public string GetRationale(string CaseID, string ClinicNum, string SectionName, string SelectionID) { query = "SELECT * FROM RationaleForExam WHERE cCaseID='" + CaseID + "' AND iClinicNum=" + ClinicNum + " AND cSectionName='" + SectionName + "' AND cExamID='" + SelectionID + "'"; try { return(mydb.getDataSet(query).Tables[0].Rows[0]["cRationale"].ToString()); } catch { return(""); } }
private void setupDlGroupContent(DropDownList dlGroup, string strSQL) { Hints.DB.clsHintsDB myDB = new Hints.DB.clsHintsDB(); DataTable dt = myDB.getDataSet(strSQL).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string strGroupName = dt.Rows[i]["cGroup"].ToString(); ListItem liGroup = new ListItem(strGroupName, strGroupName); dlGroup.Items.Add(liGroup); } } }
private void setupDlClassContent(DropDownList dlClass, string strSQL) { Hints.DB.clsHintsDB myDB = new Hints.DB.clsHintsDB(); DataTable dt = myDB.getDataSet(strSQL).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string strClassName = dt.Rows[i]["cClass"].ToString(); ListItem liClass = new ListItem(strClassName, strClassName); dlClass.Items.Add(liClass); } } }
void btnFinish_ServerClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { //呼叫寫入Paper_AssignedQuestion的函式 string strSQL = ""; if (rbClass.Checked == true) { strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT cUserID FROM HintsUser WHERE cClass = '" + dlClass1.SelectedItem.Value + "' "; } else { strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT cUserID FROM UserGroup WHERE cGroup = '" + dlGroup.SelectedItem.Value + "' "; } Hints.Learning.Question.QuestionUtility myUtility = new Hints.Learning.Question.QuestionUtility(); Hints.DB.clsHintsDB myDB = new Hints.DB.clsHintsDB(); DataTable dt = myDB.getDataSet(strSQL).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string strUserID = dt.Rows[i]["cUserID"].ToString(); //確認此問卷是不是有資料存在Paper_AssignedQuestion,如果沒有則寫入資料。 bool bCheck = Hints.Learning.Question.DataReceiver.checkUserDataFromPaper_AssignedQuestion(usi.PaperID, "00000000000000", strUserID); if (bCheck == false) { myUtility.setupPaper_AssignedQuestionByPaperIDStartTimeUserID(usi.PaperID, "00000000000000", strUserID); } } } //將指派測驗的日期和對象記錄在OnlineQuiz_Assign string StartTime = TransferDateFormat(tb_StartTime, ddl_StartHr, ddl_StartMin); string EndTime = TransferDateFormat(tb_EndTime, ddl_EndHr, ddl_EndMin); string SelectedValue = ""; if (rbClass.Checked == true) { SelectedValue = dlClass1.SelectedItem.Value; strSQL = "INSERT INTO OnlineQuiz_Assign VALUES ('" + usi.CaseID + "','" + usi.PaperID + "','" + StartTime + "','" + EndTime + "','" + SelectedValue + "','class',0)"; } else { SelectedValue = dlGroup.SelectedItem.Value; strSQL = "INSERT INTO OnlineQuiz_Assign VALUES ('" + usi.CaseID + "','" + usi.PaperID + "','" + StartTime + "','" + EndTime + "','" + SelectedValue + "','group',0)"; } try { myDB.ExecuteNonQuery(strSQL); } catch { } string strScript = "<script language='javascript'>\n"; strScript += "closeWindow();\n"; strScript += "</script>\n"; Page.RegisterStartupScript("closeWindow", strScript); }