コード例 #1
ファイル: HomeController.cs プロジェクト: Avolord/HexaGone
        public IActionResult Login(HexaGone.Models.UserLoginHelperModel user)
            user.isLogin = "******";
            //If userModel is Valid try to login the User
            //Else return a good errorMessage
            if (user.isValid())
                user.errorMessage = "";
                using (IDbConnection db = new MySqlConnection(Models.Dapper.connectionString))
                    //Correct Email format to all lower Case
                    if (user.LoginModel.Username.Contains("@"))
                        user.LoginModel.Email = user.LoginModel.Username.ToLower();
                    //Encrypt Password
                    user.LoginModel.Password = Hash.GetMD5Hash(user.LoginModel.Password);

                    //Create both sqlQueryCommands for Email and Username to test if User exists
                    string sqlQueryUsername = "******"" + user.LoginModel.Username + "\"";
                    string sqlQueryEmail    = "Select * From User Where Email =  \"" + user.LoginModel.Email + "\"";
                    List <LoginUserModel> possibleUser;
                    bool currentUserName = false;
                    bool currentUserMail = false;

                    //First test for UserName
                        possibleUser = db.Query <LoginUserModel>(sqlQueryUsername).ToList();
                        if (possibleUser.Count == 0)
                            //If Username doesn't exist set errorMessage, doesn't has to mean. That the User won't be logged in. Reason for Error can be, that Username is Email
                            user.errorMessage = "User doesn't exists";
                            //Set that the UserName is an Username and not an Email
                            currentUserName = true;
                    //Second test for Email only if Username conatins an @
                    if (possibleUser.Count == 0)
                            possibleUser = db.Query <LoginUserModel>(sqlQueryEmail).ToList();
                            if (possibleUser.Count == 0 && user.LoginModel.Username.Contains("@"))
                                //return errorMessage that the User doesn't exists. Means that the User won't be Logged In
                                user.errorMessage = "Email doesn't exists";
                            else if (possibleUser.Count != 0 && user.LoginModel.Username.Contains("@"))
                                //Set that the UserName is an Email
                                currentUserMail = true;
                                currentUserName = false;
                    //If true: return IndexPage with error
                    if (possibleUser.Count == 0)
                        //If User doesn't exists. Return LogInPage with errors
                        user.isLogin = "******";
                        return(View("Index", user));
                    //Try to LogIn the User with encrypted Password
                        //Try to LogIn the User. For loop wouldn't be needed, because  every user exists only once,however if an error occurs it is less likely to crash
                        for (int i = 0; i < possibleUser.Count; i++)
                            //Compare Passwords if passwords are equal log in the User by getting data from the database and create the SessionCookie
                            var Item = possibleUser[i];
                            if (user.LoginModel.Password == Item.Password)
                                user.isLogin = "******";
                                string           sqlQuery = "";
                                List <UserModel> userLoaded;
                                //If User logs in by Username get data by Username
                                //Else get data by Email
                                if (currentUserName)
                                    sqlQuery = "Select * From User Where Username = \"" + user.LoginModel.Username + "\"";
                                else if (currentUserMail)
                                    sqlQuery = "Select * From User Where Email = \"" + user.LoginModel.Email + "\"";

                                userLoaded = db.Query <UserModel>(sqlQuery).ToList();
                                HttpContext.Session.SetString("userKeyData", userLoaded[0].CreateSessionString());

                                //If User wants to stay Logged In create Cookie
                                if (user.stayLoggedIn)
                                    //Create Cookie
                                    CookieOptions stayLoggedIn = new CookieOptions();
                                    stayLoggedIn.Expires = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now.AddYears(100));
                                    user.errorMessage    = "";

                                    //Safe Cookie
                                    HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Append("stayLoggedIn", userLoaded[0].UserId.ToString(), stayLoggedIn);

                                //If User comes from a restricted page redirect back to it

                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(user.redirectTo))
                                    if (user.redirectTo == "Game")
                                //else redirect back to  LogedInIndex Page
                                return(View("LogedInIndex", userLoaded[0]));
                //If User couldn't be Logged In because of wrong Password return IndexPage with errorMessage
                user.isLogin      = "******";
                user.errorMessage = "Password is incorrect";
                return(View("Index", user));
                user.isLogin      = "******";
                user.errorMessage = user.LoginModel.IsValid();
                //return Login Page with ErrorMessage added
                return(View("Index", user));
コード例 #2
ファイル: HomeController.cs プロジェクト: Avolord/HexaGone
        public IActionResult Register(HexaGone.Models.UserLoginHelperModel user)
            user.isLogin = "******";
            //If given Data is correct. Try to create User in database. First verify if an user with similar data already exists.
            //Else return errorMessage
            if (user.isValid())
                user.errorMessage = "";
                using (IDbConnection db = new MySqlConnection(Models.Dapper.connectionString))
                    user.RegistrationModel.Email = user.RegistrationModel.Email.ToLower();
                    string sqlQuery  = "Select * From User Where Username = \"" + user.RegistrationModel.Username + "\"";
                    string sqlQuery2 = "Select * From User Where Email =  \"" + user.RegistrationModel.Email + "\"";
                    List <LoginUserModel> possibleUser = new List <LoginUserModel>();
                    //First try if the Username exists and give back an error via errorMessage
                        possibleUser = db.Query <LoginUserModel>(sqlQuery).ToList();
                        if (possibleUser.Count != 0)
                            user.errorMessage = "Username already exists";
                    //If the Username doesn't exists, try to find a same email adress in database
                    if (possibleUser.Count == 0)
                            possibleUser = db.Query <LoginUserModel>(sqlQuery2).ToList();
                            if (possibleUser.Count != 0)
                                //Email exists, give back an error via errorMessage
                                user.errorMessage = "Email already exists";
                    if (possibleUser.Count != 0)
                        //Something went really wrong redirect to Index... Shouldn't get to this point and doesn't, as long as the database is up and running
                        user.isLogin = "******";

                        return(View("Index", user));
                    //Create sqlCommand and encrypt password
                    sqlQuery = "Insert Into User (Email, Username, Password) Values(@Email, @Username, @Password)";
                    user.RegistrationModel.Password = Hash.GetMD5Hash(user.RegistrationModel.Password);

                    //Create new User in database
                    int rowsAffected = db.Execute(sqlQuery, user.RegistrationModel);

                    //if Creation was done right create Session cookie
                    if (rowsAffected > 0)
                        List <UserModel> userLoaded;
                        sqlQuery   = "Select * From User Where Username = \"" + user.RegistrationModel.Username + "\"";
                        userLoaded = db.Query <UserModel>(sqlQuery).ToList();
                        HttpContext.Session.SetString("userKeyData", userLoaded[0].CreateSessionString());
                        //return LoggedInIndex-Page
                        return(View("LogedInIndex", userLoaded[0]));
                    user.isLogin = "******";
                    return(View("Index", user));
                user.isLogin      = "******";
                user.errorMessage = user.RegistrationModel.IsValid();
                //return registration page, because RegistrationModel was not Valid, with good Errormessages
                return(View("Index", user));