コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// draw the Ignore button
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buttonText">What should the button read</param>
        /// <param name="ignoredList">The current list of Ignores this is supposed to be appended to</param>
        /// <param name="identifier">The unique identifier of the Ignore</param>
        /// <param name="optionalLegibleIdentifier">Humanly legible identifier</param>
        protected void drawButton(bool validSelected, string buttonText, AH_IgnoreList ignoredList, string identifier, string optionalLegibleIdentifier = "")
            bool btnUsable = validSelected && !ignoredList.ExistsInList(identifier);


            if (GUILayout.Button(buttonText, GUILayout.Width(150)) && btnUsable)
                IgnoreCallback(Selection.activeObject, identifier);

            //Select the proper string to write on label
            string label = (!btnUsable) ?
                           ((validSelected) ?
                            "Already Ignored" : "Invalid selection")
                                : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(optionalLegibleIdentifier) ?
                                   identifier : optionalLegibleIdentifier);

            GUIContent content = new GUIContent(label, EditorGUIUtility.IconContent((!btnUsable) ? ((validSelected) ? "d_lightOff" : "d_orangeLight") : "d_greenLight").image);

            GUILayout.Label(content, GUILayout.MaxHeight(16));
コード例 #2
        private void Init()
            ignoredListPathEndsWith = new AH_IgnoreList(new IgnoredEventActionPathEndsWith(0, onIgnoreButtonDown), InitialValueIgnoredPathEndsWith, PrefsIgnoredPathEndsWith);
            ignoredListTypes        = new AH_ExclusionTypeList(new IgnoredEventActionType(1, onIgnoreButtonDown), InitialValueIgnoredTypes, PrefsIgnoredTypes);
            ignoredListFolders      = new AH_IgnoreList(new IgnoredEventActionFolder(2, onIgnoreButtonDown), InitialValueIgnoredFolders, PrefsIgnoredFolders);
            ignoredListFiles        = new AH_IgnoreList(new IgnoredEventActionFile(3, onIgnoreButtonDown), InitialValueIgnoredFiles, PrefsIgnoredFiles);
            ignoredListExtensions   = new AH_IgnoreList(new IgnoredEventActionExtension(4, onIgnoreButtonDown), InitialValueIgnoredExtensions, PrefsIgnoredExtensions);

            //Todo subscribing to these 5 times, means that we might refresh buildinfo 5 times when reseting...We might be able to batch that somehow
            ignoredListPathEndsWith.ListUpdatedEvent += OnListUpdatedEvent;
            ignoredListTypes.ListUpdatedEvent        += OnListUpdatedEvent;
            ignoredListFolders.ListUpdatedEvent      += OnListUpdatedEvent;
            ignoredListFiles.ListUpdatedEvent        += OnListUpdatedEvent;
            ignoredListExtensions.ListUpdatedEvent   += OnListUpdatedEvent;
コード例 #3
        //Check if the currectly selected asset if excludable as path ending
        public void DrawIgnored(AH_IgnoreList ignoredList)
            if (!hasValidSelectionObject())

            string path;
            bool   isMain;
            bool   isFolder;

            getObjectInfo(out path, out isMain, out isFolder);

            drawButton((isMain && isFolder), "Ignore folder ending", ignoredList, getIdentifier(path));
コード例 #4
        //Check if the currectly selected asset if excludable as folder
        public void DrawIgnored(AH_IgnoreList ignoredList)
            if (!hasValidSelectionObject())

            string path;
            bool   isMain;
            bool   isFolder;

            getObjectInfo(out path, out isMain, out isFolder);

            string assetGUID = getIdentifier(path);

            drawButton((isMain && isFolder), "Ignore folder", ignoredList, assetGUID, GetFormattedItemShort(assetGUID, 40));
コード例 #5
        //Check if the currectly selected asset if excludable as type
        public void DrawIgnored(AH_IgnoreList ignoredList)
            if (!hasValidSelectionObject())

            string path;
            bool   isMain;
            bool   isFolder;

            getObjectInfo(out path, out isMain, out isFolder);

            Type assetType;

            drawButton((isMain && !isFolder), "Ignore Type", ignoredList, getIdentifier(path, out assetType), assetType != null ? assetType.ToString() : "");
コード例 #6
        //Check if the currectly selected asset if excludable as file extension
        public void DrawIgnored(AH_IgnoreList ignoredList)
            if (!hasValidSelectionObject())

            string path;
            bool   isMain;
            bool   isFolder;

            getObjectInfo(out path, out isMain, out isFolder);

            //if (isMain)
                string extension;
                bool   validElement = (pathContainsValidElement(path, out extension));

                drawButton(isMain && validElement, "Ignore file extension", ignoredList, extension);