public static IEnumerable<Coding> AffixTags(this Meta target, Meta source) { IEnumerable<Coding> targetTags = target.Tag ?? Enumerable.Empty<Coding>(); IEnumerable<Coding> sourceTags = source.Tag ?? Enumerable.Empty<Coding>(); return targetTags.AffixTags(sourceTags); }
internal static Organization CreateOrganizationResource() { // Create new Organization resource Organization res = new Organization(); // Allocate the logical resource Id - this is what the resource is referenced by res.Id = "13daadee-26e1-4d6a-9e6a-7f4af9b58878"; // Add the profile for this resource (from the FGM DMS) Meta metadata = new Meta(); metadata.Profile = new string[] { "" }; res.Meta = metadata; // Add the business idetifier for the organisation, plus the organisation name res.Identifier = new List<Identifier>(); Identifier id = new Identifier("", "RKE"); res.Identifier.Add(id); res.Name = "THE WHITTINGTON HOSPITAL NHS TRUST"; return res; }
private void verifyMeta(Meta meta, bool hasNew, int key) { Assert.IsTrue(meta.Profile.Contains("" + key)); Assert.IsTrue(meta.Security.Select(c => c.Code + "@" + c.System).Contains("1234-" + key + "@")); Assert.IsTrue(meta.Tag.Select(c => c.Code + "@" + c.System).Contains("sometag1-" + key + "@")); if (hasNew) { Assert.IsTrue(meta.Profile.Contains("" + key)); Assert.IsTrue(meta.Security.Select(c => c.Code + "@" + c.System).Contains("5678-" + key + "@")); Assert.IsTrue(meta.Tag.Select(c => c.Code + "@" + c.System).Contains("sometag2-" + key + "@")); } if (!hasNew) { Assert.IsFalse(meta.Profile.Contains("" + key)); Assert.IsFalse(meta.Security.Select(c => c.Code + "@" + c.System).Contains("5678-" + key + "@")); Assert.IsFalse(meta.Tag.Select(c => c.Code + "@" + c.System).Contains("sometag2-" + key + "@")); } }
public void ManipulateMeta() { FhirClient client = new FhirClient(testEndpoint); var pat = FhirParser.ParseResourceFromXml(File.ReadAllText(@"TestData\TestPatient.xml")); var key = new Random().Next(); pat.Id = "NetApiMetaTestPatient" + key; var meta = new Meta(); meta.ProfileElement.Add(new FhirUri("" + key)); meta.Security.Add(new Coding("", "1234-" + key)); meta.Tag.Add(new Coding("", "sometag1-" + key)); pat.Meta = meta; //Before we begin, ensure that our new tags are not actually used when doing System Meta() var wsm = client.Meta(); Assert.IsFalse(wsm.Meta.Profile.Contains("" + key)); Assert.IsFalse(wsm.Meta.Security.Select(c => c.Code + "@" + c.System).Contains("1234-" + key + "@")); Assert.IsFalse(wsm.Meta.Tag.Select(c => c.Code + "@" + c.System).Contains("sometag1-" + key + "@")); Assert.IsFalse(wsm.Meta.Profile.Contains("" + key)); Assert.IsFalse(wsm.Meta.Security.Select(c => c.Code + "@" + c.System).Contains("5678-" + key + "@")); Assert.IsFalse(wsm.Meta.Tag.Select(c => c.Code + "@" + c.System).Contains("sometag2-" + key + "@")); // First, create a patient with the first set of meta var pat2 = client.Create(pat); var loc = pat2.ResourceIdentity(testEndpoint); // Meta should be present on created patient verifyMeta(pat2.Meta, false,key); // Should be present when doing instance Meta() var par = client.Meta(loc); verifyMeta(par.Meta, false,key); // Should be present when doing type Meta() par = client.Meta(ResourceType.Patient); verifyMeta(par.Meta, false,key); // Should be present when doing System Meta() par = client.Meta(); verifyMeta(par.Meta, false,key); // Now add some additional meta to the patient var newMeta = new Meta(); newMeta.ProfileElement.Add(new FhirUri("" + key)); newMeta.Security.Add(new Coding("", "5678-" + key)); newMeta.Tag.Add(new Coding("", "sometag2-" + key)); client.AddMeta(loc, newMeta); var pat3 = client.Read<Patient>(loc); // New and old meta should be present on instance verifyMeta(pat3.Meta, true, key); // New and old meta should be present on Meta() par = client.Meta(loc); verifyMeta(par.Meta, true, key); // New and old meta should be present when doing type Meta() par = client.Meta(ResourceType.Patient); verifyMeta(par.Meta, true, key); // New and old meta should be present when doing system Meta() par = client.Meta(); verifyMeta(par.Meta, true, key); // Now, remove those new meta tags client.DeleteMeta(loc, newMeta); // Should no longer be present on instance var pat4 = client.Read<Patient>(loc); verifyMeta(pat4.Meta, false, key); // Should no longer be present when doing instance Meta() par = client.Meta(loc); verifyMeta(par.Meta, false, key); // Should no longer be present when doing type Meta() par = client.Meta(ResourceType.Patient); verifyMeta(par.Meta, false, key); // clear out the client that we created, no point keeping it around client.Delete(pat4); // Should no longer be present when doing System Meta() par = client.Meta(); verifyMeta(par.Meta, false, key); }
public static FhirResponse WithMeta(Meta meta) { Parameters parameters = new Parameters(); parameters.Add(typeof(Meta).Name, meta); return Respond.WithResource(parameters); }
internal static Practitioner CreatePractitionerResource() { // Create new Practitioner resource Practitioner res = new Practitioner(); // Allocate the logical resource Id - this is what the resource is referenced by res.Id = "41fe704c-18e5-11e5-b60b-1697f925ec7b"; // Add the profile for this resource (from the FGM DMS) Meta metadata = new Meta(); metadata.Profile = new string[] { "" }; res.Meta = metadata; // Add the business idetifier for the SDS User Id res.Identifier = new List<Identifier>(); Identifier id1 = new Identifier("", "G12345678"); id1.Use = Identifier.IdentifierUse.Official; res.Identifier.Add(id1); // Add the business idetifier for the SDS Role Profile Id Identifier id2 = new Identifier("", "PT1234"); id2.Use = Identifier.IdentifierUse.Official; res.Identifier.Add(id2); // Add the name of the practitioner res.Name = HumanName.ForFamily("Wood").WithGiven("Town"); res.Name.Use = HumanName.NameUse.Official; res.Name.Prefix = new String[] { "Dr." }; // Add details about the practitioner's role Practitioner.PractitionerPractitionerRoleComponent pr = new Practitioner.PractitionerPractitionerRoleComponent(); Coding code = new Coding("", "R0090"); code.Display = "Hospital Practitioner"; pr.Role = new CodeableConcept(); pr.Role.Coding = new List<Coding>(); pr.Role.Coding.Add(code); // Add details about the practitioner's managing organisation pr.ManagingOrganization = new ResourceReference() { Reference = "Organization/41fe704c-18e5-11e5-b60b-1697f925ec7b" }; res.PractitionerRole.Add(pr); return res; }
internal static Parameters CreateQueryResource() { // Create new parameter resource Parameters res = new Parameters(); // Allocate the logical resource Id - this is what the resource is referenced by res.Id = "7cb73a48-090d-469a-a2b2-04f1e6b11ea2"; // Add the profile for this resource (from the FGM DMS) Meta metadata = new Meta(); metadata.Profile = new string[] { "" }; res.Meta = metadata; // Add the first query parameter, this will always be this value (from the FGM DMS) Parameters.ParametersParameterComponent p1 = new Parameters.ParametersParameterComponent(); p1.Name = "RiskIndicator"; p1.Value = new FhirString("FGM"); res.Parameter.Add(p1); // Add the second query parameter, the patient's NHS Number (from the FGM DMS) Parameters.ParametersParameterComponent p2 = new Parameters.ParametersParameterComponent(); p2.Name = "NHSNumber"; p2.Value = new FhirString("9999999999"); res.Parameter.Add(p2); return res; }
internal static MessageHeader CreateMessageHeaderResource() { // Create new MessageHeader resource MessageHeader res = new MessageHeader(); // Allocate the logical resource Id - this is what the resource is referenced by res.Id = "14daadee-26e1-4d6a-9e6a-7f4af9b58877"; // Add the profile for this resource (from the FGM DMS) plus a timestamp for when the resource was last updated. Meta metadata = new Meta(); metadata.Profile = new string[] { "" }; metadata.LastUpdated = new DateTimeOffset(2015, 6, 22, 14, 04, 44, new TimeSpan(0)); res.Meta = metadata; // Add the business idetifier for the MessageHeader res.Identifier = "13daadee-26e1-4d6a-9e6a-7f4af9b58977"; // Add a timestamp for the message res.Timestamp = new DateTimeOffset(2015, 7, 4, 9, 10, 14, new TimeSpan(0)); // Add an event code (as per the FGM DMS) res.Event = new Coding() { System = "", Code = "urn:nhs:names:services:fgmquery/FGMQuery_1_0" }; // Add details of the endpoint sending the message res.Source = new MessageHeader.MessageSourceComponent() { Name = "FooBar NHS Trust", Software = "FooBar Patient Manager", Contact = new ContactPoint() { System = ContactPoint.ContactPointSystem.Phone, Value = "0207 444777" }, Endpoint = "urn:system:asid/047192794544" }; // Add details of the endpoint receiving the message (in this case SPINE 2) res.Destination = new List<MessageHeader.MessageDestinationComponent>(); res.Destination.Add( new MessageHeader.MessageDestinationComponent() { Name = "SPINE 2 MHS", Endpoint = "urn:spinecore:asid/990101234567" }); // Add a reference to a Practitioner resource detailing the message author res.Author = new ResourceReference() { Reference = "Practitioner/41fe704c-18e5-11e5-b60b-1697f925ec7b", Display = "Dr Town Wood" }; // Add a reference to the resource that constitutes the message payload res.Data = new List<ResourceReference>(); res.Data.Add(new ResourceReference() { Reference = "Parameters/7cb73a48-090d-469a-a2b2-04f1e6b11ea2" }); return res; }