コード例 #1
ファイル: TableForm.cs プロジェクト: khadoran/reanimator
        public TableForm(PackFile packFile)
            _packFile = packFile;

            catch(Exception e)
                String message = "Unable to open accompanying data file: \n" + _packFile.NameWithoutExtension + ".dat\nYou will be unable to extract any files.\n" + e;
                MessageBox(message, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
コード例 #2
ファイル: FileManager.cs プロジェクト: dragnilar/reanimator
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a single index file on the specified path. Checking for accompanying dat file and populating file index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packFile">The full path of the index file to parse.</param>
        private void _LoadIndexFile(PackFile packFile)
            // loop through index files
            foreach (PackFileEntry currFileEntry in packFile.Files)
                //if (currFileEntry.Name.Contains("bldg_c_station_warp_next_layout.xml.cooked") || currFileEntry.Name.Contains("sku."))
                //    int bp = 0;

                ulong pathHash = currFileEntry.PathHash;

                // have we added the file yet
                if (!FileEntries.ContainsKey(pathHash))
                    FileEntries.Add(pathHash, currFileEntry);

                // we haven't added the file, so we need to compare file times and backup states
                PackFileEntry origFileEntry = FileEntries[pathHash];

                // do backup checks first as they'll "override" the FileTime values (i.e. file not found causes game to go to older version)
                // if currFile IS a backup, and orig is NOT, then add to Siblings as game will be loading orig over "backup" anyways
                if (currFileEntry.IsPatchedOut && !origFileEntry.IsPatchedOut)
                    if (origFileEntry.Siblings == null)
                        origFileEntry.Siblings = new List <PackFileEntry>();


                // if curr is NOT a backup, but orig IS, then we want to update (i.e. don't care about FileTime; as above)
                // OR if orig is older than curr, we also want to update/re-arrange Siblings, etc
                if ((!currFileEntry.IsPatchedOut && origFileEntry.IsPatchedOut) ||
                    origFileEntry.FileTime < currFileEntry.FileTime)
                    // set the Siblings list to the updated FileEntry and null out other
                    if (origFileEntry.Siblings != null)
                        currFileEntry.Siblings = origFileEntry.Siblings;
                        origFileEntry.Siblings = null;

                    // add the "orig" (now old) to the curr FileEntry.Siblings list
                    if (currFileEntry.Siblings == null)
                        currFileEntry.Siblings = new List <PackFileEntry>();
                    FileEntries[pathHash] = currFileEntry;


                // if curr is older (or equal to; hellgate000 has duplicates) than the orig, then add this to the Siblings list (i.e. orig is newer)
                if (origFileEntry.FileTime >= currFileEntry.FileTime)
                    if (origFileEntry.Siblings == null)
                        origFileEntry.Siblings = new List <PackFileEntry>();


                Debug.Assert(false, "End of 'if (FileEntries.ContainsKey(hash))'", "wtf??\n\nThis shouldn't happen, please report this.");
コード例 #3
ファイル: FileManager.cs プロジェクト: khadoran/reanimator
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a single index file on the specified path. Checking for accompanying dat file and populating file index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packFile">The full path of the index file to parse.</param>
        private void _LoadIndexFile(PackFile packFile)
            // loop through index files
            foreach (PackFileEntry currFileEntry in packFile.Files)
                //if (currFileEntry.Name.Contains("bldg_c_station_warp_next_layout.xml.cooked") || currFileEntry.Name.Contains("sku."))
                //    int bp = 0;

                ulong pathHash = currFileEntry.PathHash;

                // have we added the file yet
                if (!FileEntries.ContainsKey(pathHash))
                    FileEntries.Add(pathHash, currFileEntry);

                // we haven't added the file, so we need to compare file times and backup states
                PackFileEntry origFileEntry = FileEntries[pathHash];

                // do backup checks first as they'll "override" the FileTime values (i.e. file not found causes game to go to older version)
                // if currFile IS a backup, and orig is NOT, then add to Siblings as game will be loading orig over "backup" anyways
                if (currFileEntry.IsPatchedOut && !origFileEntry.IsPatchedOut)
                    if (origFileEntry.Siblings == null) origFileEntry.Siblings = new List<PackFileEntry>();


                // if curr is NOT a backup, but orig IS, then we want to update (i.e. don't care about FileTime; as above)
                // OR if orig is older than curr, we also want to update/re-arrange Siblings, etc
                if ((!currFileEntry.IsPatchedOut && origFileEntry.IsPatchedOut) ||
                    origFileEntry.FileTime < currFileEntry.FileTime)
                    // set the Siblings list to the updated FileEntry and null out other
                    if (origFileEntry.Siblings != null)
                        currFileEntry.Siblings = origFileEntry.Siblings;
                        origFileEntry.Siblings = null;

                    // add the "orig" (now old) to the curr FileEntry.Siblings list
                    if (currFileEntry.Siblings == null) currFileEntry.Siblings = new List<PackFileEntry>();
                    FileEntries[pathHash] = currFileEntry;


                // if curr is older (or equal to; hellgate000 has duplicates) than the orig, then add this to the Siblings list (i.e. orig is newer)
                if (origFileEntry.FileTime >= currFileEntry.FileTime)
                    if (origFileEntry.Siblings == null) origFileEntry.Siblings = new List<PackFileEntry>();


                Debug.Assert(false, "End of 'if (FileEntries.ContainsKey(hash))'", "wtf??\n\nThis shouldn't happen, please report this.");
コード例 #4
ファイル: FileManager.cs プロジェクト: dragnilar/reanimator
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates of a list of all the files inside the .idx .dat files from the Hellgate path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Result of the initialization. Occurance of an error will return false.</returns>
        private bool _LoadFileTable()
            if (!Directory.Exists(HellgateDataPath))
                Console.WriteLine(@"Critical Error: HellgateDataPath data\ does not exist!");

            List <String> idxPaths = new List <String>();

            string[] query = IsVersionTestCenter ? Common.MPFiles : Common.SPFiles;
            foreach (String fileQuery in query)
                idxPaths.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(HellgateDataPath, fileQuery).Where(p => p.EndsWith(IndexFile.Extension) || p.EndsWith(HellgatePackFile.Extension)));
            if (idxPaths.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: No index files found at path: " + HellgateDataPath);

            foreach (String idxPath in idxPaths)
                HellgateFile hellgateFile;
                String       datFullPath;
                if (idxPath.EndsWith(IndexFile.Extension))
                    hellgateFile = new IndexFile(idxPath);
                    datFullPath  = idxPath.Replace(IndexFile.Extension, ((IndexFile)hellgateFile).DatExtension);
                    hellgateFile = new HellgatePackFile(idxPath);
                    datFullPath  = idxPath.Replace(HellgatePackFile.Extension, ((HellgatePackFile)hellgateFile).DatExtension);

                // if there is no accompanying .dat at all, then ignore .idx
                if (!File.Exists(datFullPath))

                // read in and parse index
                Debug.Write(String.Format("Loading pack file: {0}... ", Path.GetFileName(idxPath)));
                PackFile packFile = (PackFile)hellgateFile;
                    byte[] fileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(idxPath);

                    IndexFile indexFile = hellgateFile as IndexFile;
                    if (indexFile != null)
                        Debug.WriteLine("{0} files loaded.", indexFile.Files.Count);
                    HellgatePackFile hgPackFile = hellgateFile as HellgatePackFile;
                    if (hgPackFile != null)
                        Debug.WriteLine("{0} files loaded.", hgPackFile.Files.Count);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Warning: Failed to read in index file: " + idxPath);

                if (packFile.Count == 0)

            return(FileEntries.Count != 0);