public bool PopulateTreeView(AH_SerializedBuildInfo chosenBuildInfo) { //Todo, maybe not get ALL assets, but just the assets in the project folder (i.e. -meta etc)? treeElements = new List <AH_TreeviewElement>(); int depth = -1; int id = 0; var root = new AH_TreeviewElement("Root", depth, id, "", "", new List <string>(), false); treeElements.Add(root); depth++; id++; //This is done because I cant find all assets in toplevel folders through the Unity API (Remove whem the API allows it) int folderCount = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(Application.dataPath).Count(); int foldersProcessed = 0; bool populatedSuccesfully = AddFilesRecursively(Application.dataPath, chosenBuildInfo, depth, ref id, ref folderCount, ref foldersProcessed); //Cleanup garbage AssetDatabase.Refresh(); GC.Collect(); //Create tree if (populatedSuccesfully) { TreeElementUtility.ListToTree(treeElements); } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); return(populatedSuccesfully); }
private bool AddFilesRecursively(string absPath, AH_SerializedBuildInfo chosenBuildInfo, int treeViewDepth, ref int treeViewID, ref int folderCount, ref int foldersProcessed) { string relativePath; string folderID; AH_Utils.GetRelativePathAndAssetID(absPath, out relativePath, out folderID); //Check if this folder has been Ignored if (AH_SettingsManager.Instance.HasIgnoredFolder(relativePath, folderID)) { return(false); } //Add folder System.IO.DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(absPath); string dirInfoName = dirInfo.Name; //Increment folder process count foldersProcessed++; EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Analyzing project", relativePath, ((float)foldersProcessed / (float)folderCount)); //Todo make cancellable //Increment ID treeViewID++; AH_TreeviewElement threeViewFolder = new AH_TreeviewElement(dirInfoName, treeViewDepth, treeViewID, ((treeViewDepth != -1) ? relativePath : ""), "", null, false); treeElements.Add(threeViewFolder); //Increment depth treeViewDepth++; //Track if this folder has valid children bool hasValidChildren = false; foreach (var assetPath in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(absPath).Where(val => Path.GetExtension(val) != ".meta"))// !val.EndsWith(".meta"))) { string relativepath; string assetID; AH_Utils.GetRelativePathAndAssetID(assetPath, out relativepath, out assetID); //If this is not an unity asset if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetID)) { continue; } //Has this file been Ignored? if (AH_SettingsManager.Instance.HasIgnoredAsset(relativepath, assetID)) { continue; } AH_SerializableAssetInfo usedAssetInfo = chosenBuildInfo.GetItemInfo(assetID); bool isAssetUsed = (usedAssetInfo != null); //TODO CONTINUE LOOP AND ADDING OF ASSETS treeViewID++; AH_TreeviewElement treeViewElement = new AH_TreeviewElement(assetPath, treeViewDepth, treeViewID, relativepath, assetID, ((isAssetUsed) ? usedAssetInfo.Refs : null), isAssetUsed); treeElements.Add(treeViewElement); hasValidChildren = true; } foreach (var dir in System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(absPath)) { if (AddFilesRecursively(dir, chosenBuildInfo, treeViewDepth, ref treeViewID, ref folderCount, ref foldersProcessed)) { hasValidChildren = true; } } if (!hasValidChildren && (treeViewDepth != -1)) { treeElements.Remove(threeViewFolder); //Decrement ID treeViewID--; //Decrement depth treeViewDepth--; } //Return true if folder added succesfully return(hasValidChildren); }
public void OnAfterDeserialize() { AH_TreeviewElement.UpdateIconDictAfterSerialization(serializationHelperListIconTypes, serializationHelperListIconTextures); serializationHelperListIconTypes = null; serializationHelperListIconTextures = null; }
//Store serializable string so we can retrieve type after serialization public void OnBeforeSerialize() { serializationHelperListIconTypes = AH_TreeviewElement.GetStoredIconTypes(); serializationHelperListIconTextures = AH_TreeviewElement.GetStoredIconTextures(); }