, profile); generateDescription(gen, row, element, extDefn.Definition, used.used, profileUrl, element.Definition.Type[0].Profile, profile); } } else if (element.Definition != null) { row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, !hasDef ? null : describeCardinality(element.Definition, null, used), null, null)); genTypes(gen, row, element.Definition, profileBaseFileName, profile); generateDescription(gen, row, element, null, used.used, null, null, profile); } else { row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, !hasDef ? null : describeCardinality(element.Definition, null, used), null, null)); row.getCells().Add(new Cell()); generateDescription(gen, row, element, null, used.used, null, null, profile); } } else { row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, !hasDef ? null : describeCardinality(element.Definition, null, used), null, null)); if (element.Definition != null) { genTypes(gen, row, element.Definition, profileBaseFileName, profile); } else { row.getCells().Add(new Cell()); } generateDescription(gen, row, element, null, used.used, null, null, profile); } if (element.Slicing != null) { row.setIcon("icon_slice.png"); row.getCells()[2].getPieces().Clear(); foreach (Cell cell in row.getCells()) { foreach (Piece p in cell.getPieces()) { p.addStyle("font-style: italic"); } } } if (used.used || showMissing) { rows.Add(row); } if (!used.used) { foreach (Cell cell in row.getCells()) { foreach (Piece p in cell.getPieces()) { p.setStyle("text-decoration:line-through"); p.setReference(null); } } } else { if (nav.MoveToFirstChild()) { do { genElement(defPath, gen, row.getSubRows(), nav, profile, showMissing, profileUrl, profileBaseFileName); } while (nav.MoveToNext()); nav.MoveToParent(); } } }
private Cell generateDescription(HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, Row row, Profile.ElementComponent element, Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent fallback, bool used, String baseURL, String profileUrl, Profile profile) { Cell c = new Cell(); row.getCells().Add(c); if (used) { if (element.Definition != null && element.Definition.Short != null) { if (c.getPieces().Any()) { c.addPiece(new Piece("br")); } c.addPiece(new Piece(null, element.Definition.Short, null)); } else if (fallback != null && fallback.Short != null) { if (c.getPieces().Any()) { c.addPiece(new Piece("br")); } c.addPiece(new Piece(null, fallback.Short, null)); } if (profileUrl != null) { if (c.getPieces().Any()) { c.addPiece(new Piece("br")); } String fullUrl = profileUrl.StartsWith("#") ? baseURL + profileUrl : profileUrl; String reference = _pkp.getLinkForExtension(profile, profileUrl); c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, "URL: ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold")); c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(reference, fullUrl, null)); } if (element.Slicing != null) { if (c.getPieces().Any()) { c.addPiece(new Piece("br")); } c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, "Slice: ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold")); c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, describeSlice(element.Slicing), null)); } if (element.Definition != null) { if (element.Definition.Binding != null) { if (c.getPieces().Any()) { c.addPiece(new Piece("br")); } String reference = _pkp.resolveBinding(element.Definition.Binding); c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, "Binding: ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold")); c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(reference, element.Definition.Binding.Name, null)); } if (element.Definition.Constraint != null) { foreach (Profile.ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent inv in element.Definition.Constraint) { if (c.getPieces().Any()) { c.addPiece(new Piece("br")); } c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, "Inv-" + inv.Key + ": ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold")); c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, inv.Human, null)); } } if (element.Definition.Value != null) { if (c.getPieces().Any()) { c.addPiece(new Piece("br")); } c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, "Fixed Value: ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold")); c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, element.Definition.Value.RenderValue(), null)); } // ?? example from definition } } return(c); }
private void genTypes(HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, Row r, Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent elementDefn, String profileBaseFileName, Profile profile) { Cell c = new Cell(); r.getCells().Add(c); if (elementDefn.Type == null) { return; } bool first = true; foreach (Profile.TypeRefComponent t in elementDefn.Type) { if (first) { first = false; } else { c.addPiece(new Piece(null, ", ", null)); } if (t.Code == "ResourceReference" || (t.Code == "Resource" && t.Profile != null)) { if (t.Profile.StartsWith("")) { String rn = t.Profile.Substring(28); c.addPiece(new Piece(_pkp.getLinkFor(rn), rn, null)); } else if (t.Profile.StartsWith("#")) { c.addPiece(new Piece(profileBaseFileName + "." + t.Profile.Substring(1).ToLower() + ".html", t.Profile, null)); } else { c.addPiece(new Piece(t.Profile, t.Profile, null)); } } else if (t.Profile != null) { // a profiled type String reference = _pkp.getLinkForProfile(profile, t.Profile); if (reference != null) { String[] parts = reference.Split('|'); //TODO: Not too sure, was: String[] parts = ref.split("\\|"); in Java c.addPiece(new Piece(parts[0], parts[1], t.Code)); } else { c.addPiece(new Piece(reference, t.Code, null)); } } else if (_pkp.hasLinkFor(t.Code)) { c.addPiece(new Piece(_pkp.getLinkFor(t.Code), t.Code, null)); } else { c.addPiece(new Piece(null, t.Code, null)); } } }
private void genElement(HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, List<Row> rows, ElementNavigator nav, Profile profile, bool showMissing) { var element = nav.Current; if(onlyInformationIsMapping(nav.Structure.Element, element)) return; // we don't even show it in this case Row row = new Row(); row.setAnchor(element.Path); String s = element.GetNameFromPath(); bool hasDef = element.Definition != null; bool ext = false; if (s == "extension" || s == "modifierExtension") { row.setIcon("icon_extension_simple.png"); ext = true; } else if (!hasDef || element.Definition.Type == null || element.Definition.Type.Count == 0) { row.setIcon("icon_element.gif"); } else if (hasDef && element.Definition.Type.Count > 1) { if (allTypesAre(element.Definition.Type, "ResourceReference")) row.setIcon("icon_reference.png"); else row.setIcon("icon_choice.gif"); } else if (hasDef && element.Definition.Type[0].Code.StartsWith("@")) { //TODO: That's not a legal code, will this ever appear? //I am pretty sure this depends on ElementDefn.NameReference row.setIcon("icon_reuse.png"); } else if (hasDef && _pkp.isPrimitive(element.Definition.Type[0].Code)) row.setIcon("icon_primitive.png"); else if (hasDef && _pkp.isReference(element.Definition.Type[0].Code)) row.setIcon("icon_reference.png"); else if (hasDef && _pkp.isDataType(element.Definition.Type[0].Code)) row.setIcon("icon_datatype.gif"); else row.setIcon("icon_resource.png"); var reference = _pkp.GetLinkForElementDefinition(nav.Structure, profile, element); //String reference = defPath == null ? null : defPath + makePathLink(element); UnusedTracker used = new UnusedTracker(); used.used = true; Cell left = new Cell(null, reference, s, !hasDef ? null : element.Definition.Formal, null); row.getCells().Add(left); if (ext) { // If this element (row) in the table is an extension... if (element.Definition != null && element.Definition.Type.Count == 1 && element.Definition.Type[0].Profile != null) { Profile.ProfileExtensionDefnComponent extDefn = _pkp.getExtensionDefinition(profile, element.Definition.Type[0].Profile); if (extDefn == null) { row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, !hasDef ? null : describeCardinality(element.Definition, null, used), null, null)); row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, "?? "+element.Definition.Type[0].Profile, null, null)); generateDescription(gen, row, element, null, used.used, element.Definition.Type[0].Profile, profile); } else { row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, !hasDef ? null : describeCardinality(element.Definition, extDefn.Definition, used), null, null)); genTypes(gen, row, extDefn.Definition, profile); generateDescription(gen, row, element, extDefn.Definition, used.used, element.Definition.Type[0].Profile, profile); } } else if (element.Definition != null) { row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, !hasDef ? null : describeCardinality(element.Definition, null, used), null, null)); genTypes(gen, row, element.Definition, profile); generateDescription(gen, row, element, null, used.used, null, profile); } else { row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, !hasDef ? null : describeCardinality(element.Definition, null, used), null, null)); row.getCells().Add(new Cell()); generateDescription(gen, row, element, null, used.used, null, profile); } } else { row.getCells().Add(new Cell(null, null, !hasDef ? null : describeCardinality(element.Definition, null, used), null, null)); if (element.Definition != null) genTypes(gen, row, element.Definition, profile); else row.getCells().Add(new Cell()); generateDescription(gen, row, element, null, used.used, null, profile); } if (element.Slicing != null) { row.setIcon("icon_slice.png"); row.getCells()[2].getPieces().Clear(); foreach (Cell cell in row.getCells()) foreach (Piece p in cell.getPieces()) { p.addStyle("font-style: italic"); } } if (used.used || showMissing) rows.Add(row); if (!used.used) { foreach (Cell cell in row.getCells()) foreach (Piece p in cell.getPieces()) { p.setStyle("text-decoration:line-through"); p.setReference(null); } } else { if (nav.MoveToFirstChild()) { do { genElement(gen, row.getSubRows(), nav, profile, showMissing); } while (nav.MoveToNext()); nav.MoveToParent(); } } }
private Cell generateDescription(HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, Row row, Profile.ElementComponent element, Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent fallback, bool used, String extensionUrl, Profile profile) { Cell c = new Cell(); row.getCells().Add(c); if (used) { if (element.Definition != null && element.Definition.Short != null) { if (c.getPieces().Any()) c.addPiece(new Piece("br")); c.addPiece(new Piece(null, element.Definition.Short, null)); } else if (fallback != null && fallback.Short != null) { if (c.getPieces().Any()) c.addPiece(new Piece("br")); c.addPiece(new Piece(null, fallback.Short, null)); } if (extensionUrl != null) { if (c.getPieces().Any()) c.addPiece(new Piece("br")); String fullUrl = extensionUrl; String reference = _pkp.GetLinkForExtensionDefinition(profile, extensionUrl); c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, "URL: ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold")); c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(reference, fullUrl, null)); } if (element.Slicing != null) { if (c.getPieces().Any()) c.addPiece(new Piece("br")); c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, "Slice: ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold")); c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, describeSlice(element.Slicing), null)); } if (element.Definition != null) { if (element.Definition.Binding != null) { if (c.getPieces().Any()) c.addPiece(new Piece("br")); String reference = _pkp.GetLinkForBinding(element.Definition.Binding); c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, "Binding: ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold")); c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(reference, element.Definition.Binding.Name, null)); } if (element.Definition.Constraint != null) { foreach (Profile.ElementDefinitionConstraintComponent inv in element.Definition.Constraint) { if (c.getPieces().Any()) c.addPiece(new Piece("br")); c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, "Inv-" + inv.Key + ": ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold")); c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, inv.Human, null)); } } if (element.Definition.Value != null) { if (c.getPieces().Any()) c.addPiece(new Piece("br")); c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, "Fixed Value: ", null).addStyle("font-weight:bold")); c.getPieces().Add(new Piece(null, element.Definition.Value.ForDisplay(), null)); } // ?? example from definition } } return c; }
private void genTypes(HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, Row r, Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent elementDefn, Profile profile) { Cell c = new Cell(); r.getCells().Add(c); if (elementDefn.Type == null) return; bool first = true; foreach (Profile.TypeRefComponent t in elementDefn.Type) { if (first) first = false; else c.addPiece(new Piece(null, ", ", null)); if (t.Code == "ResourceReference" || (t.Code == "Resource" && t.Profile != null)) { var reference = _pkp.GetLinkForProfileReference(profile, t.Profile); var label = _pkp.GetLabelForProfileReference(profile, t.Profile); if (t.Profile.StartsWith("")) { String rn = t.Profile.Substring(28); c.addPiece(new Piece(_pkp.GetLinkForTypeDocu(rn), rn, null)); } else if (t.Profile.StartsWith("#")) c.addPiece(new Piece(_pkp.GetLinkForLocalStructure(profile, t.Profile.Substring(1)), t.Profile, null)); else c.addPiece(new Piece(t.Profile, t.Profile, null)); } else if (t.Profile != null) { // a profiled type var reference = _pkp.GetLinkForProfileReference(profile, t.Profile); var label = _pkp.GetLabelForProfileReference(profile, t.Profile); if (reference != null) { String[] parts = reference.Split('|'); //TODO: Not too sure, was: String[] parts = ref.split("\\|"); in Java c.addPiece(new Piece(reference,label,t.Code)); } else c.addPiece(new Piece(reference, t.Code, null)); } else if (_pkp.HasLinkForTypeDocu(t.Code)) { c.addPiece(new Piece(_pkp.GetLinkForTypeDocu(t.Code), t.Code, null)); } else c.addPiece(new Piece(null, t.Code, null)); } }
private void genTypes(HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, Row r, Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent elementDefn, Profile profile) { Cell c = new Cell(); r.getCells().Add(c); if (elementDefn.Type == null) { return; } bool first = true; foreach (Profile.TypeRefComponent t in elementDefn.Type) { if (first) { first = false; } else { c.addPiece(new Piece(null, ", ", null)); } if (t.Code == "ResourceReference" || (t.Code == "Resource" && t.Profile != null)) { var reference = _pkp.GetLinkForProfileReference(profile, t.Profile); var label = _pkp.GetLabelForProfileReference(profile, t.Profile); if (t.Profile.StartsWith("")) { String rn = t.Profile.Substring(28); c.addPiece(new Piece(_pkp.GetLinkForTypeDocu(rn), rn, null)); } else if (t.Profile.StartsWith("#")) { c.addPiece(new Piece(_pkp.GetLinkForLocalStructure(profile, t.Profile.Substring(1)), t.Profile, null)); } else { c.addPiece(new Piece(t.Profile, t.Profile, null)); } } else if (t.Profile != null) { // a profiled type var reference = _pkp.GetLinkForProfileReference(profile, t.Profile); var label = _pkp.GetLabelForProfileReference(profile, t.Profile); if (reference != null) { String[] parts = reference.Split('|'); //TODO: Not too sure, was: String[] parts = ref.split("\\|"); in Java c.addPiece(new Piece(reference, label, t.Code)); } else { c.addPiece(new Piece(reference, t.Code, null)); } } else if (_pkp.HasLinkForTypeDocu(t.Code)) { c.addPiece(new Piece(_pkp.GetLinkForTypeDocu(t.Code), t.Code, null)); } else { c.addPiece(new Piece(null, t.Code, null)); } } }
private void genTypes(HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, Row r, Profile.ElementDefinitionComponent elementDefn, String profileBaseFileName, Profile profile) { Cell c = new Cell(); r.getCells().Add(c); if (elementDefn.Type == null) return; bool first = true; foreach (Profile.TypeRefComponent t in elementDefn.Type) { if (first) first = false; else c.addPiece(new Piece(null, ", ", null)); if (t.Code == "ResourceReference" || (t.Code == "Resource" && t.Profile != null)) { if (t.Profile.StartsWith("")) { String rn = t.Profile.Substring(28); c.addPiece(new Piece(_pkp.getLinkFor(rn), rn, null)); } else if (t.Profile.StartsWith("#")) c.addPiece(new Piece(profileBaseFileName + "." + t.Profile.Substring(1).ToLower() + ".html", t.Profile, null)); else c.addPiece(new Piece(t.Profile, t.Profile, null)); } else if (t.Profile != null) { // a profiled type String reference = _pkp.getLinkForProfile(profile, t.Profile); if (reference != null) { String[] parts = reference.Split('|'); //TODO: Not too sure, was: String[] parts = ref.split("\\|"); in Java c.addPiece(new Piece(parts[0], parts[1], t.Code)); } else c.addPiece(new Piece(reference, t.Code, null)); } else if (_pkp.hasLinkFor(t.Code)) { c.addPiece(new Piece(_pkp.getLinkFor(t.Code), t.Code, null)); } else c.addPiece(new Piece(null, t.Code, null)); } }