コード例 #1
        public string GetTranslatedMessage(Settings.Languages Language, int MessageID, string DefaultValue)
            if (_messagesTranslations != null && _messagesTranslations.ContainsKey(MessageID))
                return _messagesTranslations[MessageID].GetTranslation(Language);

            return DefaultValue;
コード例 #2
 public GamesPanelsBase()
     this.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
     _settings = (Settings)null;
     _translator = (TranslationsHelpers)null;
コード例 #3
 public GamesPanelsBase(AppManager manager)
     this.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
     _settings = manager.AppSettings;
     _translator = manager.Translator;
コード例 #4
 private void CompileUI(Helpers.Data.Objects.Settings AppSettings)
     txtDosBoxExePath.Text      = AppSettings.DosboxPath;
     txtDosBoxConfigFile.Text   = AppSettings.DosboxDefaultConfFilePath;
     txtDosBoxLanguageFile.Text = AppSettings.DosboxDefaultLangFilePath;
     chkPortable.Checked        = AppSettings.PortableMode;
コード例 #5
 public BaseSettingsPanel(TranslationsHelpers Translator, Settings AppSettings, string PanelName)
     this.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
     _AppSettings = AppSettings;
     _translator = Translator;
     this.PanelName = PanelName;
コード例 #6
 public CategoryDialog(AppManager manager)
     _translator = manager.Translator;
     _AppSettings = manager.AppSettings;
     this.Text = _translator.GetTranslatedMessage(_AppSettings.Language, 35, "Add New Category");
     _translator.TranslateUI(_AppSettings.Language, this.Name, this.Controls);
コード例 #7
 public GamesPanelsBase(AppManager manager, List<Game> games, Dictionary<String, Category> cats)
     this.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
     _settings = manager.AppSettings;
     _translator = manager.Translator;
     _games = games;
     _cats = cats;
コード例 #8
 public CategoryDialog(Helpers.Data.Objects.Settings AppSettings, TranslationsHelpers translator, Category editCat)
     _translator  = translator;
     _AppSettings = AppSettings;
     this.Text    = _translator.GetTranslatedMessage(_AppSettings.Language, 36, "Edit Category");
     _translator.TranslateUI(_AppSettings.Language, this.Name, this.Controls);
コード例 #9
ファイル: GamesPanel.cs プロジェクト: midium/DOSBoxManager
 public GamesPanel(TranslationsHelpers Translator, Settings AppSettings, string PanelName)
     : base(Translator, AppSettings, PanelName)
     _flgInitiation = true;
     _dialogsHelpers = new DialogsHelpers();
     _flgInitiation = false;
コード例 #10
 public CategoryDialog(Helpers.Data.Objects.Settings AppSettings, TranslationsHelpers translator, Category editCat)
     _translator = translator;
     _AppSettings = AppSettings;
     this.Text = _translator.GetTranslatedMessage(_AppSettings.Language, 36, "Edit Category");
     _translator.TranslateUI(_AppSettings.Language, this.Name, this.Controls);
コード例 #11
ファイル: GamePanelBase.cs プロジェクト: midium/DOSBoxManager
 public GamePanelBase(AppManager Manager, DialogsHelpers DialogsHelpers, Game GameData)
     _manager = Manager;
     _settings = _manager.AppSettings;
     _translator = _manager.Translator;
     _dialogsHelpers = DialogsHelpers;
     _game = GameData;
コード例 #12
ファイル: GamesPanel.cs プロジェクト: midium/DOSBoxManager
 private void CompileUI(Helpers.Data.Objects.Settings AppSettings)
     txtDefaultGamesFolder.Text  = AppSettings.GamesDefaultDir;
     txtDefaultImagesFolder.Text = AppSettings.CDsDefaultDir;
     txtAdditionalCommands.Text  = AppSettings.GamesAdditionalCommands;
     chkNoConsole.Checked        = AppSettings.GamesNoConsole;
     chkQuitOnExit.Checked       = AppSettings.GamesQuitOnExit;
     chkFullscreen.Checked       = AppSettings.GamesInFullScreen;
     chk3DBox.Checked            = AppSettings.BoxRendered;
コード例 #13
ファイル: AppManager.cs プロジェクト: midium/DOSBoxManager
 public AppManager()
     _SettingsDB = new SettingsManager("settings.dbm");
     _translator = new TranslationsHelpers(_SettingsDB.LoadMessagesTranslations(), _SettingsDB.LoadComponentsTranslations());
     _AppSettings = _SettingsDB.LoadSettings();
     _recentDBs = _SettingsDB.LoadRecentDatabases();
     _DB = new Database();
     _DosBoxHelper = new DOSBoxHelpers();
     _fileHelper = new FileHelpers();
コード例 #14
 public BehavioursPanel(TranslationsHelpers Translator, Settings AppSettings, SettingsManager SettingsDB, string PanelName)
     : base(Translator, AppSettings, PanelName)
     _flgInitiation = true;
     _helpers = new SettingsHelpers();
     _dialogsHelpers = new DialogsHelpers();
     _SettingsDB = SettingsDB;
     _flgInitiation = false;
コード例 #15
        public SettingsDialog(AppManager manager)
            _Settings = (Settings)manager.AppSettings.Clone();

            _manager = manager;

            _Translator = manager.Translator;
            this.Text = _Translator.GetTranslatedMessage(_Settings.Language, 51, "Application Settings");
            _Translator.TranslateUI(_Settings.Language, this.Name, this.Controls);
コード例 #16
        public void TranslateMenusUI(Settings.Languages Language, String FormName, ToolStripItemCollection menuCollection)
            if (_componentsTranslations != null)
                foreach (object mnu in menuCollection)
                    if (mnu.GetType() != typeof(ToolStripSeparator))
                        ToolStripMenuItem itm = (ToolStripMenuItem)mnu;

                        if (_componentsTranslations.ContainsKey(FormName + itm.Name))
                            itm.Text = _componentsTranslations[FormName + itm.Name].GetTranslation(Language);
                            itm.ToolTipText = _componentsTranslations[FormName + itm.Name].GetTooltipTranslation(Language);

                        if (itm.HasDropDownItems)
                            TranslateMenusUI(Language, FormName, itm.DropDownItems);
コード例 #17
ファイル: DOSBoxHelpers.cs プロジェクト: midium/DOSBoxManager
        public String BuildArgs(bool Setup, Game game, Settings settings)
            //Arguments string for DOSBox.exe
            String Arguments = String.Empty;

            if (settings.DosboxPath != String.Empty && settings.DosboxPath != "dosbox.exe isn't in the same directory as DosBoxManager.exe!" && File.Exists(settings.DosboxPath))
                String qt = char.ToString('"');
                if (game.Directory[0] != '/')
                    qt = "'";
                //string for the Game's configuration file.
                String DBCfgPath = String.Empty;
                //if the "do not use any config file at all" has not been checked
                if (game.NoConfig == false)
                    //use at first the game's custom config file
                    if (game.DBConfigPath != String.Empty)
                        DBCfgPath = game.DBConfigPath;
                    //if not, use the default dosbox.conf file
                    else if (settings.DosboxDefaultConfFilePath != String.Empty && settings.DosboxDefaultConfFilePath != "No configuration file (*.conf) found in DosBoxManager's directory.")
                        DBCfgPath = settings.DosboxDefaultConfFilePath;
                //The arguments for DOSBox begins with the game executable (.exe, .bat, or .com)
                if (game.DOSExePath != String.Empty)
                    if (!Setup)
                        Arguments = '"' + game.DOSExePath + '"';
                        Arguments = '"' + game.DOSExePath + '"';
                //the game directory mounted as C (if the DOSEXEPath is specified, the DOSEXEPath parent directory will be mounted as C: by DOSBox
                //hence the "else if" instead of "if".
                else if (game.Directory != String.Empty)
                    Arguments = " -c " + '"' + "mount c " + qt + game.Directory + qt + '"';
                //puting DBCfgPath and Arguments together
                if (DBCfgPath != String.Empty)
                    Arguments = Arguments + " -conf " + '"' + DBCfgPath + '"';
                //Path for the default language file used for DOSBox and specified by the user in the Tools menu
                if (settings.DosboxDefaultLangFilePath != String.Empty && settings.DosboxDefaultLangFilePath != "No language file (*.lng) found in DosBoxManager's directory.")
                    Arguments = Arguments + " -lang " + '"' + settings.DosboxDefaultLangFilePath + '"';
                //Path for the game's CD image (.bin, .cue, or .iso) mounted as D:
                if (game.CDPath != String.Empty)
                    //put ' and _not_ " after imgmount (or else the path will be misunderstood by DOSBox). Paths with spaces will NOT work either way on GNU/Linux!
                    if (game.IsCDImage == true)
                        Arguments = Arguments + " -c " + '"' + "imgmount";
                        if (game.MountAsFloppy == true)
                            Arguments = Arguments + " a " + qt + game.CDPath + qt + " -t floppy" + '"';
                            Arguments = Arguments + " d " + qt + game.CDPath + qt + " -t iso" + '"';
                        if (game.UseIOCTL == true)
                            Arguments = Arguments + " -c " + '"' + "mount d " + qt + game.CDPath + qt + " -t cdrom -usecd 0 -ioctl" + '"';
                        else if (game.MountAsFloppy == true)
                            Arguments = Arguments + " -c " + '"' + "mount a " + qt + game.CDPath + qt + " -t floppy" + '"';
                            Arguments = Arguments + " -c " + '"' + "mount d " + qt + game.CDPath + qt;
                //Additionnal user commands for the game
                if (game.AdditionalCommands != String.Empty)
                    Arguments = Arguments + " " + game.AdditionalCommands;
                //corresponds to the Fullscreen checkbox in GameForm
                if (game.InFullScreen == true)
                    Arguments = Arguments + " -fullscreen";
                //corresponds to the "no console" checkbox in the GameForm
                if (game.NoConsole == true)
                    Arguments = Arguments + " -noconsole";
                //corresponds to the "quit on exit (only for .exe)" checkbox in the GameForm
                if (game.QuitOnExit == true)
                    Arguments = Arguments + " -exit";
                return Arguments;
                return null;
コード例 #18
        public void SaveSettings(Settings AppSettings)
            if (AppSettings == null)
                throw new Exception("No application settings provided!");

                if (_Connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                    //I raise an error as there is no connection to the database
                    throw new Exception("There is no connection to the database");

                StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
                sql.AppendLine("UPDATE Settings SET ");
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("app_width = {0}, ", AppSettings.AppWidth));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("app_height = {0}, ", AppSettings.AppHeight));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("portable_mode = {0}, ", BoolToInt(AppSettings.PortableMode)));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("dosbox_path = '{0}', ", AppSettings.DosboxPath.Replace("'", "''")));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("dosbox_default_conf_file_path = '{0}', ", AppSettings.DosboxDefaultConfFilePath.Replace("'", "''")));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("dosbox_default_lang_file_path = '{0}', ", AppSettings.DosboxDefaultLangFilePath.Replace("'", "''")));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("cds_default_dir = '{0}', ", AppSettings.CDsDefaultDir.Replace("'", "''")));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("games_default_dir = '{0}', ", AppSettings.GamesDefaultDir.Replace("'", "''")));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("games_no_console = {0}, ", BoolToInt(AppSettings.GamesNoConsole)));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("games_in_full_screen = {0}, ", BoolToInt(AppSettings.GamesInFullScreen)));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("games_quit_on_exit = {0}, ", BoolToInt(AppSettings.GamesQuitOnExit)));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("games_additional_commands = '{0}', ", AppSettings.GamesAdditionalCommands.Replace("'", "''")));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("box_rendered = {0}, ", BoolToInt(AppSettings.BoxRendered)));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("app_fullscreen = {0}, ", BoolToInt(AppSettings.AppFullscreen)));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("menu_bar_visible = {0}, ", BoolToInt(AppSettings.MenuBarVisible)));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("toolbar_visible = {0}, ", BoolToInt(AppSettings.ToolbarVisible)));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("status_bar_visible = {0}, ", BoolToInt(AppSettings.StatusBarVisible)));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("config_editor_path = '{0}', ", AppSettings.ConfigEditorPath.Replace("'", "''")));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("config_editor_additional_parameters = '{0}', ", AppSettings.ConfigEditorAdditionalParameters.Replace("'", "''")));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("category_delete_prompt = {0}, ", BoolToInt(AppSettings.CategoryDeletePrompt)));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("game_delete_prompt = {0}, ", BoolToInt(AppSettings.GameDeletePrompt)));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("remember_window_size = {0}, ", BoolToInt(AppSettings.RememberWindowSize)));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("reload_latest_db = {0}, ", BoolToInt(AppSettings.ReloadLatestDB)));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("language = {0}, ", ((AppSettings.Language == Settings.Languages.English) ? 0 : 1)));
                sql.AppendLine(string.Format("reduce_to_tray_on_play = {0};", BoolToInt(AppSettings.ReduceToTrayOnPlay)));

                SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql.ToString(), _Connection);

            catch (Exception e)
                CustomMessageBox cmb = new CustomMessageBox("An issues raised trying to save the application settings:\n" + e.Message, "Error", MessageBoxDialogButtons.Ok, MessageBoxDialogIcon.Error, false, false);
コード例 #19
        private static Settings GetDefaultSettings()
            Settings result = new Settings();

            result.AppWidth = 800;
            result.AppHeight = 600;
            result.PortableMode = false;
            result.DosboxPath = string.Empty;
            result.DosboxDefaultConfFilePath = string.Empty;
            result.DosboxDefaultLangFilePath = string.Empty;
            result.CDsDefaultDir = string.Empty;
            result.GamesDefaultDir = string.Empty;
            result.GamesNoConsole = false;
            result.GamesInFullScreen = false;
            result.GamesQuitOnExit = false;
            result.GamesAdditionalCommands = string.Empty;
            result.BoxRendered = false;
            result.AppFullscreen = false;
            result.MenuBarVisible = true;
            result.ToolbarVisible = true;
            result.StatusBarVisible = true;
            result.ConfigEditorPath = string.Empty;
            result.ConfigEditorAdditionalParameters = string.Empty;
            result.CategoryDeletePrompt = true;
            result.GameDeletePrompt = true;
            result.RememberWindowSize = true;
            result.ReloadLatestDB = false;
            result.Language = Settings.Languages.English;
            result.ReduceToTrayOnPlay = true;

            return result;
コード例 #20
 private void CompileUI(Settings AppSettings)
     txtTextEditor.Text = AppSettings.ConfigEditorPath;
     txtAdditionalCommands.Text = AppSettings.ConfigEditorAdditionalParameters;
     chkRememberSize.Checked = AppSettings.RememberWindowSize;
     chkMenuBar.Checked = AppSettings.MenuBarVisible;
     chkStatusBar.Checked = AppSettings.StatusBarVisible;
     chkToolbar.Checked = AppSettings.ToolbarVisible;
     chkPromptGame.Checked = AppSettings.GameDeletePrompt;
     chkCategoryDelete.Checked = AppSettings.CategoryDeletePrompt;
     chkReload.Checked = AppSettings.ReloadLatestDB;
     chkToTrayOnPlay.Checked = AppSettings.ReduceToTrayOnPlay;
     cboLanguage.Items.Add(new ItemData(0, "English"));
     cboLanguage.Items.Add(new ItemData(1, "Italian"));
     cboLanguage.SelectedIndex = AppSettings.Language == Settings.Languages.English ? 0 : 1;
コード例 #21
ファイル: DOSBoxHelpers.cs プロジェクト: midium/DOSBoxManager
        public bool MakeGamesConfiguration(TranslationsHelpers translator, Settings settings, Game game)
            string body;
            string title;
            CustomMessageBox cmb;

            if (game != null && settings.DosboxDefaultConfFilePath != String.Empty)
                    body = "'" + game.Directory + "/" + Path.GetFileName(settings.DosboxDefaultConfFilePath) + "' " +
                                  translator.GetTranslatedMessage(settings.Language, 64, "already exists, do you want to overwrite it ?");
                    title = translator.GetTranslatedMessage(settings.Language, 8, "Attention");
                    cmb = new CustomMessageBox(body, title, MessageBoxDialogButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxDialogIcon.Question, false, false);

                    if ((!File.Exists(game.Directory + "/" + Path.GetFileName(settings.DosboxDefaultConfFilePath))) || (cmb.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Yes))
                        if (Directory.Exists(game.Directory))
                            File.Copy(settings.DosboxDefaultConfFilePath, game.Directory + "/" + Path.GetFileName(settings.DosboxDefaultConfFilePath), true);
                            game.DBConfigPath = game.Directory + "/" + Path.GetFileName(settings.DosboxDefaultConfFilePath);

                            body = translator.GetTranslatedMessage(settings.Language, 65, "The configuration file has been created correctly.");
                            title = translator.GetTranslatedMessage(settings.Language, 66, "Success");
                            cmb = new CustomMessageBox(body, title, MessageBoxDialogButtons.Ok, MessageBoxDialogIcon.Information, false, false);

                            return true;
                            body = translator.GetTranslatedMessage(settings.Language, 67, "The path to the selected game seems missing, please check and eventually modify the game folder location to continue.");
                            title = translator.GetTranslatedMessage(settings.Language, 28, "Error");
                            cmb = new CustomMessageBox(body, title, MessageBoxDialogButtons.Ok, MessageBoxDialogIcon.Error, false, false);

                            return false;

                        return false;

                } else {
                    body = translator.GetTranslatedMessage(settings.Language, 68, "The path to the given DosBox configuration file seems missing, please check and eventually modify the DosBox configuration file location to continue.");
                    title = translator.GetTranslatedMessage(settings.Language, 28, "Error");
                    cmb = new CustomMessageBox(body, title, MessageBoxDialogButtons.Ok, MessageBoxDialogIcon.Error, false, false);

                    return false;

            return false;
コード例 #22
        public String SearchDOSBox(TranslationsHelpers translator, Settings settings, bool isPortableMode)
            String DOSBoxPath;
            DOSBoxPath = String.Empty;
            if (isPortableMode)
                if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\dosbox.exe"))
                    DOSBoxPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\dosbox.exe";
                else if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\dosbox"))
                    DOSBoxPath = Application.StartupPath + "\\dosbox";
                //test if DOSBox is in Program Files/DOSBox-?.?? (Windows x86)
                if (Directory.GetDirectories(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles), "DOSBox*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).GetLength(0) != 0)
                    DOSBoxPath = Directory.GetDirectories(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles), "DOSBox*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)[0];
                    if (File.Exists(DOSBoxPath + "\\dosbox.exe"))
                        DOSBoxPath = DOSBoxPath + "\\dosbox.exe";
                    //test if the user is using Windows x64
                    //in this case, DOSBox's installation directory is most likely in "Program Files (x86)"
                    if (Directory.Exists(Environment.SystemDirectory.Substring(0, 3) + "Program Files (x86)"))
                        if (Directory.GetDirectories(Environment.SystemDirectory.Substring(0, 3) + "Program Files (x86)", "DOSBox*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).GetLength(0) != 0)
                            DOSBoxPath = Directory.GetDirectories(Environment.SystemDirectory.Substring(0, 3) + "Program Files (x86)", "DOSBox*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)[0];
                            if (File.Exists(DOSBoxPath + "\\dosbox.exe"))
                                DOSBoxPath = DOSBoxPath + "\\dosbox.exe";

            //if DOSBoxPath is still empty, say to the user that dosbox's executable cannot be found
            if (DOSBoxPath == String.Empty)
                string body = translator.GetTranslatedMessage(settings.Language, 69, "DOSBox Manager cannot find DOSBox, do you want to indicate DOSBox's executable location now?");
                string title = translator.GetTranslatedMessage(settings.Language, 70, "Cannot find DOSBox");
                CustomMessageBox cmb = new CustomMessageBox(body, title, MessageBoxDialogButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxDialogIcon.Question, false, false);
                switch (cmb.Result)
                    case MessageBoxDialogResult.Yes:
                        OpenFileDialog DBexeFD = new OpenFileDialog();
                        DBexeFD.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles);
                        DBexeFD.Title = translator.GetTranslatedMessage(settings.Language, 71, "Please indicate DosBox's executable location...");
                        DBexeFD.Filter = translator.GetTranslatedMessage(settings.Language, 72, "DosBox executable (dosbox*)|dosbox*");
                        if (DBexeFD.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                            DOSBoxPath = DBexeFD.FileName;//retrieve the selected dosbox.exe path into Amp.DBPath
                            DOSBoxPath = String.Empty;

                    case MessageBoxDialogResult.No:
                        DOSBoxPath = String.Empty;
            return DOSBoxPath;
コード例 #23
        private void TranslateToolStripsUI(Settings.Languages Language, String FormName, ToolStripItemCollection buttonsCollection)
            if (_componentsTranslations != null)
                foreach (object mnu in buttonsCollection)
                    if (mnu.GetType() != typeof(ToolStripSeparator) && mnu.GetType() == typeof(ToolStripButton))
                        ToolStripButton itm = (ToolStripButton)mnu;
                        if (_componentsTranslations.ContainsKey(FormName + itm.Name))
                            itm.Text = _componentsTranslations[FormName + itm.Name].GetTranslation(Language);
                            itm.ToolTipText = _componentsTranslations[FormName + itm.Name].GetTooltipTranslation(Language);

                    else if (mnu.GetType() == typeof(ToolStripSplitButton))
                        ToolStripSplitButton itm = (ToolStripSplitButton)mnu;
                        if (_componentsTranslations.ContainsKey(FormName + itm.Name))
                            itm.Text = _componentsTranslations[FormName + itm.Name].GetTranslation(Language);
                            itm.ToolTipText = _componentsTranslations[FormName + itm.Name].GetTooltipTranslation(Language);

                        if (itm.HasDropDownItems)
                            TranslateMenusUI(Language, FormName, itm.DropDownItems);
コード例 #24
        public void TranslateUI(Settings.Languages Language, String FormName, Control.ControlCollection controls)
            if (_componentsTranslations != null)
                foreach (object cmp in controls)
                    Control itm = (Control)cmp;

                    if (_componentsTranslations.ContainsKey(FormName + itm.Name))
                        itm.Text = _componentsTranslations[FormName + itm.Name].GetTranslation(Language);

                        //Setting eventual tooltip
                        string ToolTipText = _componentsTranslations[FormName + itm.Name].GetTooltipTranslation(Language);
                        if (ToolTipText != string.Empty)
                            ToolTip tp = new ToolTip();
                            tp.SetToolTip(itm, ToolTipText);


                    if (itm.HasChildren)
                        TranslateUI(Language, FormName, itm.Controls);

                    if (itm.GetType() == typeof(MenuStrip))
                        MenuStrip mnu = (MenuStrip)itm;
                        if (mnu.Items.Count > 0)
                            TranslateMenusUI(Language, FormName, mnu.Items);

                    if (itm.GetType() == typeof(ToolStrip))
                        ToolStrip tsp = (ToolStrip)itm;
                        if (tsp.Items.Count > 0)
                            TranslateToolStripsUI(Language, FormName, tsp.Items);

コード例 #25
ファイル: AppManager.cs プロジェクト: midium/DOSBoxManager
        public void Dispose()
            _recentDBs = null;
            _translator = null;
            _AppSettings = null;
            _DosBoxHelper = null;
            _fileHelper = null;

            if(_DB != null && _DB.ConnectionStatus == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
            _DB = null;

            if (_SettingsDB != null && _SettingsDB.ConnectionStatus == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
            _SettingsDB = null;
コード例 #26
        public Settings LoadSettings()
            Settings result = null;


                if (_Connection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)
                    //I raise an error as there is no connection to the database
                    throw new Exception("There is no connection to the database");

                String sql = "SELECT * FROM Settings;";
                SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, _Connection);
                SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                if (reader.HasRows)
                    result = new Settings();

                    reader.Read(); //Load the settings row

                    if (reader["app_width"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.AppWidth = reader.GetInt32(0);

                    if (reader["app_height"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.AppHeight = reader.GetInt32(1);

                    if (reader["portable_mode"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.PortableMode = reader.GetBoolean(2);

                    if (reader["dosbox_path"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.DosboxPath = reader.GetString(3);

                    if (reader["dosbox_default_conf_file_path"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.DosboxDefaultConfFilePath = reader.GetString(4);

                    if (reader["dosbox_default_lang_file_path"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.DosboxDefaultLangFilePath = reader.GetString(5);

                    if (reader["cds_default_dir"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.CDsDefaultDir = reader.GetString(6);

                    if (reader["games_default_dir"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.GamesDefaultDir = reader.GetString(7);

                    if (reader["games_no_console"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.GamesNoConsole = reader.GetBoolean(8);

                    if (reader["games_in_full_screen"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.GamesInFullScreen = reader.GetBoolean(9);

                    if (reader["games_quit_on_exit"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.GamesQuitOnExit = reader.GetBoolean(10);

                    if (reader["games_additional_commands"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.GamesAdditionalCommands = reader.GetString(11);

                    if (reader["box_rendered"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.BoxRendered = reader.GetBoolean(12);

                    if (reader["app_fullscreen"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.AppFullscreen = reader.GetBoolean(13);

                    if (reader["menu_bar_visible"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.MenuBarVisible = reader.GetBoolean(14);

                    if (reader["toolbar_visible"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.ToolbarVisible = reader.GetBoolean(15);

                    if (reader["status_bar_visible"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.StatusBarVisible = reader.GetBoolean(16);

                    if (reader["config_editor_path"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.ConfigEditorPath = reader.GetString(17);

                    if (reader["config_editor_additional_parameters"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.ConfigEditorAdditionalParameters = reader.GetString(18);

                    if (reader["category_delete_prompt"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.CategoryDeletePrompt = reader.GetBoolean(19);

                    if (reader["game_delete_prompt"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.GameDeletePrompt = reader.GetBoolean(20);

                    if (reader["remember_window_size"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.RememberWindowSize = reader.GetBoolean(21);

                    if (reader["language"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.Language = (reader.GetInt32(22) == 0) ? Settings.Languages.English : Settings.Languages.Italian;

                    if (reader["reload_latest_db"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.ReloadLatestDB = reader.GetBoolean(23);

                    if (reader["reduce_to_tray_on_play"] != DBNull.Value)
                        result.ReduceToTrayOnPlay = reader.GetBoolean(24);
                    //Nothing found I set the defaults and return them
                    return SetDefaultSettings();

            catch (Exception)
                //In case of errors I return at least the defaults ones without storing them to avoid other issues.
                return GetDefaultSettings();

            return result;